انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!

انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!

07-19-2010, 00:52 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=300&msg=1279497127&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 00:52 AM


Date: 18th July 20p10.

Press Release on the defection of Eng Charles Kisanga to the SPLM

Today there are many writings in the media on the defection of prominent members of the SPLM-DC to SPLM and we would like to take this opportunity to declare to the world our position. The SPLM-DC was a party launched in June 2009 on the basis of democracy and change to respond to the failures of SPLM to deliver essential services after assuming power in Southern Sudan. The need to improve services and change the ways of running the Southern Sudan was a message the SPLM-DC Deputy Chairman and Former Secretary General Eng Charles Kisanga constantly spoke and wrote about since 2005, and he became associated with this message of change and ultimately people were then pressing for it.

At the same time some people took the agenda of change because they had had their personal issues because of stepping off-line with the SPLM party guide lines and they hence joined the band wagon of change hoping it could deliver the lost positions. We joined hands when they announced the SPLM-DC as the party to improve on the failures of GoSS or SPLM. Eng Kisanga came to join the SPLM-DC party heading thousands of Southern Sudanese who had supported his call for good governance in Southern Sudan and introduction of more democracy to the SPLM. He served as appointed deputy chairman and later appointed as Acting Secretary General of the new party. He was elected during the Congress as Secretary General of the party. No sooner did we start working together than we discovered that certain people claiming to dress the hat of change were actual not sincere in their call for good governance and democracy. The chairman started to show dictatorship and corruption whereby the party became the party of a one man show. He runs a parallel group of small boys apart from the elected members to undermine the party’s Basic Rules.

The NCP and Sudan security, which had good reason to see a formidable opponent come up against SPLM in the Southern Sudan, indeed did pour money via SPLM-DC chairman to be used in building SPLM-DC into a great party; but he hated accountability and so he splashed out the cash whenever he thought it was good for him.

When the Congress was called in August/September 2009, the party contribution funds were being distributed to un-elected loyalist. Soon after the Congress, things started to go wrong as much as they were during the Congress.

However the chairman embezzled millions of Sudanese pounds for his campaign to unseat the President General, Salva Kiir. During which corruption, nepotism and dictatorship by the chairman was now rampant. The chairpersons of the state offices were neglected and party cadres had no funds to build the party.

During the Elections many party offices in the states ran into loans as they struggled to fulfil elections obligations and for example in Jonglei hundreds of party agents to observe the ballot boxes never received a penny and one of the agents is still in prison for defaulting paying party agents that he employed.

Central Equatoria candidates were paralyzed in a mysterious way and were not supported during their campaigns so that those seats be reserved for his close friends outside the official list of candidates. Official communications were done via relatives of who even had no title or role in the party.

The political arrangement with Equatorians where the Secretary General should come from Equatoria and the other deputies come from the other regions but the deputies were ignored and they need to stay weak to survive otherwise no place for them in the SPLM-DC.

After Elections the chairman alone refused to recognise the result of the Elections in the Southern Sudan and forced other parties from the members of the Southern Sudan Alliance to take that position. His stance against interest of Southern Sudan recently depicted itself when he wanted the Referendum to be postponed claiming that our elected Government in the Southern Sudan under General Salva Kiir Mayardit is illegitimate and it cannot be entrusted with supervising the Referendum in the Southern Sudan.

Dr. Lam Akol is using the claim of Election rigging in the Southern Sudan to undermine the peace and obstruct the referendum through his support for militia forces in Upper Nile and Unity states where he is channelling money and weapons to dissident soldiers to wage war against the GoSS and as well as other tribes. For him, the fighting can delay the referendum or obstruct it all together and he can then take power by force since he is now convinced Southern Sudanese will never vote for him in any free democratic environment judging from the result where President Salva Kiir beat him 93% to mere 7%.

The Secretary General opposed to the chairman’s dictatorship, tribalism, nepotism and corruption and anti-Southern stand , the chairman began to engineer means of removing the Secretary General and replace him with a weaker person, in the person of a woman too close to him. Knowing that he could not succeed in that, he then settled for promoting the Secretary General as the first deputy breaking the SPLM-DC by himself which grants all the five deputies similar powers.

The Equatorians however, and others in the party had made up their reminds to pull out from the party because the SPLM-DC under the leadership of Dr. Lam Akol is just worse than anything happening in the South under either GoSS or SPLM; be it tribalism, dictatorship, or party mismanagement and working even against the interest of the Southern Sudanese then all agreed that the chairman is unfit and therefore cannot lead the SPLM-DC.

Hence there is no justification for SPLM-DC to exist parallel to SPLM since they cannot achieve a better result. After all the SPLM brought the CPA and it is logical that they take it to Referendum in January 2011. It is therefore the time for the South to unite cohesively as a block to support the SPLM to achieve the final objective of total freedom and unity for the people of Southern Sudan.

Having experienced all the shortcomings and plots of Dr Lam against Southern Sudan and the way he has turned the party of change for his own interest, the SG advised the Greater Equatoria Sector to pull out of party and return to SPLM.

Other states have now followed suit and today all of the states of Western Bahr El Ghazal, Northern Bahr El Ghazal, Warrap and Jonglei are going to pull out of the party and will all be returning to the mother.

No wonder that soon we’ll be hearing that SPLM-DC offices in the Diaspora will also abandon the party for same reasons and will be happy to work for the cause of the people in a conducive atmosphere and then move as one united Southern Sudanese into a new era of nationhood and capability of delivering good services to our people.

Currently more than 80 SPLM-DC senior staff and workers left their official positions within SPLM DC and quit while more than two thousand members who registered as party members in the states of Great Equatoria, Western Bahr El Ghzal, Warrap, Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Jonglei will have all defected from SPLM-DC plus eight northern states have also joined the exodus.

On behalf of all the SPLM-DC comrades:

Ex SPLM-DC comrades

Eng. Charles Barnaba Kisanga
Deputy Chairman, Former Secretary General

Dr. Funda Dominic
Secretary for Cultural Affairs

Former Chairman National Council Meeting Preparatory Committee

Louis Emmanuel, LLB
Former NEC Member of the SPLM-DC

Post: #2
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Author: خالد العبيد
Date: 07-19-2010, 01:01 AM
Parent: #1

ببساطة يا جوك
لام اكول ماعندوش حزب ولا برنامج
ديل قيادات زعلانيين واتفرتقو
يلا بلا لمة

Post: #3
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 01:20 AM
Parent: #2

Quote: ببساطة يا جوك
لام اكول ماعندوش حزب ولا برنامج
ديل قيادات زعلانيين واتفرتقو
يلا بلا لمة

وصلوا جوبا أمس واعلنوا انضمامهم للحركة الشعبية وسيكشفون كل خطط لام اكول
مع المؤتمر الوطني في استفتاء..

Post: #4
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 11:23 AM
Parent: #3


Post: #5
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 11:27 AM
Parent: #4

نصر كبير
وضربة قاضية لكل من يراهن على حكم الجنوب من الخرطوم

Post: #6
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 11:28 AM
Parent: #5

تركوا لام اكول في عزلته في الخرطوم وربما يتم طرده من الخرطوم بعد الاستفتاء ولا ندري من
سيحميه بعد استقلال الجنوب..

Post: #7
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 11:31 AM
Parent: #6

انهيار حزب لام اكول ضربة قاضية على اعناق اذيال المؤتمر الوطني ومليشياتهم التى تحاول
زرع فتن وسط الجنوبيين قبل الاستفتاء...

Post: #8
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 11:33 AM
Parent: #7

سندخل حقبة الحرية مع بداية الاستقلال في الجنوب في وحدة متينة لمواجهة اي عدوان خارجي..

Post: #9
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Date: 07-19-2010, 11:34 AM
Parent: #8

منقو ودينق واجاك ولادو عيشوا في دولة حرة منفصلة في الجنوب....

Post: #10
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Author: الصادق صديق سلمان
Date: 07-19-2010, 12:08 PM
Parent: #9

صدقت زميلي في البورد

الانفصال هو احسن الحلول للطرفين
كم نتمناه يا رجل من قلوبنا
لكم أن تعيشوا في حريتكم بطريقتكم التي تريدونها
ولنا ان نعيش في بشريعتنا التي نحبها ونريدها ان تحكمنا

الانفصال هو البشرى التي سوف تأتي لنا قبلكم
والتي سوف نفرح بها قبلكم
أرجو أن يصوت جميع الجنوبيون للانفصال
حتى نعيش وتعيشوا في سلام

ولكم الود


Post: #11
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Author: البحيراوي
Date: 07-19-2010, 12:08 PM
Parent: #9

الأخ جوك

تحياتي - زي ما قال ليك خالد العبيد الدكتور لام أكول لا يمثل إلا خيط ضمن صراع المؤتمر الوطني والحركة الشعبية يستعين به أصحاب الغرض في تحقيق أجندتهم الخاصة في متوالية الصراع ما بين طرفي نقيض . لكن الأهم هو غياب جل أهل السودان شمالة وجنوبه في قضية وطن كامل سوف يتلاشي رويداً رويدا وعلي كل فرد منّا أن يعرف قدر مسئوليتة في ذلك.


Post: #12
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Author: علاء الدين صلاح محمد
Date: 07-19-2010, 12:48 PM
Parent: #11

خبر جميل
و عقبال لاي حزب

Post: #13
Title: Re: انهيار حزب لام اكول بانشقاق كبير في صفوف قادته!!!
Author: Mohammed Awad
Date: 07-19-2010, 01:16 PM
Parent: #12

جوك بيونغ ياظلامى
انت مالك ومال الجنوب ومالك
ومال السودان زاتو؟ خلى لينا نحنا القاعدين
هنا نتكوى بى نارو.. شوف اسرائيل الانت قاعد فيها دى حل مشاكلها

قوم لف