بوست الوظائف الموحّد

بوست الوظائف الموحّد

11-22-2011, 07:27 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=400&msg=1341333237&rn=11

Post: #1
Title: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-22-2011, 07:27 PM
Parent: #0

عشان ما اتعبكم بي البوستات.. البوست ده حأخت فيه كل الوظائف البتلاقيني والبسمع بيها... برضه عايزه اكتب عن طرق التوظيف في البلد دي وخياراتها... انا غايته اي وظيفة بتلاقيني او بكلموني بيها بنزلها ليكم... ما بالضرورة تكون في السعودية

عشان نستفتح بالحظ... نبدأ بي الوظيفة دي في قطر... أكتر دولة حبيتها في دول الخليج دي... والبلد الاتزوجته فيه واتولد فيه محمود.....

الوظيفة دي معلنه في bayt.com.... دايره ليها زول انجليزيه مكرّب.. ويا ريت لو في امريكا... لانه عايزين زول عنده معرفة بي اللهجة الامريكية ولغة الشارع..

برضه الجهة المعلنة بتدي offers حلوه شديد.... الله يوفق الجميع


Post: #2
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: إسماعيل وراق
Date: 11-22-2011, 10:47 PM
Parent: #1

الأخت مريم تحياتي لك ولأبو محمود
الفكرة جيدة ولكني وددت لو اتخذ اسماً مثل "الوظائف بالسعودية" أسوة ببوست الاخ احمد امين.
وهذه مساهمة مني:

مؤسسة تعليمية بالرياض تطلب سكرتير او مدخل بيانات
بكالريوس (ليس مهماً التخصص)
اجادة برامج الحاسب الالي خاصة الـ MS WORD
السرعة في الطباعة ويفضل أن لا تقل السرعة عن 30 كلمة في الدقيقة.

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل [email protected]

الوظائف دي لمن هم بالسودان ويريدون المخارجة الى السعودية (للرجال).

أمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق

Post: #3
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: عثمان الشيخ
Date: 11-23-2011, 06:22 AM
Parent: #2

مطلوب للعمل بالرياض
الاخت العزيزة مريم
فكرة جيدة , ربنا يقدرنا جميعا على مساعدة طالبي الوظائف

مازالت فرصة وظيفة مساعد المراجع الداخلي قائمة
مع امنياتي بالتوفيق

Post: #4
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: خالد فهمي
Date: 11-23-2011, 06:34 AM
Parent: #3

سلام عليكم

وظائف بجامعة المدينة العالمية بماليزيا


Post: #5
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: سيف الدين عبد الجبار
Date: 11-23-2011, 07:43 AM
Parent: #4

مدام مريم ... السلام عليكم

هل استلمت السيرة الذاتية عبر بريدك؟

أرجو كل خير وشكراً


Post: #6
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Dalal Ezzaldin
Date: 11-23-2011, 07:47 AM
Parent: #4

يديكم العافيه يا مريم ووالله بوستيك دا جاني في حرج

اخوي خريج محاسبه جامعة التقانه بكلريوس ,, عامل تدريب في بنك البركه

لو صدفتكم وظيفه محاسب اكون شاكره ومقدره

Post: #7
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: إسماعيل وراق
Date: 11-23-2011, 10:04 AM
Parent: #6

الاعلان التالي تم نشره اليوم بصحيفة قوون
مؤسسة تعليمية رائدة بالسعودية ترغب في توظيف الكفاءات التالية

- أستاذ جغرافيا (للمرحلة الإبتدائية)

- أستاذ تاريخ (للمرحلة الإبتدائية)

- أستاذ أحياء (للمرحلة الثانوية)

- أستاذ تربية اسلامية (شريعة واصول دين)

- مدير او وكيل مدرسة

- مشرف تربوي للإشراف على المعلمين

- باحث تربوي أو مساعد باحث (يفضل خريج مكتبات)

- سكرتير يجيد الطباعة ولديه معرفة ببرامج الحاسب الالي

الخبرة العملية الفعلية لا تقل عن خمسة سنوات

ترسل السير الذاتية على الإيميل [email protected]

Post: #8
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-23-2011, 03:07 PM
Parent: #7

والله انا سعيدة بانه البوست جاب ناس ووظائف كده... مرحب بيكم جميعا واتمنى البوست يساعد كل الباحثين عن عمل

الاخ سيف، وصلتني السيرة الذاتية واقوم بالبحث طبقا لها... ربنا يوفقك ان شاء الله

الاخ اسماعيل وراق... انا مرات بتجيني وظائف من خارج المملكة... عشان كده خيت العنوان عام... ألف شكر على الاعلانات... وربنا يفتح ليك بيها ابواب الهنا والسعادة...

دلال .. ان شاء الله اخوك يلقى ضالته هنا

الاخ عثمان الشيخ، الف شكر ليك... يا اخوانا دايرين الوظيفة بتاعت المراجع الداخلي دي لينا

الاخ خالد... مرحب بيك

Post: #9
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-23-2011, 03:22 PM
Parent: #8

الوظيفة دي في الكويت

Post: #10
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-23-2011, 03:25 PM
Parent: #9

ودي في عُمان... السلطنة

Post: #11
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: كمال مبارك
Date: 11-23-2011, 04:27 PM
Parent: #10

أ. مريم ،، لو مقيمة بالمملكة اكون شاكر

لو ارسلتى هاتفك ع هذا الايميل [email protected]

Post: #12
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: أمجد الزين
Date: 11-23-2011, 04:34 PM

والفيها خير ربنا يسويها
شكرا بت الحسين

Post: #13
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: سيف الدين عبد الجبار
Date: 11-23-2011, 05:53 PM
Parent: #12

Quote: الاخ سيف، وصلتني السيرة الذاتية واقوم بالبحث طبقا لها... ربنا يوفقك ان شاء الله

ِِشكراً مدام مريم... وثبت الله على الخير خطاك...

Post: #14
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-25-2011, 02:07 PM
Parent: #13

Post: #15
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-25-2011, 07:10 PM
Parent: #14

وظائف في كلية الأميرة نورة بنت عبدالرحمن في الرياض... الوظائف جميعها نسائية..... للتقديم


التخصصات المطلوبة
أولاً: كلية الإدارة والأعمال

1- فقه ومحاسبة، استاذ مساعد
2- محاسبة إدارية، أستاذ مساعد
3- محاسبة حكومية أستاذ، أستاذ مشارك، أستاذ مساعد
4- محاسبة متوسطة استاذ مشارك - أستاذ مساعد
5- محاسبة تكاليف أستاذ -أستاذ مشارك-أستاذ مساعد
6- اقتصاد رياضي استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد
7- اقتصاد قياسي أستاذ -أستاذ مشارك
8- اقتصاد كلي أستاذ -أستاذ مشارك
9- اقتصاد جزئي استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد
10- اقتصاد دولي لا يقل عن أستاذ مساعد
11- القانون المدني لايقل عن أستاذ مشارك
12- القانون التجاري لا يقل عن أستاذ
13- المرافعات المدنية لا يقل عن أستاذ مساعد
14- القانون الدستوري لا يقل عن أستاذ مساعد
15- إدارة أعمال أستاذ مساعد
16- تسويق أستاذ مساعد

ثانياً: كلية الاقتصاد المنزلي
1 الاقتصاد المنزلي تغذية إنسان أستاذ -استاذ مشارك - استاذ مساعد
2 الاقتصاد المنزلي حميات غذائية استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد
3 الاقتصاد المنزلي تغذية سريرية (إكلينيكيه) استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد
4 الاقتصاد المنزلي علوم الأغذية استاذ مشارك - أستاذ مساعد
5 الاقتصاد المنزلي علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية (صناعات غذائية) استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد
6 الاقتصاد المنزلي سلامة الأغذية استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد
7 الاقتصاد المنزلي تسويق زراعي استاذ مشارك- أستاذ مساعد

بالتوفيق للجميع

Post: #16
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 01:46 PM
Parent: #15

وظائف أكاديمية في جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود

Quote: فرص التوظيف بكلية الاقتصاد والعلوم الإدارية

ترحب بكم كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم الإدارية وتعلن عن توفر وظائف (أعضاء هيئة التدريس، محاضرين، معيدين في التخصصات الآتية: الإقتصاد - إدارة الأعمال - محاسبة - التمويل - الأعمال المصرفية).

أولاً: أعضاء هيئة التدريس

نأمل منك التلطف بإتباع الخطوات التالية:
كتابة خطاب طلب توظيف لسعادة عميد الكلية.
إحضار صور من المستندات التالية:
- شهادة البكالوريوس
- السجل الأكاديمي للبكالوريوس
- شهادة الماجستير
- السجل الأكاديمي للماجستير
- شهادة الدكتوراه
- السجل الأكاديمي للدكتوراه
سيرة ذاتية محدثة

وضع جميع المستندات السابقة في ملف وتسليمها لمكتب سعادة عميد الكلية أو إرسالها على البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]

Post: #17
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 01:59 PM
Parent: #16

وظائف أكاديمية.. جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز في جدّة...

Quote: وظائفنا الأكاديمية

Faculty Positions
King Abdulaziz University
Faculty of Economics & Administration

The Faculty of Economics & Administration at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) invites applications for several positions in the Marketing, Management, Finance, Accounting, MIS, Economics, and Public Administration fields at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level beginning in September 2012. Salary and fringe benefits are competitive with peer AACSB schools. Excellent teaching, productive research published/targeted at competitive peer refereed journals, professional service to the Department, College, and University and continuing career development are expected and required. The average teaching load is 3/3 (nine credit hours /semester). The successful applicant is expected to be an outstanding colleague with demonstrated teaching ability who will interact professionally with other active faculty and teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Qualified female faculty are highly encouraged to apply.

The AACSB candidate Faculty of Economics & Administration (FEA) currently consists of 256 faculty members serving nearly 11 undergraduate majors and 11 graduate programs. The culture of the FEA is extremely collegial. The college is housed in a modern building, which features renovated office space, multimedia classrooms, and a state-of-the- art student computing facility.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Consideration of applications will begin immediately. Please email a letter of application, vitae, and contact information of three references to: Dr. Mohammed Al-Habib, Coordinator of the Business Faculty Search Committee at: [email protected]

King Abdulaziz University is located in the city of Jeddah, the commercial center of the country of Saudi Arabia and the home of many large corporations. Jeddah has a population of more than 1.5 million residents and student enrollment at KAU is more than 100 thousand students. FEA serves about 15 thousand students. The city of Jeddah and its surrounding area offer excellent opportunities for outdoor activities such as boating, fishing, deep-sea diving and snorkeling. For more information, visit our website at: http://fea.kau.edu.sa[/QUOTE]

Post: #18
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:06 PM
Parent: #17

وظائف في جامعة الجوف.. للسيدات

علن كلية الحاسب والمعلومات بجامعة الجوف عن حاجتها لشغل عدد من الوظائف الأكاديمية
بالعنصر النسائي حسب التالي :-
كلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات

رمز الوظيفة: ju905
الرتبة العلمية المطلوبة: استاذ مشارك، أستاذ مساعد، محاضر
*هندسة البرمجيات
* تصميم وإدارة قواعد البيانات
*الذكاء الاصطناعي
* تصميم المترجمات
* نظم شبكات الحاسب
* النظم الموزعة والمعالجة المتوازية
*نظم المعلومات

على الراغبين إرسال سيرهم الذاتية كاملة على البريد الالكتروني
[email protected]

Post: #19
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:20 PM
Parent: #18

وظائف في جامعة دار العلوم الرياض

أولا وظائف اكاديمية
تعلن جامعة دار العلوم عن حاجتها لأعضاء هيئة تدريس بمختلف الدرجات الأكاديمية، ونرحب بكل من لدية مؤهل دكتوراه أو الماجستير في أي من مجالات الحقوق أو هندسة العمارة أو العلوم الإدارية أو الحاسوب أو التربية أن يملأ الطلب عبر الرابط أدناها ...

DAU has a number of new vacant faculty positions in the

College of Architectural Engineering and Digital Design
College of Law
College of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
College of Business Administration
College of Education and Human Development
These positions require solid teaching, research, service and administration experience and track record at similar ranks in recognized universities.

Candidates with PhD or masters degrees in one of the above fields can apply online through the link below.


Network Admin
The ITC at DAU is planning to hire a network administrator with a degree in computers, minimum of three years’ successful experience with the design, specification, installation and support of local- and wide-area computer networks, understanding of firewall technologies and working knowledge of VOIP systems. Network certification (CCNA/CCNP) is required.

Director of Quality Center
DAU is looking for qualified applicants for this position, The mission of the Quality Assurance Center is to provide leadership within DAU in the coordination of university-wide efforts related to improving student learning and enhancing educational effectiveness, strategic planning, local and international accreditation endeavors.

English Language Instructor
Dar Al Uloom University in Riyadh wishes to invite suitably qualified and experienced candidates to apply for English language teaching positions within the University Preparatory Program.

The candidate must have a minimum masters degree in English or related fields; have at least 2 years of full time teaching experience, and must be a native English speaker.

Applicants with higher degrees (master/PhD) are highly desirable.

The accountant shall be responsible for the management of the finances and for the provision of timely information to management to facilitate decision making that will ensure optimal and effective delivery of the services at DAU.

Main duties include production of the core budget, management of expenditure and revenue, management of procurement and disbursement procedures, production of periodic financial statements and management accounts for management and audit purposes, assuring the optimal performance of the administrative services and human resource functions, giving necessary financial advise relating to the finances of DAU, management of the external audits, and the maintenance of the payroll.

Qualification: Master of accounting with proven experience record, plus a professional qualification such as CPA, ACCA, CIMA and CA.

Coordinator of Public Relations
Dar Al Uloom University is seeking a highly motivated individual to join the public relations department as a Coordinator.This position will be working closely with the university management to promote DAU through various platforms and to facilitate media coverage during any events and to track functions which are related.

Coordinator of Human Resources

جميع الوظائف التقديم ليها عبر الموقع في الاعلى

Post: #20
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:24 PM
Parent: #19

وظائف في جامعة الامير سلطان ... معلومات التقديم في نهاية البوست

Vacant Positions

Faculty Position in ACCOUNTING (Men & Women*)
Faculty Position in FINANCE (Men & Women*)
Faculty Position in Management of Information System and/or Operation Management
Faculty Position in MANAGEMENT/HR MANAGEMENT (Men & Women*)
Faculty Position in MARKETING (Men & Women*)
Faculty Positions in ENGLISH - TRANSLATION {ARABIC/ENGLISH} (For women ONLY)
Faculty Positions in ENGLISH

Faculty Position in ACCOUNTING (Men & Women*)

Prince Sultan University is the first private university in Saudi Arabia, which emphasizes excellence in teaching, research and community services. The College of Business Administration (CBA), which uses English as its medium of instruction, offers undergraduate programs in Accounting, Finance and Marketing. The College also offers graduate programs leading to Master in Business Administration (MBA).

The College is seeking applicants for the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and/or Full Professor (both men and women) in Accounting only, for its up-coming Academic Year 2011 / 2012 which starts tentatively about middle of September 2011.

* Consistent with current cultural norms in Saudi Arabia, female students are segregated from male students in all aspects of the programs. The same is true with its faculty members.

Job Summary

Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. from a reputable institution, of the above mentioned discipline only. Those with Certified or Licensed in Accounting will be given preference for hiring consideration. Candidates affiliated with internationally well-known Organizations will be on top for hiring consideration. Commitment to quality in teaching and research is required

Salary and Benefits

The University is continuously expanding and its campus is situated in well equipped new premises in north-central Riyadh. We offer one-year renewable contract and competitive salary package based on academic qualification and teaching/research experiences. Other benefits include: medical insurance coverage for the employee & dependents residing within the Kingdom, (wife & children below 18 years of age); transport allowance; air tickets for up to four persons to Riyadh on appointment & upon final departure from KSA to country of origin; round trip tickets for annual leave with paid annual (summer) vacation of two (2) months plus 2 local paid holidays of about 12 days each; tuition fees for school-age dependent children (2) residing within the Kingdom; end-of-service gratuity. Free, furnished accommodation plus essential utilities and maintenance will be provided or the successful applicants may choose to avail a housing allowance based on basic salary. The PSU furnished apartments are located within the Riyadh areas , a fifteen minutes’ drive from the University and with easy access to sports facilities & commercial malls.

Faculty Position in Management of Information System and/or Operation Management

Prince Sultan University (PSU) College for Women is a private, non-profit institution. It offers a Preparatory Year Program in which students develop their English, Math, Computer and PE skills to the standards required for their further study in English-medium undergraduate courses offered by the University. PSU/CW offers also graduate programs…Master in Business Administration (MBA). The College is seeking applicants for the positions of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, in one of the above mentioned disciplines... Management or Human Resource Management, for its up-coming Academic Year 2011 / 2012 which starts tentatively about middle of September 2011.

Job Summary

Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. from a reputable institution, of the above mentioned discipline only. Those with Certified or Licensed in Accounting will be given preference for hiring consideration. Candidates affiliated with internationally well-known Organizations will be on top for hiring consideration. Commitment to quality in teaching and research is required.

Salary and Benefits

The University is continuously expanding and its campus is situated in well equipped new premises in north-central Riyadh. We offer one-year renewable contract and competitive salary package based on academic qualification and teaching/research experiences. Other benefits include: medical insurance coverage for the employee & dependents residing within the Kingdom, (wife & children below 18 years of age); transport allowance; air tickets for up to four persons to Riyadh on appointment & upon final departure from KSA to country of origin; round trip tickets for annual leave with paid annual (summer) vacation of two (2) months plus 2 local paid holidays of about 12 days each; tuition fees for school-age dependent children (2) residing within the Kingdom; end-of-service gratuity. Free, furnished accommodation plus essential utilities and maintenance will be provided or the successful applicants may choose to avail a housing allowance based on basic salary. The PSU furnished apartments are located within the Riyadh areas , a fifteen minutes’ drive from the University and with easy access to sports facilities & commercial malls.

Faculty Position in MANAGEMENT/HR MANAGEMENT (Men & Women*)

Prince Sultan University (PSU) College for Women is a private, non-profit institution. It offers a Preparatory Year Program in which students develop their English, Math, Computer and PE skills to the standards required for their further study in English-medium undergraduate courses offered by the University. PSU/CW offers also graduate programs…Master in Business Administration (MBA).

The College is seeking applicants for the positions of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, in one of the above mentioned disciplines... Management or Human Resource Management, for its up-coming Academic Year 2011 / 2012 which starts tentatively about middle of September 2011.

Job Summary

Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. from a reputable institution, of the above mentioned discipline only. Those with Certified or Licensed in Accounting will be given preference for hiring consideration. Candidates affiliated with internationally well-known Organizations will be on top for hiring consideration. Commitment to quality in teaching and research is required.

Salary and Benefits

The University is continuously expanding and its campus is situated in well equipped new premises in north-central Riyadh. We offer one-year renewable contract and competitive salary package based on academic qualification and teaching/research experiences. Other benefits include: medical insurance coverage for the employee & dependents residing within the Kingdom, (wife & children below 18 years of age); transport allowance; air tickets for up to four persons to Riyadh on appointment & upon final departure from KSA to country of origin; round trip tickets for annual leave with paid annual (summer) vacation of two (2) months plus 2 local paid holidays of about 12 days each; tuition fees for school-age dependent children (2) residing within the Kingdom; end-of-service gratuity. Free, furnished accommodation plus essential utilities and maintenance will be provided or the successful applicants may choose to avail a housing allowance based on basic salary. The PSU furnished apartments are located within the Riyadh areas , a fifteen minutes’ drive from the University and with easy access to sports facilities & commercial malls.

Faculty Position in MARKETING (Men & Women*)

Prince Sultan University (PSU) College for Women is a private, non-profit institution. It offers a Preparatory Year Program in which students develop their English, Math, Computer and PE skills to the standards required for their further study in English-medium undergraduate courses offered by the University. PSU/CW offers also graduate programs…Master in Business Administration (MBA).

The College is seeking applicants for the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and/or Full Professor in one of the above mentioned disciplines... MARKETING only, for its up-coming Academic Year 2011 / 2012 which starts tentatively about middle of September 2011.

Job Summary

Candidates must have earned a Ph.D. from a reputable institution, of the above mentioned discipline only. Those with Certified or Licensed in Accounting will be given preference for hiring consideration. Candidates affiliated with internationally well-known Organizations will be on top for hiring consideration. Commitment to quality in teaching and research is required.

Salary and Benefits

The University is continuously expanding and its campus is situated in well equipped new premises in north-central Riyadh. We offer one-year renewable contract and competitive salary package based on academic qualification and teaching/research experiences. Other benefits include: medical insurance coverage for the employee & dependents residing within the Kingdom, (wife & children below 18 years of age); transport allowance; air tickets for up to four persons to Riyadh on appointment & upon final departure from KSA to country of origin; round trip tickets for annual leave with paid annual (summer) vacation of two (2) months plus 2 local paid holidays of about 12 days each; tuition fees for school-age dependent children (2) residing within the Kingdom; end-of-service gratuity. Free, furnished accommodation plus essential utilities and maintenance will be provided or the successful applicants may choose to avail a housing allowance based on basic salary. The PSU furnished apartments are located within the Riyadh areas , a fifteen minutes’ drive from the University and with easy access to sports facilities & commercial malls.

Faculty Positions in ENGLISH - TRANSLATION {ARABIC/ENGLISH} (For women ONLY)

Prince Sultan University (PSU) College for Women is a private, non-profit institution. It offers a Preparatory Year Program in which students develop their English, Math, Computer and PE skills to the standards required for their further study in English-medium undergraduate courses offered by the University. PSU/CW offers also graduate programs...Master in Business Administration (MBA).

We have opportunities for well-qualified, committed and experienced teachers of English-TRANSLATION {ARABIC/ENGLISH} (women ONLY*) to commence in SEPTEMBER 2011 of the UPCOMING Academic Year 2011 / 2012.

Job Summary

ONLY APPLICANTS WITH A Ph. D. in TRANSLATION {ARABIC/ENGLISH} from a recognized University will be considered.

Salary and Benefits

The University is continuously expanding and its campus is situated in well equipped new premises in north-central Riyadh. We offer one-year renewable contract and competitive salary package based on academic qualification and teaching/research experiences. Other benefits include: medical insurance coverage for the employee & dependents residing within the Kingdom, (wife & children below 18 years of age); transport allowance; air tickets for up to four persons to Riyadh on appointment & upon final departure from KSA to country of origin; round trip tickets for annual leave with paid annual (summer) vacation of two (2) months plus 2 local paid holidays of about 15 days each; tuition fees for school-age dependent children (2) residing within the Kingdom; end-of-service gratuity. Free, furnished accommodation plus essential utilities and maintenance will be provided or the successful applicants may choose to avail a housing allowance based on basic salary. The PSU furnished apartments are located within the Riyadh areas, a fifteen minutes' drive from the University and with easy access to sports facilities & commercial malls. Please visit our website: www.psu.edu.sa if you wish to learn more about PSU.

Faculty Positions in ENGLISH

Prince Sultan University (PSU) is a private, non-profit institution. It offers a Preparatory Year Program in which students develop their English, Math, Computer and PE skills to the standards required for their further study in English-medium undergraduate courses offered by the University. PSU offers also graduate programs... Master in Business Administration (MBA).

We have URGENT opportunities for well-qualified, committed and experienced teachers of English (MEN AND WOMEN) to commence in SEPTEMBER 2011 for the UPCOMING Academic Year 2011 / 2012.

Job Summary

Applicants should be NATIVE SPEAKERS ONLY OF ENGLISH with a minimum of MA in TEFL/TESL or Applied Linguistics, or a one-academic-year, full-time postgraduate diploma in TEFL/TESL from a recognized university. In addition, they should have two years' minimum overseas teaching experience in EFL/ESL preferably with intensive EAP course experience. Previous experience teaching university-level human communications, public speaking and academic writing would be an added advantage and there may be opportunities to join our University English Program for suitably qualified applicants.

Salary and Benefits

The University is continuously expanding and its campus is situated in well equipped new premises in north-central Riyadh. We offer one-year renewable contract and competitive salary package based on academic qualification and teaching/research experiences. Other benefits include: medical insurance coverage for the employee & dependents residing within the Kingdom, (wife & children below 18 years of age); transport allowance; air tickets for up to four persons to Riyadh on appointment & upon final departure from KSA to country of origin; round trip tickets for annual leave with paid annual (summer) vacation of two (2) months plus 2 local paid holidays of about 12 days each; tuition fees for school-age dependent children (2) residing within the Kingdom; end-of-service gratuity. Free, furnished accommodation plus essential utilities and maintenance will be provided or the successful applicants may choose to avail a housing allowance based on basic salary. The PSU furnished apartments are located within the Riyadh areas, a fifteen minutes' drive from the University and with easy access to sports facilities & commercial malls. Please visit our website: www.psu.edu.sa

Apply To:

EMail: [email protected]


Prince Sultan University,
PO Box No. 66833,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Fax No. +966-1-454-8317
Telephone No. +966-1-454-8010

Post: #21
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: نادر
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:27 PM
Parent: #18

سلام للجميع
الكيزان واشباه الكيزان والمستحين من كونهم كيزان، عشان يقهرو الناس الخارج السودان وبتنادي بإسقاط النظام من خلال المظاهرات، بيقولوا : "قاعدين وراء الكيبوردات ضاربين الكندشة وترسلوا الناس للموت والنضال، أمشو ناضلوا في السودان"
زي محاولات مريم دي والكثير من المبادرات لمساندة أهلنا في السودان (تبرعات فلوس وملابس بطاطين ... الخ) رد عملي إنو كلنا إيدنا في النار، والناس بتساعد بما تيسر وبتنادي بإسقاط الحكومة.
ياريت لو البوست ده يساعد أي زول محتاج يطلع عشان يساعد نفسو وأسرتو، ويحارب بالقليل الفقر العم كل الناس.
مش كل الناس حتطلع مظاهرات لما تسقط الحكومة، هناك من تمنعهم ظروف مختلفة عن التشرف بالمشاركة في النضال ضد حكومة من سرقوا قوت الشعب.
خاطرة ولا أود أن أحرف البوست عن مساره.

Post: #22
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:42 PM
Parent: #21

Quote: خاطرة ولا أود أن أحرف البوست عن مساره.

ابداً يا نادر.. ما في أي حرف للبوست.. وما تخلي الكلام البقولوه المستفيدين من النظام يؤذيك.... دي كلها تكتيكات عشان تنقص الروح المعنوية للجوه والبره.... لكن ليهم يوم.... والله الشعب السوداني كله عايز يطلع يسيب ليهم البلد القلبوها جحيم...

ان شاء الله ربنا يهوّن واي زول ضاقت عليه يقدر يطلع... والله عالم بينا وبي نوايانا...


Post: #23
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:45 PM
Parent: #22

وظائف أكاديمية في جامعة اليمامة... full time و part time


ربنا يوفق الجميع...

Post: #24
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 02:53 PM
Parent: #23

وظائف أكاديمية في كلية دار الحكمة.. جميع الوظائف نسائية

is a rapidly growing private college for women located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The College is host to female students, faculty and administrators from more than 22 countries. The curriculum is formed on the American model and the medium of instruction is English.

We are currently seeking competent FEMALES to fill the following positions for the Academic Year 2010-2011

Faculty Positions:

I. The School of Creative Studies (Lecturer / Assistant Professor / Associate
Professor/ Professor or #####alent)

1. Graphic Design Program

1.1 Graphic Design

Required Qualifications:
§ Possession of a Master Degree in Graphic Design, Visual Communication or related field.
§ Bachelor Degree can be considered if professional experience exists in the related fields.
§ Must be well versed in communication design and demonstrate expertise in graphic design, typography, print and screen based media.
§ Bring interpersonal skills and have preferably teaching and practice experience.
§ An interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to design is preferred.

1.2 Multimedia

Two positions are available.

• The first position is available for applicants who have excellent knowledge in Computer Software for Graphic Designer and are able to teach introduction courses and advanced courses in Software for print.

• The second position is for applicants who have expertise in Interactive design and Web design and are able to teach introduction as well as advanced courses in that field.

Required Qualifications:
§ Possession of a Master Degree in Multimedia, Digital Design or any related field.
§ Bachelor Degree can be considered if professional experience exists in the related fields.
§ Experience in mentoring design students in digital environment.
§ Have knowledge of contemporary issues in multimedia.
§ Knowledge and experience different software for print and multimedia.

1.3 Photography

Required Qualifications:
§ Possession of a Master Degree in Photography or any related field.
§ Bachelor Degree can be considered if professional experience exists in the related fields.
§ Must be able to teach all levels of traditional and digital photographic processes.
§ Have knowledge of contemporary issues in photographic theory and criticism.
§ Demonstrate exhibition record, an active research or professional work.
§ Be able to teach in an interdisciplinary environment.

1.4 Animation

Two positions are available.

§ For the first position. Applicants must have strong background in animation and design and be able to demonstrate interdisciplinary skills and approaches.
§ Must be knowledgeable across a wide range of media and be able to teach both traditional and digital forms of animation.
§ Should be experienced in the academic as well as in the professional field and show evidence of their involvement in contemporary art and film industry.
§ Be able to teach the students to find the proper balance between technical skills and aesthetic appreciation in animation.

§ For the second position. Applicants must have a strong background in animation and design and must be able to demonstrate interdisciplinary skills and approaches.
§ Should be able to demonstrate an active research and practice in experimental animation emphasizing concept and be able to critique a wide range of approaches to animation and visualization supporting the use of animation and modeling in various professional fields.

Required Qualifications:
§ Possession of a Master Degree in Animation, Computer Animation, Graphic Arts or any related field.
§ Bachelor Degree can be considered if professional experience exists in the related fields.
§ Applicants must be knowledgeable across a wide range of media and be able to teach both traditional and digital forms of animation.
§ Must be fluent in some of these Software: Toon Boom, Maya, Softimage, After Effects, Final Cut Pro

2. Interior Design Program

Required Qualifications:
§ Possession of a terminal degree (Masters or PhD) in Interior Design, interior Architecture, Architecture or related field.
§ Bachelor Degree can be considered if professional experience exists in Interior Design, interior Architecture, Architecture or related field is desirable.
§ Minimum of (2) years of teaching experience at a college level plus minimum of (2) years of professional experience in the relevant field.
§ Professional certification to practice or licensure or its #####alent is a plus.
§ Knowledge of P.C software application, 2D AutoCAD, 3D CAD, Photoshop & Illustrator is a must.

II. The School of Health and Human Development Studies (Lecturer /
Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor or #####alent)

1. Nursing Program

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in Nursing with a focus on Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing.
§ Experience in teaching nursing students both theoretically and clinically at the university level.
§ Excellent command of English language (spoken and written)
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

III. The School of Business Studies

1. Banking & Finance Program

1.1. Program Director

The Director is responsible for the overall management of the program. Responsibilities include developing the Division's curricula; faculty recruitment; recommending appointments, supervising and evaluating the faculty; approving the entrance and exit requirements; and overseeing all aspects of the program. The Director reviews all brochures and publications which describe the program to ensure accuracy and consistency. The Director also ensures that the breadth and depth of the curricula in the Division meets appropriate requirements for any desired external accreditation.

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, Investments, Financial Institutions, Banking or related field.
§ Five years of related experience in higher education.
§ At least one year of experience as a Director.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.
§ Excellent command of English language (spoken and written).
§ Strong interpersonal, communication and organizational skills.

1.2. Banking and Finance (Lecturer / Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor or #####alent)

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Masters in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, Investments, Financial Institutions, Banking or related field. ABDs with imminent completion may be considered.
§ Five years of teaching experience in higher education.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.
§ Excellent command of English language (spoken and written).
§ Strong interpersonal, communication and organizational skills.

1.3. Accounting

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in Business Administration, in Accounting. ABDs with imminent completion may be considered.
§ Appropriate teaching experience.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

1.4. Islamic Banking

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in Business Administration, in Islamic Banking. ABDs with imminent completion may be considered.
§ Appropriate teaching experience.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

2. Management Information Systems Program

2.1. Program Director

The Director is responsible for the overall management of the program. Responsibilities include developing the Division's curricula; faculty recruitment; recommending appointments, supervising and evaluating the faculty; approving the entrance and exit requirements; and overseeing all aspects of the program. The Director reviews all brochures and publications which describe the program to ensure accuracy and consistency. The Director also ensures that the breadth and depth of the curricula in the Division meets appropriate requirements for any desired external accreditation.

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate in Business Administration, Management Science, or any related field.
§ Five years of related experience in higher education.
§ Appropriate teaching experience.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.
§ Excellent command of English language (spoken and written).
§ Strong interpersonal, communication and organizational skills.

2.2. Management Information Systems (Lecturer / Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor or #####alent)

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in Business Administration, Management Information Systems (MIS) or related field. ABDs with imminent completion may be considered.
§ Appropriate teaching experience.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

2.3. Marketing

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in Business Administration, in Marketing. ABDs with imminent completion may be considered.
§ Appropriate teaching experience.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

2.4. Human Resource Management

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in Business Administration, in Human Resource Management. ABDs with imminent completion may be considered.
§ Appropriate teaching experience.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

IV. General Education Program (Lecturer / Assistant Professor / Associate
Professor/ Professor or #####alent)

1. English

Required Qualifications:
§ Doctorate or Master Degree in English Language.
§ Minimum of 3 years of teaching experience at a college level.
§ Evidence of scholarly record and published research.

V. College Preparation Program

1. ESL Lecturer

Required Qualifications:
§ Master's Degree in ESL/EFL/TESOL
§ Minimum of two years of relevant teaching experience at the academic level.
§ Basic knowledge of computer skills (word, excel)

Dar Al-Hekma College offers attractive package that includes tax-free salary, housing, transportation, medical insurance and other benefits.

Review of applications will start immediately and will continue till positions are filled. For more information please e-mail :
[email protected]

Send Applications and CVs to:
[email protected]

Human Resources – Recruitment Office
Dar Al-Hekma College
Fax: 966-2-631-6270
Tel: 966-2-6303333 ext. 124 / 708

Post: #25
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 06:59 PM
Parent: #24

أخصائية نساء وولادة... مجمع طبي في الدمام

التقديم عن طريق bayt.com


Post: #26
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-26-2011, 07:07 PM
Parent: #25

جامعة البترول... الشرقية



Post: #27
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: معاوية عوض الكريم
Date: 11-26-2011, 07:13 PM
Parent: #25


Post: #28
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-27-2011, 01:23 PM
Parent: #27

وظائف أكاديمية في جامعة العين، دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة...

انا لقيتها معليننها للمصريين في جرايدهم.. قلت إحنا أولى

Post: #29
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: محمد علي البصير
Date: 11-27-2011, 01:47 PM
Parent: #28

the following positions for the Academic Year 2010-2011

I think the above adver. is out of date

Mrs Maryam -Thank you very much for your good assistant

Post: #30
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-27-2011, 02:08 PM
Parent: #29

الاخ محمد... ما متأكده من المعلومة دي... خاصة انه الاعلان على موقعهم...

على اي حال... الماس خسرانه شنو؟! خليهم يقدموا

Post: #31
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-27-2011, 03:35 PM
Parent: #30

وظائف مترجمين... بالتوفيق للجميع

الوظيفة دي في الرياض، local..

الوظيفة دي في قطر

Post: #32
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-27-2011, 09:51 PM
Parent: #31

وظائف محاسبين... اتمنى يا دلال تنبهي أخوك ليها...

Post: #33
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Dr. Ahmed Amin
Date: 11-28-2011, 10:43 PM
Parent: #32

فوق لمزيد من الفائدة

سلام يا بنت الاكرمين ..

وفي ميزان حسناتك يا رب

Post: #34
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: خالد فهمي
Date: 11-29-2011, 02:33 AM
Parent: #33

شركة كويتية بماليزيا اعلنت عن فرص عمل مختلفة بالكويت سعر الفيزا 5000 دولار

سائقين ومهندسين ومحاسبين وعلاقات عامة


Post: #35
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-29-2011, 08:57 AM
Parent: #34

وظائف في جامعة عفّت في جدّة.... طبعا الوظائف نسائية يا جماعة...

Academic Position in Architecture

Teaching, training, practice, research and expertise are basic elements of the educational system at Effat University.

• Have a minimum of two years teaching experience in accredited universities which use the credit hour system, and at which English language is the medium of instruction.

• Advanced use of technology in the education process (delivering classes via presentations, using e-learning systems, reports)

• Graduates of Bachelor in Architecture.

• Have PhD in Architecture or related fields.

Post: #36
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-29-2011, 09:05 AM
Parent: #35

وظيفة أخرى في جامعة عفّت في جدّة.. نسائية...

Web Master/Senior Web Developer

Design, development and implementation of Web-based applications using Java, Ajax, JavaScript, Python, PHP, asp.net, DHTML, XML, and RDBMS on Windows, Linux/Unix operating systems

5+ years working experience with Java, Python or PHP programming
5+ years working experience in Web Based Front-End development using Ajax, JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, Asp.net, Flash/ActionScript
Experience with databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle or any other relational database.
Experience with Application Servers such as Tomcat or Weblogic.
Experience with Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.
Strong knowledge in object oriented design and modular software architecture
Experience with Windows, Linux, Apache, MySQL environment.
Experience with web-based application scalability and performance issues is a plus.
Exposure to Rich Internet Applications using Web 2.0 technologies.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related area of study,
M.S. in Computer Science is preferred.
* Java certified developer is preferred

To apply, email your CV to [email protected]

Post: #37
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-29-2011, 09:09 AM
Parent: #36

د.أحمد أمين... ألف شكر على رفعة البوست... وشكرا على الدعوات، والله فرّحتني....

الاخ خالد... ربنا يوفقك لمساعدة الناس، وان شاء الله يلقاها صاحب نصيبها...

Post: #38
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-29-2011, 09:09 AM
Parent: #36

Administrative/Staff Positions

The HR office is currently accepting applications for all administrative positions throughout the year.

Faculty Positions

Effat University accepts faculty applications on an on going basis. Faculty positrons are in the followings areas:

Arabic Literature
Architecture (Now recruiting)
Business Administration(Now recruiting)
(Specialized in Operation Management, Information Resource Management, System Analysis & Design and or Database System)
Business Law
Educational Psychology
Early Childhood Education
Electrical & Computer Engineering
English Literature
Fine Arts
Information Systems
Translation (English - Arabic)
*Candidates for faculty positions should hold a PhD or Masters degree.

Thank you for considering a career with Effat University. We welcome applications for faculty and staff positions throughout the year. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, letters of reference from previous employers, and copies of diplomas, certificates and transcripts to the following:

Email [email protected]
Address Effat University
PO Box 34689 Jeddah 21478
Saudi Arabia
Phone +996 2 636 4300 Ext 3304
Fax +966 2 637 7447

Post: #39
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Luai Salah
Date: 11-29-2011, 12:02 PM
Parent: #34

الاخ خالد
رجاء مزيد من التفاصيل واى التخصصات الهندسية المطلوبة وكيفية شراء الفيزا

Post: #40
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-29-2011, 02:11 PM
Parent: #39

حضانة في العليا، الرياض تبحث عن مدرّسة لغة عربية... الوظيفة للمقيمات في السعودية يا جماعة... ويفضّل من هي في الرياض... رجاءا ما ترسلوا من خارج السعودية...

الدوام من 7 صباحاً لحدي 1 ظهر...

[email protected]


Post: #41
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-30-2011, 08:50 PM
Parent: #40

Post: #42
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 11-30-2011, 09:09 PM
Parent: #41

وظيفة دكاتره في جدّة... الوظيفة part-time للأسف... لكن قروشها كويسه... المطلوب:
(1) دكتور عام، ما ضروري يكون متخصص، ويكون موجود في جدّة... وعنده الشهادة بتاعت ممارسة المهنة في السعودية (ما بعرف اسمها شنو!)
(2) دوام تلاته أيام في الاسبوع
(3) الراتب 3000-5000 ريال في الشهر

[email protected]


Post: #43
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-01-2011, 07:45 AM
Parent: #42

Post: #44
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: محمد عيسي محمد
Date: 12-01-2011, 09:42 AM
Parent: #43

الأخت الفاضلة مريم لك تقديري وإحترامي
المواقع أدناة أعتقد أنها ذات صلة بالبوست وتخدم الفكرة العامة لة , أستميحك في إنزالها ولك شكري ..
http://www.emasco.com/candidate_frame.asp / http://www.emasco.com/
http://www.jerryvarghese.com/ and http://www.jerryvarghese.com/applyonline/

Post: #45
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-01-2011, 05:42 PM
Parent: #44

ألف شكر أخوي محمد، ان شاء الله ربنا ينفع بيهم الناس ... ويديك بركة دعاءهم ليك...

Post: #46
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: يوسف السماني يوسف
Date: 12-02-2011, 09:27 PM
Parent: #45

من اجل ابناء السودان
شكرا لك ولك من ساهم في البوست

Post: #47
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مزمل خيرى
Date: 12-03-2011, 09:51 AM
Parent: #46

اعلان وظائف مناديب مبيعات
تصريح 40 / 2011 م

تعلن شركة صناعة كبري تعمل في مجال صناعة صابون البدرة والمنظفات عن حاجتها لتعين مناديب مبيعات وفقاً للشروط التالية :-
1) سوداني الجنسية
2) شهادة جامعية او ثانوية
3) خلو طرف من الخدمة الوطنية
4) خلو طرف من الجهه التي عمل بها سابقاً
5) رخصة قيادة عامة
6) العمر من 25 عاماً وحتي 40 عاماً
7) شهادة ميلاد
8) شهادة سكن
9) شهادة خبرة ( ان وجدت )
ترسل السيرة الذاتية علي البريد الالكتروني :
[email protected]
للاستفسار 0925277122 او تلفون : 0902630568

شكراً الاخت مريم على البوست المفيد جداً

Post: #48
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مزمل خيرى
Date: 12-03-2011, 10:09 AM
Parent: #47



Post: #49
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: محمد صلاح
Date: 12-03-2011, 01:10 PM
Parent: #48

سلامات العزيزة مريم

شركة ناشئة تخص احد رجال الاعمال البارزين في المملكة تعلن عن وظائف قيادية شاغرة في
مجال ( استيراد ) المواد الغذائية
مجال ( استيراد ) مواد البناء

لغة ممتازة ، خبرة مناسبة اقلاها 5 سنين ، معرفة بالاسواق والاسعار والمجالين المذكورين

الرواتب مغرية + الامتيازات المعروفة تأمين طبي ، تذاكر ، ,,,إلخ

bunbuns30 ( at ) yahoo.com

Post: #50
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: almogira alemam
Date: 12-03-2011, 02:32 PM
Parent: #49

اكرمك الله في الدارين يا اخت مريم وربنا يجزيك كل الخير عن ابناء السودان

الحاجه الاصبحت واضحه وعادة سيئه انو مابخدمك الا الشخص المجبور عليك والله جد يعني امك ابوك اخوك وبلقليل خيلانك وخالاتك

لاكن انت وغيرك من اصحاب المرؤه والنبل كسرتم القاعده هنا وجزاكم الله الف خير وفي ميزان حسناتكم

والدال علي الخير كفاعله

بالمناسبه انا عندي فكرة جديده وطرحتها هنا في المنبر يدك معنا يا اخت مريم وهي طريقه لتصنيف الوظائف حسب الحوجه السوقيه او حاجة السوق
للوظائف ويوجد ايميل ممكن ترسل فيهوا سيرتك الذاتيه وانا ومعاي شباب تبرعنا بجمعها وتوزيعها علي المواقع التي تخص الشركات التي تريد موظفين

[email protected]

Post: #51
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-03-2011, 05:05 PM
Parent: #50

الاخ مزمل .. ألف شكر على إثرائك للبوست بهذه الوظائف... ربنا ينفع بيهم من يقرأهم وان شاء الله تكون من نصيب زول محوووووج ليهم .. يدعي ليك ولينا جميعاً...

محمد صلاح... بن بن... كيف حالكم؟ وكيف المدام.. ألف شكر على الوظيفة.... ان شاء الله ربنا يوفق ليها زول عايزها ومحتاج ليها...

المغيرة... اسمح لي، انا ما حأقدر اكون جزء من البرنامج ده... خليني في اعلاناتي احسن... ربنا يوفقكم..


التعديل لتغيير الرأي بخصوص المشاركة في مبادرة الاخ المغيرة مشكوراً...

Post: #52
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: إسماعيل وراق
Date: 12-04-2011, 12:35 PM
Parent: #51

مؤسسة طبية سعودية ترغب في تعيين اخصائي اشعة بالمواصفات التالية:

الحد الأدني بكالريوس في الأشعة التشخيصية
الخبرة لا تقل عن 4 سنوات
لديه خبرة في الموجات الصوتية
لديه خبرة في اعدات التقارير الخاصة بالأشعة

ترسل السيرة الذاتية على الايميل: jobs75(at)hotmail.com

تنويه: الوظيفة لمن بالسودان ويريد العمل بالسعودية.

Post: #53
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-04-2011, 01:17 PM
Parent: #52

Post: #54
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: بلدى يا حبوب
Date: 12-04-2011, 02:17 PM
Parent: #53

مريم بنت الحسين
جينا أقول الف شكر على هذا العمل الكبير وفقك الله فى تقديم الكثير
ما تشوف لينا خليجيات للعرس


Post: #55
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: عاطف رميتي
Date: 12-04-2011, 07:16 PM
Parent: #54

السلام عليكم

فوق علشان الحاجات السمحة والمفيدة

وشكرا للاستاذة مريم

واكيد حنشارك معاكم باذن الله

شكراً كثيراً

Post: #56
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-04-2011, 08:52 PM
Parent: #55

الوظيفة دي في قطر... الايميل هو:

[email protected]

Post: #57
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-04-2011, 09:13 PM
Parent: #56

يا بلدي يا حبوب...ألف مرحب بيك في البوست... وشكرا على الكلمات المشجّعة... بالمناسبة انا الأداني فكرة أفتح البوست ده هو زوجي نادر.. قال لي بدل ما تشري الناس في بوستات كتيرة، احسن أجمعيهم في بوست واحد.... بعدين بالنسبة للعروس الخليجية، لو عايز تتنّي (تجيب التانية)، انا ما بساعدك لاني بالواضح ضد التعدد... أما لو كانت الأولى، فنحن بنشجّع البلدي ياخ... انت قول عايز سودانية شوف أجيب ليك ست ست الخليجية ولا ما اجيبها... ربنا يوفقك ان شاء الله

الأخ عاطف.. ألف شكر ليك على الرفعة، وفي انتظار مشاركاتك.... ربنا يوفقك الجميع ويساعد عن طريقك زول/ة محتاج للوظيفة دي...

Post: #58
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: صبري طه
Date: 12-04-2011, 10:19 PM
Parent: #57

أختي مريم ... لكِ التحية ... وراجعي الماسنجر لو تكرّمتِ ...

Post: #59
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: أبو الحسين
Date: 12-08-2011, 02:36 PM
Parent: #58

شكراً بت الحُسين...

نسأل الله يجعل ما تقومون به في ميزان حسناتكم...

وأن الله في عونكم ما دمتم في عون إخوانكم...

Post: #60
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-08-2011, 05:33 PM
Parent: #59

أبو الحسين
والله جبته لي البوست لحدي عندي... جيت افتشه وجايبه اخبار سعيدة ... ووظائف حصرياً ... ومستعدة افتش.. لقيتك جايب البوست... والله ربنا داير ليك أجر المناولة....

الوظائف دي من أخ كريم اسمه عبدالله محمد... عايز يخص أولاد بلده بالخير.... ودي الايميل الرسّله لي....
Quote: لاخت الفاضلة مريم
السلام عليكم
معليش ماعندى اكسس لسودانيس الرجا اعلان عن الوظائف الاتية عاجلا الاولوية لناس السعودية بس برضو السى فى لو كويسة مستعدين يرسلو فيزا استخدام الموضوع مستعجل وضرورى ووريهم فى الاعلان انو الموضوع منافسة عامة وانا عندى اجر المناولة للادارة والرواتب والمخصصات كبيرة جدا بالذات لمدراء المشاريع والمبرمجين
وربنا يوفقنا نساعد اهلنا السودانيين

contact email:

[email protected]
الرجاء كتابة اسم الوظيفة فى موضوع الايميل

1-Project Control Manager :
Engineer holder of certificate from recognized university in the field of civil or architectural engineering with major projects management and experience of no less than 20 years in the field of projects management and supervision on the execution of similar projects, and shall be able to supervise the quality control palns and prepare the schedules and control the costs using the Primavera Enterprise and Expedition applications and shall at the same time have leading character.
2-Contracts Specialist :
Engineer holder of university certificate in the field of civil or architectural engineering from recognized university and had experience of no less than 15 years in the field of projects management and contracts management and preparation of the contracting documents and auditing the claims and studying the variation orders with full command of Arabic.
3-Time Schedules Specialist :
Holder of university certificate from recognized university in the field of major with experience of no leass than 15 years with major programming and management of projects using the specialized programs in this field.
4-Programmer :
Programmer –Microsoft certification is an advantage but what we really require is proficiency in Primavera software because this is the project management software that Hill is using. Exp 10 yers
5-Documents Attendant/ Secretary
Holder of certificate in the field of major and has a good command of Arabic and English writing and speaking, and good at printing using computer and has good command of keeping, coordinating and archiving documents using the Expedition Program with experience of no less than 10 years in this field.

Post: #61
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-08-2011, 05:48 PM
Parent: #60

في حوجة عاجلة لسيدات ماجستير حاسب آلي... رسلوا لي على الايميل [email protected]... مزيد من التفاصيل بتجيني بعدين.. حسي ما عندي تفاصيل...

Post: #62
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-09-2011, 12:09 PM
Parent: #61

وظائق مبرمجين في السعودية

Post: #63
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-16-2011, 08:34 AM
Parent: #62

Post: #64
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-16-2011, 08:43 AM
Parent: #63

وظائف أكاديمية نسائية فقط، جامعة الأميرة نوره بنت عبدالرحمن في الرياض
طريقة التقديم والوظائف المطلوبة (دكتوراه وماجستير)

كلية الآداب

كلية الإدارة والأعمال

كلية الإقتصاد المنزلي

كلية التربية

كلية التصاميم والفنون

كلية التمريض

كلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات

كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية

كلية الصيدلة

كلية العلاج الطبيعي

كلية العلاج الطبيعي

كلية اللغات والترجمة

لتعبئة طلب التوظيف:
Job Application

Post: #65
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-16-2011, 08:52 AM
Parent: #64

Post: #66
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Dalal Ezzaldin
Date: 12-16-2011, 09:11 AM
Parent: #65

شكرا يا مريم ويكرمك رب العالمين

استفدته وفيدته بكتييير من اعلاناتكم دي

يجعلها في ميزان حسناتكم

Post: #67
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: إسماعيل وراق
Date: 12-16-2011, 12:29 PM
Parent: #65

ترغب إحدى المستشفيات الكبرى بالسعودية في توظيف التخصصات التالية:
• استشاري أو أخصائي عظام
• استشاري أو أخصائي نساء وولادة (الأفضلية للنساء).
• استشاري أو أخصائي باطنية ومناظير
• استشاري أو أخصائي تخدير وعناية مركزة
• استشاري أو أخصائي أمراض سكر
• اخصائي اشعة (بكالريوس اشعة تشخيصية وما فوق)

ترسل السير الذاتية على الايميل yamamah2001(at)hotmail.com

* المصدر: الشريط الاعلاني بقناة النيل الأزرق

Post: #68
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Dr. Ahmed Amin
Date: 12-25-2011, 11:36 PM
Parent: #67

يعلن أحد الفنادق الفاخرة بمدينة الرياض عن توفر فرصة وظيفية وفق التالي :

مسمى الوظيفة :موظف إستقبال

الشروط :

1- المهارة في التعامل مع النزلاء .
2- حسن المظهر .
3- معرفة اللغة الإنجليزية.

المميزات :
1- راتب جيد .
2- تأمين طبي .
3- بيئة عمل جيدة.

طريقة التقديم :

الرجاء أرسل السيرة الذاتية على البريد الألكتروني : [email protected]
وظائف شاغرة بشركة زين لاتصالات

الوظائف :

الإدارة (1)
العلامة التجارية (1)
تطوير الأعمال (1)
شركات الاتصالات (1)
خدمات العملاء (1)
الهندسة (1)
التمويل (1)
الموارد البشرية (1)
تكنولوجيا المعلومات (1)
وربط العلاقات كارير (1)
القانونية (1)
التسويق (1)
المشتريات والخدمات اللوجستية (1)
العمليات الإقليمية (0)
الشؤون التنظيمية (0)
مبيعات (1)
إدارة الموقع (0)
استراتيجية (1)

للتقديم :


Post: #69
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Dr. Ahmed Amin
Date: 12-25-2011, 11:50 PM
Parent: #68

870.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

871.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

تعلن " شركة التعدين العربية السعودية " عن توفر فرص ووظيفية شاغرة وعلى الراغبين بالتقديم زيارة رابط التوظيف لدى الشركة ادناه


سلام يا مريم .. ده مشاركة للتشجيع عشان تواصلي ..وتنقلي البوست للربع الجديد

Post: #70
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Dr. Ahmed Amin
Date: 12-25-2011, 11:56 PM
Parent: #69

اعلنت جامعة طيبة عن توفر وظائف " أكاديمية شاغرة " وذلك في مختلف كلياتها .

- أستاذ
- أستاذ مشارك
- أستاذ مساعد
- محاضر
- مدرس لغة

مواعيد التقديم :
سوف يتم استقبال الطلبات أعتباراً من السبت 29-1-1433هـ وحتى 8-2-1433هـ

الشروط :

إجتياز المتقدم الإجرائات النظامية المتبعة لتعيين هيئة التدريس والمحاضرين ومدرسين اللغة في الجامعة
الالتزام بالمواعيد المحددة ( حسب تقويم أم القرى )

طريقة التقديم :

على الراغبين ممن تنطبق عليهم الشروط المطلوبة الى جامعة طيبة إدارة شئون الموظفين ( إدارة شئون أعضاء هيئة التدريس )
بالوثائق التالية :

1- صورة من المؤهلات .

2 - صورة من الخبرات العلمية .

3 - سيرة ذاتية .

للإستفسار :

الرجاء الاتصال على 8460008 تحويلة 8756 - 8755

Post: #71
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: انعام حيمورة
Date: 12-28-2011, 09:39 AM
Parent: #70

مريومة كل عام وانتي بالف خير وارشفة سعيدة

واتمنى التوفيق للجميع


UN.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

U.S. Committee for UN
Two UN Plaza, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Fax: +1206-600-5041

Our Mission
Join Us Today To Promote A More Peaceful, Prosperous & Just World
The U.S. Committee for U.N. supports the work of the World Health Organization to improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world by promoting democratic governance, poverty reduction, rural development, crisis prevention and recovery, energy and environmental issues, and reducing the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It accomplishes these aims by building a broad-based American constituency that educates for international development and by identifying US resources for specific U.N. projects that support U.S. national interests. (Positions and Annual Salary)
A. Environmental Officer
Location: Belgium/China/France/Kuwait/Russia/South-Africa/UK/USA
Salary: $270,600.00 USD
Contract: Fulltime
They are responsible for development oversight, management, and evaluation of programs in the following areas: bio-diversity, conservation, forestry, wildlife management, water and coastal resources management, environmental education, environmental policy, environmentally sustainable agriculture, community based natural resources management, urban and industrial pollution reduction, urban planning and management (including such areas as housing, water and sanitation),urban and housing finance, energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy applications, clean energy technologies, energy sector planning and global climate change. Environment Officers apply both a technical knowledge of their program area and a variety of management and program evaluation knowledge in order to ensure that projects meet the needs of who-usa partners and customers in a cost-effective manner.
B. Financial Management Officer
Location: Argentina/Germany/Japan/India/Spain/Russia/Portugal/UK/USA
Salary: $274,000.00 USD
Duration: Full time
They direct the accounting and payment operations worldwide. In addition, they provide significant, levels of advisory services to all levels of the mission and host country governments. This includes administrative, operational and program matters concerning financial, budgetary and resource management and implementation issues.
C. Senior Program Officers for Nutrition
Location: Canada/France/India/Japan/South-Africa/Russia/UK/USA
Contract: Full time
Salary: $280,678.00 USD
Overall Responsibilities: the Senior Program Officer for Nutrition works closely with Senior Child Survival/Immunization. Program Managers to plan, coordinate, implement, monitor, and evaluate child survival activities, with special attention to strengthening nutrition program activities. Work with the Senior Child Survival/Immunization Adviser and the State Child Survival/Malaria Program Managers to coordinate, implement, monitor, and evaluate the country child survival activity plan. In particular, design, plan, implement, and evaluate nutrition actions as an integral part of COMPASS activities. Coordinate, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate nutrition activities related to Vitamin A, breast feeding promotion, complementary feeding, nutrition activities related to immunization and National Immunization Days (NIDs), Quality Protein Maize (QPM) related issues, communications/behavior change, and community mobilization. Evaluate the costs and effectiveness of Positive Deviance (PD)/Hearth approaches to improving childhood health and nutrition. Identify and coordinate with partners from The World Health Organization Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), Canadian International Development Agency/Micronutrient Initiative (CIDA/MI), Department for International Development (DFID) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Helen Keller International (HKI),community-Directed Treatment and Ivermectin (CDTI) Program, other academic institutions, Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the development of activities at scale to reach high geographical coverage.
D. Program/Project Development Officers
Location: Austria/China/Japan/Spain/Nigeria/Portugal/Taiwan/UK/USA
Salary: $284,000.00 USD
Duration: Full time
They are responsible for strategy development, policy formulation, performance reporting,project management, and public outreach. They are looked upon to ensure that the Mission's operational procedures are designed to elicit team work, emphasize shared values, make known programming priorities, and reward innovation. Program/Project development officers must be able to apply leadership and management skills in order to ensure that program activities are designed and implemented to achieve stated objectives, within resource constraints and in a timely manner.
E. Executive Officers
Location: France/Germany/Japan/Spain/South-Africa/UK/USA
Salary: $270,000.00 USD
They oversee a wide range of administrative and logistical support functions including personnel management, contracting, procurement, property management, motor pool management, travel management, employee/family housing and maintenance management. In addition to having direct responsibility for providing the daily support of the agency's field mission, duties include planning for future personnel and procurement requirements at the assigned duty station.
F. Lawyers
Location: Australia/France/Germany/India/S.Korea/South-Africa/UK/USA
Salary: $280,000.00 USD
They provide legal counsel to planners and administrators of WHO's overseas programs, laws and regulations, Agency directives and delegations of authority, bilateral agreements, loan and grant agreements, contracts and other agreements pertaining to country or regional programs. They advise on reconciliation of problems resulting from differences between DRI. And cooperating country laws. They advise regional personnel on the drafting and promotion of legislation and regulations to be proposed for enactment or adoption by the cooperating country government Ministry of Justice.
G. Education Development Officers
Location: Egypt/France/Netherlands/Japan/India/Russia/UK/USA
Salary: $280,000.00 USD
They analyze, advise, and assist with the development of host country education human resources and man power planning systems. Strategies are designed to improve existing education programs as well as to promote organizational competencies and skills acquisition related to both individual and institutional development. Duties Include participation in Agency policy formulation, sector analysis, program and project design, program monitoring, and evaluation of activities in education and human resources.
H. Agriculture/Rural Development Officers
Location: Egypt/Canada/India/Japan/Malaysia/N.Korea/South-Africa/UK/USA
Salary: $275,000.00 USD
They advise senior WHO and host government officials on agriculture and rural development projects. They identify problems and propose solutions, participate in project design and development, and manage and evaluate programs. Duties include coordinating the flow of resources for projects, analyzing the effects of proposed policies, legislation, and programs and advising on interdisciplinary rural development programs.
I. Program Officers
Location: France/Japan/S.Korea/South-Africa/Spain/Italy/UAE/UK/USA
Salary: $274,000.00 USD
J. Program Team Leader
Location: Algeria/France/Saudi-Arabia/Germany/N.Korea/UK/USA
Salary: $270,000.00 USD
K. Operations Director
Location: Chile/Spain/Turkey/Russia/Greece/Malaysia/UK/USA
Salary: $280,000.00 USD
L. HR and Admin Team Leader
Location: China/Sweden/France/Netherlands/Japan/Russia/UAE/UK/USA
Salary: $275,000.00 USD
M. Economic Affairs
Salary: $255,000.00 USD
N. Medical
Location: Egypt/China/Japan/Spain/India/Italy/Russia/UK/USA
Salary: $285,000.00 USD
O. Political Affairs
Location: China/France/Japan/Spain/Nigeria/South-Africa/UK/USA
Salary: $275,000.00 USD
P. Security
Location: China/Germany/Japan/South-Africa/Spain/Israel/Russia/UK/USA
Salary: $285,000.00 USD
Applicants are selected on the basis of academic credentials, experience and other relevant factors. Successful applicants are interviewed on their related knowledge, skills and abilities. Application is open to all interested applicants from any nationality. HOW TO APPLY: Send your resume/CV ONLY to: [email protected]
Dr. Margherita Venturi PhD,
Recruitment Officer
UN Headquarters
First Avenue at 26th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Fax: +1206-202-3860

Post: #72
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 01-28-2012, 12:13 PM
Parent: #71

اسماعيل ورّاق، د.أحمد أمين، والاستاذة انعام .. والله انا سعيدة جداً انه البوست بتاعي عامر.. للأسف الفترة الفاتت انشغلت عنّه شديد... وده غلط منّي.... لكن رجعته خلاص للبوست.. وان شاء الله نساعد بقدر ما نقدر... ويا ريت الناس كلهم يجوا يعلنوا هنا...

الايميل للناس العايزين [email protected]...

الاعلانات دي لقيتها الليلة... بس ما وظايف رهييييييبه.. لكن ممكن تفك ليها حيرة

في قطر

في العين

في السعودية

Post: #73
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 02-14-2012, 10:40 AM
Parent: #72

مطلوب مدرسات لإعطاء دورات في السعودية الريــــاض
وذلك في الدورات التالية
& Communication and negotiation
من تجد في نفسها الكفاءة ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الإيميل التالي
[email protected]

thanks Nadir

Post: #74
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 02-17-2012, 08:29 PM
Parent: #73

وظبفة محلية... رجاءا الناس الخارج الشرقية ما يقدّموا

مطلوب محاضرة (بدرجة ماجستير)، تكون قادره على انها تدرس باللغة الانجليزية في جامعة مرموقة في الشرقية
المواد المطلوبة:
Research Methodology
Technical Writing

التخصص والخبرة السابقة ما مشكلة كبيرة، المهم اللغة

للتقديم، الرجاء إرسال السيرة الذاتية إلى [email protected]

الوظيفة يا جماعة ما طويلة المدى (على الاقل حالياً)، يعني العندو وظيفة ما يفكّها...

Post: #75
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 02-18-2012, 11:30 AM
Parent: #74


Post: #76
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 02-26-2012, 08:45 PM
Parent: #75

1. Mechanical Engineer – With 4 Years of Experience
2. Mechanical Supervisor
3. Electro Mechanical Engineer
4. Electronic Engineer – With 4 Years of Experience
5. Electronic Supervisor
6. Electric Engineer – With 4 Years of Experience
7. Electric Supervisor
8. Box Office Engineer
9. Box Office Supervisor
10. IT Engineer
11. Foreman
12. Supervisor

Preferably local candidates with Transferable Iqama but we will accept
application form overseas

Please Answer the following questions & send your updated profile in Word
Format (.Doc) to hk@sis-limited. com
• Candidate must be immediately available
• Minimum relevant 2 years experience is required
• Mention the post you are applying for in subject bar of the email
• Preferred nationalities: Pakistani, Indian, Filipino, Indonesian & Chinese
• Experienced & Certified Professionals will be preferred.
• Current Gross Salary in SAR =
• Expected Gross Salary in SAR =
• Notice period to join=
• Current location =

Kind Regards,

*Hasan Kaji**
*Recruitment Consultant

*Mob *+966 53 306 4046

*Tel *+966 1 455 7549

*Fax *+966 1 455 6300

*Skype * sis-hasan

*Email *hk@sis-limited. com

Post: #77
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 02-29-2012, 06:10 AM
Parent: #76

وظيفة في الدمام، محلّية....

مطلوب Graphic Designer (راتب، بدل سكن، تأمين صحي، تذاكر، بدل مواصلات)... رجال... الوظيفة كبيرة، وعايزين ناس خبرة ومحترفين ومؤهلين...
send CV+work samples to
[email protected]

مركز تدريب في الدمام، وظائف محلية .. مطلوب نساء ورجال
مدرّسين في تخصص الشبكات، البرمجة والتصميم
[email protected]

بالتوفيق للجميع

Post: #78
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مزمل خيرى
Date: 02-29-2012, 08:57 AM
Parent: #77

sudansudansudansudansudan2222.JPG Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

التقديم اعتباراً من تاريخ اليوم ...

Post: #79
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-02-2012, 07:56 PM
Parent: #78

وظائف بحثية في جامعة طيبة، تخصصات مختلفة

Saturday 18 February 2012


Positions: Applications are invited for full-time positions to work as a Research Professor, Research Assistant, and Post Doc Fellow at “The Strategic Science, Advanced Technology and Innovation Unit”, Taibah University, Madinah Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia.

Areas of research: Advanced Materials; Advanced Medical and Health Research; Biotechnology; Building and Construction; Environmental Sciences; Electronics, Photonics and Communication; Energy; Information Technology; Mathematics, Physics; and Nanotechnology.

How to apply: Interested individuals should visit Taibah University website, download the research application form, fill it up and send along with a copy of their latest CVs by electronic mail to: [email protected].

● In case of an inquiry, please feel free to contact us through: +966 4 84 73 94 5
Applications will be kept strictly confidential.
Successful candidates will be informed about the further process.

Post: #80
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-06-2012, 04:52 PM
Parent: #79

وظائف في لجامعة العربية المفتوحة، فرع الكويت



Post: #81
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-07-2012, 06:11 AM
Parent: #80

وظيفة بداوم جزئي في الرياض... مدرّب برنامج SPSS

Quote: مطلوب مدرب متعاون للبرنامج الإحصائي SPSS للعمل بمدينة الرياض - دوام جزئي

الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الإلكتروني التالي :

[email protected]

واذا بالإمكان ارسال الخطة الدراسية للمادة

Post: #82
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-13-2012, 07:36 PM
Parent: #81

وظائف اكاديمية في الجامعات السعودية عبر شركة تعاقد:
التخصصات هي:
دكتوراه: قانون، محاسبة، إدارة أعمال، أحياء، فيزياء، علوم تربوية، علوم حاسب بفروعه، إحصاء، رياضيات، تربية خاصة، تربية طفل، لغة إنجليزية

ماجستير:أحياء، فيزياء،علوم حاسب بفروعه، إحصاء، رياضيات، تربية خاصة، تربية طفل، لغة إنجليزية

الوظائف معلنه في bayt.com

Post: #83
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-13-2012, 07:43 PM
Parent: #82

المزيد من الوظائف التابعة لنفس الشركة:

هندسة كهرباء

استشارية/اخصائية نساء وتوليد

مهندس صيانة

Post: #84
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-15-2012, 07:40 PM
Parent: #83

وظائف في الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فرع البحرين:


وفرع الكويت

Post: #85
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-27-2012, 12:37 PM
Parent: #84

وظائف في الدمام
مطلوب أطباء وطبيبات في التخصصات التالية:

-استشاري صدرية
-استشاري جراحة
-استشاري تخدير
-استشاري أشعة
-استشاري كلى
-استشاري جهاز هضمي ومناظير
-استشاري قلب
-استشاري مخ واعصاب
-استشاري مايكروبيولوجي
-استشاري جلدية
-استشاري عظام
-مقيمات نساء وولادة
-مقيمي جراحة

ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع تحديد الراتب على الايميل التالي:
[email protected]

Post: #86
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-27-2012, 12:51 PM
Parent: #85

LCC Saudi Arabia is currently looking for Ericsson Intelligence (IN)
Charging System Experts for a long term role in Saudi Arabia.

Below is the JD:

Good domain knowledge in Charging and Interconnect Settlement domain
Exposure of both offline and online charging.
Good Knowledge in Billing solution design, development and testing
Expertise in both Prepaid and Postpaid solutions
Charging files monitoring and troubleshooting of charging related issues
Routing and Charging Administration
Processor Load monitoring and control, Command Category Table
Who Can Apply?

Engineer who has at-least 3 years experience perfectly matching to above
mentioned job description
Engineer who has 3 years of Ericsson IN experience (MNS exposure will be
Engineer who is available immediately and ready to join on one month notice
Please dont send CVs if you dont match the above requirements.

* Interested candidates, please send CVs at urwah_masud@ lcc.com*

مطلوب مدرب حاسب آلي لتدريس المواد التالية :
صيانة الحاسب الآلي A+
شبكات سيسكو CCNA
في مدينة نجران ولمدة شهر

فعلى من يجد بنفسه الكفاءة ارسال سيرته الذاتية على العنوان التالي :

[email protected]

ملاحظة : يفضل أن يكون حاصل على شهادة +A الدولية وشهادة CCNA الدولية

Required to work
1. Mechanical Engineer
2. Electrical Engineer
3. Electro-mechanical Engineer
4. Sales Engineer
5. Auto-electrician


email to: [email protected]

شركة في مجال التدريب ترغب في توظيف التالي
مدرب ومدربة حاسب آلي بكالوريوس كوبيوتر
مدرب فني انتاج تخصص هندسة ميكانيكية

ترسل السير الذاتية على فاكس
[email protected]

مطلوب الوظائف التالية
محاسب خبرة خمسة سنوات
مدنوبي مبيعات خبرة 5 سنوات
مندوبي كاش فان خبرة 3 سنوات
عمالة تحميل وتنزيل

راتب اساسي+عمولات+حوافز+بدل سكن+تأمين طبي
[email protected]

Post: #87
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 03-29-2012, 01:57 PM
Parent: #86

مطلوب بصورة عاجلة فنية أشعة في مستشفى الشفا في جدة، ما عندي عنوان، بس لو في واحدة عايزه تقدم تمشي للمستشفى سريع، وقالوا الراتب عالي

ده العنوان من موقعهم

Medical Staff Affairs
Shifa International Hospitals Ltd.
Sector H-8/4, Islamabad - Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 092-051-4603342, 4603035
Fax: 092-051-4863109

Post: #88
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: رامي إبراهيم أحمد
Date: 03-29-2012, 06:52 PM
Parent: #87

شركة حديثة الإنشاء مقرها الخرطوم تبحث بصورة عاجلة عن سكرتيرة تنفيذية

شروط الوظيفة:
1. حديثة التخرج ، الأعوام (2005-2011)
2. بكالريوس أو دبلوم في أي تخصص ذي صلة ويفضل المحاسبة
3. إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية بطلاقة تحدثا وكتابة
3. الإلمام التام باستخدام الحاسب الآلي (خاصة باقة مايكروسوفت أوفس)
4. انيقة المظهر، لبقة التعامل وتتحمل ضغط العمل

على من تأنس في نفسها الكفاءة إرسال السيرة الذاتية مصحوبة بصور من الشهادات الأكاديمية وشهادات التدريب والخبرة (إن وجدت) على العنوان التالي:

ص.ب: 11238 الخرطوم ، الرمز البريدي 11111 أو على البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]
وذلك في موعد أقصاه 15/04/2012

شروط الوظيفة:

Post: #89
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: معاوية عوض الكريم
Date: 04-10-2012, 08:01 AM
Parent: #88


Post: #90
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-12-2012, 09:42 PM
Parent: #89

مطلوب لمعهد تدريب نسائي في الرياض وجدّة والدمام:

موظفات إداريات- بكالوريوس إدارة مع خبرة ثلاث سنوات
محاسبات- بكالوريوس أو دبلوم محاسبة مع خبرة ثلاث سنوات
مدربات انجليزي-بكالوريوس لغة انجليزية مع خبرة ثلاث سنوات
مدربات حاسب آلي- بكالوريوس حاسب آلي مع خبرة ثلاث سنوات

مشرفات قسم العلوم التقنية مع خبرة لمدة سنة
(محاسبة- علوم اقتصادية- إدارة أعمال- موارد بشرية)- ماجستير

ترسل السير الذاتية على البريد الإلكتروني [email protected] أو فاكس 014940643

Post: #91
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-15-2012, 07:56 PM
Parent: #90

The Network Research Lab at Computer Science Department at Umm AlQura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia invites applications for the position ofResearch Associate/Assistant for a female (as the lab is located in the female campus).The successful applicant may have masters or PhD in Computer Science,specificall y in the field of computer networks. The applicant needs to havedemonstrated skills not only in the use but also in design of networksimulation packages in addition to good network programming experience,excellen t communication and interpersonal skills. For applicants with PhDdemonstrable track record in peer-reviewed publications and capacity toattract research funding will be considered as well.The successful applicant will be involved in contributing to innovative networkresearch focused on application of interdisciplinary ideas in Quality of Service,Network Management and Network Security.Umm Al Qura University (UQU) is a renowned university in the holy city ofMakkah. The female campus is in AlZahir District, which lies inside theboundary of Haram.
A competitive compensation package will be offered based on the experienceof the successful candidate.

Interested applicants need to send their detailed CV with a one pagedescription of their previous research activities to Dr Elham Hassanain,emhassanain@ uqu.edu.sa. The job is available now so the interviews willstart immediately.

Best Wishes,

Dalia El-Dib

Post: #92
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-22-2012, 06:56 AM
Parent: #91

ده موسم الوظائف الاكاديمية .. للناس العندهم دكتوراه وماجستير.... رح انزل الاعلانات تباعاً...

Post: #93
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-22-2012, 06:58 AM
Parent: #92

The Faculty of Language Studies at the Arab Open University seeks to appoint faculty members of the ranks of assistant, associate, or full professor in its English Language and Literature program in a number of the AOU branches, as well as MA holders, as follows:

Saudi Arabia Branch
Riyadh Center: 1 in Linguistics (female)

Dammam Center: 1 in Linguistics (female)
1 in Literature (female)


Ph.D. in English Literature, Linguistics, or Applied Linguistics from a recognized, well-known university

Jordan Branch

o 1 Ph.D. (Linguistics)

o 1 Ph.D. (Literature)

o 1 MA (Linguistics, Literature, or Translation)

Kuwait Branch
3 MA (Linguistics, Literature, Applied Linguistics)

Documents to submit:

Cover letter in English
Curriculum Vitae
Copies of academic qualifications
Three recommendation letters

Send Applications to E-mail:

[email protected]



Faculty of Language

Arab Open University

P. O. Box 3322

Al-Safat 13033


Deadline for Receiving Application: April 20, 2012

P.S. Please indicate which branch you are applying to.

Post: #94
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-22-2012, 07:00 AM
Parent: #93

شكرا نادر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

مطلوب مبرمجين مواقع انترنت للعمل بمدينة الرياض دوام كامل/دوام جزئي يتقـنون العمل على اللغات التالية :


ترسل السيرة الذاتية على البريد الإلكتروني التالي :

[email protected]

ملاحظة : يفضل ارسال روابط المواقع التي تم تصميمها.

Post: #95
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-22-2012, 11:11 AM
Parent: #94

Post: #96
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-22-2012, 11:17 AM
Parent: #95

Post: #97
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-23-2012, 05:27 AM
Parent: #96

Faculty Position: (Lecturer, Assistant, Associate, Professor)
Ranks for all positions are open and are dependent upon experience and qualifications.

Preference will be given to Female candidates.

Program faculty will be expected to teach Database related courses and to engage in other college activities.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: A Master's degree in Computer Science or related degree is required.
Additional related certifications may be considered. At least 2+ years teaching experience or 5+ IT industry experience is required.

Preferred qualifications include a PhD in Computer Science or a PhD in any field in conjunction with substantive professional experience and appropriate Database related certifications. Applicants with substantial progress toward dissertation completion will be considered. Teaching/training experience. Preference will be given to female candidates.

START DATE: September 2012

TO APPLY Please submit cover letter, curriculum vitae, and statement of teaching philosophy to the contact information provided below.

Electronic submission in MS Word or PDF format is preferred.

Application Information
Dr. Faris AlFaraidy
Dean, College of Computer Science & Information Technology
University of Dammam
Email: [email protected]

Phone: +966 3 857 7000 Ext. 3102/3103
Fax: +966 3 814 4669

More Information on University of Dammam
University of Dammam Home Page
College of Computer Science and Information Technology

More Information on Dammam and Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Post: #98
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-23-2012, 05:32 AM
Parent: #97

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
College of Applied & Supporting Studies

Lecturer/Trainer of "University Study Skills"

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals-KFUPM, is the top university in the Arab world and a supreme educational institute in the Middle East. KFUPM is committed to preparing professionals empowered with knowledge, skills, values and confidence to take a leadership role in the development of the Saudi Kingdom.

Qualified Applicants are invited to join the Preparatory Year Program at KFUPM starting September 2010 or February 2011. This program aims at preparing newly admitted students for their undergraduate studies at the University, leading to a B.Sc. degree in Science, Engineering, or Industrial Management. For more information about this program, please refer to www.kfupm.edu.sa/pyp

We are looking for highly qualified, energetic, adaptable, and experienced people to teach "University Study Skills". Successful candidates will be mostly committed to teaching/training and supporting fresh students enrolled in the Prep Year Program. Based on applicant's experience, he may be involved in curriculum development and participate in committees working towards the continuous improvement and enhancement of the Prep Year Program. In addition, he can pursue his research interests outside the working hours.

Minimum Qualifications:
1. M.S. in Education, Business Administration, Management, or an #####alent.
2. Two years of experience as a teacher/trainer in "University Study Skills".
3. Strong personal communications and effective means of material presentation.
4. Fluent in both, English and Arabic.
5. Familiar with Word, Excel, and Power Point applications.
6. Computer literacy including e-learning technologies.

Holding formal relevant training certificates would be desirable. Teaching experience at a western (USA, Canada, UK, Australia ...) institution is preferred. Ability to assess and evaluate course outcomes and students' performance is a plus.


These positions are full-time two-year renewable contracts with competitive tax free salary based on qualifications and experience, free furnished air-conditioned on-campus housing unit with free essential utilities and maintenance. Subject to University policy, the appointment includes the following additional benefits: Air ticket/s to Dammam on appointment; annual repatriation air tickets to Dammam for the faculty and up to three of his dependents; tuition fees for school-age dependent children enrolled in local schools; local transportation allowance; Two months' paid summer vacation, end-of service benefits, and free access to recreation facilities. KFUPM campus has a range of facilities including medical & dental clinic, teaching and research support facilities such as an extensive library acquisitions and library databases, computing facilities, smart classrooms, and research and teaching laboratories. The campus is within a very short distance from the cities of Dammam and Al-Khobar.

Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.

To Apply: Via KFUPM website (open: http://www.kfupm.edu.sa Hyperlink: JOBS ) attached cover letter, updated/detailed C.V./Resume, completed KFUPM application form with copies of credentials (academic degree/s & transcript/s) and three(3) signed reference/recommendation letters from your referees.

Dean of Faculty & Personnel Affairs
KFUPM Box 5005, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +966-3-860-2429 or 860-2442

To download the KFUPM Application Form, Click on the link Please quote DEPT. reference no.: PYP-SED-121 in your initial http: //www1.kfupm.edu.sa/fpa/Departments/FacultyAffairs/Froms/E_FacultyAffairsFroms.htm application

For more information, please visit the following links:
KFUPM Web Site: http://www.kfupm.edu.sa
Deanship of Faculty & Personnel Affairs: http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/fpa


Post: #99
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-23-2012, 05:33 AM
Parent: #97

STARTING DATE: September 2012 (Next academic year).

- Teaching, Administration and Service.

- Masters in Management Information System (M.I.S) from a western university (USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand).

Preference will be given to candidates:

- Having Masters From AACSB Accredited institutions across western countries.
- Teaching experience accumulated at AACSB accredited institutions in the western countries.


- Globally competitive TAX FREE salary.
- Annual housing allowance suitable for a comfortable western living.
- One time furniture (furnishing) allowance suitable for furnishing whole home.
- Free medical coverage for self and family members at the University's hospital.
- Annual education fees assistance for up to four children.
- Sixty days annual paid vacations during summer.
- A maximum of four round trip tickets for self and family members on an annual basis.
- The region is home to world-class western high schools for children.
- City of Dammam is known for vibrant multi-cultural fabric, and is home to the US Consulate.
- The region has world-class infrastructure (shopping malls, beaches, hotels, restaurants, airport etc.).
- Research grant.
- NO taxes of any kind across the kingdom.
- End of service gratuity (half basic salary on completion of at least 2 but less than 5 years service and one basic salary on completion of 5 and above years of uninterrupted service).

TO APPLY: Please submit applications with an (i) updated resume, (ii) diplomas and transcripts of your two degrees (bachelor, and master); (iii) teaching evaluations of three courses recently taught and (iv) three references (to be directly sent) to email: [email protected] by your referees. Both Males and Females are encouraged to apply.

Electronic submission in MS Word or PDF format is preferred. Please identify the rank you are applying for in the Subject line.
Application Information
Apply for this Position through My HigherEdJobs
Contact: Dr. Ahmad Faraz
College of Management Sciences
University of Dammam
Phone: +966 3333 2658
Email Address: [email protected]

Post: #100
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-23-2012, 05:35 AM
Parent: #97

College of Arts & Sciences, The Department of Law, and the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences are seeking:

Assistant/ Associate/ & Full Professor Function of the Employing Unit:
Humanities & Social Sciences is part of the PMU Core Curriculum which is informed by a series of basic intellectual competencies: Communication: the ability to communicate effectively in both English and Arabic in professional and social situations, technological Competence: the ability to use modern technologies to acquire information, communicate, solve problems, and produce intended results, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: the ability to reason logically and creatively to make informed and responsible decisions and achieve intended goals, professional Competence: the ability to perform professional responsibilities effectively in both local and international contexts, teamwork: the ability to work effectively with others to accomplish tasks and achieve group goals, and Leadership: the ability to be informed, effective, and responsible leaders in family, community, and the Kingdom. These six learning outcomes are intended to ensure that PMU students will possess knowledge and abilities associated with mastery of the theoretical structures and methodologies of academic disciplines and professional competencies.

Position Purpose:
For this position, we seek a technology-savvy candidate who can teach a variety of undergraduate courses in the Law, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Communications. The purpose of this position is to provide high quality teaching that is technology-based. The chosen candidate will essentially teach courses in Law to undergraduate students, including law related courses which are a general mix of courses in Humanities and Social Sciences including Written Communication, Oral Communication, Technical Communication, Research Writing, and Critical Thinking.

Duties and Responsibilities:
In addition to the primary teaching responsibilities for the department's academic courses, the responsibilities of the position include academic advising, curriculum development, selecting texts, preparing course syllabi, planning in-class team activities, constructing student assessments, preparing examinations, keeping grade records, supervising laboratory sessions, holding regular office hours and other standard non-teaching duties such as institutional and professional services.

A Juris Doctor, or #####alent with two years of teaching experience at the college level is preferred. Masters' degree holders with at least 18 graduate semester hours in the discipline in which they teach would also be considered.

Work Environment:
Standard academic environment in a technologically-infused campus.

Applications must include a letter of interest, curriculum vita, the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least three professional references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Please send application materials, via email, clearly stating the position applied for to:

Muniba A. Khan
Recruitment Officer
Email: [email protected]


Reema I. Malik
HR Officer
[email protected]
For further information visit the website at http://www.pmu.edu.sa

Post: #101
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-23-2012, 05:36 AM
Parent: #97

Position Purpose:
The Dean of the College of Computer Engineering & Computer Science provides leadership and vision to the College's administration, academic programs, curriculum development, and faculty and staff development. By so doing, he contributes to the University's overall planning and development. The Dean provides leadership and advocacy for strategic and budgetary planning and faculty and staff recruitment, development, and evaluation; excellence in teaching, creative activity, research, and scholarship; university and community relations; curricular and fiscal management; enrollment and marketing planning, student recruitment and retention; program review; and accreditation. The Dean is also responsible for keeping the appropriate records for program assessment and for ensuring that the college follows relevant accreditation standards.

2. Major Duties and Responsibilities:

Takes responsibility for leading the College with vision, creativity and excellence.
Provides collaborative and collegial leadership for the College.
Designs and implements the academic plan as it relates to the College of Computer Engineering & Computer Science
Supervises the management, development, and evaluation of curriculum for the College.
With the help of the department chairs, recruits, supervises, and evaluates full-time and adjunct department faculty and support staff.
Promotes and fosters professional development activities related to academic leadership, classroom instruction, instructional technology, and support staff development.
Develops and implements departmental budget and planning documents.
Works with department chairs to coordinates student program activities.
Ensures the vitality, currency, and academic excellence of the College's programs.
Collaborates with the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, other Deans and PMU administrative officers to achieve the objectives of the University.
Oversees the overall assessment program and for ensuring that relevant accreditation standards are followed and maintained.
Collaborates with the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, other Deans and PMU administrative officers to achieve the objectives of the University.
Oversees the overall assessment program and for ensuring that relevant accreditation standards are followed and maintained.
An earned Doctorate in Information Technology or a related discipline from an accredited institution.
The ability to speak and write fluently in English.
A record of outstanding achievement in higher education and scholarship.
University teaching experience complemented by an appropriate scholarly record.
Demonstrated management experience with increasing levels of responsibility, either in a professional or academic setting, including experience in administering an organization through scheduling, supervision, and evaluation.
Experience in the supervision and management of budgets and expenditures.
Experience in strategic planning, academic program development, fiscal and academic planning, resource management, program development and problem solving in similar organizations.
Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to articulate and advocate for the needs of the College.
Administrative experience that includes academic planning, program review, strategic planning, program development, budgeting, and fiscal/personnel management.
* It should also be noted that the language of instruction at PMU is English. If you wish to explore this opportunity please submit a cover letter with your CV to [email protected] as soon as possible. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue till successful candidates are selected. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

Human Resources
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University
Phone: 0096638499746
Online App. Form: http://hrdep.pmu.edu.sa/emp_app_forma.asp
Email Address: [email protected]

Post: #102
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-23-2012, 10:34 PM
Parent: #101






Post: #103
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-28-2012, 09:24 PM
Parent: #102

Oracle Databases and Microsoft Databases Programmers is wanted to work in Al Riyadh City as full time or part time.

They should to know the following languages :

· Oracle

· Microsoft Visual Studio

Please send your CV to:

[email protected]

Post: #104
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 04-30-2012, 05:49 PM
Parent: #103

Dear All,

Presently Saudi Intelligent Solutions (SiS) is looking for below list of
the Positions which need to be fulfill immediately. Please send CV to
hk@sis-limited. com quoting the Position Name in the subject line

* *

*Position: SOM Engineer*

*Location: *Saudi Arabia

*Duration: *03 months extendable

*Key responsibilities will include: *

· Provide operational support to field teams across Central,
western, & eastern region who are tasked to integrate new transmission
equipment and systems. Plan, execute, manage and verify customer cutovers.

· Interpret design packs for customer sights and implement logical
designs whist coordinating with Field Teams

· Establish all 2G end-to-end Abis, A and Gb transmission services.

· Establish all 3G end-to-end Iub, IuCS, IuPS and Iur transmission

· MLTN Ethernet configuration

· Coordinate rollbacks where required

· Liaise with other integration centres(local & GSC)

· Perform quality control checks in the network

· Load scripts into Ericsson MV36/38, Ericsson DXX, Huawei U2000,
ALU TNMS and any other transmission NEs as required.

· Perform NMS visibility checks for both pre and post
implementation of links

· Update detailed designs as required

*Position: **TX Design Engineers***

*Location: *Saudi Arabia

*Duration: *03 months extendable

* *

*Key responsibilities will include: *

· Planning and designing deployment of SDH, PDH and microwave
technologies into the transmission networks

· Preparing network design documents

· Providing technical support to field staff for the SDH, PDH and
microwave networks

· Perform quality control checks in the network

*Position: RBS Engineer*

*Location: *Saudi Arabia

*Duration: *03 months extendable



*4 x RBS engineers with RBS 3000 & 6000 Experience** *

If you feel you have the required skill for this exciting role and would
like to be considered please send your updated CV to hk@sis-limited. com for
immediate consideration. Candidates must be in Local (Saudi Arabia) &
available immediately

Kind Regards,

*Hasan Kaji**
*Recruitment Consultant

*Mob *+966 53 306 4046

*Tel *+966 1 455 7549

*Fax *+966 1 455 6300

*Skype * sis-hasan

Post: #105
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 05-30-2012, 04:32 PM
Parent: #104

Sharepoint Instructor is Wanted to Train the Following Courses :
1. Sharepoint 2010 Administration
2. Sharepoint 2010 Development
In AL Riyadh City as Part time.

Please send your C.V to the following email :

[email protected]

Post: #106
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 05-30-2012, 04:49 PM
Parent: #105

Quote: مطلوب موظفين استشاريين للإشراف على مشروع في مدينة الرياض

مدة المشروع 6 شهور فقط لا غير

عدد 1 موظف دكتوراه علوم حاسب آلي
عدد 1 موظف دكتوراه برمجة حاسب آلي
عدد 1 موظف دكتوراه نظم معلومات

ملاحظة : لا يشترط جنسية معينة

للإستفسار 96614722266
ايميل [email protected]

Post: #107
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: Mohammed Elhaj
Date: 06-15-2012, 10:57 AM
Parent: #106

سلامات يا مريم
قلتا اعلن في بوستيك دا عن حوجتنا لي
Finance Manager
Finance Controller
For leading IT/ telecom company in sudan
الرجاء للراغبين في التقديم ارسال سيرهم الذاتية الى
[email protected]

Post: #108
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 07-29-2012, 11:16 PM
Parent: #107

ألف شكر يا محمد الحاج... يا ريت توضح للناس مكان الوظائف دي عشان تقدم على بيّنة... ومرحب بيك

وظيفة جاتني بالايميل الليلة، ومشكور عبدالله عثمان ان وصّلها لي...

Quote: الاخوات والاخوان الاعزاء
ترغب كلية العلوم والاداب بخليص - جامعة الملك عبد العزيز بالتعاقد مع استاذات فى التخصصات ادناه, ارجو من لديه زميلة كفء ان يعلمها بهذا
ولكم جزيل الشكر

-لغة انجليزية
-نظم معلومات

والله الموفق,,

[email protected]

Post: #109
Title: Re: بوست الوظائف الموحّد
Author: معتز القريش
Date: 07-31-2012, 08:04 AM
Parent: #108

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