اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور

اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور

09-17-2010, 03:12 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=300&msg=1284689531&rn=4

Post: #1
Title: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-17-2010, 03:12 AM
Parent: #0

حاول الطبيب أن يخبر
الشاب بمرض أمه .
فقام الشاب باطلاق النار على أمه
وعلى الطبيب وعلى نفسه .

( نتابع الخبر )

Post: #2
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-17-2010, 03:31 AM
Parent: #1

بحمد الله
جميع السودانين العاملين بمستشفى
جون هوبكنز بخير .

Post: #3
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-17-2010, 03:42 AM
Parent: #2

Share this on:Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn Confusion reigned in first hours after Johns Hopkins shootingBy Jason Hanna, CNNSeptember 16, 2010 9:11 p.m. EDT
Details of the Johns Hopkins incident were reported differently as the day went on.STORY HIGHLIGHTS
Thursday's shooting at a hospital in Baltimore triggered conflicting reports
By Thursday evening, police determined that a murder-suicide had occurred
A doctor was shot by the suspect earlier
During the incident and immediately afterwards, confusion reigned at the scene
(CNN) -- Conflicting reports about a shooting Thursday at Maryland's Johns Hopkins Hospital -- including incorrect information that the suspect had been disarmed and apprehended -- were prevalent in the hours immediately after the incident, highlighting the confusion that initially reigned at the scene.

By Thursday evening, Baltimore police said they'd determined that Paul Warren Pardus, 50, of Arlington, Virginia, shot a Johns Hopkins doctor late Thursday morning after becoming distraught over an update he had received about his mother's medical condition.

Pardus then retreated to his mother's room, where he fatally shot his mother and then himself, Baltimore police said. The doctor suffered non-life-threatening wounds and is expected to recover, according to police.

But earlier, details about Pardus' name, how he died, and even whether he died -- at one point a hospital spokesman said he'd been apprehended, when police said he hadn't -- had been reported differently.

People who heard about the incident during the first few hours may be surprised to learn how it turned out. A recap of the reports can help show how the information evolved.

-- A shooting was reported at Johns Hopkins at about 11 a.m. By noon, police said that a doctor had been critically injured. Local TV stations were reporting that a suspect had barricaded himself in a room, and that authorities were evacuating the building.

-- Shortly after noon, a hospital spokesman said the suspect had been "subdued and disarmed." The hospital said the facility was on lockdown, and that people were being asked to stay in their rooms.

Video: Hospital workers describe shooting scene RELATED TOPICS
Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System
-- By 12:40 p.m., a police spokesman had said authorities had no suspect in custody, disputing an account given by the hospital. A tactical unit was in the hospital, and the suspect was in a fixed location, police said.

The police spokesman also said the wounded doctor, who earlier was listed in critical condition, had suffered non-life-threatening injuries and would recover.

-- The hospital spokesman then clarified that the suspect had been "isolated," and that he didn't know whether the suspect had been apprehended.

-- By 12:45 p.m., police had said the situation had been "contained," and that only portions of the hospital had been evacuated -- which fit with the hospital's explanation that some people were being asked to stay in their rooms.

People outside the hospital, including employees who had left the building, were scared and confused. One worker told a local reporter that her mother, who also worked there, apparently was still inside, having been told to stay put.

"We can't really do anything. We have to wait until they find out what's going," she said. "I really am scared."

Another employee, Cynell Robertson, told WBAL that the moments after the doctor was shot were frightening.

"My boss came running in to tell me to stay put where I am at, [and that] there's a guy running around with a gun and we didn't know what he's going to do," Robertson told WBAL before 2 p.m.

-- Shortly after 1:30 p.m., a police spokesman said for the first time that the suspect was inside a room with what they believed was a family member, and that the suspect was an African-American male in his mid-30s. Authorities were "still trying to gain control of the suspect," though the situation was contained, he said.

-- Around 1:45 p.m., police said they had shot and killed the suspect. About a half-hour later, however, police said the suspect had killed himself in a homicide-suicide.

-- By about 3:20 p.m., Baltimore's police commissioner had said that the suspect was Warren Davis, 50. Davis, according to the commissioner, apparently had killed his mother and then shot himself.

The incident began, the commissioner said, when the suspect became distraught while he was getting an update on his mother's medical condition. He pulled a pistol out of his waistband, shot the doctor, and then retreated to his mother's room, the commissioner said.

-- By 5:20 p.m., police said that the suspect had been using an alias, and that his real name was Paul Warren Pardus. Police said they still believed that the slain woman, Jean Davis, 84, was Pardus' mother.

By evening, police explained how they had found Pardus: At about 1:30 p.m., after nearly two and a half hours with no contact with the gunman, officers used a robot to peer into the room. When they detected no movement, police entered to find the suspect and his mother dead, Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld said.

Post: #4
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: خالد المحرب
Date: 09-17-2010, 03:46 AM
Parent: #2

Quote: بحمد الله
جميع السودانين العاملين بمستشفى
جون هوبكنز بخير .

الحمدلله على اخوانا البواسل
شكرا ابوموسى

Post: #5
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: yasir Abdelgadir
Date: 09-17-2010, 05:11 AM

عثمان سلامات

ربنا يستر ويلطف

الكلام دخل الحوش

Post: #6
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-17-2010, 02:51 PM
Parent: #5

مكتبة الأخبار

أمريكي يحتج على وضع أمه الصحي بقتلها وإطلاق النار على طبيبها وبعدها ينتحر

أمريكي يحتج على وضع أمه الصحي بقتلها وإطلاق النار على طبيبها وبعدها ينتحر
واقع - ميريلاند : قتل رجل والدته واطلق النار على طبيبها في مستشفى في بالتيمور (ميريلاند، شرق الولايات المتحدة)، قبل ان ينتحر، بعدما اطلع على نتائج تشخيص وضعها الطبي، على ما افادت الشرطة. وحضر الى مستشفى جون هوبكنز، حيث وقع الحادث، عدد من المسؤولين وعناصر الشرطة، لكن احدا منهم لم يدل بأي توضيح حول السبب الذي أثار الرجل. الا ان عددا من وسائل الاعلام ذكر أن والدة الرجل اصيبت بشلل اثر عملية في النخاع الشوكي. وقالت ستيفاني رولنيغز بلايك رئيسة بلدية بالتيمور ان الفاعل "اطلع على معلومات تتعلق بالمتابعة الطبية لوالدته، فاضطرب عندما أدرك وضعها الصحي".

واضافت "أخرج اثناء حديثه مع الطبيب سلاحا رشاشا صغيرا من حزامه، واطلق النار فأصاب الطبيب في أسفل صدره". وتابعت "خرج الطبيب من الغرفة، ثم شوهد الرجل يجري في الغرفة شاهرا سلاحه تجاه امه". وبعد ثلاث ساعات اقتحمت وحدة تدخل من الشرطة الغرفة حيث عثرت على الرجل وامه وقد فارقا الحياة، وقد قتلها قبل ان ينتحر على ما يبدو.

Post: #7
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-18-2010, 01:30 AM
Parent: #6

Mara Gay

AOL News (Sept. 16) -- A man upset over his mother's medical condition wounded a doctor inside Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Hospital today, then fatally shot his mother and himself, police said.

Police had partially evacuated the building while pursuing the suspect.

The gunman shot the doctor after receiving some upsetting news about his mother's condition, Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld told reporters. The suspect's name was first given as Warren Davis, but authorities later said that was an alias. They identified him as Paul Warren Pardus, 50, of Arlington, Va.

"Mr. Davis was receiving some news about the care and condition of his mother just outside the doorway to that room when he became emotionally distraught," Bealefeld said.

During the conversation with the doctor, Pardus pulled out a small semiautomatic handgun from his waist and fired a single gunshot that struck the doctor.

He then ran into the room, brandishing the gun. When police entered the room later, they found his mother dead in her bed and Davis sprawled on the floor, mortally wounded.

Police identified her as Jean Davis, 84, but said they didn't know why she had been in the hospital.

The doctor, orthopedic surgeon David B. Cohen, was shot in the upper abdomen and underwent surgery. He was initially listed in critical condition but was upgraded to a non-life-threatening injury, police said.

"The doctor will be OK," Baltimore police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told The Associated Press. "He's in the best place in the world -- Johns Hopkins Hospital."

The hospital sent out an emergency text message alert to staff at 11:15 a.m.

"Shooter incident on Nelson 8 at JHH," the alert said, according to The Baltimore Sun. "Stay in your office or room and lock doors until an all clear is announced. Stay away from windows. Wait for further instruction."

"We have that floor contained," Guglielmi told CNN during the standoff. "We're in the process of conducting a tactical operation, and there's a small portion of the hospital that's being evacuated. ... The situation is contained to a small portion."

SWAT teams and snipers surrounded the sprawling medical complex in east Baltimore. Hopkins is one of the world's leading medical institutions.

Among those in the hospital was AOL FanHouse boxing writer and editor Lem Satterfield. He was being treated in another building, about a five-minute walk from the Nelson building, and was unharmed in today's shooting.

"I was coming up from getting blood drawn, and a worker here told me as I was on the elevator coming up to the second floor from the first floor that there was a shooting ... in the main hospital, and that employees were being told to stay away from the windows," Satterfield told AOL News.

"I wasn't alarmed because I knew it was relatively remote from where I was at," he said, adding that when people in his waiting room saw the report on TV, there was "no panic whatsoever."

Sponsored Links "We were excited, wanted to know what was going on," Satterfield said. "Everybody was watching, couldn't believe what we were seeing. They were surprised it was happening around them, [but] nobody was running around."

Jacqueline Billy, a nurse at Johns Hopkins, said she accidentally took the elevator to the eighth floor after the shooting, where she saw police with their guns drawn. "I was petrified -- the door opened and there are a bunch of guns," she told the Sun. "You never expect that."

Johns Hopkins Hospital has more than 1,000 beds, according to its website.

Post: #8
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: عبدالله ابوشوارب
Date: 09-18-2010, 02:44 AM
Parent: #7

Post: #9
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: mutwakil toum
Date: 09-18-2010, 03:29 AM
Parent: #8

تحياتنا الي الصاحب الطيب دكتور ياسر بمستشفى جونز في بالتيمور

Post: #10
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: عادل نجيلة
Date: 09-18-2010, 04:11 AM
Parent: #9

لعزيز عثمان موسى ..

يا أخي بلد ناس كوستاوي كلها مشاكل وبعد ده كوستاوي مطول لسانو علينا
أطول من لسان الحربوية .. هسع ده كلام شنو .. زول يكتل أمو و يشوت الدكتور و يكتل نفسو وكمان في مستشفى .. يعني النايت ###### بحصل فيها شنو!!
وتعرف يا ود موسى قبل كده إظنو عام 2004 لم ليك فيهم sniper وقعد يشوت ليك فيهم لا خلى gas station ولا بلازا ولا shopping center قال ميريلاند قال
حلاته أريزونتنا .. ويعيش جون مكين ..

لكلمة المحذوفة night club وليس ###### dog غايتو أل clip بتاع بكري أبوبكر محتاج لي تدريب وتثقيف.

Post: #11
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-18-2010, 03:14 PM
Parent: #1

قتل والدته وأطلق النار على طبيبها في مستشفى في بالتيمور (ميريلاند، شرق الولايات المتحدة)، قبل أن ينتحر، بعدما اطلع على نتائج تشخيص وضعها الطبي، الذي أفاد بأنها مصابة بشلل في النخاع الشوكي. وقالت ستيفاني رولنيغز بلايك، رئيسة بلدية بالتيمور، إن الفاعل «اطلع على معلومات تتعلق بالمتابعة الطبية لوالدته، فاضطرب عندما أدرك وضعها الصحي»، مضيفة «لقد أخرج اثناء حديثه مع الطبيب سلاحا رشاشا صغيرا من حزامه، واطلق النار فأصاب الطبيب في أسفل صدره. بعدها راح يجري شاهرا سلاحه تجاه أمه».
وبعد ثلاث ساعات اقتحمت وحدة تدخل من الشرطة الغرفة، حيث عثرت على الرجل وامه وقد فارقا الحياة، وقد قتلها قبل أن ينتحر على ما يبدو.
وروت ممرضة تعمل في الطابق الذي وقع فيه الحادث لصحيفة «بالتيمور صن» ان الرجل كان غاضبا جدا بسبب حالة أمه الصحية، وانه هدد مرات عدة بأن يلقي نفسه من الشباك.
¶ أ.ف.ب ¶

Post: #12
Title: Re: اطلاق الرصاص على طبيب فى مستشفى جونز هوبكنز بالتيمور
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 09-18-2010, 06:05 PM
Parent: #11

المستشفى من المستشفيات
الكبيرة فى أمريكا . والمستشفى
يستقبل العديد من الحالات المرضية المحولة
من مستشفيات البلدان العربية والافريقية .