الشبكة الليبرالية الافريقية تتضامن مع ابراهيم الشيخ

الشبكة الليبرالية الافريقية تتضامن مع ابراهيم الشيخ

07-16-2014, 11:13 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=30&msg=1405548787&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: الشبكة الليبرالية الافريقية تتضامن مع ابراهيم الشيخ
Author: بيانات سودانيزاونلاين
Date: 07-16-2014, 11:13 PM
Parent: #0

اصدرت الشبكة الليبرالية الافريقية التي تتكون من 35 حزبا في 24 بلدا افريقيا – بينها احزاب حاكمة ومشاركة في الحكم في ساحل العاج والكنغو الديمقراطية وكينيا وزنجبار والسنغال وجمهورية ارض الصومال ومحافظة الكاب الغربية وغيرها – والتي يشغل الاستاذ عادل عبد العاطي منصب نائب رئيسها لمنطقة شرق افريقيا، بيانا ادانت فيه استمرار اعتقال الاستاذ ابراهيم الشيخ ورفاقه وكل المعتقلين وطالبت بالاطلاق الفوري لسراحهم ، وفيما يلي نص البيان:
Africa Liberal Network media statement by
Olivier Kamitatu Etsu
Africa Liberal Network President

ALN condemns Sudanese government for opposition leader arrest

16 07 2014
Release: immediate
The Africa Liberal Network (ALN), the largest political network on the continent consisting of 35 political parties in 24 states, would like to express dire concern about the arrest and detention in Sudan of Mr. Ibrahim Al Shaikh, leader of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party (SCP), and calls for his immediate release from prison.
Mr. Al Shaikh has been in detention since 6 June 2014 along with 15 members of his party after publicly questioning the government’s formation of the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs), a janjawid pro-government militia accused of numerous human rights violations and crimes against humanity in Darfur, South and North Kordufan.
Mr. Al Shaikh joins many other citizens that have been arrested or detained for daring to publicly question government actions.
This type of clampdown on free speech is not consistent with the values of democracy upheld by the Africa Liberal Network, and as such the ALN condemns the Sudanese government for this action, which appears to be designed to silence any opposition to its regime.
The ALN will continue to monitor the situation and should it not improve, will call on our extensive international partners to join us in fighting for Mr. Al Shaikh’s release.

Note to editors: The Africa Liberal Network is made up of 35 political parties and organisations from 24 African countries, and is an associated organisation of Liberal International, the political family to which liberal democratic parties belong. It is the largest political network in Africa.

The members of the network are bound by a policy stating that they exist to ensure the freedom and dignity of all people through establishing political and civil rights, ensuring basic freedoms, the rule of law, democratic government based on free and fair elections with peaceful transition, ensuring religious, gender, and minority rights, fighting corruption, and establishing free market economies. For more information visit www.africaliberalnetwork.org.

Media enquiries:

Olivier Kamitatu Etsu
Africa Liberal Network President
+24 381 268 1774