وثائقى عن جبال النوبة Channel 4 الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا

وثائقى عن جبال النوبة Channel 4 الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا

04-08-2012, 03:12 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=390&msg=1333894333&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: وثائقى عن جبال النوبة Channel 4 الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا
Author: نزار يوسف محمد
Date: 04-08-2012, 03:12 PM

وثائقى جبال النوبة القناة الانجليزية الرابعة الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا

على الفيس بوك https://www.facebook.com/unreportedworld

رابط البرامج التوثيقى http://www.channel4.com/programmes/unreported-world/

The British Television Channel 4 filming crew have just returned few days ago from the Nuba Mountains. They have been filming extensively a powerful documentary from the heart of the present ongoing battles in the Nuba Mountains.
The programme is called Unreported World. They documented some of the heinous atrocities that are taking place in the Nuba Mountains in front of the world’s watch. .
The documentary will be broadcasted on air on Fridays 13th April 2012 at 7:30PM British time. We would urge all of you to spare yourself some time that evening to watch this incredible textual as I think it will help enlighten many people in this country and elsewhere of the genocide which is happening to the Nuba people in Sudan.
For those of you who are not in Great Britain, you may be able to watch this programme through other sister-channels or alternatively via internet few days after it has been transmitted on terrestrial television in the United Kingdom.

Channel4.com/unreportedworld should be your link for Terror in Sudan film.

Post: #2
Title: Re: وثائقى عن جبال النوبة Channel 4 الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا
Author: نزار يوسف محمد
Date: 04-08-2012, 03:14 PM
Parent: #1

على الفيس بوك https://www.facebook.com/unreportedworld

رابط البرامج التوثيقى http://www.channel4.com/programmes/unreported-world/

The British Television Channel 4 filming crew have just returned few days ago from the Nuba Mountains. They have been filming extensively a powerful documentary from the heart of the present ongoing battles in the Nuba Mountains.
The programme is called Unreported World. They documented some of the heinous atrocities that are taking place in the Nuba Mountains in front of the world’s watch. .
The documentary will be broadcasted on air on Fridays 13th April 2012 at 7:30PM British time. We would urge all of you to spare yourself some time that evening to watch this incredible textual as I think it will help enlighten many people in this country and elsewhere of the genocide which is happening to the Nuba people in Sudan.
For those of you who are not in Great Britain, you may be able to watch this programme through other sister-channels or alternatively via internet few days after it has been transmitted on terrestrial television in the United Kingdom.

Channel4.com/unreportedworld should be your link for Terror in Sudan film.

وثائقى عن جبال النوبة Channel 4 الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا

Post: #3
Title: Re: وثائقى عن جبال النوبة Channel 4 الجمعة 13 أبريل 7:30 مساءا
Author: الطاهر كودى
Date: 04-08-2012, 03:29 PM
Parent: #2

شكرا الرفيق نزار على التنبيه!