مذكرة نقابة الاطباء السودانيين بايرلندا لرئيس الوزراء الايرلندي

مذكرة نقابة الاطباء السودانيين بايرلندا لرئيس الوزراء الايرلندي

10-06-2013, 08:42 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=450&msg=1381088552&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: مذكرة نقابة الاطباء السودانيين بايرلندا لرئيس الوزراء الايرلندي
Author: Elmuiz Haggaz
Date: 10-06-2013, 08:42 PM

قامت نقابة الاطباء السودانيين بايرلندا برفع مذكرة لرئيس الوزراء الايرلندي، نفس النسخة تم إرسالها للمجلس الطبي الايرلندي ووزارة الخارجية الايرلندية
تطالب المذكرة بإدانة واضحة للحكومة السودانية في طريقة تعاملها مع المتظاهرين والناشطين وكذلك موقفها من المصابين وطريقة تعاملها مع ذوي الشهداء
نص المذكرة
His Excellency Enda Kenny, TD, Taoiseach

3rd October 2013

Dear Mr Kenny,

As we are writing this to you, the government of Sudan continues to commit heinous acts of violence against its citizens. Unarmed peaceful protests against the withdrawing of fuel subsidies and rising commodity prices erupted on the 23rd of September in the residential suburbs of the capital Khartoum , towns and cities throughout the country. These peaceful demonstrations have been met by a brutal crackdown with live ammunition from armed militias trained and equipped by the Sudanese government.
According to our colleagues in Sudan, the death toll currently stands at 250, most of whom were teenage boys and young men and women. At least another 300 more have been injured and almost one thousand arrested. Those killed have sustained gun shot wounds to the head, chest back and abdomen clearly indicating a "shoot to kill" strategy by the perpetrators. Those few citizens arriving in critical condition at hospitals throughout the country are being denied their basic human right- that of access to healthcare. Medical doctors are prevented from documenting injuries and threatened and ordered under duress to falsify medical reports and death certificates. Those opposing such orders have been detained, beaten and tortured. Families have been forced to sign gag orders before their loved ones bodies are released for burial.

Mr Taoiseach , half the Sudanese population live below the poverty line and the current economic situation has left most people destitute. The public health services have been a systematic disintegration with the dismantling of tertiary hospitals in the capital.

Mr Taoiseach , on behalf of over 500 Irish-Sudanese doctors proudly serving in the HSE we implore you to condemn the actions of President Omer Al-Bashir and his government and the harassment of Sudanese doctors so that they can carry on providing medical assistance to the citizens of Sudan in this hour of their greatest need.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Asaad Alabbass
Consultant Paediatrician
Mayo General Hospital
President of Sudan Doctors Union of Ireland (SDUI)

HE Mr Eamon Gilmore , Tand#225;naiste and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
HE Mr Ronald Eliaho Shaoul, Ireland Honorary Counsel to Sudan
Prof. Freddie Wood , IMC Presiden

Post: #2
Title: Re: مذكرة نقابة الاطباء السودانيين بايرلندا لرئيس الوزراء الايرلندي
Author: مرتضي عبد الجليل
Date: 10-06-2013, 10:24 PM
Parent: #1
