Standing still

Standing still

04-01-2007, 04:59 PM


Post: #1
Title: Standing still
Author: aml gadora
Date: 04-01-2007, 04:59 PM

I'm standing here, All alone
With no expectations and no remorse
Standing Still as I watch
The train of time flashes before my eyes
One minute and I'll be dead
Two minutes and I'll come back
To same place , In the same time

I'm walking in my world
Out of time and out of place
A little dead, Yet alive
I climb a mountains
And yet I'm still here, I'm still down
Floating on the track of time
In and out of this world
The sun shines on
And you see me flying
Wait's a storm
Headed my way
Yes, My way

I walk in this odd street
As the years of my life falls down
As if they were leaves on an autumn day
I gaze
I stare
And every minute I stand longer
The feeling becomes stronger
I fall
I crash
I vanish
As I go inside the souls
Of those charmed ones in this place
This is something I can not face
My soul becomes more and more vulnerable
Ohh ... I gotta quit this race

Post: #2
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: Gafar Bashir
Date: 04-01-2007, 06:16 PM
Parent: #1

quit this race
and pls
stay alive

Post: #3
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: هشام آدم
Date: 04-01-2007, 06:38 PM
Parent: #2


أقف هنا الآن، منفردة
بلا آمل ولا ندم
ما زلت واقفة كما لو كنت
أراقب أمراً ما
يومض قطار الوقت يخطف الأبصار
هي دقيقة وأموت
دقيقتان وأعود مرة أخرى
إلى مكانٍ ما في ذات الوقت
إنني أسير في عالمي
خارج الزمكان
ميتة هوناً ما ..
ولكنني على قيد الحياة بعد!
أصعد قمّة ما ..
وما زلت هنا بعد
هنا في الأسفل
أطوف على خطى الوقت
داخل وخارج هذا العالم معاً
تشرق الشمس
فتراني أطير
انتظر ..
ثمة عاصفةٌ ما
في بداية الطريق
نعم .. طريقي
أسير في هذا الطريق الموحش
كما سقطت سنواتٌ من عمري
كأوراق شجر في موسم الخريف
أحدّق .. وأمعن في التحديق
وفي كل دقيقة أقف أطول
وتصبح المشاعر أقوى
كأنني أغوص
في أرواح هذا المكان المسحورة
هذا أمر لا يمكنني تحمّله
روحي أصبحت واهنة
آهٍ .. إني أعلن انسحابي
من هذا السباق

عفواً أخت أمل

الترجمة ضعيفة .. ولكن النص قوي وحافل حقاً
جميل أن يتحسس الإنسان طريقه من وقتٍ إلى آخر
ولكن هذا الشعور الموغل في الوحشة شعور مخيف

لك التحية ونشكرك على مشاركتك لنا هذا النص

( تعديل في الترجمة )

Post: #4
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: Omayma Alfargony
Date: 04-01-2007, 07:57 PM
Parent: #3


stay here with us

your presence contributes

to ours

the motion inside of you is bigger than the choas here

your residence makes it order

then makes it lyrics and rhymes

thanks for that

Post: #5
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: aml gadora
Date: 04-01-2007, 08:16 PM
Parent: #4

Gafar Bashir:

I'll try my best to survive either in or out of this race.

Post: #6
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: aml gadora
Date: 04-01-2007, 08:21 PM
Parent: #5

هشام آدم

شكرا على المشاركة و الترجمة الرائعة

Thanks for the feedback

Post: #7
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: ismeil abbas
Date: 04-01-2007, 08:32 PM
Parent: #1





Post: #8
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: aml gadora
Date: 04-01-2007, 08:51 PM
Parent: #7

اميمة الفرجوني

اسماعيل عباس

I'll try to stay here and embrace this attitude

In this insane world
I walk with a smile upon my face
I live my strange existance
Not caring if I would fit in this place
Or in that place
I'm not gonna run in the middle
Of all this madness just
To win the race
I'm just sailing on a windy day
With a smile upon my face

This is my life
and it's mine
That's your life
And it's yours
If I could only know the reason
Behind your strange need
To control the way I live
Would you believe
Me if I told you that
I ain't got no plans
But to live
I feel like I can hold the
World with my own hands
I'm gonna check every thing out
I'm not gonna take a glance
I'm still breathing
I'm still living
It only means
That this this is my chance
I'll take it's best
And it's worst
With a smile on my face
And I'll give you a chance
To win the race

The darkness in my days
Are the reason behind
All my cynicall says
I don't analyze everything
Because there's just too much to face
Don't try to understand the world
When you don't understand yourself
Just go with the flow
Put a smile upon your face
And you will be the winner of the race .

Post: #9
Title: Re: Standing still
Author: aml gadora
Date: 04-02-2007, 06:15 PM
Parent: #8

Standing still..........