التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء

التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء

09-01-2010, 03:19 PM

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Post: #1
Title: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: abubakr
Date: 09-01-2010, 03:19 PM

ربما اشهر الادوية بعد الاسبريين والسلفا والكينيين في بلادنا هي المضاد الحيوي التتراسايكليين والذي ارتبط بالطب الحديث كاهم علاجات الامراض و لعلاج الالتهابات والجروح .. الخ مما يعرفه الاطباء والمختصون .. ولكن وفقا لما جاء في هذه النشرة والمقتبس ادناه فاجدادنا الاوائل من النوبيين عرفو التتراسايكليين واستعمالاته ويقول المكتشفيين لهذا من العلماء ان التتراسايكليين كان عنصرا في "الجعة" التي كانت للنوبيين ( وربما الدكاي في زمن نوبي اليوم- "هذا من عندي فقط " )
وقد نبهني قريبي فيصل محمد خليل الي هذا الخبر العلمي والمنشور في نشرة اليكترونية لجماعة علمية في جامعة ايموري الامريكية الشهيرة :


Monday, August 30, 2010
Ancient brewers tapped antibiotic secrets

A chemical analysis of the bones of ancient Nubians shows that they were regularly consuming tetracycline, most likely in their beer. The finding is the strongest evidence yet that the art of making antibiotics, which officially dates to the discovery of penicillin in 1928, was common practice nearly 2,000 years ago.

The research, led by Emory anthropologist George Armelagos and medicinal chemist Mark Nelson of Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

“We tend to associate drugs that cure diseases with modern medicine,” Armelagos says. “But it’s becoming increasingly clear that this prehistoric population was using empirical evidence to develop therapeutic agents. I have no doubt that they knew what they were doing.”

Armelagos is a bioarcheologist and an expert on prehistoric diets. In 1980, he discovered what appeared to be traces of tetracycline in human bones from Nubia dated between A.D. 350 and 550. The ancient Nubian kingdom was located in present-day Sudan, south of ancient Egypt.
Green fluorescence in Nubian skeletons indicated tetracycline-labeled bone, the first clue that the ancients were producing the antibiotic.

Armelagos and his fellow researchers later tied the source of the antibiotic to the Nubian beer. The grain used to make the fermented gruel contained the soil bacteria streptomyces, which produces tetracycline. A key question was whether only occasional batches of the ancient beer contained tetracycline, which would indicate accidental contamination with the bacteria.

Nelson, a leading expert in tetracycline and other antibiotics, became interested in the project after hearing Armelagos speak at a conference. “I told him to send me some mummy bones, because I had the tools and the expertise to extract the tetracycline,” Nelson says. “It’s a nasty and dangerous process. I had to dissolve the bones in hydrogen fluoride, the most dangerous acid on the planet.”

The results stunned Nelson. “The bones of these ancient people were saturated with tetracycline, showing that they had been taking it for a long time,” he says. “I’m convinced that they had the science of fermentation under control and were purposely producing the drug.”

(The yellow film in the flask above shows tetracycline residue from dissolved bones.)

Even the tibia and skull belonging to a 4-year-old were full of tetracycline, suggesting that they were giving high doses to the child to try and cure him of illness, Nelson says.
Egyptian 12-dynasty figures shows workers grinding, baking and fermenting grain, to make bread and beer. Source: Wikipedia Commons.

The first of the modern day tetracyclines was discovered in 1948. It was given the name auereomycin, after the Latin word “aerous,” which means containing gold. “Streptomyces produce a golden colony of bacteria, and if it was floating on a batch of beer, it must have look pretty impressive to ancient people who revered gold,” Nelson theorizes.

The ancient Egyptians and Jordanians used beer to treat gum disease and other ailments, Armelagos says, adding that the complex art of fermenting antibiotics was probably widespread in ancient times, and handed down through generations.

The chemical confirmation of tetracycline in ancient bones is not the end of the story for Armelagos. He remains enthused after more than three decades on the project. “This opens up a whole new area of research,” he says. “Now we’re going to compare the amount of tetracycline in the bones, and bone formation over time, to determine the dosage that the ancient Nubians were getting.”

Post: #2
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: abubakr
Date: 09-01-2010, 03:27 PM
Parent: #1

موضوع لفيصل محمد خليل في ذات الخصوص لم انتبه اليه قبل نشر موضوعي اعلاه وقد كان فيصل قد ارسل لي الرابط لموضوع جامعة اموري فقط في رسالة خاصة :

المضادات الحيوية عند النوبين القدماء

Post: #3
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: فيصل محمد خليل
Date: 09-01-2010, 04:38 PM
Parent: #2

واصل يا قريبي
انت اجدع مني

Post: #4
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: abubakr
Date: 09-01-2010, 05:22 PM
Parent: #3

اهم ما في هذا الاكتشاف التاريخي هو ان النوبيين كانو علي علم بطريقة انتاج هذا المضاد الحيوي واستعمالاته الطبية وسط مختلف الاعمار فقد وجدو في عظام طفل في الرابعة من عمره اثر يبين ان الطفل قد منح جرعات كبيرة من التتراسايكليين لعلاجه.. فالامر لم يكن امر "جعة" وانما كيفية التخميير لاستخراج المضاد الحيوي وبمقاديير معينة ....
المضاد الحيوي تتراسايكلين وباسمه الحالي يعود معرفته في الطب الحديث الي العام 1948 اما في الحقيقة فانه كان معروفا قبل ذلك بالاف السنين عند قدماء النوبيين ....

Post: #5
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: cantona_1
Date: 09-01-2010, 05:55 PM
Parent: #4

النوبيون ما ساهلين تب. هم الذين الإهرامات قبل قدماء المصريين. وقد أقنع جون قرنق حسني مبارك أن الإهرامات بناها النوبيون السودانيون. قدم له برهاناً على إدعائه. قلت لي الدكاي يا أبا بكر اللهم إنك صايم.

كبـّـاشي الصـّـافي

(العوج راي والعديل راي)

Post: #6
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: قلقو
Date: 09-01-2010, 10:15 PM
Parent: #5

ابوبكر ياقريبى ..
انها الحضارة التى يريدون ان يطمروها ويغرقونها تحت الماء. لكن هبهات .
شكرا ولد يافيصل .

Post: #7
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: abubakr
Date: 09-02-2010, 04:52 AM
Parent: #5

ياكباشي تقبل الله صيامنا ...

Quote: قلت لي الدكاي يا أبا بكر اللهم إنك صايم.

انت ما انتبهت لل "الجعة " وشفت "الدكاي" بس ...مالدكاي اخف من الجعة كما قيل ...

Post: #8
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: Mahir Mohammed Salih
Date: 09-02-2010, 12:06 PM
Parent: #7

4- النيج Nij :
أما النيج هذا يا أخونا فهو شجرة الدوم المعروفة دى والتى تخرج لنا ثماراَ إسمه الدوم برضو ،، ويشبه إلى حد كبير جداَ فاكهة التفاح ولكنه قوى جداَ مثل الحجر حتى أن أكله إسمه الكَدّ باللغة العربية ،، والكد كما تعلمون هو الجُهد ،، والشىء الغريب فى هذه الشجرة هو أنها نوعان ،، نوع لا تنمو أكثر من أرتفاع متر من الأرض ولا تحمل ثماراَ ودائماَ تغطيها طبقة من الرمال فى أسفلها ،، وسعفها يحمل خيوطاَ حمرا ناشفة فى أطرافه يعتقد أهلنا هنالك أنك إذا نقعت هذه الخيوط فى ماء وإستعملت الماء فى نظافة العيون فإنه يذهب بأى مرض يصيب العين إن كان فيروساَ أو بكتريا أو حتى أنحراف فى قعر العين أو فى الشبكية وتذهب بالعبوس التى تصيب بعض العيون فى البلد ،، يا أخى ناس بلدنا ديل والله فاتوا إبن سيناء وإبن حيان وأى زول عامل دكتور فى زمانه ،، لله دُرّهم ،،

أما النوع الثانى من شجرة الدوم فتقوم مثلها ومثل شجرة النخيل عالياَ وبسعفات قريبة من سعفات النخيل ،، وبدلاَ أن تحمل ثمار البلح فإنها تحمل ثمار الدوم ،، والدوم يااخونا قلنا لكم أنه مثل التفاح بالظبط يحمل فى جوفه نواة مثل نواة التفاح لا تصلح للأكل وهى بذرتها التى تقوم لك هذه الشجرة مرة أخرى فى مكان آخر إذا أردت ذلك ،، المهم عندما كنت تريد أن تشحت شخصاَ بأن يعطيك قرمة من الدوم كنت تقول له : بالله أدينا كَدّة ،، وفى بعض مناطقنا فإنهم يستعملون ثمار الدوم فى صناعة بعض من العرق بدلاَ من البلح ،، ويُقال أنه من أقوى أنواع العرق على الإطلاق .
وياهون ده ثمرة الدوم وكذلك الشجرة نفسها .

عزيزى الأخ أبوبكر ،، بعد قرائتى لبوستك هذا ذهبت مباشرة إلى منتدى قريتى جزيرة نلوتى وأتيت بما هو مخطوط بأعلاه وهو مطابق ويعزز كلامك هذا تماماَ كنت قد كتبته يوماَ هنالك حيث كنت أشرح بعض النباتات التى نستفيد منها فى بلادنا هنالك .

يا أخى والله أننى أعتز كثيراَ بأهلى هنالك حيث كانوا فعلاَ صناع حضارة دامت لقرون وألاف السنوات .

مع التحية لك والأخ فيصل وجميع المتداخلين هنا .



التعديل لحذف بعض الكلمات المكررة وكذلك للتنسيق بسبب عدم عمل خاصية الإقتباس فى هذه اللحظة أو بالأصح فشلى فى الإقتباس

Post: #9
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: abubakr
Date: 09-02-2010, 12:28 PM
Parent: #8

Quote: Ku####ic Tetracycline — By Ogu Eji Ofo Anu
Black African Pharmacopoeia — Ku####ic Tetracycline

By Ogu-Eji-Ofo Anu

For more than two decades, a group of researchers led by George Armelagos an anthropologist from Emroy University Atlanta Georgia have studied bones dated to between A.D. 350 and 550 from Kush (Nubia), another ancient African kingdom south of ancient Egypt along the Nile River.

The researchers are puzzled by the bones of these ancient Ku####es because they contain traces of the antibiotic tetracycline. These traces of tetracycline have been found in more than 90 percent of the bones the team examined, including those of 24-month-old infants. The researchers also believe that the tetracycline protected the Ku####es from bone infections, as all the bones examined are infection free

Until now antibiotic has been generally assumed to be one of these ultra modern inventions that brought the 20th century man into advanced civilization. Antibiotic use was supposedly invented during the years of the first world war. It was hailed as a revolutionary life saver particularly those involving battle injuries.

Prior to its intoduction, gangere, a life threatening infection of open wounds was one of the biggest killers of soilders wounded in battle field. Today tetracycline is used to treat ailments and infections of different kinds ranging from acne flare-ups to urinary-tract infections. The million dollar question is thus this: since antibiotic only came into commercial use half a century ago how did tetracycline get into the Ku####ic bones?

The Egyptians to the north of Kush had amazing knowledge of the human body because of their pervasive practice of mummification of cadavar which required the removal of internal bodily organs. They were renowned for their strong and effective medicines which supposedly could cure any affliction known to man kind.

The medical foundation of the modern world could be traced to Egypt in an unbroken line. The so-called Hypocrates, the Greek father of modern medicine was actually a follower of the original and true Black African father of modern medicine…the prince of peace Imhotep.

Egyptians and Ku####es

The first developed societies appeared in the nile valley region developed around Karthoum (modern Sudan, Old Nubia) before the time of the first dynasty of Egypt (3100-2890 BC). For most of the long history of Egypt, Kush was always considered as the motherland, the birth place of the Gods and true Royalties of Egypt. Kush was the cradle of Egypt. Throught their long history, the Egyptians and the Ku####es remained kindred nationalities.

Kush is a very ancient nation whose roots extend back into the dim origins of mankind. By the year 2500 BC, it is known that Egyptians had extensive settlements in Kush. A symbiotic form of political relationship and spiritual connection developed between Egypt and Kush (which hack Euro-centered historians are quick to call colonization) and persisted from 1500 to 1000 BC. This relationship collapsed by 1000BC and Kush became more assertive as a separate cultural polity. It virtually re-discovered itself as New Kush.

The new Kush was a glorious and proud ancient Black African civilization which developed along the upper reaches of the Nile about 200km north of Khartoum between 1000 BC and 350 AD. It was sophisticated and cosmopolitan host to a wide selection of immigrants and traders. It played hosts to people of Greek, Persian, Indian and Hebrew nationality — skilled men and merchants. It was the gold and iron center of the ancient world. It was also a major exporter of spices and incense which were much sought after in the ancient times. It had a major presence at sea and its merchant navy traded throughout the mediterranean sea as far as India. By the 8th century BC Kush had come to dominate Egyptian culture and politics.

For many hundred of years, the nobles of ancient Kush thought of themselves as Egyptians. They dressed like Egyptians. Their culture, religion, and philosophy were similar. The kings and nobles lived in riverside palaces much like Egyptians. There were sailboats on the Nile. As in ancient Egypt, many of their leaders were great Queens, not Kings.

Given the range of matters covered in a whole series of Egyptian pharmacopoeias [medicine books], which is still exploited by modern pharmaceutical companies, can one then suppose that the Ku####es had somehow discovered tetracycline and clinically applied its properties? In light of the foregoing narrative, it is not far fetched to believe so and to suppose that Africans first discovered and applied tetracycline.

Ancient Ku####ic written language is yet undeciphered for the most part. Who knows what other gem lies buried in the soil of ancient Kush waiting to be re-discovered?


19 September 2006


“Antibiotic” Beer Gave Ancient Africans Health Buzz

Jean Leclant. “The empire of Kush: Napata and Meroe” UNESCO General History of Africa.

A. Hakem with I. Hrbek and J. Vercoutter. “The civilization of Napata and Meroe” UNESCO General History of Africa.

P.L. Shinnie. “The Nilotic Sudan and Ethiopia c. 660 BC to c. AD 600″ Cambridge History of Africa – Volume 2 Cambridge University Press, 1978.

Post: #10
Title: Re: التتراسايكليين والنوبيون القدماء
Author: abubakr
Date: 09-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Parent: #9



"Antibiotic" Beer Gave Ancient Africans Health Buzz
John Roach
for National Geographic News

May 16, 2005

Humans have been downing beer for millennia. In certain instances, some drinkers got an extra dose of medicine, according to an analysis of Nubian bones from Sudan in North Africa.

George Armelagos is an anthropologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. For more than two decades, he and his colleagues have studied bones dated to between A.D. 350 and 550 from Nubia, an ancient kingdom south of ancient Egypt along the Nile River.

The bones, the researchers say, contain traces of the antibiotic tetracycline. Today tetracycline is used to treat ailments ranging from acne flare-ups to urinary-tract infections. But the antibiotic only came into commercial use half a century ago. So how did tetracycline get into the Nubian bones?

Armelagos and his team say they found an answer in ancient beer. The brew was made from grain contaminated with the bacteria streptomycedes, which produces tetracycline.

The ancient Nubians, according to Armelagos, stored their grain in mud bins. A soil bacteria, streptomycedes is ubiquitous in arid climates like Sudan's.

"We looked at how the grain was used then and came across a recipe for beer," Armelagos said. The Nubians would make dough with the grain, bake it briefly at a hot temperature, and then use it to make beer.

"We're not talking about Heineken or Bud Light. This was a thick gruel, sort of a sour cereal," he said.

Feel-Good Drink

According to Armelagos, the Nubians would drink the gruel and probably allowed their children to eat what was left at the bottom of the vat. Traces of tetracycline have been found in more than 90 percent of the bones the team examined, including those of 24-month-old infants.

But did the Nubians know they were drinking beer contaminated with tetracycline?

"They probably realized the alcohol made them feel better, but there is a whole series of Egyptian pharmacopoeias [medicine books] that talk about things beer can help with," Armelagos said. (The ancient Nubians had no written language that discussed daily life but lived just south of the Egyptians, who did.)

Armelagos said the Egyptians used beer as a gum-disease treatment, a dressing for wounds, and even an anal fumigant—a vaporborne pesticide to treat diseases of the anus. The anthropologist also believes the tetracycline protected the Nubians from bone infections, as all the bones he examined are infection free.

Charlie Bamforth, a professor of biochemistry and brewing science at the University of California, Davis, said that beer has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years and that the health benefits of beer were likely known, even if not scientifically explained, in ancient times.

"They must have consumed it because it was rather tastier than the grain from which it was derived. They would have noticed people fared better by consuming this product than they were just consuming the grain itself," he said.

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