بدات محاكمة جنرال كبير فى الجيش الشعبى فى جوبا

بدات محاكمة جنرال كبير فى الجيش الشعبى فى جوبا

08-22-2013, 06:16 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=440&msg=1377191776&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: بدات محاكمة جنرال كبير فى الجيش الشعبى فى جوبا
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 08-22-2013, 06:16 PM
Parent: #0

جيمس اوتونق, جنرال كبير و كان قائدا للعمليات ضد متمردى ياو ياو فى منطقة بيبور يواجه تهم خطيرة تتعلق بانتهاك حقوق المدنين من قبل افراد الجيش الشعبى تحت قيادته ابان العمليات العسكرية التى قادها فى بيبور قبل اشهر.
الرجل يواجه محكمة عسكرية و تهم عقابها تصل الاعدام رميا بالرصاص.

Quote: By Waakhe Simon Wudu

JUBA, 22 August 2013 [Gurtong]- Col. Philip Aguer, the South Sudan army Spokesperson told Gurtong that the results will be released depending on the work of the committee carrying out the findings.

“Yes investigations have started,” Col. Aguer said. The “investigations depend on the team that is conducting it,” he added.

Brig. Gen. James Otong was arrested early this week according to Aguer over several human rights violations carried out by SPLA forces during a controversial disarmament program that took place last year in Jonglei.

He is awaiting trial over abuses of killing, #####ng, and harassment, Aguer said.

He pointed out that calls from activists had compelled the SPLA Commander in Chief Gen. Salva Kiir who directed for the arrest of Brig. Gen. Otong.

More than 320 people were killed and over 100,000 displaced during the July clashes between ethnic communities in Jonglei state.

About 90,000 other people are feared still missing following ethnic violence and internal rebel activities that flared over in the region, Doctors Without Borders/Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) said Tuesday.

28,000 people according to MSF are being accounted for by local authorities in and around Gumuruk village where MSF runs a health centre, but few of these people are receiving the assistance they need.

Logistics for operation has remained a critical challenge to aid agencies.

In May, fighting between the South Sudan Army (SPLA) and David Yau Yau militia group intensified and forced almost the entire population of Pibor County estimated at 148,000 to flee into the bush.

The MSF clinic in Gumuruk is small but very busy, providing 90 to 100 consultations per day for people who are suffering from diseases that are the direct result of hiding in the bush for weeks or months in the rainy season; pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, malaria, diarrhoea and now malnourished children.

As the rains intensify and the living conditions become ever more precarious, the situation in Pibor County remains critical, MSF warned.

MSF reiterated its plans to expand its efforts through increasing health promotion activities to locate the missing 90,000 people, to assess their condition and to address their most urgent needs despite logistical challenge.

Post: #2
Title: Re: بدات محاكمة جنرال كبير فى الجيش الشعبى فى جوبا
Author: Kostawi
Date: 08-22-2013, 06:30 PM
Parent: #1

otong.JPG Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

Post: #3
Title: Re: بدات محاكمة جنرال كبير فى الجيش الشعبى فى جوبا
Author: احمد حمودى
Date: 08-22-2013, 08:18 PM

لا احد فوق القانون يتحاكم زى السلام عليكم وحتى سلفا يتحاكم لازم تكون فى شفافية عشان ما تجيب الهواء لناس حقوق الانسان والذى منه