Al Bashir Gives Three Options for Responding to Israel

Al Bashir Gives Three Options for Responding to Israel

11-10-2012, 09:34 AM


Post: #1
Title: Al Bashir Gives Three Options for Responding to Israel
Author: Kostawi
Date: 11-10-2012, 09:34 AM

Al Bashir Assures He is Healthy, Gives Three Options for Responding to Israel

President Omar Al Bashir assured the nation of his health yesterday in his first direct speech after an operation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Addressing a crowd at the Sudanese embassy in Riyadh, Al Bashir said, “I assure you that I am in good health and can’t complain of any side effects from the minor operation I had yesterday; thank God, it was successful.”
The president said that Sudan is ready to respond doubly to Israel’s attack on the Yarmouk industrial complex in Khartoum. “We know that the Israeli attack on Yarmouk caused a disappointment to many Sudanese individuals, to whom the aggression indicated we had become easy prey,” Al Bashir said. He added “Sudan now faces two options: first, to pursue normalisation with Israel and cooperate politically and militarily, which is a red line for us because Israel remains our number one enemy in the world, and that would not force us to change our animosity towards Israel, even if it continued its attacks to the end of the world.”
“The second option for us is to concert our collective efforts to obtain capabilities that will enable us to attack Israel in the same manner or more painful. I don’t think that is impossible, and I’m confident that we will achieve a great success in this area. We will obtain high capabilities…we are seeking to do so to give a double response.”
Al Bashir said that some parties hinted at a third option: strenuous efforts to get a strong radar system that will prevent infiltration, an option he deemed not contradictory with the second one. However, he said that the bitter reality is that Israel is in a position of the world’s most sophisticated military technology used in America in addition to amendments that give it another dimension. Al Bashir admitted that the government knows that America has an aircraft called “ghost,” capable of escaping any radar or surveillance, which is beyond Sudan’s air capabilities or means to deal with it.
Al Bashir said that the Israeli plane used for attacking Yarmouk was an F-16 and that it was sold as a private jet, but they made some modifications to it so that no radar can detect it, including radar in Djibouti, US and French bases.
On another matter, Al Bashir said the mutual cooperation agreement with South Sudan covered all outstanding issues except Abyei. He added that Sudan rejected a proposal on Abyei because it would end up granting the region to Dinka Ngok and then annexing it to South Sudan. “Abyei is Sudanese and will remain Sudanese,” he stressed. “Nobody can give it Dinka Ngok or annex it to South Sudan.” Al Bashir stated that Abyei belongs to the Misseiriya, who hosted Dinka Ngok due to coexistence. He noted that the international arbitration ignored that the Dinka Ngok were granted citizenship according to conventions in the region.
“We confidently say that any member of Misseiriya has the right to participate in the Abyei plebiscite,” Al Bashir said.
He hailed Sudanese-Saudi relations, saying that the relations are developed every day and are enhanced by the honorable policies of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdallah Bin Abdel Aziz.
Al Bashir said that the Saudi monarch telephoned him on the eve of Arafat to congratulate him on Eid and expressed his readiness to host Al Bashir for treatment and to further bilateral relations between the countries. The president said that he went through a minor operation. It was only 24 hours from the screening to the operation. Al Bashir said he was happy about his recent complaints because that comes as part of repenting wrongdoing, which indicates that he must have done somebody wrong somewhere and now desperately needs purification through illness. Al-Bashir said that he has fully recovered.
Dr. Abdallah Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir, the president’s brother, confirmed that Al Bashir fully regained his health and is exercising his usual activities. He noted that the President will hold various meetings, notably with the Custodian of the Two Mosques and visit Medina and Mecca to perform Umra, the “lesser hajj,” before returning home