Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford Uni

Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford Uni

03-15-2013, 10:01 PM


Post: #1
Title: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford Uni
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-15-2013, 10:01 PM
Parent: #0

عاجل لان الزمن المتبقى لبدء الدراسه لا يتجاوز الخمسه شهور

Post: #2
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-15-2013, 10:08 PM
Parent: #1

وصلني هذا الايميل من الاخ الصديق الدكتور/ جمال كرار عن طريق مجموعته البريديه

وهو رجل غني عن التعريف , ويسعي دائما لايجاد الفرص الرائعه لمساعدة الآخرين

له مني التحية والتقدير , ونسأل الله ان يجعلها فى ميزان حسناته

Post: #3
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-15-2013, 10:13 PM
Parent: #2

The ACDHRS is very pleased to share information from the Centre for Human Rights that admissions are now open for five scholarships for candidates from African Commonwealth countries to study for the part-time Masters in International Human Rights Law at the University of Oxford, starting September 2013.

The course website can be found at
details about the scholarships, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, can be found on the Fees and Funding pages at

More information is also attached here in two PDF files. It is advised to read the instructions carefully and take particular note of the instruction: DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION DIRECTLY TO OXFORD UNIVERSITY, but rather to the Centre for Human Rights at the address provided.

Publicity Memo for the Scheme

Scholarship Guidance Notes

Post: #4
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-15-2013, 11:05 PM
Parent: #3

هي خمسه فرص موجهه لدول الكومون ويلث , السودانيين المتواجدين فى اي واحده من الدول دي وعندهم الجوازات بتاعة اى واحده من دول الكومون ويلث

عندهم الفرصه انهم يقدموا , وحتى المتواجدين فى بريطانيا

6. List of African Commonwealth countries
• Botswana
• Cameroon
• The Gambia
• Ghana
• Kenya
• Lesotho
• Malawi
• Mauritius
• Mozambique
• Namibia
• Nigeria
• Rwanda
• Seychelles
• Sierra Leone
• South Africa
• Swaziland
• Tanzania
• Uganda
• Zambia
• Zimbabwe
2. Who is eligible to apply?
We welcome applications from persons in all fields of human rights practice (e.g. from international,
governmental and non-governmental agencies, private practice, academics, the armed forces,
medicine, the media). Most human rights work is done within a national and local context and you need
not have international experience to be eligible.
In order to meet the eligibility criteria for the course itself, applicants must:
and#61623; already hold a degree to a ‘high standard’. This usually means in British terms a high 2.1 (67%
or higher) and in North American terms a grade point average of 3.5 (you can compare your
own degree with these scores at The degree is
designed primarily for early and mid-career lawyers but non-lawyers with extensive humanrights
related experience may also apply.
and#61623; demonstrate a commitment to human rights based on work experience, volunteer activities or
concentration on human rights and international law at university
and#61623; have access to computing facilities sufficient to take an online course
and#61623; meet the minimum requirements for English proficiency as set out by the University for graduate
study at
(please note that the level of English competence required for this course is the higher level).
Further information about admissions criteria for the course is available on the admissions pages of our
website at
In addition, in order to meet the requirements of the scholarship, applicants must:
and#61623; be Commonwealth citizens of a developing African Commonwealth country, refugees or British
protected persons AND be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country.
Applicants should also be intending to remain in a developing African Commonwealth country
on completion of the course.
and#61623; not already have received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous
Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship.

Post: #5
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 03-15-2013, 11:59 PM

مافي داعي

Post: #6
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-16-2013, 00:08 AM
Parent: #5

Post: #7
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-16-2013, 00:12 AM
Parent: #5

مافي داعي
(عدل بواسطة د.نجاة محمود on 16-03-2013, 00:00 A

الحمد لله على نعمة العقل

بقيتي تكابسي البوستات مغمضه .... اركزي

كت اوت :

طبعا الاسكولر شب دي مافيها عضه .. مابتعجبك

Post: #8
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 03-16-2013, 01:11 AM
Parent: #7

هاهاها ما فيها عضة
انت ما ليك طريقة فيها لانه الحتة الوحيدة الممكن
تتقبل فيها كورس انجليزي
جهل نشط بالجد
سبحان الذي اسرى بصبي النجار الى لندن

Post: #9
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-16-2013, 02:07 PM
Parent: #8

سلاااام باشمهنس مونتي


رد ·

تسلم يا حبيب والف حمد الله على السلامه ايها البحار الجميل

وماشين فى السكه نمد يا صديقي

اتمناك بخير

Post: #10
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: وضاحة
Date: 03-16-2013, 02:16 PM
Parent: #8

Quote: هاهاها ما فيها عضة
انت ما ليك طريقة فيها لانه الحتة الوحيدة الممكن
تتقبل فيها كورس انجليزي
جهل نشط بالجد
سبحان الذي اسرى بصبي النجار الى لندن


Post: #11
Title: Re: Scholarships available for Masters in Human Rights Law at Oxford U
Author: خضر الطيب
Date: 03-17-2013, 00:05 AM
Parent: #10
