!!Ten year Genocide ongoing,what do you wait for? ,get action to end

!!Ten year Genocide ongoing,what do you wait for? ,get action to end

03-03-2013, 03:19 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=420&msg=1362277141&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: !!Ten year Genocide ongoing,what do you wait for? ,get action to end
Author: حواء جنقو
Date: 03-03-2013, 03:19 AM

Dear All,comrades,friends,colleagues

Ten years and genocide, ethnic cleansing, murder systematic, and displacement of villages, burning villages, and aerial bombardment continues in twenty-first century in light of failed international community
decisions courage to put an end termination for these abused suffering in human history, and failed UN Security Council to implementation 13 UN resolutions of an international since 2003, in order to bring international justice to the victims and comprehensive peace in Darfur !!!!!. So What is the international community waiting a decade ago and death on our people in Darfur, killing and displacement is still going
on by the Khartoum regime and Head of regime wanted international criminal by ICC!!!!!????? everyone get action for these suffering to end !!, then give hopes to those whom suffering ten years!!.

, don't be silent call for ICC justice
Darfur need your action

Post: #2
Title: Re: !!Ten year Genocide ongoing,what do you wait for? ,get action to e
Author: munswor almophtah
Date: 03-03-2013, 04:42 AM
Parent: #1

يا حواء جنقو أنتم جزء من المشكل وتتحملون وزرها بدرجة 50% مع الحكومه
بلاش دموع تماسيح أوقفوا الحرب التى غيرت قماشة الأعراف والقيم وزرعت فى المجتمع
المعافى ما لم يتوقعه وكشفت عورته للدانى والقاصى فالحرب أسوأ وسيله لتحقيق
المكاسب أيا كانت تلك المكاسب فأنتى يا حواء ومن معك شركاء فى ما تروجين له.
