الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)

الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)

01-26-2007, 11:01 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=3&msg=1169805699&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-26-2007, 11:01 AM

Breaking News - Bikini March Becomes Bikini Atoll

(5 December 2006)

Organisers of The Great Australian Bikini March have been forced to cancel the event due to irresponsible journalism.

During the month of the campaign, most media were respectful, reported the facts, focused on the issue and agreed that publishing personal details about organisers was unnecessary.

However, during the last few days there have been an increasing smear campaign in an attempt to sensationalise or discredit us. Despite to all out efforts to refer misinformed journalists and 'independent' media to the facts via our website they continued to knowingly misrepresent the intention and details of the march. Some stated they wanted us to stop the march.

Apparently some in the media are intent that the GABM should not be allowed to proceed.

Some people are very powerful. It would appear that free speech in a 'tolerant' society is not tolerated.

The level of hostility against us even included verbal abuse and threats to publish our personal details. This culminated in one media outlet doing so and placing a family at risk.

The GABM organisers reiterate that the response from the general public was overwhelmingly supportive. Aussie's from all backgrounds including many migrants from many different countries expressed support for the views expressed in our website. Migrants stated that they had left countries because of extremism and did not want to see it get a foothold in Australia. They feared to expressed their views alone and welcomed the chance to unite to do so.

Even the one Muslim that disagreed with the march, stated that he was against Halali's statements. He did so politely and respectfully and was answered in a like fashion from the organisers. We only wish the media had acted accordingly.

Immediately after one 'shock jock' misrepresented and defamed us, his news desk followed with a statement that we were marching against the hijab. Some Muslim people were confused by this and distressed by this misinformation and we received about 4 phone calls. One of these was very emotionally volatile. We had to then inform them that this not our intent but the damage had already been done.

What was to have been a peaceful, moderate, legal, non-violent, council and police approved protest has now been gagged by threats and extreme intimidatory tactics.

A big thank you to the members of the Victoria Police and Council staff who were respectful and professional and responded well to our offers to fully co-operated with them.

GABM organisers have been informed that we have now be credited in the media with a supposed march at Lakemba this weekend (9 December 2006). In spite of numerous conversations with Sydney print media last week that we had nothing to do with any event in Sydney, it appears that they went ahead and published it anyway.

What do our supporters do now?

We are as disappointed as you are at having to make the decision to cancel the march but when families lives are placed at risk, there is no alternative.

We would encourage you to keep your protests legal, non-violent and avail yourself of all democratic avenues.

Make this an election issue.
Contact your local members of parliament. Contact Telstra for State Liberal or Labor Party Headquarters phone number. Ask them for your local representative in Federal Parliament.

Hold rogue media accountable for their actions through letters to the newspapers.
Keep caring about what happens to your country.

Attention Media

The GABM is now officially closed.

There will be no more correspondence entered into. You may take any information from this website. Please be professional and objective. Don't attach your personal agendas or continue to source your facts from internet gossip.

Be truth seekers, not self-seekers!


What the march is about.

Following recent comments by Sydney Muslim cleric Sheikh Hilali, outraged Australians will take to the streets on Sat Dec 9 in a march on The Islamic Information and Support Centre. The IISC is the headquarters of Sheikh Mohummad Omran.
Sheikh Omran has supported Sheikh Hilali's sexist and anti-Australian comments, and has complained that the sentences imposed on the Sydney Muslim gang rapists, were racist.

Sheikh Hilali's "uncovered meat" comments have been widely reported and condemned by Australians of the highest profile, including our own Prime Minister.

However his less-known statements are far more disturbing

Post: #2
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-26-2007, 11:19 AM
Parent: #1

[U]Sheikh Hilali's statements you may not have heard.

1: "But when it comes to adultery its 90% the woman's responsibility. It is she who takes off her clothes, shortens them, flirts, puts on make up and powder and takes to the streets. God protect us, dallying!. It is she who shortens, raises and lowers. Then its a look, then a smile, a greeting, then a conversation, then a date, then a crime, then Long Bay Jail." (LAUGHS)

2: "But when it comes to this disaster, who started it? In his literature scholar al-Rafihi says: "If I come across a rape crime - kidnap and violation of honour - I would discipline the man, and order that the woman be arrested and jailed for life.""

3: "She was the reason behind this sin taking place."

Official translation of Sheikh Taj Din al-Hilali's speech courtesy of SBS translator Dalia Matar.

Sheikh Hilali, and Keysar Trad (Hilali's spin doctor) obviously believe that the Australian people are so dim-witted, that they will fall for such a weak excuse as being "misunderstood" or "taken out of context". How could anyone misunderstand the above statements?

The Triangle of Extremism

Keysar Trad - a former translator for the pro bin Laden group The Islamic Youth Movement, wrote in Nida'ul Islam that Australians are "The dregs of white criminal society"

Mufti Sheikh Taj Din al-Hilali - referred to the 9/11 attacks as "God's work against the oppressors"

Sheikh Mohummad Omran - has been widely condemned for referring to Osama bin Laden as a "good man"

Post: #4
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: محمد البشرى الخضر
Date: 01-26-2007, 12:45 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا


Post: #5
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-26-2007, 11:54 PM
Parent: #4

Quote: خسارة

الاخ محمحد هي فعلا خسارة لان مسيرة ذي دي
كان بتكون ادبة لكل جاهل قبل ان يعتلي
منبر ويصرح تصريحات تسئ للاسلام والمسلمين ( كديسة ولحم مكشوف) وكلام فارغ
الناس في شنو وناس الهلالي في شنو
تشكر علي المداخلة

Post: #3
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-26-2007, 12:45 PM
Parent: #1

Why the march is important

The beliefs of our nation are based on freedom, democracy, and rule of law. Not rule of religion.
Many brave Australian men and women died in WWII to ensure that we maintained our way of life.
To do nothing would dishonour their memory, and make their sacrifice meaningless.

Lest we forget.

We must now stand together on this issue, regardless of what other differences we may have,
to ensure Australia's wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters can feel safe in their own country.

We refuse to be intimidated by such hateful dark ages thinking, as preached by Hilali and those like him.

Post: #6
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: رأفت ميلاد
Date: 01-27-2007, 00:27 AM
Parent: #3

Quote: We must now stand together on this issue, regardless of what other differences we may have,
to ensure Australia's wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters can feel safe in their own country.

We refuse to be intimidated by such hateful dark ages thinking, as preached by Hilali and those like him

كلام حلو يابرسى

لكن عريانات ياخى ???

ما لقوا طريقة تانية يعنى ??

ما واقعه لى


Post: #7
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-27-2007, 12:30 PM
Parent: #6

واللة يا استاذ رافت انا شايف معاهم حق بعد السمعتو دة
واليك نص الخبر الذي اوردة موقع يارا نايل نقلا عن الصحف
الصادرة في استراليا
سيشهد يوم 26 يناير القادم مسيرة بالبكيني يعتزم حشد من النساء الخروج فيها في سيدني احتجاجا على تعليقات الشيخ تاج الدين الهلالي بشأن ما عرف بتصريحات «اللحم المكشوف». هذا وقد استعدت الشرطة الاسترالية تخوفا من قيام شغب او مسيرة مضادة من منقبات سيدني.http://www.yarranile.com/anews8.htm[/B]

Post: #8
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-27-2007, 12:57 PM
Parent: #1

دعا رجل الدين المسلم الأسترالي الذي يتعرض لانتقادات لتصريحاته من بينها تشبيهه النساء باللحم المكشوف، إلى "محكمة أخلاقية" للنظر في دعواه.

فقد قال الشيخ تاج الدين الهلالي إنه قضت تلك المحكمة بأنه كان يحرض على العنف ضد النساء.

كما قال إنه سيرتدي شريطا يلثم به فمه لمدة ستة أشهر وسيمضي وقتا يعمل في خدمة المنظمات النسائية.

غير أن مراسل بي بي سي في أستراليا يقول إنه من غير المرجح أن تقام تلك المحكمة.

وكان الشيخ الهلالي، الذي يخطب في مسجد لاكيمبا الرئيسي بسيدني، قد أغمى عليه فيما قد يكون نتيجة أزمة قلبية أثناء حضوره اجتماع طارئ لتحديد مستقبله.

وبعد ذلك بأربعة أيام عاد إلى المسجد وكرر اعتذاره للتصريحات التي سبقت صلاة الجمعة.

هي التي خلعت وقصرت وتمايعت و"تمكيجت" وتبدورت نضارتها، وطلعت في الشوارع والعياذ بالله "تتمرقع"

من خطبة الشيخ الهلالي

نص مقتبسات من الخطبة المثيرة للجدل
وقال في بيان له "أي شخص يبرر جريمة الاغتصاب أو يشجع عليها تحت أي ظرف من الظروف، أو من يحقر من قدر النساء الأستراليات للباسهن، ليس إلا جاهل وأحمق ومجنون ولا يستحق أن يضطلع بأي موقع مسؤولية".

وكان الشيخ الهلالي قد قال في وقت سابق إن تلميحه أن النساء اللاتي لا ترتدين الحجاب يجلبن على أنفسهن الاعتداء الجنسي أخذ خارج سياقه و"أسيء تفسيره".

كما نسبت إلى المفتي تصريحات أخرى وصف فيها الملحدين والمسيحيين واليهود بأنهم "شر خلق الله".

"غير قابل للتحقيق"
وقال الشيخ المصري المولد إن وسائل الإعلام الأسترالية وقطاعات من المسلمين داخل البلاد، والذين يقدر عددهم بـ280 ألفا بين إجمالي 20 مليونا من السكان، دبروا مؤامرة ضده.

ودعا الهلالي إلى إنشاء تلك المحكمة في ظل اللجنة الأسترالية لحقوق الإنسان وتكافؤ الفرص.

غير أن نِك برايانت مراسل بي بي سي في سيدني وصف اقتراح الشيخ بأنه يكاد يكون غير قابل للتحقيق مطلقا.

وقد أدانت حكومة رئيس الوزراء جون هاورد إدانة مشددة التصريحات الأصلية للهلالي، والتي أثارت الجدل، حيث قالت إن معناها جلي ومسيء أشد الإساءة - وهو الرأي الذي وافقته العديد من المنظمات الإسلامية الرئيسية في البلاد.

تكميم الفم
وقد اعتذر المفتي علنا منذ نشر تعليقاته الأسبوع الماضي. كما طلب إعفاءه لأجل غير مسمى من مهامه الدينية بعد إصابته بآلام في صدره.

أي شخص .. يحقر من قدر النساء الأستراليات للباسهن، ليس إلا جاهل وأحمق ومجنون

الشيخ تاج الدين الهلالي

شاركي برأيِك في الجدل الدائر
وفي أحدث مقترحاته، عرض الشيخ الهلالي الاستقالة من كافة المهام الدينية إذا أدانته المحكمة بالتحريض على العنف ضد النساء.

كما تطوع بإمضاء 600 ساعة للعمل من أجل المنظمات التي تدعم النساء.

وقال إن عرضه تكميم فمه بشريط لمدة ستة أشهر في الأماكن العامة سيكون جهدا عاما "لتأديب فمه على التفوه بتلك الكلمات".

وقال الشيخ إنه إذا برأته تلك المحكمة فإنه سيتخذ قرارا حول مستقبله بما يشجع التعايش السلمي بين أطياف المجتمع في أستراليا

Post: #9
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-27-2007, 11:56 PM
Parent: #1

What we hope to achieve

The march will be a message from the Australian people to the government and to those in the Muslim
community who share Hilali's views. That message is:

We back Federal Sex Discrimination Comissioner Pru Goward in her call for Hilali to be deported.
Further more, we want Keysar Trad and Sheikh Omran deported with him.
We call for urgent citizenship legislation that will weed out extremists.

Mufti Sheikh Hilali, Sheikh Omran, and Keysar Trad are poor leaders for Australia's Muslims.
These men are stirring up hatred and division in Australia, and making it harder for Muslims to
integrate into Australian society.

They openly slander, and denegrate Australian values and our way of life, while supporting jihadist extremism.

It is a privilege to be a citizen of this country, not a right.

Post: #10
Title: Re: الغاء مسيرة لنساء عاريات باستراليا ( The great Australian bikini march)
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 01-28-2007, 11:29 AM
Parent: #1

اتجدي هذة التلويحات يا رجل