هل سمعتم بهذا الخبر العجيب!!!

هل سمعتم بهذا الخبر العجيب!!!

02-23-2007, 06:08 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=3&msg=1172207281&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: هل سمعتم بهذا الخبر العجيب!!!
Author: sourketti
Date: 02-23-2007, 06:08 AM
Parent: #0

وصلتنى هذه الرساله من أخ وصديق يعمل أستاذاً بجامعة أوكلاهوما بأميركا وقد وصلته من مرسلها محمد اشرف على آخر الرساله وبها تحذير من كتاب جديد للقرآن يوزع على الطلاب بالمدارس الكويتيه الخاصه ..نسأل الله السلامة والرحمة والمفغره واليكم الرساله

Subject: FW: FW: Red Alert : American Quran
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:23:41 +0300

Above: 'The True Furqan'
You Cant Ignore this, send it to as many muslims as u can.

The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait , titled
"The True Furqan". It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of 'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled
'The 21st Century Quran'! It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English languages... it is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil.
Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer vesion of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits. And this so! called Quran opposes many Islamic
beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce
being non-permissable and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the
current one. It states that Jihad is HARAAM. This book even goes as far as attacking Allah,
Subhanahu wa Tahala!
All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.
Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this email to as many people as possible so
that we can stop this dangerous trick.
Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you.

Mohammad Ashraf
Supervising Officer Equity Operations
AL Habib Capital Markets (Pvt.) Ltd.
Phone: 2270808-13 Ext: 131
Fax: 2270519
Cell: 0321-2428900