Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...

Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...

10-28-2015, 04:15 PM


Post: #1
Title: Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...
Author: يحي قباني
Date: 10-28-2015, 04:15 PM
Parent: #0

03:15 PM Oct, 28 2015
سودانيز اون لاين
يحي قباني-فى الدنيا العجيبة
مكتبتى فى سودانيزاونلاين

Presstitutes At Their Work — Paul Craig Roberts

October 24, 2015 | Categories: Articles and Columns | Tags:

Presstitutes At Their Work

Paul Craig Roberts

The Western media has only two tools. One is the outrageous lie. This overused tool no longer works, except on dumbshi t Americans.

The pinpoint accuracy of the Russian cruise missiles and air attacks has the Pentagon shaking in its boots.
But according to the Western presstitutes the Russian missiles fell out of the sky over Iran and never made it to their ISIS targets.

According to the presstitute reports, the Russia air attacks have only killed civilians and blew up a hospital.

The presstitutes fool only themselves and dumb#### Americans.

The other tool used by presstitutes is to discuss a problem with no reference to its causes. Yesterday I heard a long discussion on NPR,
a corporate and Israeli owned propaganda organ, about the migrant problem in Europe. Yes, migrants, not refugees.

These migrants have appeared out of nowhere. They have decided to seek a better life in Europe, where capitalism, which provides jobs, freedom, democracy,
and women’s rights guarantee a fulfilling life. Only the West provides a fulfilling life, because it doesn’t yet bomb itself.

The hordes overrunning Europe just suddenly decided to go there. It has nothing to do with Washington’s 14 years of destruction of seven countries, enabled by the dumb#### Europeans themselves,
who provided cover for the war crimes under such monikers as the “coalition of the willing,” a “NATO operation,” “bringing freedom and democracy.”

From the Western presstitute media you would never know that the millions fleeing into Europe are fleeing
American and European bombs that have indiscriminately slaughtered and dislocated millions of Muslim peoples.

Not even the tiny remnant of conservative magazines, the ones that the neocon nazis
have not taken over or exterminated, can find the courage to connect the refugees with US policy in the Middle East.

For example, Srdja Trifkovic writing in the October issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, sees the refugees as “the third Muslim invasion of Europe.
” For Trifkovic, the refugees are invaders who will bring about the collapse of the remnant of Western Christian Civilization.

Trifkovic never mentions that the Europeans brought the millions of Muslim refugees upon themselves, because their corrupt political bosses are
Washington’s well-paid vassals and enabled Washington’s wars for hegemony that displaced millions of Muslims.
For Trifkovic and every other conservative, only Muslims can do wrong. As Trifkovic understands it, the wrong that the West does is not defending itself against Muslims.

Trifkovic believes that Europe will soon live under Sharia law. He wonders if America will “have the wherewithal to carry the torch.”

A majority of Americans live in a fake world created by propaganda. They are disconnected from reality. I have in front of me a local North Georgia newspaper dated October that reports that “
a Patriot Day Memorial Service was held at the Dawson County Fire Headquarters on September 11 to remember the terrorist attacks that shook America 14 years ago.
” Various local dignitaries called on the attendees to remember “all of those who have died not only on that day, but since that day in the fight to keep America free.”

The dignitaries did not say how murdering and dislocating millions of Muslims in seven counries keeps us free. No doubt, the question has never occurred to them. America runs on rote platitudes.

The presidents of Russia and China watch with amazement the immoral stupidity that has become America’s defining characteristic.
At some point the Russians and Chinese will realize that no matter how patient they are, the West is lost and cannot be redeemed.

When the West collapses from its own evil, peace will return to the world.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...
Author: يحي قباني
Date: 10-28-2015, 04:19 PM
Parent: #1

الرابط ( ما تنسوا ... اضيفوا ال w التالتة )


Post: #3
Title: Re: Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...
Author: نصار
Date: 10-28-2015, 04:55 PM

السلام عليكم يا دكتور
اعتقد دي اول مداخلية لي معاك و انا حفي بها
متابع لمساهماتك الممتعة في خياراتك الرائعة من عيون الشعر و الغناء الاصيل
و كتاباتك اللطيفة
موضوع رائع شكرا على الاختيار و المشاركة

Post: #5
Title: Re: Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...
Author: يحي قباني
Date: 10-28-2015, 07:41 PM
Parent: #3

Quote: السلام عليكم يا دكتور
اعتقد دي اول مداخلية لي معاك و انا حفي بها
متابع لمساهماتك الممتعة في خياراتك الرائعة من عيون الشعر و الغناء الاصيل
و كتاباتك اللطيفة
موضوع رائع شكرا على الاختيار و المشاركة

لي الشرف استاذي ...

تلاميذكم انحنا ... :)

حقيقة الموضوع كوم و التسمية كوم تاني لأنها حقيقة اسم على مسمى في حالات كثيرة ...

مع الاعتذار طبعاً للصحفيين الشرفاء ...

Post: #4
Title: Re: Presstitutes At Their Work ... مقال جدير بالقراءة ...
Author: علي عبدالوهاب عثمان
Date: 10-28-2015, 05:04 PM


These migrants have appeared out of nowhere. They have decided to seek a better life in Europe, where capitalism, which provides jobs, freedom, democracy,

أستاذنا يحيى .. يا أخي اوربا أمريكا ديل المحركين العالم شئنا أو أبينا ..
ما نقدر عليهم .. الأعلام لديهم يعمل بإحترافية عالية جداً .. في حرب الخليج كانت الدعاية بأن صدام خطير وقنبلة ..الخ
قبل يومين سمعت توني بلير ما صدقت أن تلك الفيديوهات كانت مفبركة .. وأنا كنت واحد من المستفيدين من الحرب
كنا معاهم وناخد راتب شهرين في شهر واحد ..
لكن أستاذنا يحيى عندما نرى عمايل حكوماتنا الواحد يعذر هؤلاء .. لأنهم حتى في صناعة الكذب عندهم متخصصين
الحكاية علم وأبحاث .. مش كضب على هواء .. لأن الكذب المرتب حسب العوامل النفسية والظرفية برضو نوع من العلاج في السياسة

تعرف أستاذي الجليل أنا لي يومين ضغطي مرتفع .. زوج أختي متصل من السودان
أراد ان يشتري منزل يأوي أولاده ( تخيل في الحاج اليوسف 600 مليون بالقديم )

يا أخي العزيز عشان كده أنا عملت الاقتباس أعلاه ..
ما دام هم مريحين ناسهم يعملوا زي ما هم عايزين .. وكمان الغرب ده بقى فرح الغلابى ومهوى أفئدة المظلومين والمحتاجين
صدقني نحن وصلنا لدرجة ما مهم مين يحكمنا ولكن كيف نضمن وطن نرجع ليه بعد الاغتراب ؟؟

تحياتي ليك .. يا اخي رجعنا لبوستاتك الجميلة .. تلك الاغاني والذكريات الجميلة والايام الحلوة والزمن الجميل ..
ليت الشباب يعود يوماً فأخبره بما فعل الانقاذ .. ( جامعات مدارس تأمين مستقبل ... الخ ) على الله

تحياتي ومودتي .. معليش أنا ضغطي لسع مرتفع ..