مؤتمر التعايش السلمى بين المسيرية و الدينكا فى اويل

مؤتمر التعايش السلمى بين المسيرية و الدينكا فى اويل

11-23-2013, 08:07 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=450&msg=1385233656&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: مؤتمر التعايش السلمى بين المسيرية و الدينكا فى اويل
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 11-23-2013, 08:07 PM
Parent: #0

و هذا ما كنا نردده هنا بان امراء الحروب الذين يتحدثون باسم المسيرية لا علاقة لهم باهلهم و لا يعرفون مشاكلهم و ان المتضرر الحقيقى من الاكاذيب التى يفتعلها هولاء هو المزارع او الراعى او تاجر او عامل من اهل المناطق الحدودية مع الجنوب.
قلنا ان ابناء المسيرية الحقيقين, او اصحاب الوجع, لا يريدون اى مشكلة مع جيرانهم, فاتهمت من قبل من يتحدثون باسم المسيرية بالكذب.

Border States Agree On Peaceful Relations

Sudan's Southern Kordofan Misseriya community and their South Sudan neighbours, Dinka Malual, of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State have agreed to peacefully promote strong bilateral ties and share common mutual interests between them.

AWEIL, 22 November [Gurtong] - During a conference at Aweil East County’s headquarters in Wanyjok, the representatives of the peace committees from the both communities promised to preach peace to their entire community and promised to abide by the norms set out in the conference.

“We the representatives of Misseryia community who have come here to attend this Bordering State inter-communal Peace conference will take back a message of peace to our people and will let them understand the importance of peace especially to the communities that many things in common,” Rashid Ahmed said at the closure of the conference.

“After having clearly gone through some incidents that always cause misunderstanding among our youth, we have finally agreed to be always solving such issues in an amicable manner when they occur in any of our communities.”

The chairperson of Peace Committee for the bordering states of Sudan and South Sudan, Chief Deng Luol representing Dinka Malual community said the conference has cleared doubts between the two sides. He said they have finally created consensus of working together as communities with the common interests.

“This was a very important conference because of some internal accusations the two communities have been holding against each other but now we have finally cleared the doubts and understood what has been missing and what needs to be done,” said Luol.

The communities have come into agreements that there would be no movements of illegal arms around the borders unless officially registered by the competent authorities of the two communities.

The conference also allows for limited grassing areas of Misseryia’s nomads when coming to Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

Other recommendations and proposals during the conference were the free movements of the two communities’ citizens whether with goods or without and that the existence of unnecessary customs around the borders be reduced.

While winding up the conference, the minister of Local government in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, Hon. Adup Achier reiterated state’s support to the initiatives of the bordering states communities adding that the peace must prevail when there is commitment.

“We in the state and our national governments of South Sudan are always committed to peaceful coexistence and that is why we always support such peaceful events in our state,” he said.

“This is simply to sensitise our communities on the importance of peace with neighbours which we all believe as a reason to why Aweil has been a peaceful among the states of South Sudan, the peace we do enjoy within or with our neighbours does not come somewhere but from our community leaders who are working day and night to protect peace,” he stressed.

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Post: #2
Title: Re: مؤتمر التعايش السلمى بين المسيرية و الدينكا فى اويل
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 11-23-2013, 08:37 PM

التحيه لكل من يساهم في نشر السلام.

شكرا يا زكريا....

وقد حرصنا في منبر الهامش اتاحت الفرصه لكل الاطراف للحوار.

تمت دعوة اهل ابيي للحديث......

وسيتاح للمسيريه الحديث يوم السبت القادم باذن الله.

Post: #3
Title: Re: مؤتمر التعايش السلمى بين المسيرية و الدينكا فى اويل
Author: Artiga Gilani
Date: 11-24-2013, 11:01 AM
Parent: #2

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الاخ / زكريا
لو ابتعدت الحكومتان عن هذا الموضوع
وترك امر حله لينكا نقوك والمسيرية لتم
حل الامر بينهما بسرعة قد لا تتخيلها ...
فهم اصحاب الوجعة الحقيقية .
