

03-31-2007, 10:19 PM


Post: #1
Title: Africans
Author: ragaa makkawi
Date: 03-31-2007, 10:19 PM
Parent: #0

A closed window looks down
On a courtyard, and black people
call across or scream across or walk across
defying physics in the stream of their will

Our world is full of sound
Our world is more lovely than anyone's
thou we suffer, and kill each other
and sometimes fail to walk the air

we are beautiful people
with African imaginations
full of masks and dances and swelling chants

with African eyes, and noses, and arms
though we sprawl in Grey chains in a place
full of winters, when what we want is the sun

we have been captured
brothers, and we labour
to make our getaway, into
the ancient image, into a new
correspondence with ourselves
and our black family. We read magic
now we need the spells, to rise up
return, destroy and create
What will be the sacred words

Immamu Barkat ( Leroi)

Post: #2
Title: Re: Africans
Author: ragaa makkawi
Date: 03-31-2007, 11:30 PM
Parent: #1

How many of us living in white communities feel the racist attitude


Post: #3
Title: Re: Africans
Author: عبدالكريم الامين احمد
Date: 03-31-2007, 11:46 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: we are beautiful people
with African imaginations
full of masks and dances and swelling chants

ya sure that is the africans
the above words reflected the real taste of our african
spirits ya ragga
thanks sister and keep the brightness of those words up

Post: #5
Title: Re: Africans
Author: ragaa makkawi
Date: 04-01-2007, 00:06 AM
Parent: #3

Abdel karim

this spirit is live through you africans so keep it up

Thanks for passing


Post: #4
Title: Re: Africans
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 03-31-2007, 11:47 PM
Parent: #2

الحبيبه رجاء مكاوي
سعيده بوجودك هنا.كنت دوما اتسأل يا رجاء
انه غير مفهوم لدي تماما كيف بعد خروجنا باعداد كبيره للعالم
ومعاناتنا من التفرقه العنصريه ان كان في الدول العربيه او الغربيه
كيف لازال بعضنا يمارس العنصريه تجاه بعضهم البعض.

وكيف لا نحرص على نقل تجارب شعوب تطورت وقطعت شوطا كبير
في مجال تحجيم العنصريه ومحاربتها لبلادنا ولو عبر الكتابه لشعبنا في مكانا مثل هذا؟؟
ولي عوده ..

كوني بخير.

Post: #6
Title: Re: Africans
Author: ragaa makkawi
Date: 04-01-2007, 00:08 AM
Parent: #4

Dearest Targie

I wonder about it all the time

i only hope coming generation will learn from our mistakes


Post: #7
Title: Re: Africans
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 04-01-2007, 09:57 AM
Parent: #6

Very nice poem
so thank you Raga
in your response to Abdelkarim's comment you wrote
Quote: Abdel karim

this spirit is live through you africans so keep it up

Thanks for passing

what do you mean by "you africans"?
you don't consider yourself to be African?

Post: #8
Title: Re: Africans
Author: malik_aljack
Date: 04-01-2007, 10:19 AM
Parent: #7

Thanks Raja'a
Allow me to participate with this please

An African feeling

Post: #9
Title: Re: Africans
Author: ragaa makkawi
Date: 04-01-2007, 10:42 AM
Parent: #7


ofcourse i do and i am very proud of it

i also meant that people like abdelkarim who find poems like leori's tasteful then they must have awaken the african spirit within them

Apologies for the misrepresented meaning

thanks for passing

Post: #10
Title: Re: Africans
Author: ragaa makkawi
Date: 04-01-2007, 11:01 AM
Parent: #1

many thanks for the song

it gave the post the right touch


Post: #11
Title: Re: Africans
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 04-01-2007, 11:39 AM
Parent: #10

thanks Raga for explaining what could wrongly be misunderstood
please accept this modest gift in the spirit of this nice post