Sudan: Women Targeted as #SudanRevolts Enters Second Month

Sudan: Women Targeted as #SudanRevolts Enters Second Month

07-15-2012, 10:36 PM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan: Women Targeted as #SudanRevolts Enters Second Month
Author: Kostawi
Date: 07-15-2012, 10:36 PM

Sudan: Women Targeted as #SudanRevolts Enters Second Month

Posted 15 July 2012 13:34 GMT
Written byMaha El-Sanosi
This post is part of our special coverage Sudan Revolts.
As the Sudanese people's anti-regime mass demonstrations enter their second month, the Sudanese government and its notorious National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) continue their heavy clampdown on protests amid growing dissent.
Thousands of Sudanese activists remain in detention, including prominent Twitter activist Usamah M. Ali (@simsimt), who was kidnapped by the NISS over three weeks ago.
On Friday, July 13, 2012, the women of Sudan were at the forefront of the protests, where they chanted for the fall of the regime and demanded the release of all political detainees. This Friday was inaugurated the “Kandaka Friday”, in a reference to the brave and revolutionary women of Sudan. Kandake (Candace) in the Ku####ic language is a title for strong women. The term was used by the Ku####es to refer to their queens.
In the wake of the “Kandaka Friday”, more women were arrested in a blatant attempt by the NISS to mock the day dedicated to the women of Sudan: the Kandaka's.
Upon her release, Aliah Khaled, who was detained along with her mother and sister on Kandaka Friday, tweeted that police fired excessive teargas on protesters.