توماس فريدمان :هذه هي البداية فقط ؟؟؟

توماس فريدمان :هذه هي البداية فقط ؟؟؟

03-07-2011, 09:47 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=320&msg=1299530826&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: توماس فريدمان :هذه هي البداية فقط ؟؟؟
Author: abubakr
Date: 03-07-2011, 09:47 PM
Parent: #0

توماس فريدمان كاتب متفرد واضح المعالم لم يجعل من خلفية يهودية ان تعييق ايمانه بحق الانسان في الحرية وانما هي عنده دين ..يراه المتعصبون الاسرائيلون يهوديا عاصيا واسرائيليا سيئا ولكنه امريكي وانسان واع بحقه وحق غيره .. يكتب كثيرا عن سياسات واسقاطات حكام المنطقة العربية والافريقية والاسيوية ويكتب عن التقنية في الهند مثلا فياتي بكتابه العظيم "العالم المسطح " ويكتب عن البيئة والحروب والثورات وقال عن ثورة 25 المصرية انها ثورة فريدة في تاريخ العالم اذهلته ....في مقاله الراتب في النيورك تايمز ومنذ ثورة الياسميين وحتي اليوم كتب مقالات متفردة امينة قوية وصريحة وفي مطلع مارس الحالي كتب مقالا بعنوان "هذه هي البداية فقط ؟ "يتحدث فيها عما يسميه "القوي او العوامل غير البديهية" التي غذت هذه الثورات . عوامل لم تقصد ان تكون كذلك ولكنها اشعلت او ساهمت في ابتدار جذوة "لماذا ؟ " فمثلا وصول رجل من اصل افريقي يحمل في اسمه اسما عربيا اسلاميا ك "حسين" كباراك ابوما الي سدة حكم اقوي دول العالم ربما اثار في مخيلة شاب مصري كان يشاهد ويستمع اليه في زيارته الي مصر بعد شهر من تنصيبه رئيسا لامريكا بعض التساؤلات مثل
" هذا شاب صغير وانا كذلك ان لونه داكن وانا كذلك اسمه الاوسط حسين وانا كذلك جده مسلم وانا كذلك .. انه رئيس الولايالت المتحدة الامريكية وانا شاب عربي عاطل لاحق لي للتصويت
ولا صوت لي ..الخ "
: “Hmmm, let’s see. He’s young. I’m young. He’s dark-skinned. I’m dark-skinned. His middle name is Hussein. My name is Hussein. His grandfather is a Muslim. My grandfather is a Muslim. He is president of the United States. And I’m an unemployed young Arab with no vote and no voice in my future.” I’d put that in my mix of forces fueling these revolts.


من وجهة نظري (انا ابوبكر ) : في هذا العالم المفتوح من خلال تقنية اتصالات صارت متاحة ومتوفرة للملايين فصغار اليوم شابات وشباب يرون ويسمعون الكثير الكثير عما يحدث خارج دائرة ضيقة حبسهم فيها حكام طغاة وانظمة فاسدة..وهنا يبدء فكرهم بمقارنات كثيرة تشعل تدريجيا جذوة للتغيير لا يقدر علي ايقافها اقسي الطغاة ولا جندهم من امن ولا رصاص .... التغيير قادم والشباب هم الذين سياتون به مهما بالغ الطغاة قسوة وفسادا وجهوية ..هذه هي البداية فقط ..


March 1, 2011

This Is Just the Start


Future historians will long puzzle over how the self-immolation of a Tunisian street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, in protest over the confiscation of his fruit stand, managed to trigger popular uprisings across the Arab/Muslim world. We know the big causes — tyranny, rising food prices, youth unemployment and social media. But since being in Egypt, I’ve been putting together my own back-of-the-envelope guess list of what I’d call the “not-so-obvious forces” that fed this mass revolt. Here it is:

THE OBAMA FACTOR Americans have never fully appreciated what a radical thing we did — in the eyes of the rest of the world — in electing an African-American with the middle name Hussein as president. I’m convinced that listening to Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech — not the words, but the man — were more than a few young Arabs who were saying to themselves: “Hmmm, let’s see. He’s young. I’m young. He’s dark-skinned. I’m dark-skinned. His middle name is Hussein. My name is Hussein. His grandfather is a Muslim. My grandfather is a Muslim. He is president of the United States. And I’m an unemployed young Arab with no vote and no voice in my future.” I’d put that in my mix of forces fueling these revolts.

GOOGLE EARTH While Facebook has gotten all the face time in Egypt, Tunisia and Bahrain, don’t forget Google Earth, which began roiling Bahraini politics in 2006. A big issue in Bahrain, particularly among Shiite men who want to get married and build homes, is the unequal distribution of land. On Nov. 27, 2006, on the eve of parliamentary elections in Bahrain, The Washington Post ran this report from there: “Mahmood, who lives in a house with his parents, four siblings and their children, said he became even more frustrated when he looked up Bahrain on Google Earth and saw vast tracts of empty land, while tens of thousands of mainly poor Shiites were squashed together in small, dense areas. ‘We are 17 people crowded in one small house, like many people in the southern district,’ he said. ‘And you see on Google how many palaces there are and how the al-Khalifas [the Sunni ruling family] have the rest of the country to themselves.’ Bahraini activists have encouraged people to take a look at the country on Google Earth, and they have set up a special user group whose members have access to more than 40 images of royal palaces.”

ISRAEL The Arab TV network Al Jazeera has a big team covering Israel today. Here are some of the stories they have been beaming into the Arab world: Israel’s previous prime minister, Ehud Olmert, had to resign because he was accused of illicitly taking envelopes stuffed with money from a Jewish-American backer. An Israeli court recently convicted Israel’s former president Moshe Katsav on two counts of rape, based on accusations by former employees. And just a few weeks ago, Israel, at the last second, rescinded the appointment of Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant as the army’s new chief of staff after Israeli environmentalists spurred a government investigation that concluded General Galant had seized public land near his home. (You can see his house on Google Maps!) This surely got a few laughs in Egypt where land sales to fat cats and cronies of the regime that have resulted in huge overnight profits have been the talk of Cairo this past year. When you live right next to a country that is bringing to justice its top leaders for corruption and you live in a country where many of the top leaders are corrupt, well, you notice.

THE BEIJING OLYMPICS China and Egypt were both great civilizations subjected to imperialism and were both dirt poor back in the 1950s, with China even poorer than Egypt, Edward Goldberg, who teaches business strategy, wrote in The Globalist. But, today, China has built the world’s second-largest economy, and Egypt is still living on foreign aid. What do you think young Egyptians thought when they watched the dazzling opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics? China’s Olympics were another wake-up call — “in a way that America or the West could never be” — telling young Egyptians that something was very wrong with their country, argued Goldberg.

THE FAYYAD FACTOR Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad introduced a new form of government in the Arab world in the last three years, something I’ve dubbed “Fayyadism.” It said: judge me on my performance, on how I deliver government services and collect the garbage and create jobs — not simply on how I “resist” the West or Israel. Every Arab could relate to this. Chinese had to give up freedom but got economic growth and decent government in return. Arabs had to give up freedom and got the Arab-Israeli conflict and unemployment in return.

Add it all up and what does it say? It says you have a very powerful convergence of forces driving a broad movement for change. It says we’re just at the start of something huge. And it says that if we don’t have a more serious energy policy, the difference between a good day and bad day for America from here on will hinge on how the 86-year-old king of Saudi Arabia manages all this change.

Post: #2
Title: Re: توماس فريدمان :هذه هي البداية فقط ؟؟؟
Author: معتز مقبول
Date: 03-08-2011, 00:31 AM


شعار اوباما yes we can
اقشعريت من الداخل........

شعار الثوره المصريه.. الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام..
اهتزيت منه فرحة.فقد كان قويا كقوة الصرخه اللتي انطلقت به...

لكن هذا


شكرآ لك

Post: #3
Title: Re: توماس فريدمان :هذه هي البداية فقط ؟؟؟
Author: abubakr
Date: 03-08-2011, 04:08 AM
Parent: #2

شكرا معتز ...نعم ما زال هذا الشعار متصدرا وشعار اخر من تونسي هرم يكاد يبكي وهو يشير الي انه هرم قبل ان يفعل كما فعل الشباب.. الشباب المصري لديه شعارات كثيرة استغلها كتاب الاغاني لترديدها في اناشيد واغاني ...سياتي اليوم الذي تكون لنا شعارات كثيرة تلهم من حولنا كما فعلت هذه الشعارات