Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة

Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة

02-17-2014, 01:29 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=460&msg=1392596948&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-17-2014, 01:29 AM
Parent: #0

أدرس هذه الايام مع العالم الجليل

Dan Yashiniski

البروفسير المتخصص في الحكاوي الشعبية folktales
دان من مواليد كاليفورنيا لكنه نشأ و تربي في تورنتو و يعمل الآن محاضرا في كلية سينيكا التي بها ادرس
تحديدا يدرسني فن حكي القصص الشعبية
تتم في هذا الصف مدارسات وحوارات عميقة عن القصص و الحكاوي الشعبية و لقدقمت بترجمة حكاية فاطنة السمحة كما حكتها لي الغالية الهام عبد الخالق
تمت الترجمة و تقدمت بالنص في واحدة من المساهمات الواجبة في برنامج الدرس
اعجبت القصة البرفسير دان و الزملاء الطلاب الذين يصدرون من كل حدب و صوب و يحملون ثقافات متنوعة و يحكون ... و يحكون حكاوي عجيبة
في هذا البوست سأطرح النص كما تقدمت به لمدرسي

Post: #2
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-17-2014, 01:31 AM

Fatima the pretty
Folktale from Sudan
There was a little beautiful girl called Fatima her brother is called Ahmed. Their mother passed away when she was seven and her brother was five. Her father who is a wealthy man remarried a year later. Their step mother did not like them, treated them badly, especially when their father is away. She threatened them if they told their father she will kill them immediately. Fatima and Ahmed were scared so they did not dare to tell their father.
After seven years their father died leaving a big fortune for them. Their step mother didn’t want them to share her what their father left. She thought of ways to make them die without being responsible of their death. She decided to get rid of Fatima first so she sent Ahmed to fetch wood from a nearby forest. She pretended that she is ill, she called Fatima and told her she is not feeling well and needs help. Fatima agreed to do whatever she can to help her step mother. The step mother asked her to bring fruits from a wild tree at the river bank. Fatima asked some of her friends to go with her. In their way to the river bank they met an old lady that asked them to give her something to eat. Fatima’s friends did not give the old lady anything, shouted at her and went in their way. Fatima gave the old lady some cookies and water. The old lady asked Fatima where they are going, Fatima told her everything. The old lady said to Fatima the place you are going to is dangerous and that tree is haunted and if you go there ogress ( the ghoul’s wife) will eat you. Fatima said to the old lady I cannot get back home without the fruits. The old lady told Fatima you can go, but remember you must not eat or drink anything from that place, the other thing the ogress takes different shape and does not die unless her head is poked with thorn of the (garad) tree, do not trust anyone in that place. Then the old lady went in her way. Fatima explained to her friends what the old lady was saying. They walked until they got to the tree. While they were collecting the fruits of the haunted tree they heard a sound; a voice of a woman that looked great in her nice dress. The woman said to the girls why don’t you come to my house?. Fatima said thank you we need to get back home as soon as possible. The woman insisted and the girls said to Fatima lets go at least we will see her place. She agreed. They went with the woman who gave them food and drinks. Fatima did not eat or drink. The girls ate and drank and did not listen to Fatima as she was signaling to them not to eat or drink. The woman disappeared. Fatima urged the girls to move, the girls tried but they were unable to stand or, they were paralyzed. Fatima told them she will get help and come back to save them then she ran outside, she heard them screaming. When she turned her head to look behind she saw the ogress red-eyed, her nails like knives, her mouth open, Fatima saw the bloody yellow teeth, she ran and ran.
The ogress called the grass to turn in thorns to stop Fatima, the grass turned, Fatima did not stop. The ogress called the sky to rain and the sand to become water. Nothing stopped Fatima. Ahmed appeared from far, saw his sister, saw the ogress. Fatima shouted get the thorn of the (garad) tree, Ahmed did and he poked the ogress in her head with the thorn. The ogress died. Went they were home every in the village knew about the story, their step mother was ashamed. And then Fatima and her brother decided to move from the town.

1. Fatimah: Arabic name the Sudanese say it as Fatt’na.
2. Garad: is the seed of an acacia plant called the sounnot, the seed is medicinal and has religious value. Sounnot is the main Northern Sudan timber used in roofing and in railway tracks bed.
3. Ghoul: a monster in the Sudanese folktale known to be ugly, eats children and changes shape to take the form of good people sometimes.
4. The fruit Fatima had to bring to her step mother is called Nabag, a sweet tiny brown colored fruit eaten fresh or dried; when it’s dried it does not lose its spherical shape.

Taha E. Taha

Post: #3
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: محمد الطيب محمد
Date: 02-17-2014, 01:48 AM
Parent: #2

thank you for

this nice and sad story you was tolled

i hope fat'na she feel better now

Post: #4
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-17-2014, 12:49 PM
Parent: #3

شكرا جزيلا
محمد الطيب محمد
علي المرور و التعليق

طه جعفر

Post: #5
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-19-2014, 00:12 AM
Parent: #4

نعمة ساعت صاحي
بي بيوت بي نور و دش

Post: #6
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-22-2014, 03:23 PM
Parent: #2

تفاح المساكين
و الدوم فاكهة شهية و سلاح مهم
لضرب المعتدين في الرأس

لالوب بلدنا و لا تمر الناس
وين البلد ؟
وين لالوبها ؟
وين الناس؟

Post: #7
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-25-2014, 03:50 AM
Parent: #6

Quote: النبق
تفاح المساكين
و الدوم فاكهة شهية و سلاح مهم
لضرب المعتدين في الرأس

لالوب بلدنا و لا تمر الناس
وين البلد ؟
وين لالوبها ؟
وين الناس؟

مزيدا من الدوم

Post: #8
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-26-2014, 03:03 AM
Parent: #7

Quote: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( صنفان من أهل النار لم أرهما قوم معهم سياط كأذناب البقر يضربون بها الناس ونساء كاسيات عاريات مائلات مميلات رؤوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة لا يدخلن الجنة ولا يجدن ريحها وإن ريحها توجد على مسيرة كذا وكذا )


Two types of the people in hell I had never seen as they; men carrying cow-tail whips beating people and women dressed and yet #####, walking in excessive pride to show their beauty, they are seducing! Their ######### look like stout camel’s hump. Both will never be to paradise or even their noses will catch its fragrance which can be felt miles away.

طه جعفر

Post: #9
Title: Re: Fatima! the pretty فاطنة السمحة
Author: طه جعفر
Date: 02-27-2014, 01:04 AM
Parent: #8

وين احمد يا ناس فاطنة

طه جعفر