Vatican says stoning in Iran adultery case 'brutal الفاتيكان تصف الرجم فى إيران بالوحشية

Vatican says stoning in Iran adultery case 'brutal الفاتيكان تصف الرجم فى إيران بالوحشية

09-05-2010, 06:35 PM


Post: #1
Title: Vatican says stoning in Iran adultery case 'brutal الفاتيكان تصف الرجم فى إيران بالوحشية
Author: Mannan
Date: 09-05-2010, 06:35 PM

Vatican says stoning in Iran adultery case 'brutal'
Spokesman raises the possibility of behind-the-scenes diplomacy to spare woman Advertisement | ad info
. Stefano Rellandini / Reuters file
A banner in support of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is hung outside the Equal Opportunities Ministry palace in Rome on Sept. 1. Italy's Equal Opportunities Ministry on Wednesday expressed solidarity with the Iranian woman sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery, unfurling a large banner bearing her face outside its building in Rome. The banner reads, "For the life of Sakineh." By FRANCES D'EMILIO

updated 39 minutes ago
Share Print Font: +-VATICAN CITY — The Vatican on Sunday raised the possibility of using behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to spare the life of an Iranian widow sentenced to be stoned for adultery.

In its first public statement on the case, which has attracted worldwide attention, the Vatican also decried stoning as a particularly "brutal" form of capital punishment.

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said the Catholic church opposes the death penalty in general.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was convicted in 2006 of adultery. In July, Iranian authorities said they would not carry out the stoning sentence for the time being, but the mother of two could still face execution by hanging for adultery and other offenses.

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..Her son, Sajad, told the Italian news agency Adnkronos that he was appealing to Pope Benedict XVI and to Italy to work to stop the execution.

Lombardi told The Associated Press that no formal appeal had reached the Vatican, but hinted that Vatican's diplomacy might be employed to try to save Ashtiani.

Lombardi said in a statement that the Holy See "is following the case with attention and interest."

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ما رأي القراء؟

Post: #2
Title: Re: Vatican says stoning in Iran adultery case 'brutal الفاتيكان تصف الرجم فى إيران بالوحشية
Author: عوض محمد احمد
Date: 09-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ منان

رمضان كريم

Quote: ما رأي القراء؟

اصاب الفاتيكان تماما
لا جدال ان عقوبة الرجم منتهى الوحشية
و مثلها قطع اليد و القطع من خلاف و الجلد
تطور الفكر القانونى, و اجترح الرادع من العقوبات, و لامنص من التخلى عن هذه العقوبات
هناك جانب اخر: انه و لوحشية هذه العقوبات, ربما يجنح القضاة لعدم ادانة المتهم فيفلت من العقاب

Post: #3
Title: Re: Vatican says stoning in Iran adultery case 'brutal الفاتيكان تصف الرجم فى إيران بالوحشية
Author: Mannan
Date: 09-05-2010, 07:15 PM
Parent: #2

سلام اخى عوض
القتل فى حد ذاته عقاب وحشى فما بالك بالرجم حتى الموت .. لم لا يترك المذنب للرب لعقابه؟
وقطع الأيدى للسارق ... عقوبة ابدية للسارق ولذريته بدلا من الإستفادة من السارق وإصلاحه ليكون مفيدا للمجتمع ...
إن مثل هذه العقوبات تشوه الإسلام اكثر من إفادته... طبعا سيقفز علينا الكثيرون من الأدعياء لإتهامنا بالتعدى على الدين..
