Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer

Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer

06-27-2014, 04:03 AM


Post: #1
Title: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:03 AM

Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer

'No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer,' columnist writes

Millions of Americans watched the United States advance in the World Cup on Thursday. Ann Coulter was probably not one of them.

In a column published on Wednesday, Coulter, the conservative pundit and provocateur, blasted the sport of soccer and trolled its U.S. fans, whom she refers to as "Americans" — quotes marks included.

"I've held off on writing about soccer for a decade — or about the length of the average soccer game — so as not to offend anyone," Coulter's column begins. "But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay."

Coulter lists all the reasons why she says soccer is not a real sport. Among them: "Individual achievement is not a big factor."

"The blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway," Coulter writes. "There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called 'soccer moms,' not 'football moms.'"

Another: It's boring, she claims.

"If Michael Jackson had treated his chronic insomnia with a tape of Argentina vs. Brazil instead of Propofol, he'd still be alive, although bored," Coulter quips.

It's not violent enough for Coulter.

"The prospect of either personal humiliation or major injury is required to count as a sport," she writes. "Most sports are sublimated warfare."

In American football, she writes, "ambulances carry off the wounded. After a soccer game, every player gets a ribbon and a juice box."

And despite the stellar ratings that Sunday's USA-Portugal game received in the United States (18.2 million viewers, according to ESPN), Coulter doesn't believe the sport is actually catching on here.

"The same people trying to push soccer on Americans are the ones demanding that we love HBO's 'Girls,' light-rail, Beyoncé and Hillary Clinton," she writes. "The number of New York Times articles claiming soccer is 'catching on' is exceeded only by the ones pretending women's basketball is fascinating."

Coulter claims she's not the only one bored by soccer in the States. "One group of sports fans with whom soccer is not 'catching on' at all, is African-Americans," Coulter writes. "They remain distinctly unimpressed by the fact that the French like it.

"If more 'Americans' are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law," Coulter adds. "I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time."

Soccer fans were not exactly impressed:

Post: #2
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:04 AM
Parent: #1

John Aziz @azizonomics

One of the best things about soccer becoming popular in America is how angry it makes Ann Coulter

Post: #3
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:04 AM
Parent: #2

Awful Announcing @awfulannouncing

Ann Coulter’s column about soccer is the worst thing ever

Post: #4
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:06 AM
Parent: #3

Tim Hall @Kalyr

It's impossible to tell real far-right columnists from parody now

Post: #5
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:06 AM
Parent: #4

Political Animal @politic_animal

"In soccer, the blame is dispersed. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability." Ann Coulter self-satirises.

Post: #6
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:07 AM
Parent: #5

kevin lincoln and#10004; @KTLincoln

Ann Coulter complaining about the length of soccer games, which are by far the shortest of major televised sports, is the best

Post: #7
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:08 AM
Parent: #6

Eli Braden @EliBraden

Ann Coulter hates soccer? Ugh. OK, I guess I'll start watching it now.

Post: #8
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:09 AM
Parent: #7

Awful Announcing @awfulannouncing

Ann Coulter wrote a paranoid, xenophobic rant about how soccer is destroying America. Soccer has officially made it

Post: #9
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-27-2014, 04:10 AM
Parent: #8

ده تعليق مضحك جدا.

Cristian Nyari @Cnyari

Can we put an angry Luis Suarez in a room together with Ann Coulter for an hour?

Post: #10
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: يحي قباني
Date: 06-27-2014, 06:25 AM
Parent: #9

سلامات دينق ...

من اغبي من يكتب آن كولتر

ولا تخرج من فمها كلمة الا وراءها مشاكل

تشبه الجمهوريين و يشبهوها ...

و هي مش بس بتكره الكوره ... هي بتكره الامريكان زاتهم ...

Post: #11
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-28-2014, 01:42 AM
Parent: #10

الأخ قباني.

المعلقة السياسية المحافظة آن كتلر، أثبت أنها جاهلة بكرة القدم، ويبدو أنها منزعجة جدا من إنشغال المواطنين الأمريكان بكأس العالم أكثر من ما يحدث سياسيا في واشنطن.

وهي شخصية معروفة في واشنطن بأنها مثيرة للجدل في عدة قضايا.

Post: #12
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: قصي محمد عبدالله
Date: 06-28-2014, 02:01 AM
Parent: #11

وما الفائدة التي أجنيها من إدمان الجلوس 90 دقيقة لمشاهدة 22 لاعبا يركضون خلف جلد مستدير!
وكمان أصييح و أشاكل واضارب وأخاصم واسب وأشتم وألعن!
وفي ناس كمان دفعوا ويدخلوا للإستاد قبل ساعات كثيرة من بدء المباراة،
وناس تانية بنسافر ليها عن طريق حسابها الخاص!

Post: #13
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Abureesh
Date: 06-28-2014, 05:48 AM
Parent: #12

If soccer players were allowed to carry guns in the play filed and Ambulances scrambled every now and then, ,
then I bet Ann Coulter would have loved this sport
She can easily get bored and this is natural, because she can't digest artistic performance..

Thanks Deng

Post: #14
Title: Re: Ann Coulter: Real Americans hate soccer
Author: Deng
Date: 06-28-2014, 08:45 AM
Parent: #13

Quote: وما الفائدة التي أجنيها من إدمان الجلوس 90 دقيقة لمشاهدة 22 لاعبا يركضون خلف جلد مستدير!
وكمان أصييح و أشاكل واضارب وأخاصم واسب وأشتم وألعن!
وفي ناس كمان دفعوا ويدخلوا للإستاد قبل ساعات كثيرة من بدء المباراة،
وناس تانية بنسافر ليها عن طريق حسابها الخاص!


أنت من زمن كرة القدم المصنوعة من جلد!!

الكرة الأن صارت مصنوعة من مواد مطاطية حديثة.

طيب رأيك شنو في كرة القدم النسائية؟؟