بشرى قمر....... الرجاء النشر لإنقاذ حياته

بشرى قمر....... الرجاء النشر لإنقاذ حياته

10-11-2011, 10:05 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=350&msg=1318367142&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: بشرى قمر....... الرجاء النشر لإنقاذ حياته
Author: Dr.Mohammed Ali Elmusharaf
Date: 10-11-2011, 10:05 PM
Parent: #0

Dear Human Rights activists and defenders, civil society members, as the indigenous people rights network coordinator, I am hereby informing you that the family of Bushra Gamar was able to visit him in Kobar prison on Friday, October 7, 2011, under very tight security measures and strict restrictions.
Bushra Gamar (47 years), who had gone into a hunger strike in protest at his illegal detention without charge or trial before court, is in a very bad health condition. As seen by the family he was lying and not has the strength to stand. This health status of Bushra Gamar forced the Sudanese security authorities to call a physician to see him in the prison. The physician confirmed that Bushra is suffering from heart disease, asthma, chest infection, disc prolapsed (newly developed) and severe loss of appetite.
Bushra and fellow “Daheia Masar Musa” started the hunger strike on September 26, 2011 till noon September 30, 2011. On Friday morning, September 30, 2011 a senior security officer met Bushra and started the investigation for the first time since his latest detainment on August 14, 2011. The security officer promised to close the case and by Sunday October 9, 2011 either try them in regular legal system or set them free. The interrogation continued for three days (September 30th. October 1-2, 2011). Upon this development and the promises given by the security authorities, Bushra and Daheia have agreed to discontinue their hunger strike on Friday noon, September 30, 2011 after four consecutive days of hunger strike.
Despite the severe deterioration in his health, Bushra did assert that, if the security authorities do not hold their promise, he will go on an open hunger strike as of today Monday, October 10, 2011.
Bushra’s family is very much concerned that his decision to go on another hunger strike might end into catastrophic event. We, the family of Bushra Gamar, held the Sudanese authorities accountable for not taking him to hospital despite his sever health problems.
Should you need further information or verification, please do not hesitate to contact:
Dr. Ezzeldin Gamr (Brother of Bushra Gamar)
Mobile: +966548455853
Email: [email protected]

Post: #2
Title: Re: بشرى قمر....... الرجاء النشر لإنقاذ حياته
Author: Dr.Mohammed Ali Elmusharaf
Date: 10-11-2011, 10:16 PM

أعلاه وصلني عبر الاميل من الصديق الخلوق دكتور محمد قمر اخ الاخ بشرى وعالم الفيزياء بجامعة الاحساء في المملكة العربية السعودية واكد ان حياة اخيه في خطر حقيقي
الرجاء الضغط على حكومة السودان لإطلاق سراحه او تقديمه الى محكمة عادلة وقبل ذلك تقديم الرعاية الصحية له

Post: #3
Title: Re: بشرى قمر....... الرجاء النشر لإنقاذ حياته
Author: Dr. Ahmed Amin
Date: 10-11-2011, 10:47 PM
Parent: #2

تحياتي دكتور محمد علي ..

***** الحـــرية لبشرى قمـــر أطلقوا سراحه فوراً .. أو قدموه لمحاكمة عادلة ( إن وجدت ) ******

مشتاقوووون يا مان ...

Post: #4
Title: Re: بشرى قمر....... الرجاء النشر لإنقاذ حياته
Author: Dr.Mohammed Ali Elmusharaf
Date: 10-12-2011, 06:18 AM
Parent: #3

الفاضل د. احمد امين
تحياتي وتقديري الذي تعهد
د. محمد قمر زميلي في جامعة الخرطوم من كلية العلوم فيزياء وتقابلنا في هولندا اثناء فترة الدكتوراه. اعرف جميع إخوانه قمة في الاخلاق والأصالة

اطلقوا سراح المواطن السوداني بشرى او تقديمه لمحاكمة عادلة