الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقيا"صور"

الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقيا"صور"

10-29-2013, 04:04 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=450&msg=1383059083&rn=6

Post: #1
Title: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقيا"صور"
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 10-29-2013, 04:04 PM
Parent: #0

و التى تنعقد فى كيقالى, رواندا, يومى 28 و 29 من هذا الشهر حيث يشارك رؤسا كل من كينيا و رواندا و يوغنداو جنوب السودان. و يجئ الاجتماع مواصلة للقمة السابقة التى عقدت فى عنتبى, يوغندا, فى يونيو الماضى.
يهدف الاجتماع الى تفعيل مشروعات بنية تحتية لهذه الدول من خلال شبكة السكة الحديدية و الطرق البرية و خطوط انابيب النفط و مصافى لتكرير خام النفط.
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القمة: ميارديت, موسيبنى, كيقاما, كينياتا.
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الوفد الوزارى و الفنى لجنوب السودان المرافق لرئيس سلفا .

Post: #2
Title: Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot;
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 10-29-2013, 04:11 PM
Parent: #1

ربنا يفتحها بوجهكم يا زكريا

وتحتلوا المكانه التي كنا نستحقها كسودانين بين اخوتنا الافارقه ولكن عزلنا عنهم

انتم الان تكملون الرساله بالوجود في المكان الصحيح بين اخوتنا.

عقبال تكتمل مشاريع توحيد الطرق للقطارات و نستطيع التنزه في كل افريقيا باقل تكلفه مما يساهم في التداخل و الاندماج الافريقي.

Post: #3
Title: Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot;
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 10-29-2013, 04:13 PM
Parent: #1

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Post: #4
Title: Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot;
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 10-29-2013, 04:26 PM
Parent: #3

Quote: ربنا يفحتها بوجهكم يا زكريا

وتحتلوا المكانه التي كنا نستحقها كسودانين بين اخوتنا الافارقه ولكن عزلنا عنهم

انتم الان تكملون الرساله بالوجود في المكان الصحيح بين اخوتنا.

عقبال تكتمل مشاريع توحيد الطرق للقطارات و نستطيع التنزه في كل افريقيا باقل تكلفه مما يساهم في التداخل و الندماج الافريقي.
تسلم اختنا تراجى,
التوجهه الاستراتيجى للجنوب هو ايجاد منافذ اقتصادية متنوعة لتفادى مهزلة الابتزازات كما يحدث مع البلف. اثيوبيا تقوم هى الاخرى بربط الجنوب بسكك الحديدية من خلال مشروع خط السكة الحديدية التى ستربطها بجيبوتى. و الجنوب عندومرفا فى جيبوتى. هذا ليس حبا فى الجنوب طبعا بل لان ولايات جونقلى و شرق الاستوائية و اعالى النيل و التى تحد اثيوبيا من اغنى ولايات الجنوب على الاطلاق و كل من اثيوبيا و جيبوتى تطمحان بخط انابيب نفط من جونقلى الى ميناء جيبوتى و نقل النفط بريا عبرها كذلك. كما ان اثيوبيا ستبنى مصفاة لتكرير النفط فى قامبيلا قريبا.

Post: #5
Title: Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot;
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 10-29-2013, 04:39 PM
Parent: #4

Rail project to connect Djibouti to Ethiopia and South Sudan

Djibouti has launched a US$600mn rail project that will link the country to Ethiopia and South Sudan

The rail link will pass through the Dire Dawa region and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia and will be expected to be a major boost to transport and business activity in East Africa.

The Djibouti government said that the two East African countries had earlier established a Joint Djibouti-Ethiopia Coordination Commission for the railway project.

The rail project will be undertaken by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) and financed by the China EXIM Bank.

Djibouti’s transport minister Moussa Ahmed recently formed a committee to supervise the project, which will be expected to be completed within two years.

Ahmed said that the railway line will facilitate access to different markets in the region and will also link Djibouti to South Sudan through Ethiopia.

Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s transport minister Workneh Gebeyehu said that the new railway line will change the socio-economic conditions of the countries involved by generating jobs for youths.

Gebeyehu said that the government of Djibouti will ensure the project’s completion within the time frame for the speedy realisation of its economic benefits to the countries.
و هذا المشروع سيكون مهم جدا اذ الجنوب لديه مرفاة فى جيبوتى.

Post: #6
Title: Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot;
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 10-29-2013, 04:57 PM
Parent: #5

و من جهة اخرى, فان الحكومة اليوغندية اعادت تاهيل خط خطوط سككها الحديد الى شمالها و لان القطارات تصل غولو التى تبعد 124 كيلو من نمولى على حدود الجنوب. و من المتوقع ان تصل هذه الخطوط الى داخل الجنوب خلال السنوات القادمة.
من اساندرد ديجتال الكينية:
New rail to ease cargo transportation in the region

Trade between Kenya, South Sudan and the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC) is set to improve in the coming days following the opening of a cargo rail transport in Tororo, Uganda.

The re-building of the Tororo Gulu-Pakach line by the Rift Valley Railway, RVR, will see Kenyan traders transport their cargo mostly through rail as opposed to road transport.

Road transport is considered more expensive, cumbersome and time consuming compared to rail.

The main road from Kampala via Gulu to Nimule, the border town in South Sudan, has for long been dogged by problems during the rainy season, making it unreliable and more expensive for cargo transport.

The railway line, commissioned by Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, is projected to play an important role in promoting regional integration and trade. This is through working with logistics partners who will provide door-to-door delivery to customers in northern Uganda and neighbouring countries.
Ngugi Kiuna, RVR chairman said that reopening the railway heralds a new beginning for the three countries teeming with possibilities for the people and economies.

“A further Sh1.29 billion ($15m) will be spent to ballast the line in order to improve the line’s stability and load carrying capacity,” said Kiuna.

Railway tracks

A third phase with involve laying new, heavier gauge railway tracks, which deliver a step change in cargo transportation capacity. Kiuna urged the respective governments to help create a favourable environment for business to thrive.

However, he urged the two countries to remove other bottlenecks that have hindered the movement of goods and people.

Data from the Export Promotion Council indicates that Kenya’s exports to South Sudan stood at Sh18 billion while imports were valued at Sh14 billion.

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Post: #7
Title: Re: الرئيس كيير فى قمة البنية التحتية لدول شرق افريقياandquot;صورandquot;
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 10-29-2013, 05:13 PM

Quote: East African Region ######### Of State Launch Single Custom Territory

South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda Monday jointly launched a Single Custom Territory to boost business among the partner States.

29 October 2013

Kigali, Rwanda:[PSCU]- In a communiqué issued at the end of the 3rd Integration Projects Summit in Kigali, the four partner States agreed to eliminate the remaining Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) through the Single Custom Territory.

The Summit, which was attended by Presidents Uhuru Kenyatta, Yoweri Museveni, Salva Kiir and Paul Kagame, resolved to ensure that transit cargo is equipped with an electronic system by January 2014 for ease of monitoring through the corridor.

The leaders also agreed that all partner States should comply with the requirement that transit cargo should be weighed once at the point of entry into each member State territory.

“Partner States should establish a legal committee to analyse the joint implementation of Axle Load issues,” the leaders agreed.

The Summit was convened to review the progress on implementation of the decisions reached during the 2nd Infrastructure Summit held in Mombasa on August 28 and to provide direction on deepening of regional integration.

After reviewing the Ministerial Report, the Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) and the One Stop Border Post Agreement that were signed during the Ministerial session, the leaders directed each partner State to provide comprehensive information on existing power generation capacities and investment programs within its jurisdiction.

They called for consultations to be carried out between Uganda, Kenya and South Sudan on the joint development of a crude oil pipeline project.

The leaders agreed that ######### of immigration, security organs, finance and tourism should discuss the waiving of visa fees for African nationals in November this year and be concluded before the next summit.

“######### of State will launch the East Africa Tourist Visa and the use of ID as travel documents during the 4th of Summit,” the communique said in part.

On the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) development, Presidents Kenyatta, Museveni, Kiir and Kagame agreed that Kenya would share their SGR detailed design standards by November 2013 while Uganda develops a draft SGR Protocol for discussion in the same month.

By Presidential Strategic Communications Unit - Digital

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ألغاء الرسوم الجمركية و تعاون بين الدول و منع الحواجز فى الطرقات و تسهيلات فى البيزا بحيث يمكن استخدام البطاقة الشخصية كوسيلة لتنقل بين هذه الدول و القمة تحث كينيا و يوغندا و الجنوب على البداء فى انشاء خط انابيب النفط.