لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان قطاع الشمال.

لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان قطاع الشمال.

02-02-2016, 06:19 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=490&msg=1454390353&rn=8

Post: #1
Title: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان قطاع الشمال.
Author: GeerTor Tong
Date: 02-02-2016, 06:19 AM
Parent: #0

05:19 AM Feb, 02 2016

سودانيز اون لاين
GeerTor Tong-india
رابط مختصر

أكد الرائد ايويل كير شول عدم إنضمامه للحركة الشعبية والجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان قطاع
الشمال في بيان أصدره بتأريخ يوم الإثنين 01/02/2016 م وبرر ما صرح به لراديو تمازج يوم
28/01/2016 م بإنضمامه لقطاع الشمال بأنه نتيجة شعوره بالإحباط الشديد من وضع منطقة ابيي
وأهله المسأساوية.
االمزيد من المعلومات نرجو منكم الإطلاع على البيان أدناه:
Quote: To all South Sudanese in general and Ngok Community in particular, particularly those who have listened to my statement of 28th of Jan. 2016 in which I have stated the following points:-
1- Declaration of Abyei Peoples Liberation Movement / Army
2- Availability of 1,500 troops as a fighting force
3- Joining of the mentioned movement and force to SPLM/A North.
After mentioning the above key points in my previous statement, Let me first apologize to all those who have listened to the 28th Jan. statement in the Republic of South Sudan and the World if any. My statement mentioned above, I want to share with you the surrounding environment and the pushing force which forced me to release that statement.
I was under frustration and deep thinking about the status of Abyei since the signing of peace agreement in 2005(CPA) which included Abyei Protocol.
In the process of continuing taking a glass after another I took a pen and started noting down the points which appeared in my statement of 28th. Jan. and then I called Radio Tamazij and released a verbal statement, after I found myself the following morning and received calls from my families, friends and comrades asking me about what I did, I realized something is wrong and am hereby correcting the wrong statement I released.
my people and Country men, before my father Kiir Chol with my mother brought me to this earth, we also have our ancestor Adam who committed the first sin and continued with us in earth to committing mistakes
let me clarify that what I did was wrong and let me also assure you that, there is no ABYEI PEOPLES LIBERATION MOVEMENT/ARMY exist nor the force of 1500 troops all these are imaginary things which came to my mind when I was frustrated and took something which has never march with my blood.
for the issue of me joining SPLM/A North is not true and I will never joint SPLM North which for Northern Sudan and myself am a South Sudanese and I sincerely believe that the SPLM under the leadership of comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit will bring an end to the suffering of our people in Abyei
For those who are on the net, face book and Media who are trying to include their own agendas and they were fairing to express them. I want you to separate those agendas from mine, because mine was just a mistake and I reversed it now with this statement. Once again sorry to my family, my relative, my community, my comrades my Country men
Maj. Ayuel Kiir Chol

فائق التحايا
قير تور تونق

Post: #2
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: Hatim Alhwary
Date: 02-02-2016, 06:22 AM
Parent: #1

خيرا فعل

القرارات السياسية والعسكرية لا تتخذ تحت الانفعال والضغط النفسي

والا كانت كارثية

Post: #3
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: GeerTor Tong
Date: 02-02-2016, 06:28 AM
Parent: #2


Post: #4
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: Elmoiz Abunura
Date: 02-02-2016, 06:38 AM
Parent: #3

يجيب ان يستقيل من كافةمناصبه بعد هذه الفضيحة

Post: #5
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: Mohamed Elboshra
Date: 02-02-2016, 07:10 AM
Parent: #4

Quote: In the process of continuing taking a glass after another I took a pen and started noting down
the points which appeared in my statement of 28th. Jan. and then I called Radio Tamazij and released a verbal statement,
after I found myself the following morning and received calls from my families, friends and comrades asking me about what I did
, I realized something is wrong and am hereby correcting the wrong statement I released

الراجل قال ليكم كنت سكران ولمن وعيت الصباح وتلقيت تلفونات من أهلي وأصحابي ...عرفت حجم الكارثة...
والسكران في ذمة الواعي...

Post: #6
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: azhary taha
Date: 02-02-2016, 07:21 AM
Parent: #5

كويس انك تحمل مثل هذه البذرة الطيبة حتي ولو كانت في حالة اللاوعي

Post: #7
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: GeerTor Tong
Date: 02-02-2016, 10:14 AM
Parent: #4

قلت شنو يا المعز؟
Quote: يجيب ان يستقيل من كافةمناصبه بعد هذه الفضيحة

ياخ بالغت في حسن ظنك يا خوي.
بقينا في زمن بعض الناس كلمة (الفضيحة) زاتها ما موجودة في قاموسهم فكيف يشعرون بها؟.
قير تور

Post: #8
Title: Re: لم ينضم أي جندي من ابيي للجيش الشعبي لتحري
Author: Omer Abdalla Omer
Date: 02-03-2016, 03:30 PM
Parent: #7

والله يا قير أنا سعدت جدا أن هذا الخبر ليس صحيحا رغم أني حركة شعبية شمال! كفاية تشقق و كفاية تشرزم.. العمل النضالي عايز صبر و طول بال و هو بعمر أجيال و ليس بعمر أفراد.. العايز نتائج آنية أحسن يحصل المؤتمر الوطني قبل ما ينفض سامره!
هذا الرجل غير مسئول و ينبغي أن يقال إذا لم يستقيل!