الشرطة تعترف وتعتذر وذوى الضحايا لا يقبلون الإعتذار

الشرطة تعترف وتعتذر وذوى الضحايا لا يقبلون الإعتذار

08-22-2010, 03:39 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=300&msg=1282444787&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: الشرطة تعترف وتعتذر وذوى الضحايا لا يقبلون الإعتذار
Author: Elbagir Osman
Date: 08-22-2010, 03:39 AM

بعد صدور الحكم على قاتل قام بقتل بضع وعشرين إمرأة.
أصدرت شرطة فانكوفر تقريرا تعترف فيه بتقصيرها ومعها الشرطة الفدرالية الكندية
في القبض على المجرم قبل بضع سنوات وبالتالي إنقاذ حياة عدد من ضحاياه، وأعتدرت
الشرطة عن خطئها .

رفض ذوي الضحايا الإعتذار وطالبي بتحقيق عام حول تقصير الشرطة

Quote: LePard said the report faults the Vancouver police
and the RCMP for not moving quickly enough to arrest Pickton
despite compelling evidence collected by 1999 that he could be
behind the disappearance of a growing number of missing

"I wish we could have caught this monster sooner and saved
more lives," said LePard. "This can never happen again."


But in the statement, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary
Bass also suggested that the force would accept some
responsibility for the lapses in the investigation into the Downtown
Eastside's missing women.

"The RCMP deeply regrets that we weren't able to gather the
evidence necessary to lay a charge sooner, and we welcome
independent insight into our actions at that time. The impact
that this has had on the families of the victims weighs
heavily on us individually and as an organization."

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/08...d.html#ixzz0xIUgNzqB
