EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution controls

EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution controls

09-19-2015, 08:16 AM

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Post: #1
Title: EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution controls
Author: Deng
Date: 09-19-2015, 08:16 AM
Parent: #0

08:16 AM Sep, 19 2015
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EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution controls

Volkswagen could be slammed with penalties of up to $18 billion. U.S. regulators accuse the German automaker of deliberately avoiding clean air rules in nearly half a million of its vehicles. EPA officials said they will require Volkswagen to fix the cars for free, indicating a recall is likely. The automaker said in a statement it is cooperating with investigators but wouldn't comment further. (Reuters) In ads, Volkswagen touted its popular Jetta and Beetle diesels as paragons of clean-fuel technology: Buyers were promised a car that was “clean, fuel efficient, and powerful,” according to one 2013 testimonial. In reality, the claims were based in part on a clever ruse, U.S. officials alleged on Friday. For at least five years, Volkswagen officials illegally rigged their vehicles’ pollution-control systems so they would run cleanly only during emissions tests, while spewing higher levels of pollutants on the highway, the Environmental Protection Agency said. The EPA joined California state officials in accusing the German automaker of deliberately circumventing air-pollution laws with the use of a software “defeat device” installed on nearly 500,000 Volkswagen and Audi diesel models sold in the United States since 2008. If substantiated, the violation could lead to billions of dollars in penalties and repair costs, agency officials said. “Volkswagen was concealing the facts from the EPA, from the state of California and consumers,” Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, said at a news conference announcing legal action against the company. “We expected better from VW.” A notice of violation posted Friday said the rigged software was used in five diesel models, including several of the company’s best-sellers. An EPA statement hinted of a future recall, saying it was “incumbent on Volkswagen to initiate the process” to fix the affected cars’ emissions systems. “Using a defeat device in cars to evade clean air standards is illegal and a threat to public health,” Giles said. The alleged scheme employed a sophisticated algorithm, installed in the emissions-control modules, that could detect when a vehicle was undergoing emissions testing. The software, which the EPA called a “defeat device,” would turn on full emissions controls during testing and switch them off again under normal driving conditions. As a result, the cars emitted far more pollution than advertised—up to 40 times the federal standard for NOx, a component in urban smog, the EPA said. NOx can contribute to asthmatic attacks and other respiratory illnesses that send millions of people to the hospital each year. Volkswagen had no comment about the allegations Friday. Agency officials said the problem was first detected last year by a group of West Virginia University researchers. The team was conducting tests of Volkswagen’s 2.0-liter diesel engine when it noticed variations in emissions levels. The results were shared with EPA and discussed in conversations with company officials, who acknowledged that a software change accounted for the varying emissions rates. Investigators later found the software in diesel versions of Golfs, Jettas and Beetles and Audi A3s beginning with the model year 2009, and in Volkswagen Passats beginning with 2014 models, according to an agency fact sheet. Officials said no immediate action is required by car owners and that Volkswagen ultimately will be required to fix the problem. Legally, the EPA could assess the company a $37,500 fine for each car that violated clear-air standards — which could total $18 billion. In all likelihood, though, the final penalties will be less than that amount. “While the diesel vehicles do not meet air pollution standards, they continue to be safe and legal to drive,” said Janet McCabe, acting assistant administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation. “We will hold VW responsible for recalling the affected vehicles…at no cost to consumers.” The EPA has authority under the Clean Air Act to order a recall, though it could take up to a year for a formal notice to be issued, officials said. “Our goal now is to ensure that the affected cars are brought into compliance,” said Richard Corey, executive officer of California’s Air Resources Board. He said federal and state agencies intended to “dig more deeply into the extent and implications of Volkswagen’s efforts to cheat on clean air rules and to take appropriate further action.” The allegations prompted sharp criticism of Volkswagen from environmental and consumer protection groups. “The charges here are truly appalling,” said Frank O’Donnell, director of Clean Air Watch. “It was cheating not just car buyers but the breathing public. Ellen Bloom, senior director of federal policy for Consumers Union, said the allegations, if confirmed, amounted to a “serious violation of the law.” “Volkswagen was ripping off the consumer and hurting the environment at the same time,” she said. Automakers have a long history of using defeat devices. In 1998, the EPA reached a $1 billion settlement with diesel-engine companies such as Caterpiller, Renault and Volvo for installing equipment that defeated emission controls. It was, at the time, the largest U.S. civil penalty for violating environmental law. The EPA said the firms installed the devices in an estimated 1.3 million engines in tractor trailers and large pick-ups. That same year, Honda and Ford settled EPA cases also accusing them of using defeat devices. With Ford, the problem was found in 60,000 Econoline vans, allowing for excessive pollution at highway speeds. Honda was found to have disabled the misfire monitoring device on 1.6 million cars, depriving emission control inspectors of that information.


Post: #2
Title: Re: EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution co
Author: Deng
Date: 09-19-2015, 09:10 PM
Parent: #1

يبدوا أن هنالك غرامة كبيرة سوف تفرضها أمريكا على شركة الفولكس واجن.

Post: #3
Title: Re: EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution co
Author: Muhib
Date: 09-19-2015, 11:37 PM
Parent: #2

دينق تحياتي ..
الحكومه الفدراليه ما تلعب في هذه الامور .. يبدوا لي ان هذه الشركات لم تتعلم من تجربه شركه تايوتا ..
مؤخرا ..شركه GM

ها تدفع مبالغ كبير كتعويض وغرامه لان الشركه صنعت عربات فيها مشاكل سلامه وفي ناس ماتوا بسبب هذه المشكله ..تابع

Quote: General Motors' $900 million plea deal with the U.S. government after the automaker concealed a deadly ignition-switch defect linked to the deaths of 124 people has rekindled a debate over how tough federal prosecutors should be when fighting corporate wrongdoing.

Quote: General Motors will write a check to fend off criminal charges over a bungled recall blamed for more than 100 deaths -- $900 million to settle the federal charges and another $575 million to settle civil lawsuits.

Criticism rained on the Justice Department because while GM admitted it concealed a fatal flaw. No one will be prosecuted.

Laura Christian believes someone at GM should have gone to jail. Her 16 year old daughter Amber died in a Chevy Cobalt 10 years ago. GM spent the next decade denying there was any safety issue with a faulty ignition switch. The company has agreed to pay compensation for 124 deaths and 275 injuries.

Post: #4
Title: Re: EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution co
Author: معاوية الزبير
Date: 09-20-2015, 00:52 AM
Parent: #3

خبر وكالة الأنباء الألمانية/الجزيرة نت
استدعت فولكس فاغن حوالي نصف مليون سيارة وذلك بعد توجيه الحكومة الأميركية اتهامات للشركة الألمانية بشأن قيامها بتثبيت برمجيات بشكل غير قانوني، والتي تم تصميمها عمدا للتحايل على المعايير البيئية للحد من الضباب الدخاني والتخفيف من التلوث الجوي.

ووجهت وكالة حماية البيئة إنذاراً للصانع الألماني بشأن المخالفة, واتهمت الشركة باستخدام برنامج يعرف باسم "ديفيت ديفايس", وهو نظام تمت برمجته لمعرفة متى يجري اختبار السيارة, بحيث يقوم تلقائياً بتفعيل أنظمة التحكم بالانبعاثات بشكل كامل, ويقوم بعد انتهاء الاختبار بالعودة إلى الوضع الطبيعي, حيث يتم إطفاء أنظمة التحكم خلال ظروف القيادة اليومية.

واتهمت الوكالة الشركة بوضع هذا البرنامج ضمن سيارات من فئة أربع أسطوانات "سلندر", تقوم شركة فولكس فاغن وأودي بإنتاجها, وتم بيعها بين سنتي 2009 و2015.

وينبعث من هذه السيارات أكسيد النيتروجين بكمية تصل إلى أربعين ضعف الكمية المسموحة وفق المعيار القانوني المطلوب من وكالة حماية البيئة، وبشكل مخالف لمعايير الهواء النقي، مما يسهم بشكل كبير في الضباب الدخاني، بالإضافة لحصول مشاكل خطيرة في الجهاز التنفسي.

وقالت سينثيا جايلز -المسؤولة في وكالة حماية البيئة- "إننا نعمل عن كثب مع مجلس موارد الهواء في كاليفورنيا، وتعمل وكالة حماية البيئة على التأكد من تطبيق القوانين على جميع الشركات المصنعة للسيارات، وستواصل الوكالة التحقيق في هذه الانتهاكات الخطيرة للغاية", وأضافت "نحن نتوقع الأفضل من شركة فولكس فاغن".

وصرحت سينثيا بأن شركة السيارات اعترفت باستخدام البرنامج، وأكدت المتحدثة باسم فولكس فاغن بأن الشركة قد تلقت إخطاراً بشأن الانتهاك، وأنها تتعاون مع التحقيق، ورفضت الإدلاء بمزيد من التفاصيل.

وقال مسؤولون إنه على أصحاب السيارات المتضررة توقع الحصول على إشعارات بشأن قيام الشركة بسحب السيارات، بما في ذلك معلومات عن كيفية الحصول على سياراتهم بعد إصلاحها وبدون أن يدفعوا أي تكلفة.

ويعتبر إشعار المخالفة أمرا محرجا لفولكس فاغن وخاصة أنه يأتي بعد أيام من قيام الشركة بعرض خططها لتصنيع سيارة هجينة تعمل بالكهرباء بحلول عام 2020 كجزء من حملة للحد من الانبعاثات الصادرة من المركبات.

واستلمت فولكس فاغن إشعار المخالفة في خضم معرض فرانكفورت للسيارات، والذي يعتبر أحد أكبر الأحداث الخاصة بصناعة السيارات. وقد تم تخصيص قاعة عرض كامل لفولكس فاغن لإظهار سياراتها، بينما عرضت أودي سياراتها في جناح منفصل.

وتمتلك شركة فولكس فاغن علامة أودي للسيارات بالإضافة لامتلاكها العلامة الراقية في صناعة السيارات الرياضية بورشيه ولامبورغيني، وأشارت التقارير إلى تفوق فولكس فاغن على شركة تويوتا في الآونة الأخيرة كأكبر مصنع للسيارات في العالم.

Post: #5
Title: Re: EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution co
Author: Deng
Date: 09-20-2015, 07:46 AM
Parent: #3

الأخ محب


الفرق بين شركت التايواني وال GM مع مقارنتهم بالفولكسواجن هو ان شركة الفولوكسواجن تعمدت ان تضلل السلطات الامريكية
اما التايوتا وال GM صنعو سيارات بها خلل. لذلك أتوقع ان تكون غرامة الفولوكسواجن كبيرة.

Post: #6
Title: Re: EPA: Volkswagen used ‘defeat device’ to illegally skirt air-pollution co
Author: Deng
Date: 09-20-2015, 07:56 AM
Parent: #5

الأخ معاوية الزبير

سلامات يا راجل وينك !

الخبر ده انا فتشتوا بالعربي وما لميت فيهوا

شكرًا لك كتير