شكرا لمن جعل ذلك ممكنا: 140 من الاهل بدولة اسرائيل من دارفور يعودون للوطن عن طريق بلد ثالث

شكرا لمن جعل ذلك ممكنا: 140 من الاهل بدولة اسرائيل من دارفور يعودون للوطن عن طريق بلد ثالث

05-18-2011, 01:07 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=330&msg=1305677277&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: شكرا لمن جعل ذلك ممكنا: 140 من الاهل بدولة اسرائيل من دارفور يعودون للوطن عن طريق بلد ثالث
Author: عمار عوض
Date: 05-18-2011, 01:07 AM
Parent: #0

غادر اليوم من مطار بن غوربيين 140 من الاهل بدارفور الذين اقاموا بدولة اسرائيل والذين اتاحت لهم الحكومة فى تل ابيب
العودة ضمن برنامج العودة الطوعية الذى شمل الى الان 500 مواطن من السودانيين عادو عبر دولة ثالثة الى السودان
Quote: Several natives of the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan were aboard a flight from Ben-Gurion International Airport heading back to the country yesterday as part of an Israeli government program to repatriate those who volunteer to leave.

The 140 passengers, who are returning to Sudan through a third country because of official hostility by Khartoum toward Israel, were warned before takeoff that they should not post Hebrew messages on Facebook, mention that they had been in Israel or bring anything containing Hebrew writing into Sudan, for fear that they could be putting their lives at risk in the predominantly Muslim country, aid representatives said yesterday.

They said the Israeli officials behind the return flights were aware of the risks posed to those heading back to Sudan.

"I'm going to my home, and that's what I know," said one passenger. "I'm not afraid. It's my dream to go back."

Israel has sent approximately 500 people back to their home countries since January and says none are being forced to leave.

"In principle, we support the voluntary return of people who want to go back to their homeland, even if it's not 100 percent safe there, but the fear [of going back] comes up again and again in what we hear from people who talk about ideas to minimize the risk," said Orit Marom, who coordinates public activity for Assaf, an Israeli aid organization for refugees and asylum seekers. "We hope that all those who got on the flight did so of their own free will, which should come across during in-depth interviews that are meant to ascertain that they are returning voluntarily and are fit to do so."

Rami Godovich, who works at the immigrant-centric library in south Tel Aviv's Levinsky Park and assists asylum seekers in Israel, claimed one of yesterday's passengers has mental health problems and could not have possibly given informed consent to return to Sudan

Post: #2
Title: Re: شكرا لمن جعل ذلك ممكنا: 140 من الاهل بدولة اسرائيل من دارفور يعودون للوطن عن طريق بلد ثالث
Author: بريمة محمد
Date: 05-18-2011, 02:32 AM

مرحب بعودة أخوتنا إلى أرض الوطن ..

وأتمنى أن يرحب بهم الوطن وأهله وحكومته ..
