South Sudan Military Intelligence Chief Denies Attempted Coup

South Sudan Military Intelligence Chief Denies Attempted Coup

03-29-2014, 03:55 PM


Post: #1
Title: South Sudan Military Intelligence Chief Denies Attempted Coup
Author: Deng
Date: 03-29-2014, 03:55 PM

The chief of military intelligence for South Sudan denies that there was an attempted coup there on December 15, 2013.

PaanLuel Wel reports:

Reports from Juba have it that the head of military intelligence, Gen. Mac Paul Kuol Awar, has rubbished the alleged coup attempt of December 15, 2013. Mac Paul was called as a government witness to testify against the detained 4 political prisoners (Pagan, Oyai, Majak and Gatkuoth) who are arraigned in court, charged with treason.

Ironically, the Director of military intelligence, who was called to back up government’s assertion that there was a coup, came out strongly arguing that there was no such thing as a coup. Instead, he said, it was a misunderstanding among the soldiers of Tiger Battalion, which was then mishandled till it escalated into a countrywide rebellion.

Post: #2
Title: Re: South Sudan Military Intelligence Chief Denies Attempted Coup
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 03-29-2014, 04:08 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: Ironically, the Director of military intelligence, who was called to back up government’s assertion that there was a coup, came out strongly arguing that there was no such thing as a coup. Instead, he said, it was a misunderstanding among the soldiers of Tiger Battalion, which was then mishandled till it escalated into a countrywide rebellio

If this is true, the government is better withdraw from these allegation before they look even more silly

Post: #3
Title: Re: South Sudan Military Intelligence Chief Denies Attempted Coup
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 03-29-2014, 04:13 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ دينق,
الكلام غير صحيح.

هذا ماقاله جنرال ماك بول:

. قال انه تفاجا يوم 13 من ديسمبر بمحاولة من احد الضباط المنتمين لقبيلة نوير بمحاولة سرقة مفتاح مخزن الاسلحة فى القيادة الجنوية.
.قال انه امر باعتقال ذلك الضباط.
تفاجا باتصال تلفونى من تعبان دينق قاى الذى كان يستفسر عن مكان الضابط.
.و قال انه انزعج من السياسين الذين يدخلون فى امور عسكرية و دعاء الى جتماع امنى للاجهزة الامنية.
اتهم تعبان بانه هو من كان على راس المؤامرة.
قال بانه ليس لديه اى معرفة شخصية بدور المعتقلين الاربعة.
كاتب هذا الكلام اعرفه و هو موجود فى المحكمة يوميا.