ترشيح لجائزة عالمية فى مجال المياه

ترشيح لجائزة عالمية فى مجال المياه

11-04-2013, 10:12 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=450&msg=1383556331&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: ترشيح لجائزة عالمية فى مجال المياه
Author: سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Date: 11-04-2013, 10:12 AM
Parent: #0

مفتوحة للشركات والمنظمات

التفاصيل باللغة الانجليزية فى المداخلة التانية

Post: #2
Title: Re: ترشيح لجائزة عالمية فى مجال المياه
Author: سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Date: 11-04-2013, 10:13 AM

Quote: Call for nominations: 2014 Stockholm Industry Water Award
The Stockholm Industry Water Award honour business sector contributions to sustainable water management. The award is presented to companies and business organisations that demonstrate devoted water stewardship through outstanding achievements in their water usage.

The Stockholm Industry Water Award winners represent a wide spectrum of industries, united in their pursuit to push water and sustainability issues forward in the business world.

Deadline for nominations is Friday November 15, 2013. Make sure your candidate is nominated - visit www.siwi.org/prizes/stockholmindustrywateraward/nominate and nominate now!

Post: #3
Title: Re: ترشيح لجائزة عالمية فى مجال المياه
Author: سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Date: 11-04-2013, 10:14 AM
Parent: #2

Quote: Nominate for the 2014 Stockholm Industry Water Award before November 15

Submit your nomination directly through our online nomination form
Before November 15, 2013, we welcome short nominations of excellent companies and organisations. The short nomination should contain the nominee’s name and affiliation, a short description of the company/organisation achievements as well as your contact details.

Companies and organisations that have made impressive achievements in water and wastewater process technologies, improved performance in production processes, or have made other significant contributions to help improve the world water situation are eligible to be nominated for the Stockholm Industry Water Award.

Nomination Procedure
The nomination should summarise the achievements of the nominee in maximum 500 words. Both external and self nominations are welcome.

The nominations are evaluated by an international, independent jury of professionals and scientists. The jury selects a short list of nominees, who then will be asked to give more information. The jury seeks answers to several key questions:

Are the achievements innovative and the results proven?
Are the achievements cost-effective and resource-effective?
Is the process or product applicable under other circumstances in other parts of the world?
What is the importance of the achievements for the water environment on the local or regional scale?
Can the achievements stimulate other companies to improve their performance?
Does the company have a strong record of social and environmental responsibility?
If you have any questions, visit our FAQ section or email: siwa.secretary[at]siwi.org.

Post: #4
Title: Re: ترشيح لجائزة عالمية فى مجال المياه
Author: سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Date: 11-06-2013, 05:18 PM
Parent: #3

عذرا لهذه المداخلة المشاترة من عنوان البوست. لكن إحتمال تلقى من ستفيد منها أو يساهم فى نشرها..
لكنها حتكون فى بورد اللغة الانجليزية لمن فاتهم المشاهدة وسط هذه الزحمة
Quote: Global Innovation Competition announced at Open Government Partnership Summit

Making All Voices Count challenges you: design an innovative solution to close the feedback loop!

London. At the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit in London today, Making All Voices Count: A Grand Challenge for Development announced its first ever Global Innovation Competition . At the event, the Making All Voices team emphasized that the competition is seeking new, original and innovative ideas from anywhere in the world, from companies, organisations, government agencies and individuals. The Competition opens on November 12, 2013 and closes on December 6, 2013.
The Global Innovation Competition is looking for innovative solutions to increase government transparency and accountability. The best new ideas and proven concepts from around the world will receive a £65,000 grant and the two runner ups will each receive a £35,000 grant. In addition, seven smaller prizes of £5,000 will be awarded. The best applicants will compete through both a public online voting and a peer-review system. The top 10 semi-finalists will be flown to Nairobi for a Global Innovation and Award Week .
“We are so excited to be launching this Competition at the OGP Annual Summit,” said Daudi Were, Innovation Programme Coordinator of Making All Voices Count. “The Summit has gathered hundreds of the brightest minds and most exciting efforts at transparency and accountability the world has seen. We are on the cusp of discovering new ways to connect government and citizens. I can feel it.”
Inspired by the OGP, the Competition seeks submissions relating to one or more of four topics:
• Budget Transparency
• Access to Information
• Asset Disclosures Related to Elected or Senior Public Officials
• Citizen Engagement
Making All Voices Count supports innovative, out-of-the-box ideas and initiatives to boost citizen engagement and government responsiveness. Inspired by the principles of the OGP, this Grand Challenge for Development focuses global attention on creative solutions—including those that use mobile and web technology—to ensure that the voices of all citizens are heard and to increase both the incentive, and capacity, of governments to listen and respond.