الضربة الجوية لبورتسودان في الصحف الاسرائيلية.. بلد سايبة..

الضربة الجوية لبورتسودان في الصحف الاسرائيلية.. بلد سايبة..

04-06-2011, 00:16 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=330&msg=1302045403&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: الضربة الجوية لبورتسودان في الصحف الاسرائيلية.. بلد سايبة..
Author: محمود الدقم
Date: 04-06-2011, 00:16 AM
Parent: #0

عثرت على هذا الخبر في هارتس الاسرائلية يتحدث عن قصف طائرة مجهولة لسيارة في بورت سودان لكن اكثر ما استوقفني في الخبر هو ما ورد في نهايته والذي يقول:
[وصرح مسؤولون اسرائيليون، من بينهم رئيس الوزراء السابق ايهود اولمرت، عن "الذراع الطويلة"لإسرائيل التي بمقدورها الوصول مناطق بعيدة عن حدودها، واقترح أيضا الوجود الإسرائيلي حول البحر الأحمر والمحيط الهندي.

Israeli officials, including former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, have spoken about "the long arm" of Israel which reaches areas far from its borders, and also suggested Israeli presence around the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Post: #2
Title: Re: الضربة الجوية لبورتسودان في الصحف الاسرائيلية.. بلد سايبة..
Author: محمود الدقم
Date: 04-06-2011, 00:20 AM

Home News Diplomacy & Defense Published 00:44 06.04.11 Latest update 00:44 06.04.11 Report: Airstrike on car in Port Sudan kills two
Unidentified aircraft flying from the Red Sea bombs car in Sudan's main port city; in 2009, convoy of arms smugglers was hit by unidentified aircraft, which some reports said was carried out by Israel to stop weapons reaching Gaza.
By Avi Issacharoff, Amos Harel, Yossi Melman and Reuters
Tags: Israel news

An unidentified plane bombed a car near the airport in Sudan's main port city of Port Sudan on Tuesday, killing two people, a state government official told Reuters.

The aircraft flew in from the Red Sea but it was not clear to whom it belonged, Ahmed Tahir, the speaker of parliament in the Red Sea state where the port city is located, told Reuters.

"We heard three loud explosions," a source at Port Sudan airport told Reuters. "We went outside to see what was happening and eye witnesses told us they saw two helicopters which looked liked Apaches flying past."

Separately, a witness at the scene of the incident told Reuters he could see two burnt bodies - one inside a car and the other lying on the ground outside the vehicle.

The Sudanese Media Centre, a news agency linked to Sudan's state security apparatus, said cars were struck in a bombing by an unknown plane but gave no further details.

Security forces at the scene were preventing people from getting close to the site, a witness told Reuters from the site of the attack about 20 km outside Port Sudan city.

In January 2009, a convoy of arms smugglers was hit by unidentified aircraft in Sudan's eastern Red Sea state according to Sudanese authorities, a strike that some reports said may have been carried out by Israel to stop weapons that most probably came from Iran and were bound for Gaza.

A total of 119 people were killed in that strike near Sudan's border with Egypt, according to state media.

Following the 2009 attack, there were reports that Israeli aircraft were operating against smuggling ships intending on transferring weapons to Hamas in Gaza.

The area of Sudan serves as a smuggling area for weapons provided by Iran, as well as weapons purchased in the black markets of Yemen, Somalia, and Eritrea.

Israeli officials, including former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, have spoken about "the long arm" of Israel which reaches areas far from its borders, and also suggested Israeli presence around the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean


Post: #3
Title: Re: الضربة الجوية لبورتسودان في الصحف الاسرائيلية.. بلد سايبة..
Author: Rudwan Dawod
Date: 04-06-2011, 02:34 AM
Parent: #2

Post: #4
Title: Re: الضربة الجوية لبورتسودان في الصحف الاسرائيلية.. بلد سايبة..
Author: محمود الدقم
Date: 04-06-2011, 12:14 PM
Parent: #3

شكرا اخ رضوان على جلب الخبر الخاص بقناة العربية والسؤال الكبير هو هل اصبحت بورت سودان خارج سيطرة الحكومة واصبحت ضحية لعصابات تهريب الاسلحة-