شارك معنا في الحملة ضد الهجمة على حرية التعبير والنشر

شارك معنا في الحملة ضد الهجمة على حرية التعبير والنشر

06-05-2011, 08:56 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=330&msg=1307303793&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: شارك معنا في الحملة ضد الهجمة على حرية التعبير والنشر
Author: على الهدى
Date: 06-05-2011, 08:56 PM
Parent: #0

الأخوة والأخوات
المحاكمة التي بدأت ضد الدكتور عمر القراي والصحفي الاستاذ فيصل محمد
صالح وزملائه عودة للقمع والبطش الذي كان وسيلة النظام للتمكين في سنواته
الأولى مما يتتطلب منا الوقوف ضد هذا التوجه وكشفه.
وكمساهمة منا في هذا الاتجاه نعرض عليكم الخظاب ادناه للتوقيع عليه وشكراً.
Please go to the site
And sign the petition


Mr. President:
We the undersigned members of Sudanese-American none-governmental organizations, political parties and independents living in the US, are writing to express our deep concern regarding the human rights violations that are being committed against political dissidents and activist by the Government of Sudan. Feeling that the attention of the world has shifted towards other countries such as Libya, Yemen and Syria, the government of Sudan decided to be more oppressive and intimidating towards any opposition.

The national government failed to enact institutional and legal reforms, which are required by the CPA. The national legal framework continues to allow censorship of the press and restrictions on freedom of assembly and political expression. The new National Security Act, passed in January, retains broad powers of arrest and detention for up to four-and-a-half months, in violation of international treaties to which Sudan is a party, and legal immunities for security forces remain in place.

Dr. Omer Ahmad Algarrai, an outspoken activist who has been critical of the government’s wrong policies and injustice, along with other activists and journalist such as Faisal Mohammad Salih, wrote articles in the daily newspapers denouncing the rape of a young female activist and demanding the accountability of the security forces. Both Dr. Algarrai and Mr. Salih were issued summons to appear before a court of law for defaming the government and security apparatus. The alarming fact about this notice was that it did not mention any specific charge with which those two individuals were going to be tried and that negates the rule of law and natural justice.

These state of affairs confirmed the intention of the Sudanese government, which was stated by President al-Bashir when he declared. There will be no question of cultural or ethnic diversity. Sharia shall be the only source of the constitution and Arabic the only official language. Sharia has always stipulated that one must whip, cut or kill, he explained, which clearly translates to more oppression and suppression of any opposition to his government policies. These trials are therefore nothing more than manifestations of the government intentions.

It is the moral imperative of the international community to demand the immediate end of the brutality in Sudan, and that human rights of all citizens, particularly those involved in political activity, are respected without conditions.
We appeal to you to do whatever is in your capacity to exert pressure on the government of Sudan stop the trials of the political activists and journalists and observe the rule of law, basic freedoms, and stop its security forces campaign against dissidents.

Many thanks and best regards.
Sudanese American Society Monterey
Democratic Unionist Party - USA
Sudanese Journalists Union - USA
Sudan Action Forum - California less

Post: #2
Title: Re: شارك معنا في الحملة ضد الهجمة على حرية التعبير والنشر
Author: osama elkhawad
Date: 06-06-2011, 00:49 AM

دكتور علي الهدي
ما هو المقصود بالجملتين الآتيتين:
These state of affairs confirmed the intention of the Sudanese government, which was stated by President al-Bashir when he declared. There will be no question of cultural or ethnic diversity.
ام هما جملة واحدة كالآتي:
These state of affairs confirmed the intention of the Sudanese government, which was stated by President al-Bashir when he declared there will be no question of cultural or ethnic diversit
ثم ما هي العلاقة بين تصريح البشير حول الشريعة و انعدام التعدد الاثني و موضوع العريضة؟
و لماذا استخدام الاختصارات دون التعريف بها مسبقا كما في حالة CPA?
يبدو لى ان العريضة في حاجة إلى إعادة كتابة حتى تكون متماسكة منطقياو مقنعة.

مع خالص التحايا