نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودانية

نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودانية

08-21-2012, 11:52 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=400&msg=1345546335&rn=8

Post: #1
Title: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودانية
Author: محمد مصطفي مجذوب
Date: 08-21-2012, 11:52 AM
Parent: #0

وصلني التقرير التالي ببريد من الاستاذ جمال كرار الذي لا تكاد تفوته شارده او وارده عن السودان والذي يضعه في حدقات عيونه جزاه الله عن السودان ومن يهتمون بشئون السودان الف خير
تجدون التقرير أدناه منقولا نقلا كاملا من موقع المركز الوطني لنشر الديمقراطية ألأمريكي وأسماء وتفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقاها الأفراد والمنظمات سودانية وغير سودانية في الموقع التالي

African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies
To prevent human rights abuses against vulnerable groups during the post-referendum period in Sudan, and advocate for justice and reparation for survivors of gross human rights violations. The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) will dispatch five human rights monitors to work in Khartoum, Kosti, North and South Darfur, central Sudan, Red Sea State, Southern Sudan and South Kordofan State.

Al-Khatim Adlan Centre for Enlightenment and Human Development
To promote peaceful co-existence in North Sudan through educational reform. Al-Khatim Adlan Centre for Enlightenment and Human Development (KACE) will advocate for education reform in North Sudan through research, publications and consultative workshops with other civil society groups, as well as experts and practitioners in the education sector.

Al-Khatim Adlan Centre for Enlightenment and Human Development
To enhance the capacity of civil society organizations working to mitigate conflict in the post-referendum period in Sudan, and promote citizen participation in the popular consultation processes in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. The Civil Society Consortium for the Elections will convene a series of training-of-trainers (TOT) workshops on civic education for civil society organizations. The Consortium will also train and dispatch monitors to report on post-referendum violence in Khartoum, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Badya Centre for Integrated Development Services
To promote reconciliation and peaceful co-existence, and mitigate conflict among the Dinka, Nuba and Misseriya communities in the border region between South Kordofan and North Bahr Al-Ghazal. The Badya Centre will train 250 Nuba and Misseriya youth leaders in mechanisms of conflict resolution, including effective communication and rumor management. Badya will also use radio spots and participatory theater to promote peaceful co-existence in the region, as well as organize a day-long Peace Festival.

Gender Center for Research and Training
To promote women's rights in the post-referendum period in north Sudan. The Gender Centre for Research and Training (GCRT) will prepare a conceptual framework on women's rights in the constitution that will include three background papers, and draft an alternative gender-sensitive constitutional document. The Centre will prepare a simplified advocacy manual based on the constitutional document.

Gesr Center for Development
To promote greater youth contribution to media and journalism in Sudan. The Gesr Center for Development will organize two three-day capacity-building workshops for young writers, journalists and media students in Red Sea and Northern states, and convene three forums in Khartoum bringing together seasoned journalists and young media practitioners. Gesr will also continue to publish its weekly "Youth Agenda," as well as a bi-weekly electronic publication on its website.

To promote peaceful coexistence in Sudan during the post-referendum period. HelaHelp will train singers and other artists on the use of the arts for conflict resolution, and convene four educational performances in White Nile, El Gazeera, Blue Nile and South Kordofan encouraging a peaceful social and political transition following the Southern Sudan referendum. The organization will also produce a song highlighting messages of peace.

Institute for the Development of Civil Society, Sharg El Neil College
To promote active and effective political participation among youth in Khartoum State. The Institute for the Development of Civil Society (IDCS) will conduct two three-day capacity-building workshops for groups of youth activists, and provide material and professional support to the trained groups to undertake activities aimed at fostering civic engagement in their local communities.

Institute for the Development of Civil Society, Sharg El Neil College
To encourage active engagement and promote effective participation among youth in Sudan's constitution-making process. The Institute for the Development of Civil Society (IDCS) will administer funding to the Sudanese Initiative for Constitution-Making (SICM), a coalition of over 40 civil society organizations, to undertake an education and advocacy campaign targeted towards youth in all 15 states. SICM will identify and train youth leaders across Sudan, who will carry out various events in each state aimed at raising awareness about the constitution. The project will culminate in a national youth conference, at which a youth manifesto will be drawn up.

National Center for Peace and Development
To promote peaceful coexistence, democracy and good governance and anti-corruption in Sudan. The National Center for Peace and Development (NCPD) will build the technical capacity of civil society organizations to mitigate conflict in the post-referendum period, and political parties to effectively participate in Sudanese political processes. As the local chapter for Transparency International, the Center will also conduct a workshop on understanding social accountability.

Shabab: Youth Centre for Cultural Change
To expand the space and opportunity for youth to engage in civil society and contribute to positive democratic change in Sudan. Shabab: Youth for Cultural Change (YCC) will organize capacity-building workshops focused on organizational management and strategic planning for its 30 members. YCC will also create a website aimed at youth, and convene four symposiums that will address various topics from a youth perspective.

Sudanese Development Initiative
To build the technical capacity of, and strengthen the cooperation between, civil society organizations and independent media outlets in North Sudan. The Sudanese Development Initiative (SUDIA) will organize capacity building workshops focused on strengthening the advocacy capacity and organizational management and development of civil society organizations(CSOs). SUDIA will also host bi-monthly discussions forums bringing together CSOs and media professionals.

Sudanese Organization for Non-Violence and Development
To promote respect for the human rights of minorities and marginalized groups in Sudan following the expiration of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. SONAD will train representatives from ethnic, racial and religious minority groups in Khartoum, who will organize awareness-raising activities in their own communities.

Sudanese Studies Centre
To promote civic participation, and encourage tolerance and peaceful coexistence in northern Sudan. The Sudanese Studies Centre (SSC) will promote a culture of democracy and citizenship in Sudan, particularly among youth, through a variety of scholarly publications, research, and events.

Ustadh Mahmoud Taha Cultural Center
To promote the concept of democracy among the general public in Khartoum, and raise awareness about Sudan's post-secession challenges and ways to address those challenges through democratic reform. MTCC will organize a series of lectures on various topics relating to democracy. As a member of SICM, the network of civil society organizations working for constitutional reform, MTCC will conduct a day-long workshop focused on addressing issues critical to Sudan's new constitution.

Zenab for Women Development
To increase women farmers' knowledge about their social, economic and political rights. Zenab for Women Development (ZWD) will organize five three-day workshops focused on unjust social and traditional practices that continue to discriminate against Sudanese women, as well as available legal mechanisms for addressing those practices, for 150 women farmers in Gedarif State.

Post: #2
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 08-21-2012, 03:24 PM
Parent: #1

شكراً أخ محمد،
للأسف هذه أموال قليلة جداً جداً مقارنة بالحوجة الماسة لدعم منظمات المجتمع المدني، بل أموال هامشية مقارنة بما تدفعه آمريكا لدول كمصر و روسيا و دول أخري تعاني من قمع الحريات في العالم.

Post: #3
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Mohamed Yassin Khalifa
Date: 08-21-2012, 05:41 PM
Parent: #2

يا بلاش!


عيدكم سعيد يا محمد وعادل

Post: #5
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Elbagir Osman
Date: 08-21-2012, 05:54 PM
Parent: #3

تزوير عضو المنبر غريب لمقال الصحفي الأمريكي في هذا البوست
من وراء المظاهرات المحدودة التي جرت بالخرطوم وبعض مدن السودان مؤخرا ؟
يربط بين هذا العون وتحريك المظاهرات:

هل كل هذه المنظمات سياسية

وهل كلها معارضة

وهل كان لأي منها دور في تحريك المظاهرات الأخيرة؟

نرى لبعضها نشاط ثقافي

وأخرى لا نعلم عنها شئ

هل يمكن نشر المزيد عن أنشطتها

والشخصيات التي تقودها


Post: #4
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: محمد مصطفي مجذوب
Date: 08-21-2012, 05:46 PM
Parent: #2

هذه حقيقة الاخ عادل.
فبالفعل المبالغ المدفوعة للمنظات السودانية لا تساوي قطرة في بحر ما تدفعه لمنظمات الحقوق المدنية في الدول التي اشرت اليها. او حتي في الدول الاخري والتقرير ينشر تفصيلا لكل من تلقي دعما في كل الدول .
زفي تقديري إن المقارنة الاصح تكون بمثيلات هذه المنظمات من منظمات الحقوق المدنية والدفاع عنها بالسودان . وكلها في حاجة للدعم الذي طان مو الافضل ان يأتي من الدولة التي تحترم حقوق مواطنيها لا ولن تكن من الاعتماد علي المعونات امريكيه التي عمرها لم تكن لوجه الله.
و ما اتمني ان اجد له تفسيرا وهو ما جفعني لنشر الامر كي اشرك الناس في البحث عن اجابات هو:
1. ما دور الامريكان الذي يلعبهونه في صياغة الدستور الجديد؟
2. لماذا بعض هذه المنظمات والتي ب لا يبدو عليه يملك القدرة علي التاثير بالقدر الذي اقتنع به الامريكان مالم يكونوا يعرف امورا نعرفها نحن عنها؟ ا
3. وهل هذه المبالغ كافية بالفعل للتأثير علي الرأي العام بالشكل والمضمون المشار اليهما؟
4. ما الذي فعلته بعض الدول كمصر مثلا في معالجتها لموضوع الدعم الامريكي لبعض منظمات الحقوق المدنية.

انا لا اطرح هذه الاسئلة عليك انت بالتحديد . ولا ادعي انني قادر علي الاجابة عليها. فانا وانت سيان في عدم معرفتنا بخبايا المعونات الامريكية. كذلك نحن ربما متفقان انه ليس كل من تلقي دعما استحقة او صرفه في الوجه الذي منح من اجله

Post: #6
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Kostawi
Date: 08-21-2012, 06:37 PM
Parent: #4

Institute for The Development of Civil Society (IDCS)


Sudanese Studies Centre (SSC)

Badya Centre for Integrated Development Services


Gender Center for Research and Training (Sudan)



Post: #7
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Elbagir Osman
Date: 08-21-2012, 07:35 PM
Parent: #6

الأخ محمد مصطفي مجذوب،

قبل الدخول في التحليلات يجب أن نحدد من يتلقى ذلك الدعم

وهو دعم منشور

هل كلها منظمات سياسية معارضة؟

المعروف أن الحكومة هي أكبر متلقي للدعم

لكن إذا استثنيناها: ألا تشمل هذه المنظمات المتلقية
أي منظمة مؤيدة للنظام؟

القائمة تشمل أسماء مراكز بعضها معروف بنشاطه الثقافي ومعروف القيادات
وبعضها الآخر غير معروف - بالنسبة لي على الأقل -
نحتاج لتسليط المزيد من الضوء - أولا - على المراكز غير المشهورة
وأنشطتها وقياداتها وموقفها السياسي (إذا كانت المعونة تقدم على أساس سياسي)


Post: #8
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Kostawi
Date: 08-21-2012, 08:09 PM
Parent: #7

HelaHelp is a Sudanese voluntary organization working to enhance peace building, via raising awareness and propagating peace culture and peaceful coexistence, exclusively through Arts.
Founded in 2005, HelaHelp Organization is registered under Humanitarian Affairs Commission (HAC). T.NO 1401
HelaHelp is the voluntary arm of HelaHop Group which also includes HelaHop Comedy Band and HelaHop Cultural Centre. The Organization, the Band and the Centre are all situated at Biet Alfunoon (Home of Arts). The later comprises a three story building that includes an audio studio, video editing lab, open air theatre, training rooms and halls, and a plenty of room for exhibitions and shows.
HelaHelp is considered unique in educating and enhancing public awareness in Sudan.

1. Scope of Work:
a. HelaHelp endeavors to make a change in misconceptions and negative practices, customs and traditions in the society through employment of Drama. Best hammered on by direct jokes and comic shows.
b. The organization works in al large scale of society sectors inside and outside the artistic circles. Due to the apparent impact that is achieved through arts, larger numbers of artistic groups have been encouraged to take the same line.
2. Mission:
HelaHelp is aim to enhance information and knowledge to change the negative habits and encourage the

•Arts for peace.

•Arts for education.

•Arts for health.

•Arts for women and children.

3. Vision:
HelaHelp focus and implement the experiences and the efforts to realize and to save the peaceful of the society and the main morals within Sudanese community.
4. Objectives:
A. To utilize arts for propagating peace culture.
B. To raise health awareness through arts, especially drama.
C. To rise issues of women, children, the poor and other vulnerable groups.
D. To employ drama in enhancing awareness on safety and environmental issues.
5. Means of attaining objectives:
A. Theatrical shows through HelaHop Comedy Band and others
B. Public rallies and exhibitions
C. Recorded material via audio/video cassettes DVDs and CDs.
D. Radio & Television shows.
E. Biet Alfunoon Website.
F. Utilization of Biet Alfunoon Centre in workshops and seminars
G. Excessive internet communications

Post: #9
Title: Re: نشر الديمقراطية الامريكية: تفاصيل المبالغ التي تلقتها منظمات سودان
Author: Kostawi
Date: 08-21-2012, 08:10 PM

Institute for The Development of Civil Society (IDCS)
The Institute for the Development of Civil Society (IDCS) was established in November 2006 in fulfillment of the objectives of Sharg El Neil College stated under article (5) of its Establishment Order concerning community service and development and with a view to contributing to the development of a viable and vibrant civil society, which can play an effective and improved role in peace building, expanding democracy and achieving sustainable and balanced development and establishment of pillars for the national voluntary unity in Sudan. The institute is located at the premises of Sharg El Neil College and works to strengthen its target groups of (universities and colleges' communities, civil society organizations and media people) with the relevant knowledge, interpersonal and participatory skills and tools required to meet current and future developmental challenges so as to contribute to the social empowerment of the local communities IDCS is based in Khartoum and works all over the Sudanese area due to its widespread partner institutions and lead by its Executive Director, Dr. ABDEL MITAAL GIRSHAB. [email protected] www.idcs-sd.org