To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You

To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You

06-20-2007, 02:19 PM


Post: #1
Title: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 02:19 PM
Parent: #0

هذه رسـالة سوف ترسل للدكتور Cherian صاحب مستشفى frontier lifeline بمدينة مدراس جنوب الهند و التي تمت بهـا جراحة الطفـل محمـد بنجاح..
نتمنـى من كل الإخوة و الأخوات أن يبعثوا صوت شـكر لهذا الرجل..


Thank you Dr

(Rumba nandri)

Post: #2
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: انعام عبد الحفيظ
Date: 06-20-2007, 02:32 PM
Parent: #1

يعطيه العافية بقدر ما خفف دموع ونزع من الآلام

Post: #3
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: سامى عبد الوهاب مكى
Date: 06-20-2007, 02:55 PM
Parent: #1

Numba Aali Rumba sandosum Yarki

Post: #4
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 03:16 PM
Parent: #3

التمالـة ظهـروا!!

Post: #6
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 03:40 PM
Parent: #4

HAPPY LOT: These Guyanese children
who underwent heart surgery in a Chennai
hospital can now lead a normal life

The Hidu

Post: #5
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Elawad
Date: 06-20-2007, 03:37 PM
Parent: #1

Thank you Dr. Cherian, no words can express our gratitude. Your kind move in treating Mohamed is appreciated by all of us. Thanks again.x

Post: #7
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 03:46 PM
Parent: #1

Post: #10
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: bayan
Date: 06-20-2007, 04:05 PM
Parent: #7

on behalf of the people of samarab, the place where mohamed hailed from, we can not express our gratitude we thank you for what you have done from the depht of our hearts, it still seems like a miracle because when we started this project we did not know how it was going to turn out, there was a doubt in our minds. Now looking back and seeing the great response we recieved from everyone and you helping us is like a blessing, we thank you again

Post: #8
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: انعام حيمورة
Date: 06-20-2007, 03:55 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: Thank you Dr. Cherian, no words can express our gratitude. Your kind move in treating Mohamed is appreciated by all of us. Thanks again.

And Best Regards

Inaam Hassan

Thanks Alsa7afa_30

Post: #9
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 03:57 PM
Parent: #1

قام الدكتور Cherian بمعالجة عشـرات الأطفال العراقيين المولودين بعيوب خلقية( ربما بسبب التلوث البيئي الناتج عن استخدام أسلحة نووية أو مواد مشعة) أثناء حرب الخليج الأولى مروراً بالثانية.

Dr. Cherian with Iraqi Patient

Post: #11
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: غباشي
Date: 06-20-2007, 04:22 PM
Parent: #1

I am unable to express to you my sincere thanks, appreciation and gratitude for saving our son, Mohammed. We are indebted for your brilliant human touch.
Thank you on behalf of all the people of Sudan and wish you ever broaden success in your life.

Post: #12
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 04:26 PM
Parent: #1

Dr. K. M. Cherian MBBS, MS, FRACS, DSc (Hon), DSc (HC)
Chairman & CEO
International Centre for Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Diseases
(A Unit of Frontier Lifeline Pvt. Ltd. & Dr. K. M. Cherian Heart Foundation)

Positions held in India and abroad

Emeritus Professor of Cardiac Surgery, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University, Chennai, India

Visiting Professor - Yangzhou University and Southeast University, Nanjing, China (2004)

Founder Vice-President – Madras Medical Mission, Chennai, India

Founder Director – Inst. of Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Chennai, India

Founder Chairman – Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry, India (June 1987 – Sept. 2003)

Visiting Professor – University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon, USA
(July 1984 – June 1985)

Medical Superintendent & Chief of Cardio-Vascular Surgery, Southern Railway Head Quarter Hospital, Chennai (April 1975 – June 1987)

International Special Fellow in Paed. Cardiac Surgery at University of Alabama in Birmingham, USA (July 1978 – Jan. 1979)

Senior Registrar, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Greenlane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (1974 - 1975)

Senior Registrar, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Royal Alexandria Hospital for Children, Sydney, Australia – 1 year (1973 – 1974)

Senior Registrar, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, St.Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia (1971 – 1973)

Registrar, thoracic & Vascular Surgery, St.George Hospital, Sydney, Australia
(1970 –1971)

Lecturer in Surgery and Unit Assistant – Division of Surgery, Christian Medical College, Vellore (1969)
International Publications

Contributed 2 chapters in the Text Book (on PDA and AP Window) of Cardiac Surgery edited by Prof. John W. Kirklin & Sir Brian Barratt Boyes – 1982 – The only Asian Author.
Author of more than 250 National and International publications.
Co-Author for the Manual on Post-operative Management of Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Patients.
Co-Author for the Pediatric Cardiology Update – 1998


First Successful Coronary Artery Graft in India
June 1975
Mitral Valve Replacement for Endomyocardial Fibrosis in India Feb. 1976
Introduction of Profound Hypothermia and circulatory arrest for Correction of Cardiac Defects in infants in India Feb. 1976
First Internal Mammary Artery Graft in the Country Sept.1976
Introduction of Cardioplegia for Myocardial Preservation in India Jan. 1979
Transatrial Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot, Transatrial Repair of Double Outlet Right Ventricle & pioneering the Technique June 1979
First Correction of Transposition of Great Vessels using Senning Technique in India July 1979
Successful Correction of Transposition, VSD, Pulmonary Atresia using extra cardiac conduit (Rastelli) June 1979
Successful Arterial Switch Operation for TGA with VSD and PDA with Single Coronary Artery Oct. 1980
First successful Bilateral Internal Mammary Graft Mar. 1985
Homograft Aortic Conduits for Correction of Congenital Defects June 1988
Introduction of Transmyocardial Laser Revascularisation (Australasia) Dec. 1994
First Heart Transplant in India after the legislation of Brain Death Sept. 1995
First Bilateral Lung Transplant Apr. 1997
First Pediatric Heart Transplant June 1997
First Auto Transplant Feb 1999
First Heart & Lung Transplant May 1999

Total No. of Surgeries Performed

In Indian Railway Services (Apr.’75 – May ’87)
Institute of Cardio Vascular Diseases, (June ’87 – Sept. ‘03) 22,408
Intl. Centre for Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Diseases, (Oct. ‘03 – Oct. ‘06) 3,518

Total 29,261

Heart Transplant - 8
Auto-Transplant - 2
Heart & Lung Transplant - 3

Post: #13
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: omer almahi
Date: 06-20-2007, 04:33 PM
Parent: #12

thanks all

Post: #14
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: haroon diyab
Date: 06-20-2007, 08:12 PM
Parent: #1

K. M. Cherian
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

K. M. Cherian is a leading Indian heart surgeon who has pioneered new treatments, founded new hospitals and earned an international reputation. He is the founding chairman of Frontier Lifeline based in Chennai, and the Dr K M Cherian Heart Foundation.

Cherian performed the first coronary artery bypass surgery in India in 1975. He also performed the country's second heart transplant, first infant cardiac surgery and the first heart and lung transplant (1999)[1].

Cherian was honorary surgeon to the President of India from 1990 to 1993. He was awarded Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1991. He received a Wockhardt Medical Excellence Award in 2005, through a panel organised by Harvard Medical School.[2] He has also received honorary professorships from universities in China.[3]

Post: #15
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 08:21 PM
Parent: #1

دكتور Cherian مع طفلة عراقية ووالدتـها

Post: #16
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-20-2007, 11:15 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: نتمنـى من كل الإخوة و الأخوات أن يبعثوا صوت شـكر لهذا الرجل..

Post: #17
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-22-2007, 00:44 AM
Parent: #1

Financial Daily from THE HINDU group of publications
Monday, Apr 21, 2003

India took up where the US said `no'. Here's a success story of the Madras Medical Mission that gives this American a new lease on life.

Brennan Bernard Emerson and Dr K.M. Cherian.

Brennan Bernard Emerson had just one word for the American doctors who had backed out of his high-risk mitral valve replacement surgery, "goodbye". Says the 87-year old Canadian born Brennan, "They didn't want to run the risk of operating on me because of my advanced age and complicated medical history." Fortunately for him there was still hope. Half a world away, India's very own Madras Medical Mission (MMM) picked up where the American medics left off. Brennan was successfully operated on by Dr K.M. Cherian and his team; the defective mitral valve replaced with a bio-prosthetic one, and, today, a month after surgery, he is a picture of health and vitality. "I asked them for 15, (valve durability in terms of years), they gave me 10," he laughs.

Brennan's successful surgery is the first instance of an American citizen to have come all the way from America to India for medical help. This, doctors point out could could well make India a prime destination for medical aid with many more such cases likely to come in, provided they are viable. Dr Mullasari Ajit, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Institute of Cardio-Vascular Diseases (a unit of MMM), says, "We already have quite a number of South African, Sri Lankan and even Pakistani patients. We could have more foreign patients coming in, but for that, the mindset of people outside India has to change to believe that we, as a country, have developed." Adds his colleague Dr Rajan, Senior Consultant, Cardiothoracic Surgery, "As of now we are getting at least a few trainee doctors and we are also seeing a number of patients from the SAARC countries."

Listening to Brennan talk about his medical history with all the bravery of a man who's seen it all (and he has!), it is only too easy to see why his doctors back home had second thoughts about the surgical procedure. A lung operation at the age of 36, to check his silicosis condition, a crucial CABG in 1995 and the insertion of a permanent pacemaker in 2001 — Brennan's medical history couldn't have been more complicated. Then on the recommendation of an Indian friend in the US, he approached MMM. Were doctors there equally daunted? "We made a thorough study of his case to make sure that the cause he cited was the reason for discomfort, informed him of the risks involved and only then did we start the medical procedures," says Dr Rajan.

For Brennan, there was no turning back. "I had made up my mind to do the surgery in India, and if they refused then I was to go to Russia," he says. But why India? Was he so besotted by the sun, the pollution or the screeching serenade of the Chennai traffic? It turns out to be none of these. The problem boiled down to one of sheer figures. "It would be impossible for me to have this kind of service in America unless I was a millionaire," he says. His earlier triple bypass surgeries had already cost him a whopping $40,000. Added to this the much-hyped about system of medicare which barely covered half of the patient's medical expenses and ambulance-chasing lawyers who didn't miss an opportunity to cash in on some easy money, dissuaded both doctors and patients alike from committing to a risky medical operation such as that of Brennan.

By contrast, India with its "more-of-everything" image, "beautiful young nurses" and timely service presented a better option. All of which left Brennan short of a mere $8,000. Would he like to give us an estimate of all this as it would have been back home? Brennan throws up his hands in mock horror. "I don't even want to think about it," he says dismissing the subject.

Incidentally, this is not the first time that Brennan has received medical aid from India and in 1975, he had corrective surgery at the Wellington Hospital, Chennai. And as a deciding authority on the WHO Panel who was involved in the Chennai Metro Water Sewerage Board (1978-1983), he is not a stranger to India either. Quite the globe-trotter, Brennan has been to over 17 countries, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Germany, and he never ceases to regale you with his adventures abroad, where he was involved with water and engineering projects. He's got quite `a lot of guts too' as you realise when he tells you straight-facedly that he `intended to donate my body for medical research should anything were to happen to me'.

So, now that he's sprung back shipshape, will he spread the message back home about India's excellent medical care system and its 20-something nurses? "Unfortunately, few people in America have travelled the world like I have. They think that nothing exists outside of America," is Brennan's wry comment, which underscores Dr Ajit's viewpoint that India will have to do something to spruce up its image. Till that happens, Brennan can hearten shutterbugs while being a symbol of our country's stupendous success. "Hey I hope to be back home before June 14," he chuckles.

Post: #18
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Khalid S Yosif
Date: 06-22-2007, 01:06 AM
Parent: #1

Dear Dr. K.M Cherian

Thank you so very much for bringing back the smile on the face of our son Mohamed, truth be told that we were all awaiting this good news, we had hope and dreams and you made our and his dream comes true for that we can not thank you enough.

My father had a heart disease and that caused him to be deceased that is why I have been praying for our son and your patient little Mohamed. Thanks first and foremost goes to God the almighty for answering our prayers and for putting the healing of Mohamed into your hands

We are all happy for what you have done for him and for that we are asking God to bless you and your family and gives you the means and the ways to bring more smiles to many other patient who needs YOU

Post: #19
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: abubakr
Date: 06-22-2007, 08:22 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: Padmashri Dr.K.M.Cherian To Receive Harward Award

IOH News Service

Chennai Jan 8 2005: Renowned cardio thoracic and vascular surgeon and the Chair-man of Frontier Life Line, Chennai Dr K M Cherian is selected to receive VOCK HEART award instituted by Harward Medical International. This ward is instituted to recognize excellence in the field of Medical , research and education. The Award will be given in a function at Mumbai on Feb 6, 2005.

Dr. Cherian began his medical career in 1975 and has held many remarkable positions during his tenure and authored more than 250 national and international publications. He performed the first successful coronary artery graft in India during the mid-’70s. Some of his other pioneering works include, the first heart transplant in India after the legislation of Brain Death, the first bilateral lung transplant, the first pediatric heart transplant, the first auto transplant and the first heart and lung transplant.

After his MBBS, Dr K. M. Cherian headed for Australia to become a FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons). He has the rare distinction of having performed the first successful heart transplant in India in 1975. He has many more firsts to his name, including the first pediatric heart transplant and more recently, the first heart and lung transplant.

He is the recipient of several honours including the Padmashri in 1991. He has authored several National and International publications. He was the founder Director of Madras Medical Mission Hospital, Chennai. He has performed more than 17,000 operations. He has also held numerous positions abroad, including Visiting Professor at University of Oregon, USA; Senior Registrar of Greenlane Hospital, Royal Alexandria Hospital and St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Australia. He is a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, Past President of the Indian Association of Thoracic and Cardio vascular Surgeons and a member of the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation and the International Society of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons (ISCTS). He is also a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and a member of the Australian Society of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons.

Dr Cherian is the first and only Indian member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. He has also had the privilege of being the honorary surgeon to the president of India between 1990 and 1993.

( Indian Orthodox Herald Release, January 8, 2005 )

Post: #20
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Rakoba
Date: 06-22-2007, 08:39 AM
Parent: #19

والله ناس (ساوث إنديا) ديل خطرين عديل
15-year-old performs surgery in India

By MUNEEZA NAQVI, Associated Press WriterThu Jun 21, 5:59 PM ET

The 15-year-old son of two doctors performed a filmed Caesarean section birth under his parents' watch in southern India in an apparent bid to gain a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest surgeon.

Instead, the boy's father could be stripped of his licenses and may face criminal charges, officials said Thursday.

Dr. K. Murugesan showed a recording of his son performing a Caesarean section to an Indian Medical Association chapter in the southern state of Tamil Nadu last month, said Dr. Venkatesh Prasad, secretary of the association. The video showed Murugesan anesthetizing the patient.

"We were shocked to see the recording," Prasad told The Associated Press, adding that the IMA told Murugesan that his act was an ethical and legal violation.

Murugesan owns and runs a maternity hospital in the city of Manaparai, Prasad said in a telephone interview from Manaparai. The family could not be immediately reached for comment.

Murugesan, who could possibly be prevented from practicing and face criminal charges for allowing his son to perform the operation, expressed no regret and accused the Manaparai medical association of being "jealous" of his son's achievements, Prasad added.

"He said this was not the first surgery performed by his son and that he had been training him for the last three years," said Prasad.

Murugesan told the medical association that he wanted to see his son's name in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Prasad said that his team had reported the surgery to the state's top medical association in state capital, Chennai.

State health secretary V.K. Subburaj told reporters Thursday that the government would investigate.

"We'll get the report and then we'll see whether there are any violations ... prima facie it looks like there is a big violation," he said.

"We will definitely take action against the concerned medical officers."

Post: #21
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: doma
Date: 06-22-2007, 10:10 AM
Parent: #20

Thank You Dr. K.M.Cherian for your commitment and dedication to save lives .

Post: #22
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 06-22-2007, 12:32 PM

We can not thank you enough Dr. K.M.Cherian for restoring the hope of a a better tomorrow for your patients ,their families and all of us.

Post: #23
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Haytham Abdulaziz
Date: 06-22-2007, 06:56 PM
Parent: #1

Dear Dr. Cherain how r u

The fact indescribable act in such moments to describe the feeling of happiness and joy that have overlying the street and the sudanese society and especially members and readers of this site after hearing process successfully to our son Mohammed .. and all are wishing you the success more and more in your professional life & wishing you continued progress and prosperity in the future

Thank you Dr

Post: #24
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Mohammed Haroun
Date: 06-22-2007, 07:57 PM
Parent: #1

Many thanks Dr. K.M. Cherian for your highly appreciated effort to save the life of our son Mohamed Mahmood...and may God bless you and your medical team.

Post: #25
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-23-2007, 01:02 PM
Parent: #1

Dr. K.M. Cherian gets international honour

Cardiology NewsArticle Date: 06 Feb 2005 - 20:00 PDT

Manipal Alumnus and Consultant at Manipal Heart Foundation to receive award for medical excellence by Harvard -

Bangalore - Renowned Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon Dr KM Cherian, a Manipal Alumnus and Consultant at Manipal Heart Foundation, will receive award for medical excellence given by Harvard Medical International. The award is in recognition of distinguished contribution to Medical Care in India and abroad in the super speciality of Cardiac Surgery.

After a careful screening process to identify a small group of semi-finalists, a committee comprising of senior Harvard Medical School faculty selected the final awardees in five medical specialities. The award was decided on the basis of contributions to clinical care, teaching, research, medical and public health organisations or institution building.

The award will be presented in Mumbai on the 6th of February at a recognition ceremony, which will feature two guest speakers from the Harvard Medical School faculty - Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Joseph E. Murray, MD, Professor of Surgery, Emeritus, recognised for performing the first successful kidney transplant, and Dr. David Scadden, MD, Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

Dr. Cherian is the pioneer of paediatric cardiac surgery in India. Since the beginning of his medical career in 1975, he has held many remarkable positions and authored more than 250 National and International publications. He performed the first successful coronary artery graft in India in 1975. His other pioneering works include the first heart transplant in India after the legislation of Brain Death, the first bilateral lung transplant, the first Paediatric Heart transplant, the first Auto transplant, and the first Heart and Lung transplant. Dr. Cherian is the first and only Indian member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. He has also had the privilege of being the Honorary Surgeon to the President of India between 1990 and 1993.

Dr. K.M. Cherian studied at the Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and is currently associated with Manipal Heart Foundation. He offers consultancy services apart from conducting rare surgeries at the hospital, especially on new born babies with congenital heart disease and children. He is also involved in Stem Cell research with faculties at Manipal Heart Foundation.

Issued by:
Rajesh Pandey / D.K. Venktesh
Communications Department
Manipal Hospital & Heart Foundation

Post: #26
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: يحيي مصطفي
Date: 06-23-2007, 03:52 PM
Parent: #25

Quote: Dr.Cherian
I am unable to express to you my sincere thanks, appreciation and gratitude for saving our son, Mohammed. We are indebted for your brilliant human touch.
Thank you on behalf of all the people of Sudan and wish you ever broaden success in your life

Post: #27
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: nile1
Date: 06-23-2007, 06:23 PM
Parent: #26

أقترح مراسلته على عنوان المستشفي أدناه حتي يتمكن قراء المنبر من غير الأعضاء من إبلاغه شكرهم وهم بالتأكيد أكثر من عدد أعضاء المنبر
[email protected]

Post: #29
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-23-2007, 11:43 PM
Parent: #27

الأخ nile:

فكـرتك ممتازة جداً..

و لكن فكـرتي هي طباعة هذا البوست و تسليمـه للدكتور Cherian بواسطة الأخ العزيز سمير همت لعلها تكون أكثر تعبيراً..

يمكن للقـراء من غير الأعضاء ارسال شكـرهم للدكتور Cherian إلى:

[email protected]

نريد أكبر عدد من التوقيعـات تعبيراً عن امتناننا لهذا الرجل..
و أرجو رفع البوست دائماً..


Post: #28
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: غباشي
Date: 06-23-2007, 06:43 PM
Parent: #1

Post: #30
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-24-2007, 01:14 PM
Parent: #28


Post: #31
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: شادية الطيب
Date: 06-25-2007, 06:13 AM
Parent: #1

قمت بإرسال رسالة شكر للدكتور شيريان وكان رده سريعا وجميلا

Dear Shadia,

Thank you for your email.

The child has done well inspite of the complexity. The child has been transferred to the room and is with the father.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Dr.K.M.Cherian, MS FRACS DSc (Hon.) DSc (HC)

Chairman & CEO

Frontier Lifeline & Dr.K.M.Cherian Heart Foundation

International Centre for Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Diseases

# R-30-C Ambattur Industrial Estate Road

Chennai – 600 101, India

Tel: +91 44 42017575 Fax: +91 44 26565150

Post: #32
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 06-26-2007, 06:21 PM
Parent: #31

شكـراً شادية الطيب
شكـراً Dr. Cherian

Post: #33
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 07-01-2007, 12:56 PM
Parent: #1

شكـراً أخ nile1..

Post: #34
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 07-05-2007, 06:59 PM
Parent: #1

ON ROAD TO RECOVERY: Mohamed Mahmud from Sudan (centre),
who underwent a surgery to correct a congenital
heart defect in Chennai.

Photo: K. Pichumani

Online plea saves Sudanese boy

Ramya Kannan

Mohamed Mahmud was operated upon for a heart defect

CHENNAI: Here is proof that the World Wide Web indeed has a heart. A heart that’s warm, welcoming and that will reach out to the needy.

Mohamed Mahmud (4), of Sudan, has just been healed, thanks to the long reach of the Internet.

It was six months after he was born that doctors discovered that the boy had a congenital heart defect: a hole between the two pumping chambers of the heart.

So more blood was rushing into his lungs, raising its pressure. He was breathless, would not feed, was not gaining weight and had palpitations and a lung infection.

Little facility

It seemed as if it was the end of the road for him, as his father was a labourer earning just enough to keep the family together. Where would he go for the money required to patch up his son’s heart? Treatment in Sudan was out of question as no facilities were available.

That meant the boy had to go to Syria, Jordan or Dubai, where the cost would run into several thousand American dollars.

But that was until he met a young Sudanese woman at the hospital.

When she heard Mahmud’s story and saw the boy listless and crying against his mother’s chest, she decided to get involved.

She thought the best idea would be to put the story online ( in the belief that the Sudanese who read it would be moved to save Mahmud. She was dead right. Contributions poured in from the Sudanese.

Meanwhile, it was decided to take the boy to India, to Frontier Lifeline Hospital, where the treatment would be good and affordable.

A sum of $5,000 and airfare for the boy to travel to India to repair his heart was collected, says Sameer, the boy’s relative, who has accompanied Mahmud and his father, Mahmud Sayed, to Chennai. The pair, who had scarcely ever been out of their Khartoum suburb, took a flight along with Sameer.

On Wednesday, when they take a flight back home, Mahmud will be able to walk onto the plane.

Perfect timing

R. Prem Sekar, interventional paediatric cardiologist, Frontier Lifeline, said the timing was perfect. More delay might have been fatal.

A team of surgeons under Dr. Cherian and Christopher Roy, performed the surgery that set Mahmud back on his feet again.

Surly at being taken away from his cycle so that photographers could click pictures, the shy boy misses his mother and cannot wait to return home.

It is not surprising that the boy who had been given the most precious gift —life— is thinking about taking gifts for friends back home.

Post: #35
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 07-05-2007, 07:17 PM
Parent: #1

للتذكير ,, هذا البوست عبارة عن رسالة شكـر من أعضاء و قراء البورد للدكتور شيريان و الفريق الطبي الذي قام بإجراء جراحة القلب المعقدة للطفل محمـد بمدينة مدراس ,جنوب الهنـد.
بإمكانكم المشاركة و التعبير عن شكـركم هنا
سيقوم الأخ سمير همت بطباعة هذا البوست كاملاً و تسليمه للدكتور شيريان تعبيراً عن امتنانا جميعاً لذلك الرجل,, و هذا أضعف الإيمان..

يمكن للقـراء من خارج البورد المراسلة على
[email protected]

تحياتي للجميع

Post: #36
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Abd Alla Elhabib
Date: 07-05-2007, 08:16 PM
Parent: #35


Post: #37
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: bint_alahfad
Date: 07-05-2007, 08:45 PM
Parent: #35


We can’t thank you enough for the amazing work you and your staff did to save our child Mohamed.

Your great effort is highly appreciated from all of us

No words can express our joys and happiness for saving our child Mohamed, We wish u all the success in Your personal and professional life.


Post: #38
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 07-07-2007, 01:54 AM
Parent: #1

عبر البريد الإلكتروني

By e-mail

Quote: Thank you Dr.Cherian and your staff,for the good job you did to save Mohameds life.


Post: #39
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 07-07-2007, 07:10 PM
Parent: #1

يمكن للقـراء من خارج البورد المراسلة على
[email protected]

Post: #40
Title: Re: To: Dr. K.M. Cherian ----- Thank You
Author: Alsa7afa_30
Date: 07-11-2007, 06:16 PM
Parent: #39

غـداً بمشيئة الله سيتم إرسال البوست كاملاً للأخ سمـير همت لطباعته و تسليمه للدكتور شيريان..

الشكـر لكل المتداخلين و المتجاوبين من داخل المنبر و خارجه.

و مرة أخرى نحمد الله على سلامة الطفـل محمد و عودته إلى أرض الوطن سليماً معافى..

تحياتي للجميع..