الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......

الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......

05-26-2011, 07:21 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=330&msg=1306390914&rn=6

Post: #1
Title: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 07:21 AM
Parent: #0

Post: #2
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 07:34 AM
Parent: #1

Sudanese Diaspora and Peace Advocates to Stage a Demonstration in Washington DC

Date: June 4, 2011
المكان : ميدان الحرية بواشنطن Freedom Plaza
(Square) close to the White House 1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004

لتاريخ : السبت 4/6/2011م. الزمان : 12:00 ظ - 05 مساءا

The people of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains, in collaboration with, Blue Nile, Darfuris, Abyei, Easterners, Nubians, journalists, civil society groups as well as representatives of Sudanese political parties of Sudan in the U.S. urge you to attend planned rally in Washington DC on June 3, 2011 to advocate for real peace in Sudan and call on the International Community to take serious measures against the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan for its blatant crimes against its citizens across the country.
It was Khartoum’s injustices, coercion and inequalities which led to the rebellion in South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan. United Nations has reported that more than 2,000,000 were killed and much more were displaced in South Sudan alone during the last war between North and South Sudan which has been halted by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005. Crimes of NCP in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions remain unknown.
Today, the same government is mercilessly carrying out a brutal attacks in western section of the country (Darfur) where the UN speaks of more than 300,000 people being and millions have been displaced internally and externally living in refugee camps where the government continuous its coercions. The government has targeted civilians by bombing and razing their cities, towns, villages and poisoning wells which are the only sources for drinking water in Darfur. The ongoing disgraceful crimes in Darfur have been qualified a “genocide” and the sitting President Omar Al- Bashir, Ahmed Mohamed Harun and Ali Kusheb have been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Nonetheless, all perpetrators of the atrocities in Sudan remain free, unconcerned and continue their crimes loudly and blatantly in a clear defiance to the world’s rule of law.
Furthermore, the regime of Khartoum has boldly breached the internationally guaranteed CPA on which many in the country and abroad view as a model for bringing justice and peace in Sudan. The ruling National Congress Party reneged on protocols of Power Sharing, Wealth Sharing and Security Arrangements. Many reports by international organizations such as Concordis International and Small Armed Survey have shown that Khartoum has accumulated more than 50,000 of its troops in a volatile state of South Kordofan which borders four Southern States plus Abyei. The Concordis estimated in its report of 2010 that Khartoum has a paramilitary force (Popular Defense Forces, PDF) of about “20,000” in the fragile state of South Kordofan alone.
In April 19, 2011, Clooney’s Satellite Sentinel Project (SSP) reported that its analysis of Digital Globe satellite imagery showed evidence consistent with intentional burning in South Kordofan. The incident was executed by the PDF under command Ahmed Harun, one of the indicted men for various crimes in Sudan’s Darfur. The event were carried in town of El-fed Um-Abdalla where more than 20 people including two women and a child were burned to death in one of more than 300 razed homes. On April 27, 2011, President Bashir reiterated publicly his government’s policy of war and crimes by promising to prosecute the Nuba people from “hill to hill and from cave to cave” by “artillery or by horses”. The mention of use of horse is a reference to Janjawid militia which is currently in operation in Darfur.
Other issues pertaining to value of Human Rights and Democracy are not on agenda of the NCP. Bashir has state, also publicly that his regime will proclaim Sudan an “an Islamic and an Arabic State” when South Sudan separates from the rest of the country in July 9 of this year. The government has continuously detained Journalists and restricts freedom of press, freedom of assembly and freedom of mobilization all of which are enshrined in Sudan’s Interim Constitution. Human rights advocates and prodemocracy groups have been repressed with an iron fist. Amnesty International various such organizations have alarmed that students and prodemocracy advocates have increasingly been kidnapped, raped, tortured and detained by the NCP arbitrarily. In addition, Khartoum’s tie with terrorist organizations such as Hamas is continuous. Recently, Israel has launched several aerial strikes in Sudan targeting convoys of cargos loaded with weapons aimed for Hamas, a U.S. designated Palestinian terrorist group.
Accordingly, Sudanese and their various civil society organizations in the U.S. will hold a demonstration and rally to raise awareness about the danger the NCP presents to Sudanese and to the global security and to inspire popular uprising across Sudan to remove one of the most notorious regime in the world today.
Please come to support the Sudanese in their cause of justice, freedom and peace across Sudan.

• A memo will be delivered to the Obama Administration, Ban-Ki Mon, Secretary of UN, members of U.S. Congress, Representative of EU in U.S., to IGAD, and Think-Tanks.
For more information please contact:
1- Gafar Kangam 571-331-2834
Email: [email protected]
2- Ibrahim Alhag 703-209-4592

Post: #3
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 07:47 AM
Parent: #2

مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع دارفور و قوى الهامش
و تنظيمات المجتمع المدنى و الاحزاب السياسية تدعوالى تغيير نظام الخرطوم
إن الوضع الخطير الذى تمر به الساحة السياسية السودانية من جراء تمادى المؤتمر الوطنى فى تخبطه السياسى، و الذى أدى الى إنفصال جنوب السودان كجزء عزيز و غالى من الوطن، و محاولتة خلق فوضى فيه قبل استقلاله بدعمه للمليشيات و قطع حركة التجارة و تجاهل ترسيم الحدود، و محاولته نهب موارد و بترول جنوب السودان و جنوب كردفان و ثروات بقية انحاء السودان، و تعامله غير المسئول مع ملف أبيي و برتكولات نيفاشا، و عدم اعتراف البشير بالتنوع الثقافى السودانى كما اشار الى ذلك فى خطابه بالقضارف و تهديده بالحرب فى خطابه الذى ألقاه بالمجلد فى 27/4/2011م، و تزوير المؤتمر الوطنى لانتخابات ابريل 2010م و الانتخابات التكميلية لولاية جنوب كردفان فى مايو 2011، و فرضه لمجرم الحرب و المطلوب للعدالة الدولية احمد محمد هارون حاكما للاقليم فى تحدى واضح لارادة جماهير الولاية التى انتخبت ديمقراطيا الفريق/ عبد العزيز آدم الحلو حاكما و بشهادة المجتمع الدولى و تنظيمات المجتمع المدنى و القوى السياسة، بل ان المؤتمر الوطنى قام بزج الالاف من الجنود و المليشيات التى يقودها فى جنوب كردفان المطلوب القبض عليه من قبل محكمة الجنايات الدولية على كشيب، متحديا المجتمع الدولى و الاقليمى و المحلى و اتفاقية الترتيبات الامنية و مهددا لحياة و امن المواطنيين و كان اولها حرقه و قتله العشرات من الاطفال و النساء و العجزة فى منطقة الفيض فى 13/4/2011م وقتل العديد من المواطنيين العزل فى مناطق مختلفة من الولاية ، بجانب استمراريته اليومية فى ابادة شعب دارفور عبر الطيران الحربى و الجنجويد و التلاعب و المماطلة على طاولة المفاوضات، و محاولته تقسيم دافور الى مزيد من الولايات، وتجاهلة لحقوق شعبى النيل الازرق وجنوب كردفان فى المشورة الشعبية و اهماله لقضايا شرق السودان، و انتهاكه حقوق الصحافة و الحريات و قضايا التحول الديمقراطى و الطلاب و الشباب، و اعتقالة و اغتصابة و معاملته القاسية و اللا اخلاقية للنساء، بجانب قيامة بسلب حقوق و اراضى النوبيين، واراضى مشروع الجزيرة و قضايا المناصير و السدود، و حقوق الاطباء و العمال و المعاشيين فى كل السودان، بالاضافة الى الازمة الاقتصادية و العطش و العطالة التى يعانى منها كل بيت سودانى، رغم توفر الموارد اللازمة بالدولة لولا الفساد الذى يمارسة قيادات المؤتمر الوطنى الذين يعتبرون الدولة غنيمة يجب التمسك بها و لو ادى ذلك الى ابادة الشعب السودانى.
إن هذا الوضع المتردى لا بد ان يحسم بثورة شعبية حقيقية، تقود الى وضع دستور دائم يحترم التنوع الثقافى و يعيد هيكلة الدولة بصورة عادلة و يحسم حالة الهوس الدينى المتطرف و الافعال التى يقوم بها المؤتمر الوطنى لارهاب شعبه .
لذلك فان تغيير نظام الخرطوم يعتبر ضرورة دولية للمحافظة على ما تبقى من السودان بصورة خاصة و القرن الافريقى بصورة عامة قبل ان يشهد الاقليم تشتتا و تفككا أسوأ من الحالة الصومالية الحالية.
لذلك فان ابناء جبال النوبة و تنظيمات المجتمع المدنى و القوى السياسية و قوى الهامش و جميع محبى السلام و التحول الديمقراطى و الحريات و اصدقاء السودان بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية يدعون كل ابناء الشعب السودانى و اصدقائهم للمشاركة الفاعلة لتحقيق ضغط دولى لتغيير نظام الخرطوم اذا ما استمر فى نهجه الحالى، و تقديم مجرمى الحرب للعدالة الدولية و المحافظة على وحدة ما تبقى من سودان، و العيش مع دولة جنوب السودان فى جوار اخوى و تبادل للمصالح، و تحقيق وحدة مستقبلا بأسس جديدة:

المكان : ميدان الحرية بواشنطن Freedom Plaza
(Square) close to the White House 1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004
لتاريخ : السبت 4/6/2011م. الزمان : 12:00 ظ - 05 مساءا

سيخاطب المظاهرة شخصيات هامة و مؤثرة، و سوف تغطى بمستوى إعلامى كبير، و تسلم خطابات للرئيس الامريكى و الكونغرس و مجلس الشيوخ و الامم المتحدة و كل منظمات حقوق الانسان و مجموعات الضغط الامريكية.
لمزيد من الاستفسار الرجاء الاتصال ب:
1- جعفر كنجم
2- جار النبى ابوسكين
3- ابراهيم الحاج
- أليزابيث انقلو4
5- عثمان نواى

Post: #4
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 08:16 AM
Parent: #3


October 7, 2010

Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon
President of the United States of America, Barak Obama
Head Delegation of the European Union to the United States, Ambassador, Joao Vale de Almeida

United States Congress
Secretary of States, Hilary H. Clinton
Representatives of Non-governmental and Human Rights Organizations

Dear Lady/Gentleman:
We are the people of Nuba Mountains and friends of people of Nuba Mountains in the United States. We are respectfully submitting to you this letter to express our profound concern on current troubling security and political deterioration in Nuba Mountains, Sudan. With the notable rising tension between North and South Sudan over Referenda scheduled to take place early next year, Khartoum regime has dangerously mobilized its Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) along north-south border which includes the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Abyie region at alarming level. Recently, a high level Official of government in Southern Sudan (GoSS) announced that “there are seven (northern) divisions dotted along the border," (north-south border). He estimated the total number of troops to be around 70,000 soldiers. The statement is further confirmed by anonymous sources living in Nuba Mountains witness large number of military deployment in the region. Such heavy military mobilization in the region confers a sense of terror and insecurity among civilians who hope for peace.
The threat of military along with its proxy militias in the region is personal concern to us, the Nuba Mountains Diaspora in the United States. We experienced the most notorious and genocidal acts on hands of (SAF and Militias) during past war. We are deeply alarmed by the rising level of troops because we do not want another catastrophic war in the region. In its report of 2008, International Crisis Group rightfully called Nuba Mountain “The Next Darfur”.
Dear Sir/Madam, we want the girls and boys of Nuba Mountains to experience a life of peace to which they are endowed by their creator. They have been subjected to protection at equal footing as do children of any family in the world. They need to go to schools in hope for their brighter future as mankind. We do not want to see a repeat of burning villages and cities, human torture, rape of women, slavery, and killings once again.
Following the recent Summit of ######### of States at the United Nations in New York, Khartoum government has stepped up antagonist rhetoric campaign in region of the Nuba Mountains labeling African ethnics “New Southerners” in intention of polarizing relationship between various ethnics in the region and legitimizing “Jihad” an Islamic reference to a “Wholly War”. The world should condemn such behavior at strongest terms for the ill consequence on humanity.
Protocol of Nuba Mountains has not been implemented in good faith throughout the interim period. In center of the protocol is the popular consultation base of which is free and fair regional election. However, the of people Nuba Mountains have not yet enjoyed this right. In fact, the right of people of Nuba Mountains to elect their representatives who would negotiate with the government in center on their behalf may not occur because of NCP’s lack of will to grant them such right. For instance, the National Congress Party has put a halt on airing the final result of Population Census which is a must to do step for the region’s election process. It has also refused to allow for a smooth gubernatorial rotation to SPLM as affirmed by CPA. NCP’s continued lack of will to implement agreements one after another is a very hazardous to regional and international peace and stability. Your role is pivotal in ensuring a smooth implementation of Nuba Mountains Protocol.

We urge you to:
Immediately pronounce Nuba Mountains a “Peace Zone” and immediate withdrawal of all SAF leaving the Joined Integrated Forces as stipulated in the region’s protocol; and deploy of more International Security Forces (UN) with further mandates to protect and guarantee peace and tranquility in the region.

Immediately press Khartoum regime to allow for a smooth and a peaceful gubernatorial rotation in compliance with Nuba Mountains Protocol.

Immediately and solemnly press NCP to allow announcement of final result of Population Census in the state and pledge to a free and transparent election in the state.

Maintain that Popular Consultation takes place and be supervised by an international body.

Condemn and denounce the recently launched ethnically loaded rhetoric aimed to further divide and alienate diverse ethnic groups in the region rather than initiating a reconciliation projects that would help in healing the woeful ethnical experiences in the area.

Commit and support the right of self-determination for people of Nuba Mountains as an owned human privilege should the people aspire for such demand.

Adhere and commit to justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sudan without regard.

People and friends of Nuba Mountains in the United States of America
Contact persons:
Gafar Kangam
P.O. Box 16358
Alexandria, VA 22302
[email protected], Telephone: 571-331-2834

Amin A. Ismail
[email protected], Telephone: 531-732-1395

Post: #5
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 08:28 AM
Parent: #4

The Popular Consultation: Recipe for a new conflict in the Nuba Mountains

By Dr. Gandul Ibrahim Gandul (PhD)

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Naivash, Kenya, accorded a special protocol to Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile States to resolve the conflicts in these regions. (1) The key and controversial element in the protocol is the Popular Consultation, which is viewed by many as an ambiguous proposition. In a nutshell, it was intended to create two states within the Northern Sudan boundaries, and with a special status, but the question is: will these states ever enjoy this ‘special status’ and survive, or will more violent conflict erupt? The answers to these questions are difficult to ascertain. Without indulging into the complex definitions and types of Popular Consultation, it is defined in the constitution law as ‘public deliberation by the people making decisions as electoral body and as legislator to exercise a form of political participation’. However, one form of Popular Consultation is referendum decision which is ‘a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to eitheraccept or reject a particular proposal which may result in the adoption of a specific government policy or proposal’. Viewing these two terms as being an outcome of democratic processes, it is straightforward to deduce that the Popular Consultation given to both Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile states is deficient of the element of ‘the direct vote of the entire electorate’ to either accept or reject a proposal. It is, therefore, similar to Grassroots Democracy in which power of decision-making is in the hands of the state assembly as opposed to referendum decision or Consensus Democracy where the broader range of opinions is taken into account, thus ensures citizens’ participation in the process.

As the time for the full implementation of the CPA and the enactment of Popular Consultation draws nearer to the finishing line, tensions have grown enormously high among the public and the signatories alike with the general sentiment among the public in the two states that the CPA has failed to effectively redress the root causes of the conflict in their contested areas. Their disappointment with the CPA is epitomized in this skillfully and vaguely orchestrated Popular Consultation, causing division among people about it. Some views it as self-determination or its terms will eventually lead to self-determination; others see it as a full autonomy, while the third group categorically disapproves the notion of Popular Consultation as the CPA has proved to be ungenerous to grant them the right to take a shot at independence, notwithstanding the call for a united New Sudan on new bases.

In order to undermine the debacle of Popular Consultation, a study tour to Indonesia in 2009 to draw lessons from Indonesia’s East Timor experiences with choice of independence and local autonomy was initiated. It was the right initiative even though it is was irrelevant to compare Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile cases to that of East Timor, because the pillars of modality for East Timor’s Popular Consultation were iterated in two questions to the voters within and outside East Timor. They are: (1) “Do you ACCEPT the proposed special autonomy for East Timor within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, OR (2) Do you REJECT the proposed special autonomy for East Timor, leading to East Timor’s separation from Indonesia?”(2) Contrary to East Timor’s, the “Legislative Assembly representatives” of the two states (separately) will decide on the “shortcomings in the constitutional, political, and administrative arrangements stipulated in [the] CPA”. It is not a choice between independence, being part of the North or even part of the South (as the case with Abyei); the two areas will essentially continue to be within the unitary republic of Sudan, regardless of the outcome of Popular Consultation process, and whether or not the reasons for the conflict were resolved. Therefore, the first group’s view of self-determination is out of question, at least for now. The more relevant view is the full autonomous status, which is comparable to Indonesia’s Aceh region.(3) A member of the delegates to Indonesia had noted positive observations from Aceh’s autonomous experience and drew valuable recommendations, which can be applicable to Sudan’s case. But, because of the lack of political will by the Sudan Government to resolve the issues that led to the armed struggle and its unwillingness to furnish the workable modality, these precursors for “self-rule” could be destined to failure.

Revisiting the Popular Consultation Act, which was passed by the National Assembly and signed into law by president Omer al-Bashir, it indicates that the act clearly reflects haziness therein and devoid of logical and practical implementation mechanisms for the Popular Consultation to take place. For the sake of discussion, we shall treat two key articles in this truncated and a nine-page document to demonstrate its blemish.(4) The first is article 2 (2) regarding the source and scope of application, which is full of redundancy and gibberish. It states that “the provisions of the law are to be applied in order to organize and exercise (activate) the right of the peoples of Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile [states] through their respective democratically elected legislative assemblies in achieving their peoples’ constitutional, political, administrative and economic aspirations included [in the] CPA to resolve the conflict in the two states”. Critical review of the entire original protocol and tailoring it to the real situation on the ground indicate that none of the peoples’ aspirations has been fulfilled. The articles of the protocol are continually being violated. For example, the elections to elect both the Governor of the State and the gubernatorial Legislative Council have been postponed until the census is completed. This requirement was completed, but its results to determine electoral constituencies, completing voters’ registry for conducting the vote were shelved for months until October 26, 2010. The results were released after tremendous pressures on NCP. The outcome of the census is, however, below the expectations but it was almost double the number of 2008 census (2,508,268 vs. 1,400,000). This delaying tactic highlights doubts that the Popular Consultation may never take place. It only undermines the formation of the gubernatorial Legislative Assembly whose responsibility is to form a commission (article 6 of the Popular Consultation Law) that is charged with determining whether or not the aspirations of the respective peoples have been satisfied. In the best case scenario where elections were to be held, there are no guarantees that the SPLM would win the majority seats; it is highly unlikely that the forthcoming Legislative Assembly would endorse the protocol as satisfactory to the people. Whatever the case might be, the indicators point at violating the key constitutional right of exercising the Popular Consultation embedded in article 182 (2) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of Sudan.(5)

Article 5 enumerates the objectives of Popular Consultation. The clause regarding the “correction of any deficiencies in any constitutional, political, administrative and economic arrangements specified in [the] CPA framework of the two states”(6) is very interesting and puzzling, because it would be a fallacy to believe that the National Congress Party (NCP) would heed, or agree to renegotiate or modify the terms of the protocol in favor of the people in a month or two months as stipulated in article 15 (c) and (d) of the Popular Consultation Act; respectively, given the feet-dragging treachery and reluctance to honor pacts it signs. Furthermore, the area has been heavily militarized in violation of article 10.1 of the protocol, which states that the “Sudan Armed Forces troops levels in Southern Kordofan and the Blue Nile [states] during the Interim Period shall be determined by the Presidency”. Unilateral massive deployment of Sudan Armed Forces without the consent of the presidency brings a grim outlook for the people of the two states. More importantly, insecurity and inaction on development have led many to believe that they were better off before the signing of the CPA.

This is partly because the NCP has no interest and incentives in indulging itself with such an exercise, regardless of any outcome of referendum. It is quite possible that this protocol and its ailing provisions will not get to its final destination, given the aforementioned circumstances; it is just a matter of time before it is declared null and void when the Interim Period ends by July 2011. The pessimistic view is that the CPA will not survive to the end where the people of South Sudan could exercise voting for their political destiny without hurdles.

Based on the above mentioned circumstances we appeal to the people of the state of South Kordofan regardless of their ethnicities, beliefs and political affiliations to embrace on unity and honestly correctly review the reality on the ground without bias or dictates from outside the state to determine the shortcomings in the implementation of the Protocol on the resolution of the conflict in the state. In short, thorny and bumpy roads are still ahead to climb. And the dream of creating two states in the North with “Special Status” is but to dissipate and evaporate.

Post: #6
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 08:36 AM
Parent: #4

Post: #7
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: نزار يوسف محمد
Date: 05-26-2011, 03:41 PM


Post: #8
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: ايمان بدر الدين
Date: 05-26-2011, 04:31 PM
Parent: #7


جبال النوبة وانتخاباتها وفوز احمد هارون بالتزوير موضوع جيد وحضور ان شاء الله

Post: #9
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-26-2011, 09:50 PM
Parent: #8

شكرا للأخ نزار و الأخت إيمان على المرور

Post: #10
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: nada ali
Date: 05-26-2011, 09:52 PM
Parent: #9

للتوقيع، تضامنا مع أهل أبيي: أنا سودانى/ة، اجدادى و ج...ههم/ن عالية و أقول

Post: #11
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 05-26-2011, 11:34 PM
Parent: #10

كستاوي سلام

بالاضافه لكل المواضيع الهامه التي تتبناها التظاهره

فاليضيفوا اجتياح ابيي للاجنده

ويضموا اهل ابيي معهم:

Quote: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي .

سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......

حتى متى الصمت؟؟!!

Post: #12
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 05-27-2011, 05:50 AM
Parent: #11

من هذه التظاهره ستبدأ اول خطوات توحيد السودان مجددا.

رجاء من جماهير واشنطون وكل ما جاورها الحرص على المشاركه.

ارفعوا صوتكم عاليا من اجل وطنا على وشك الاضمحلال.

Post: #13
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-27-2011, 02:23 PM
Parent: #12

شكرا للأخت ندى و الأخت تراجي على المشاركة

Post: #14
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: محمود الدقم
Date: 05-27-2011, 02:39 PM
Parent: #13

جيش الحركه الشعبيه يعترف بحرق 7800 منزل يوم 20 – مايو بولايه الوحده

Post: #15
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: adil amin
Date: 05-29-2011, 11:07 AM
Parent: #14

التغيير قادم اذا اكتملت ادواته العلمية والموضوعية
والتجارب من حولنا تعلمنا
[email protected]

Post: #16
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال النوبة بالتضامن مع......
Author: nada ali
Date: 05-29-2011, 06:13 PM
Parent: #15

المكان و التاريخ الجديد للمظاهرة بواشنطون

المظاهرة السودانية الكبرى تتحول لميدان الحرية بواشنطن لرمزيته فى الاطاحة بالانظمة الدكتاتورية
و ندوة سياسية لقوى الهامش و التنظيمات السياسية و المجتمع المدنى
السبت الموافق 4/6/2011

نسبة للمتغيرات الكبيرة التى ظهرت على الساحة السياسية السودانية الاسبوع الماضى خاصة فيما يتعلق بملف ابيي و تاكيد البشير على بقاء الجيش و المليشيات فى ابيى، بالاضافة الى اصرار المؤتمر الوطنى على اعلان النتيجة المزورة لانتخابات ولاية جنوب كردفان/ و فرضه لمجرم الحرب و المطلوب للعدالة الدولية أحمد محمد هارون حاكما لولاية جنوب كردفان و اعلان البشير بالامس الحرب خلال اسبوع على الحركة الشعبية فى شمال السودان، مما يؤكد خرق واضح لاتفاقية السلام الشامل و برتوكالاته الموقعة من قبل المؤتمر الوطنى و بشهادة المجتمع الدولى. بالاضافة الى حالات القذف الجوى المستمرة يوميا فى دارفور و محاولة اسقاط اربعة طائرات تابعة للامم المتحدة فى ابيي، بجانب الاحداث الاخيرة فى جامعتى الخرطوم و البحر الاحمر و العديد من الجامعات الاخرى و تجاهل مطالب الاطباء، و الاستمرار فى بيع اراضى النوبيين و وضع شروط تعجيزية لسلب اراضى مزارعى الجزيرة، و التعبئة العسكرية للطلاب و رفض ترسيم حدود الجنوب و التاكيد على عدم الاعتراف بدولة جنوب السودان عبر مسئول التعبئة السياسية بالمؤتمر الوطنى و اعتقال الشباب و الطلاب و تقديم المفكرين و كتاب الرأى العام لمحاكمات بمحاكم الاجهزة الامنية و نشر الاجهزة الامنية فى العديد من المدن لا سيما الخرطوم، فى محاولة لقمع الحريات للشعب السودانى، و فوق ذلك الازمة الاقتصادية وازمة مياة الشرب و العطالة و الفساد الذى عم كل قيادات المؤتمر الوطنى.
و استجابة للمئات من السودانيين بتنظيماتهم المختلفة الذين سياتون من ولاية مختلفة وكندا و استجابة الى رغبة بعض اصدقاء السودان من الامريكان، و لتوقع مشاركة كبيرة من السودانيين فقد تحولت المظاهرة المعلنة سابقا الى ميدان الحرية بالقرب من البيت الابيض لرمزيته فى اسقاط الانظمة الدكتاتورية الشمولية.
خطابات تنظيمات المجتمع المدنى و التنظيمات السياسية ستسلم و ترسل للجهات الدولية المختلفة قبل يوم من المظاهرة.
المكان : ميدان الحرية بواشنطن
Freedom Plaza (Square) close to the White House
1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004
The closest Metro stations are Federal Triangle and Metro Center
Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 13th and 14th Streets
التاريخ : السبت 4/6/2011م.
الزمان : 12:00 ظ - 05 مساءا.
لمزيد من الاستفسار الرجاء الاتصال ب:
1- جعفر كنجم
2- بوكثوك سير
3- جار النبى ابوسكين
4- ابراهيم الحاج
5- أليزابيث انقلو
6- عثمان نواى
* سيتم الاعلان عن مكان الندوة لاحقا.

Post: #17
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-31-2011, 07:28 PM
Parent: #16

المكان و التاريخ الجديد للمظاهرة بواشنطون

Post: #18
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال
Author: Kostawi
Date: 05-31-2011, 07:56 PM
Parent: #17


Post: #19
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-03-2011, 05:00 PM
Parent: #18

نلتقيكم غدا إن شاء الله

Post: #20
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-03-2011, 10:12 PM
Parent: #19


Post: #21
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-04-2011, 08:23 AM
Parent: #20


Post: #22
Title: Re: الشعب يريد تغيير النظام: مظاهرة كبرى بواشنطن دي . سي لابناء جبال
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-04-2011, 12:05 PM
Parent: #21
