اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية

اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية

01-31-2011, 03:48 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=320&msg=1296485305&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: على عجب
Date: 01-31-2011, 03:48 PM
Parent: #0

: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7E63E20C-3A62-4FAC-B...1.htm?GoogleStatID=1

شرطة مكافحة الشغب اعتقلت خمسة من المتظاهرين على الأقل (رويترز)

اشتبكت الشرطة السودانية اليوم مع طلاب جامعيين أثناء محاولتهم الخروج في مسيرات للتنديد بارتفاع الأسعار والمطالبة باستقالة الحكومة وضربت واعتقلت بعضهم.

وذكرت وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية أن شرطة مكافحة الشغب تصدت لنحو ألف طالب من جامعة أم درمان الإسلامية أثناء خروجهم في مسيرة إلى الشارع مطلقين هتافات تنتقد الرئيس عمر حسن البشير.

وأضافت الوكالة أن الاشتباكات اندلعت عندما بدأ المحتجون بإلقاء الحجارة على رجال الشرطة الذين أخذوا بدورهم يضربون الطلاب بالعصي.

ونقلت وكالة رويترز عن أحد المحتجين ويدعى محمد صلاح أن عشرات من أفراد الشرطة بدؤوا يضربون الطلاب بالعصي في ميدان جاكسون وأن بعضهم اعتقل.

وتظاهر كذلك نحو خمسمائة طالب من الجامعة الأهلية في أم درمان مرددين هتافات تنتقد ارتفاع الأسعار وتطالب بالتغيير. وذكر شاهد أن أفرادا مسلحين من شرطة مكافحة الشغب أطلقوا قذائف الغاز المدمع وحاصروا الطلاب في كلتا الجامعتين.

وبالتوازي مع تلك الاحتجاجات تظاهر نحو مائة شاب قرب القصر الجمهوري وسط الخرطوم هاتفين "نريد التغيير، لا لارتفاع الأسعار". وتصدى لهؤلاء كذلك حشد من الشرطة الذين طارد بعضهم المحتجين، واعتقلوا خمسة منهم على الأقل.

كما أوقفت الشرطة نحو عشرة صحفيين يعملون لوسائل الإعلام المحلية والدولية وطلبت منهم عدم تغطية الاحتجاجات.

وتأتي هذه المظاهرات استجابة لدعوات عبر الإنترنت لتنظيم مسيرات سلمية مناهضة للحكومة في جميع أنحاء السودان بالتزامن مع إعلان النتائج الأولية لاستفتاء تقرير المصير والتي تشير إلى رغبة نحو 99% من الجنوبيين بالانفصال عن الشمال.

كما تأتي كذلك بعد خمسة أيام من الاحتجاجات الشعبية الواسعة التي انطلقت منذ خمسة أيام في عدة مدن مصرية للمطالبة بإصلاحات سياسية واقتصادية وبسقوط نظام الرئيس المصري.

وقال القيادي في حزب الأمة المعارض مبارك الفاضل إن "هذه المسيرة السلمية نظمها شباب السودان"، مضيفا في حديث للوكالة الفرنسية أن "ما رأيناه في مصر ألهم الشباب على التحرك فنظموا أنفسهم من خلال الإنترنت".

وعبر الفاضل عن اعتقاده بأن المتظاهرين "أرادوا إظهار غضبهم إزاء الأمور التي أدت إلى تقسيم البلاد، ولأن مستقبل الشمال غير واضح".

ويذكر أن الاستياء الواسع من الأوضاع الاقتصادية والسياسية أدى لاحتجاجات متفرقة في شمال السودان في الأسابيع الأخيرة.

وكان تحالف أحزاب المعارضة هدد بالعمل على إسقاط الحكومة في حال رفض حزب المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم الاستجابة لمطلبه كما هدد بالانخراط "مباشرة في عمل سياسي هادف لإزالة النظام عبر وسائل النضال السلمية المدنية المجربة".

Post: #2
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: abubakr salih
Date: 01-31-2011, 03:52 PM


الى المواطنيين السودانيين بالخارج .. اتصل بوسائل الاعلام فى حيث تعيش و اخبر عن الاعتقالات و المظاهرات فى السودان.
هذا اقل شئ نقدمه لدعم الاهل فى الداخل و الذين يشعيشون تحت نير الجلادين.

Post: #3
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: على عجب
Date: 01-31-2011, 03:53 PM


Security forces beat and arrested student protesters in the Sudanese capital on Sunday as the unrest and antigovernment fervor in Tunisia and Egypt showed their first indication

of spreading to the streets of Khartoum, if on a far smaller scale.

The protests, organized by groups of university students and graduates, came together as Facebook, Twitter and other Web sites were used to rally several thousand demonstrators in at least four locations in Khartoum and Omdurman, the commercial center across the Nile from the capital, according to news services and activists.

“It’s about time we fight for our God-given rights,” a Facebook page announcing the protests exhorted, calling for an end to autocratic government practices that have led to corruption, rising prices and unemployment. More than 16,000 people had indicated they would attend. “Our brothers in Tunisia did it, and so did our brothers in Egypt.”

Midhat Afifi, 28, was among the roughly 1,000 demonstrators who gathered on Al-Qasr Street in downtown Khartoum around 11 a.m. As they started to shout slogans like, “We are ready to die for Sudan,” they were surrounded by riot police officers.

Video shot by protesters shows security forces in blue camouflage beating protesters with batons. Representatives of the student groups, calling themselves “The Spark,” “Youth for Change” and “We are Fed Up,” reported that about 50 people were arrested.

Albaqir Mukhtar, the director of KACE, a local human rights organization, said that the demonstrations were the first time the pro-democracy youth groups had attempted to organize a demonstration without the broader support of the organized Sudanese political opposition.

He said that student leaders said they would rethink the strategy of holding demonstrations on Al-Qasr Street near the heavily guarded Republican Palace, the seat of government. At other locations, the police used tear gas against demonstrators, Reuters reported. About 500 young people also protested in the city of El Obeid in Northern Kordofan, in the west of the country, Reuters reported.

By late Sunday, access to the student group Web sites was shut down, Mr. Mukhtar said. “But people speak of it as a spark,” he said, “and the idea is to keep the flame and the demonstrations alive.”

Sudan is in a deep economic crisis, and the government recently cut subsidies on petroleum products and sugar, setting off smaller protests throughout the north. The protests also coincided with the first official announcement of results from the referendum in southern Sudan on its secession from the north. The overwhelming vote for independence, more than 99 percent, is adding to anger against the government in the north, where separation was opposed.

Demonstrations are not permitted in Sudan without a permit, and permits are seldom given. A police spokesman, Ahmed al-Tuhami, told Reuters that the police did not have figures for any injuries or arrests. “We did not use more violence than necessary,” he said.

In Tunisia, meanwhile, the leader of a long-outlawed Tunisian Islamist party returned home on Sunday after two decades in exile, and was welcomed at the airport by thousands of people shouting “God is great,” The Associated Press reported.

Rachid Ghannouchi, a theorist known for studying Islam and democracy, and about 70 other exiled members of the Renaissance, or Ennahdha Party, flew home from Britain two weeks after President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was forced from power by violent protests. Though the ban on the party has not officially been lifted, the new interim government is more tolerant of it.

The party was branded an Islamic terrorist group by Mr. Ben Ali, but scholars widely consider it moderate. In an interview with The A.P., Mr. Ghannouchi said that his Western-looking country has nothing to fear.

Post: #4
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: على عجب
Date: 01-31-2011, 03:56 PM
Parent: #3


Sudan police clash with anti-regime protesters
By Simon Martelli (AFP) – 1 day ago
KHARTOUM — Students clashed with police in north Sudan on Sunday as youths heeded calls to take to the streets for a day of nationwide anti-government protests, despite a heavy security presence on the ground.
The demonstrations, which coincided with the announcement of preliminary results in south Sudan's landmark independence referendum and a sixth day of revolt in neighbouring Egypt, saw dozens of people arrested in the capital and the sacking of Khartoum University's director.
At the Islamic University of Omdurman, Khartoum's twin city, around 1,000 demonstrators were confronted by riot police as they marched, shouting slogans criticising President Omar al-Bashir, an AFP reporter saw.
"Ocampo, what you have said is right!" they chanted, referring to the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who has accused Bashir of genocide and war crimes in Darfur.
Clashes broke out, with protesters hurling rocks at police who retaliated with tear gas and batons.
Student members of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) joined the police in some of the clashes, a witness said.
In the northern city of El-Obeid, around 600 kilometres (370 miles) west of Khartoum, riot police again used tear gas to disperse a large group of demonstrators.
About 600 people protested peacefully in the city centre, shouting against the government and the NCP and calling for change, one witness said.
"Riot police used tear gas against them, and dispersed the protest in about 30 minutes," he added.
The opposition Umma party issued a statement listing the names of more than 40 people detained in connection with Sunday's protests. Security officials also arrested two journalists, one inside his office, according to a colleague.
The police spokesman could not immediately be reached for comment on the reported arrests.
In central Khartoum, a group of youths gathered near the presidential palace, chanting: "We want change! No to the high price of goods!" before riot police chased the protesters, arresting at least five.
Nearby, at the medical faculty of Khartoum University, security officers tried to prevent some 300 student protesters from leaving the campus.
But they eventually forced their way out onto the street, shouting: "Revolution against dictatorship!"
Police and security officers attacked them with batons, arresting several and forcing the students back inside the university compound, which was then surrounded by eight police trucks.
The official SUNA news agency later announced in statement that the president had dismissed the university director, Mustafa Idris al-Bashir.
Security officials prevented some journalists from covering the protests, which took place in response to Internet calls for peaceful anti-government rallies across Sudan, and after nearly a week of popular revolt in Egypt that has shaken the regime of President Hosni Mubarak.
Soldiers detained an AFP cameraman for two hours, and around 10 journalists working for local and international media were stopped and ordered not to report on the demonstrations.
"This peaceful procession is organised by the youth of Sudan," Mubarak al-Fadl, an Umma party leader, told AFP.
"What we have seen in Egypt has inspired the youth to move, and they have organised themselves through the Internet.
"They want to show their anger that the affairs in Sudan have led to the partition of the country and because the future of the north is uncertain due to the policies of the government," he added.
Fadl said the demonstrations had the support of "all the opposition parties," and blamed the secession of the south squarely on Bashir "and his minority Islamist group."
The first complete preliminary results of the January 9-15 referendum on southern independence, announced on Sunday, showed close to 99 percent of south Sudanese backing secession.
In contrast to the jubilation in the south that accompanied the vote, widespread economic and political discontent have provoked sporadic street protests in north Sudan in recent weeks, with the security forces maintaining tight control in Khartoum.

Post: #5
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: على عجب
Date: 01-31-2011, 04:01 PM
Parent: #4


KHARTOUM | Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:08am EST
Jan 31 (Reuters) - Sudanese protesters on Monday said a student had died from his injuries after being beaten by security forces who brutally broke up demonstrations inspired by protests in neighbouring Egypt.

Protests continued late into Sunday night as students in Khartoum University were beaten back and tear gassed in their dormitories with at least five injured, activists said, as Sudanese youth took to the streets.

Police and security forces surrounded universities in Khartoum and other cities on Monday, witnesses said.

"You are our martyr Mohamed Abdelrahman," activists wrote on the social networking site Facebook, on a group called "Youth for Change" which has more than 16,000 members and calls for an end to President Omar Hassan al-Bashir's government.

Three activists told Reuters that Abdelrahman, a student from Omdurman Ahaliya University, died in hospital from his injuries late on Sunday night and had been buried. The university has been closed down indefinitely.

"Medical sources confirmed to us that the student died yesterday from his injuries inflicted by security forces," Yasir Arman, a senior official with south Sudan's main party the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), told Reuters. (Editing by Louise Ireland

Post: #6
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: على عجب
Date: 01-31-2011, 04:04 PM
Parent: #5


(Reuters) - Sudanese police beat and arrested students on Sunday as protests broke out throughout Khartoum demanding the government resign, inspired by a popular uprising in neighbouring Egypt.

Hundreds of armed riot police fired tear gas on students demonstrating in central Khartoum and in at least two universities in the capital, which were surrounded by police reinforcements. At one, students hurled stones at police cars.

Police beat students with batons as they chanted anti-government slogans like: "We are ready to die for Sudan" and "Revolution, revolution until victory."

Groups have emerged on social networking sites calling themselves "Youth for Change" and "The Spark," since the uprisings in nearby Tunisia and close ally Egypt this month.

"Youth for Change" has attracted more than 15,000 members.

"The people of Sudan will not remain silent anymore," its Facebook page said. "It is about time we demand our rights and take what's ours in a peaceful demonstration that will not involve any acts of sabotage."

Sudan has a close affinity with Egypt as the two nations were united under British colonial rule. The unprecedented scenes there inspired calls for similar action in Sudan, where protests without permission, which is rarely given, are illegal.

Before Tunisia's popular revolt, Sudan was the last Arab country to overthrow a leader with popular protests, ousting Jaafar Nimeiri in 1985.

Opposition leader Mubarak al-Fadil told Reuters his two sons were arrested on their way to the central protest.

Editor-in-chief of the al-Watan daily paper Hussein Khogali said his daughter had been detained by security forces since 8 a.m. (0500 GMT) accused of organising the Facebook-led protest.

Pro-government newspapers carried front page warnings against protests which they said would cause chaos and turmoil.

The Sudan Vision daily's editorial blamed the opposition.

"Our message to those opposition dinosaurs is to unite their ideas and objectives for the benefit of the citizens if they are really looking for the welfare of the Sudanese people," it read.

Sudan is in deep economic crisis which analysts blame on government overspending and misguided policies. A bloated import bill caused foreign currency shortages and forced an effective devaluation of the Sudanese pound last year, sparking soaring inflation.

Early this month the government cut subsidies on petroleum products and key commodity sugar, triggering smaller protests throughout the north.

Sunday's protests coincided with the first official announcement of results for a referendum on the oil-producing south's secession from the north showing an overwhelming vote for independence, which many in the north oppose.

Post: #7
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 01-31-2011, 04:08 PM
Parent: #6


وين بوست الامنجية

هل اكلو الدودو؟؟؟؟

Post: #8
Title: Re: اهتمام عالمي بالمظاهرات السودانية
Author: abubakr salih
Date: 01-31-2011, 06:45 PM
Parent: #7
