ضمن المضبوطات .. المخابرات الامريكية تبدأ في قراءة المفكرة الخاصة لـ بن لادن !!

ضمن المضبوطات .. المخابرات الامريكية تبدأ في قراءة المفكرة الخاصة لـ بن لادن !!

05-12-2011, 03:03 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=330&msg=1305165839&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: ضمن المضبوطات .. المخابرات الامريكية تبدأ في قراءة المفكرة الخاصة لـ بن لادن !!
Author: خالد العبيد
Date: 05-12-2011, 03:03 AM

اصبحت الخطط المستقبلية لابن لادن في قبضة المخابرات الامريكية
بعد ان كشفت عن انها ضبطت المفكرة الخاصة باسامة بن لادن التي تحوي على خطط مستقبلية

Post: #2
Title: Re: ضمن المضبوطات .. المخابرات الامريكية تبدأ في قراءة المفكرة الخاصة لـ بن لادن !!
Author: خالد العبيد
Date: 05-12-2011, 03:11 AM
Parent: #1

وقال المسؤول انهم يفتشون في دفتر عثر غليه اثناء الغارة
يحوب ملاحظاته مكتوبة بخط اليد عن خطط مستقبلية
لكن المسؤول سعى الى تهوين محتوى الدفتر

Post: #3
Title: Re: ضمن المضبوطات .. المخابرات الامريكية تبدأ في قراءة المفكرة الخاصة لـ بن لادن !!
Author: خالد العبيد
Date: 05-12-2011, 03:15 AM
Parent: #2

Quote: Intelligence agencies are poring over a journal found at Osama bin Laden's compound that contains his handwritten notes about future operations, a US official said Wednesday.
Among a trove of material seized in a raid that killed the al-Qaeda chief was "a booklet where bin Laden wrote down his operational ideas," the US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.
The notebook was not a diary and did not include personal or emotional details, the official said.
There were no "warm and fuzzy" passages, he said.
It was "more just jotting down some ideas".
"It doesn't entail where he's been or what he's done," the official added.
The official sought to play down the importance of the notebook, given the plethora of computers, hard drives, DVDs, flash drives and recording devices hauled away in the US raid this month.
"It's just one notebook. And it's just one of many things" found at the compound in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad, the official said.
US national security adviser Tom Donilon said on Sunday that the cache of information seized in the operation amounts to "a small college library".