Sudan is not just Darfur

Sudan is not just Darfur

03-23-2007, 02:08 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan is not just Darfur
Author: Hala bob
Date: 03-23-2007, 02:08 AM
Parent: #0

I thought it was befitting that on the anniversery of 100 years of womens' education in Sudan, I hear the music of Rasha Sheikh El din reverberating in the lobby of Caleo resort at Scottsdale...twas such a nostagic feeling that overcame me...I felt like shouting I know this lady...she is one of us she's from Sudan.....yes that country which has been abhorred by many in the west...that country whose leaders have been cited for " war crimes" and such...famine..civil war...allegations of slavery....corruption....HIV/AIDS.....

All this negative but mostly true reporting has weighed down if there is a perpetual dark cloud and sometimes those like Rasha emerge and a hint of sun emerges...and then I remember others who have shaped our history and established a model for young women to emulate those such as Khalda of the first graduates of Kitchener School of Medicine.....and Prof. Fayzeh of the first Sudanese women to obtain a phd in nutrional biochemistry at one the reputable institutions in the US....and Fatma AbdelMAhmoud and FAtma Ahmed Ibrahim....and BAkhita Amin....and Nimat Salim...and Suad Tag Elsir....and Mahasin Abu Elrish and NAfisa KArrar,,,,and Muna Al Noor...and Samia Ahmed Jumaa...the list is long....but the times are few that we pause to remember all your accomplishments and celebrate your legacy

Music they say tells the story of its people more than any medium..and it is women artists like Hawa and Asha and Amal and Rasha and Liza and Nancy who have continued to tell these stories each in their individual unique style....but you Rasha are truly a musical genuis...your fusion of jazz and soul and madeeh has created a new genre that has transcended our 1 million sq was fate that allowed me to hear you today ....what a nice departure, if for a minute, from Darfur....and I hope it is fate that allows me to meet you in person

Thank you Bakri for creating this medium , our home away from home....I suppose.....but as they say behind every successful artist as yourself...there mustbe a muse or a model perhaps...or someone who inspires you..perhaps your wife.....thank her for me if you could

Hala Bob

Post: #2
Title: Re: Sudan is not just Darfur
Author: Moawia Mohammed
Date: 03-23-2007, 03:13 AM

Quote: anniversery of 100 years of womens' education in Sudan

Quote: Khalda of the first graduates of Kitchener School of Medicine.....and Prof. Fayzeh of the first Sudanese women to obtain a phd in nutrional biochemistry at one the reputable institutions in the US....and Fatma AbdelMAhmoud and FAtma Ahmed Ibrahim....and BAkhita Amin....and Nimat Salim...and Suad Tag Elsir....and Mahasin Abu Elrish and NAfisa KArrar,,,,and Muna Al Noor...and Samia Ahmed Jumaa...the list is long

Quote: Music they say tells the story of its people more than any medium..and it is women artists like Hawa and Asha and Amal and Rasha and Liza and Nancy who have continued to tell these stories each in their individual unique style....but you Rasha are truly a musical genuis...your fusion of jazz and soul and madeeh has created a new genre that has transcended our 1 million sq miles

Quote: Thank you Bakri for creating this medium , our home away from home....I suppose.....but as they say behind every successful artist as yourself...there mustbe a muse or a model perhaps...or someone who inspires you..perhaps your wife.....thank her for me if you could

Thank you Hala Bob
and welcome
Best regards