الصين تمنع المسلمين بغرب البلاد من الصيام

الصين تمنع المسلمين بغرب البلاد من الصيام

07-04-2014, 01:15 PM

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Post: #1
Title: الصين تمنع المسلمين بغرب البلاد من الصيام
Author: المعز ادريس
Date: 07-04-2014, 01:15 PM
Parent: #0

الصين تمنع المسلمين بغرب البلاد من الصيام
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الخميس 5 رمضان 1435هـ - 3 يوليو 2014م
دبي - سعود الزاهد
منعت السلطات المحلية الصينية، المسلمين في ولاية تركستان الشرقية الواقعة غربي الصين، والتي يطلق عليها رسميا مسمى "سين كيانج"، من أداء فريضة الصيام في شهر رمضان.
وأبلغت السلطات الصينية الموظفين والمعلمين وأعضاء الحزب الشيوعي والطلاب الذين ينتمون إلى الأقلية الأويغورية، أنه لا يحق لهم الصيام في شهر رمضان، وحذرت المدارس والدوائر الحكومية مما وصفته باستغلال المدارس للدعاية الدينية.
وذكرت وكالة الأنباء الفرنسية أن المؤسسات الحكومية المحلية في ولاية تركستان الشرقية (سين كيانج)، أصدرت بيانا أكدت فيه حظر الصيام وأي نشاط ديني في شهر رمضان.
وأكدت اللجنة المحلية للحزب الشيوعي في "جاؤوسو" بولاية تركستان الشرقية، أن أعضاء الحزب ملتزمون بقوة بالامتناع عن الصيام.
وكانت الصين فرضت قبل أعوام حظرا مشابها في شهر رمضان، ولكن الحظر أخذ هذا العام يشتد على خلفية التوتر والعنف في ولاية تركستان الشرقية (سين كيانج) التي تقطنها أغلبية مسلمة، معظمهم ينتمون إلى العرق الأويغوري، إضافة إلى أقليات مسلمة أخرى طاجيكية وقرغيزية وكازاخية.
ويعاني المسلمون الأويغور منذ أعوام من التمييز العرقي والديني، ويتهمون الصين بالسعي لمحو هويتهم وطمس معالم وجودهم بغية صهرهم في قومية "الهان" التي تشكل الأغلبية في الصين.
الأويغور يبلغ عددهم حوالي 18 مليون نسمة، وهم أحد الشعوب التركية، ويشكلون واحدة من 56 عرقية في الصين.
ويتركز الأويغور بشكل عام في منطقة تركستان الشرقية ذاتية الحكم على مساحة تعادل سدس مساحة الصين، ويتواجدون في بعض مناطق جنوب وسط الصين، ويدينون بالإسلام، ويستخدمون الخط العربي.
وتفيد بعض المصادر أن أكثر من مليون مسلم أويغوري قتل في مواجهات عام 1949 عندما استولى النظام الشيوعي الصيني على الإقليم وألغى استقلاله وضمه لجمهورية الصين الشعبية.
وقام النظام بتهجير السكان الأصليين المسلمين إلى أقاليم أخرى بغية تغيير التركيبة السكانية، ورافق ذلك التضييق عليهم في تعليم لغتهم، وأداء فرائضهم الدينية، وهدم مساجدهم، وإزالة مدارسهم.

Post: #2
Title: Re: الصين تمنع المسلمين بغرب البلاد من الصيام
Author: المعز ادريس
Date: 07-04-2014, 01:24 PM

Human rights abuses in China

China is an interesting place to travel around. Its hard work at times and Mandarin is a pain in the arse to pick up. But there are far more worrying things you see or hear about when travelling through the place.

Human rights. They practically dont even exist in China.

The state controls everything and has a stranglehold on the media. People in China only know what the ruling Communist Party of China (CCP) want them to know. Those who are intelligent (or inquisitive) enough to look elsewhere either dare'nt or can't!

With the government controlling what goes on the TV and radio most people dont have access to anything other than the propoganda that the CCP offers. However, some Chinese have access to the internet.

In urban areas (where there are internet cafes) and for middle class families the internet is an option to seek out wider views and news etc. People from rural areas or from the lower classes, as you can imagine, only have access to what the CCP wants them to hear.

However, the CCP appears to have a hold on the internet as well. Some say they are fighting a losing battle. Bill Clinton said the CCP trying to censor the internet would be like trying to nail jelly to a wall. The fact is though, that the Chinese government censors the internet, ie it only allows people using the internet in China to access certian websites.

On regular occasions I have been in an internet cafe and tried to access certain websites, but they have been blocked. For example, BBC, CNN, Fox are all unaccessible. Please note that I wasnt actually intersted in what these sites were saying it was purley experimental?!

Then there's the issue of speaking out against the state. This doesnt happen! Otherwise you get thrown in prison ........ or worse, disapear! I kid you not.

Its difficult for me to give examples, because you cant access any info in China, but believe me its happening. There is an endless list of abuses of power, all you have to do is type "Human rights abuses in China" in Google an it brings up hundreds, thousands of results! There is no such things as freedom of speach in China.

No one questions the goverenment, never mind even protest. There was a student protest in 1989 in Tianneman Square in Beijing. They were protesting for democracy (which I think is fair enough). Its unimportant anyway, but I remember reading about it on the latest Lonely Planet for China. Basically all the protesters were mostly shot, and the others rounded up and arrested. The ring leaders either disappeared or were thrown in prison, where they remain today. According to the Chinese Red ross 2600 people were killed.

Was there outrage amongst the public I hear you ask. No. Why? Because they dare'nt! Otherwise they will suffer the same fate.

Amnesty International has been jumping up and down for the last 10 years in response to the actions of the good, old CCP.

I could right all day about this. I havent even mentioned the birth control measures (1 child per family) that they implement to decrease the population ........ or the way they implement them!

There are thestories you hear about lawyers who are representing people from human rights abuse cases being threatened, beaten or even locked up!

There's also the (alleged) disappeaences of masses of Falun Gong (a meditation kind of organisation) and the accusations that the Chinese govenment are killing them (at secret death camps) and selling thier healthy organisations to other countires for hard cash!

More info is available at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2006/4/5/71624.html and http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2000/12/31/3661.html

Over 2800 deaths have been confirmed allready ........ but it is thought to be much higher. There are witness accounts of these goings off from a few who have dared to speak out against the government. Check it out ....... http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/6-4-22/40693.html

Those of you who are interested or want to read more can at ........


Also http://www.freechina.org.au or http://www.theepochtimes.com or http://www.atc.org.au ......

Or just type in the title in google and you can spend many distressed hours sifting through the atrocaties that are going off in this country what the Western world knows so little about.

p.s. I havent even mentioned the (highly illegal) invasion and occupation of Tibet yet ......... but I will!
