Statement on the assassination of George Athor

Statement on the assassination of George Athor

12-23-2011, 00:59 AM


Post: #1
Title: Statement on the assassination of George Athor
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 12-23-2011, 00:59 AM
Parent: #0

Post: #2
Title: Re: Statement on the assassination of George Athor
Author: بدر الدين اسحاق احمد
Date: 12-23-2011, 07:09 AM
Parent: #1

Lt. Gen. George AthorOn Saturday, December, 17, 2011, a Sikorsky S-76 helicopter arrived at SSDM/A headquarters, approximately at 9:00 am to pick up Athor. Thomas Duoth Makuach accompanied him to board the helicopter, which took off at 9:55 am. At 2:00 pm, George Athor called James Nuot Puot and told him that they arrived safely in Kampala. He called again at 6:38pm to tell James Nuot that they were accommodated by President Museveni in a villa at the suburbs of Kampala. That was the last call from George Athor although he promised James Nuot that he would call him on Sunday evening after meeting President Museveni. Sources within Ugandan intelligent community, who were in contact with members of SSDM/A after the death of Athor, revealed that President Museveni gave order to military officers to assassinate him at 10:20pm on Saturday. The Ugandan military intelligent officers, who were ordered to carry out the plot, waited until George Athor and Thomas Duoth went to bed. Approximately at 1:45 am, on December, 18, armed units busted into the rooms and shot each one of them on the head. After the assassinations were complete, they collected their bodies and took them to a military barrack outside Kampala. On Monday, December, 19, 2011, the bodies of Athor and Thomas Duoth were put in one pickup Toyota and taken to border near Morobo County of South Sudan. The Ugandan military intelligent officers handed them over to the SPLA military intelligent officer, Maj. Gen. Mach Paul. The Ugandans instructed the SPLA to announce in the media that Athor was captured while trying to recruit people in Morobo so that nobody would accuse Uganda of being behind his assassination.

دا كلام خطير اذا صحت هذه المعلومات ...
ارهاب الدولــة رسالة خطيرة تقدمها دوما دولة يوغندا ..

وبرضو ما علينا مشاكل داخلية لدولة الجنوب

Post: #3
Title: Re: Statement on the assassination of George Athor
Author: بدر الدين اسحاق احمد
Date: 12-23-2011, 07:48 AM
Parent: #2

1. James Nuot Puot, SSDM/A Spokesman
Tel. +249-912207569
Pigi, South Sudan
Email:[email protected]
2. SSLM/A information Department
Tel. +249-116999999
Mayom, South Sudan
Email:[email protected]

الاخ بكرى سلام ..
قم بالاتصال بالتلفون المرفق ..
قدمت التعزية للسيد جيمس نوت ..
وابلغته اننى اطلعت على البيان فى موقع سودانيزاونلاين
وطلب منى ان انقل لك التالى ..
يشكركم على نشر البيان
يطلب ان يكون عضو بالمنبر تحت اسم منظمته
ويمكنك مراسلته على بريده الالكترونى

ابلغته ان يراسلك مباشرة فلبلغنى انه لا يملك انترنت ..


والله شهيد على نقلى لكلامــه ..