مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن

مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن

01-21-2014, 11:01 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=460&msg=1390341690&rn=5

Post: #1
Title: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-21-2014, 11:01 PM
Parent: #0

مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
ينظم المسيرة سودانيون وارتريون ومنظمات يهودية تضامنا مع اللاجئين السودانيين والارترين بدولة اسرائيل.من اجل حقوقهم الانسانية وتحقيق مستقبل افضل لهم وعدم ترحيلهم لبلادهم قسرا .وشكر اسرائيل على ضيافتهم .

Post: #2
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-21-2014, 11:06 PM
Parent: #1

وقت التجمع امام سفارة اسرائيل من الساعة العاشرة صباحا حتى الثانية عشر ظهرا.ذلك يوم الغد الاربعاء 22 يناير الجارى .

Post: #3
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-21-2014, 11:30 PM
Parent: #2

WE call on Israel
To respect the rights
Of Africans Refugees

Article 14
Everyone has right to seek and enjoy in other countries ASYLUM
From Persecution

Post: #4
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-21-2014, 11:38 PM
Parent: #3


Post: #5
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-22-2014, 07:19 PM
Parent: #4

رفضت سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن العاصمة تسلم المذكرة التى رفعتها
اللجنة المنظمة (The African Asylum Seekers Community )صباح
اليوم وقد شارك فى المظاهرة عدد كبير من الارتريين خاصة السيدات
وكالعادةلم يشارك من السودانيين غير اثنين شخصى والكنداكة نعمات
احمداى التى تعمل ليل نهار من اجل حماية اللاجئين الدارفوريين وكل
مشردى السودان وصوتا صادعا لمعاناة شعبها لدى الادارة الامريكية
والامم المتحدة والمنظمات المختلفة .التحية والتجلة للكنداكة الرائدة
المناضلة نعمات احمداى .
فى وقت لاحق سوف ننشر المذكرة .

Post: #6
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-23-2014, 10:57 PM

WE call on Israel
To respect the rights
Of Africans Refugees

Article 14
Everyone has right to seek and enjoy in other countries ASYLUM
From Persecution

Post: #7
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-23-2014, 11:20 PM
Parent: #6

22 January 2014
Dear Israeli Ambassador / Consulate
On 22 January 2014, our allies and supporters around the world are protesting in front of
Israeli embassies in order to amplify our voice and message - We Are Refugees! Not
Infiltrators! Not Criminals! We will no longer be silent about Israel's humiliation of the African
refugee community.
While in many other countries we would be acknowledged as refugees, the government of
Israel has refused to determine our refugee status fn any systematic or transparent manner
through a fair and efficient Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process that allows us to
have our claims individually heard. Instead, it has chosen a policy of imprisonment and
incitement against us. .
We are now on our 5* week of peaceful, popular struggle in Israel, demanding the Israeli
government changes As inhumane and illegal policies towards us, recognizes us as refugees
and respects our human rights. Tens of thousands from our community protested, gone on
strike, marched, invited dialogue -to no avail. On 7 January, over 10,000 asylum seekers
protested the Israeli parliament and attempted to deliver the following letter to Prim© Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu:
For Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
We, the asylum seekers, invite you and the Israeli government to enter a direct and
open diaiogue with us. In the last days we raised a clear voice to share our deep
distress with the Israeli public and the international community. We spoke of our life in
fear of arrest and the places we have escaped. In the fast days we proved to you and
the Israeli public that we are not criminals. We are a law abiding, orderly and
democratic community of asylum seekers. Our strike continues*
Until now, you have ignored our calls. You call us Infiltrators. You call us liars. We
continue to tell you - We are refugees. Not criminals. Not infiltrators.
We call on you to sit with us to discuss possible solutions that will take into account
both the interests of Israel and our needs and rights. These solutions affect our lives
and we want our voice to be heard.
GCancel the new amendment to the anti-infiltration law; stop all arrests; and
release all asylum seekers and refugees.
<5Check individual asylum claims in a fair and transparent way, according to
international standards.
CStart respecting the human rights of refugees, including social rights, health
and welfare.
The State of Israel was one of the first to sign the Refugee Convention. If the State of
Israel does not intend to respect the refugee convention, transfer the treatment of our
asylum requests to the UNHCR.
We hope to hear your response and see a sign of positive change in Israel's policy
towards asylum seekers within two weeks.
The African Asylum Seekers Community

Post: #8
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-23-2014, 11:21 PM
Parent: #6

22 January 2014
Dear Israeli Ambassador / Consulate
On 22 January 2014, our allies and supporters around the world are protesting in front of
Israeli embassies in order to amplify our voice and message - We Are Refugees! Not
Infiltrators! Not Criminals! We will no longer be silent about Israel's humiliation of the African
refugee community.
While in many other countries we would be acknowledged as refugees, the government of
Israel has refused to determine our refugee status fn any systematic or transparent manner
through a fair and efficient Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process that allows us to
have our claims individually heard. Instead, it has chosen a policy of imprisonment and
incitement against us. .
We are now on our 5* week of peaceful, popular struggle in Israel, demanding the Israeli
government changes As inhumane and illegal policies towards us, recognizes us as refugees
and respects our human rights. Tens of thousands from our community protested, gone on
strike, marched, invited dialogue -to no avail. On 7 January, over 10,000 asylum seekers
protested the Israeli parliament and attempted to deliver the following letter to Prim© Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu:
For Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
We, the asylum seekers, invite you and the Israeli government to enter a direct and
open diaiogue with us. In the last days we raised a clear voice to share our deep
distress with the Israeli public and the international community. We spoke of our life in
fear of arrest and the places we have escaped. In the fast days we proved to you and
the Israeli public that we are not criminals. We are a law abiding, orderly and
democratic community of asylum seekers. Our strike continues*
Until now, you have ignored our calls. You call us Infiltrators. You call us liars. We
continue to tell you - We are refugees. Not criminals. Not infiltrators.
We call on you to sit with us to discuss possible solutions that will take into account
both the interests of Israel and our needs and rights. These solutions affect our lives
and we want our voice to be heard.
GCancel the new amendment to the anti-infiltration law; stop all arrests; and
release all asylum seekers and refugees.
<5Check individual asylum claims in a fair and transparent way, according to
international standards.
CStart respecting the human rights of refugees, including social rights, health
and welfare.
The State of Israel was one of the first to sign the Refugee Convention. If the State of
Israel does not intend to respect the refugee convention, transfer the treatment of our
asylum requests to the UNHCR.
We hope to hear your response and see a sign of positive change in Israel's policy
towards asylum seekers within two weeks.
The African Asylum Seekers Community

Post: #9
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-28-2014, 06:31 PM
Parent: #8

The African Asylum Seekers Community

Post: #10
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-28-2014, 06:32 PM
Parent: #9

Hellish Journey


One Eritrean man offers a harrowing account of being chased from his troubled homeland — and the new challenges he faced in the Jewish state when he tried to win asylum.

Post: #11
Title: Re: مظاهرة امام سفارة اسرائيل بواشنطن
Author: فقيرى جاويش طه
Date: 01-28-2014, 09:43 PM
Parent: #10

مظاهرة النشطاء السودانيين والاريتريين والامريكان امام سفارة اسرائيل في نيويورك 2 192 عبدالمجيد صالح 28-01-14, 08:42 PM