Taragie Mustafa : We are PROUD of You and We LOVE You

Taragie Mustafa : We are PROUD of You and We LOVE You

01-18-2007, 08:02 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=3&msg=1169103771&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: Taragie Mustafa : We are PROUD of You and We LOVE You
Author: Rawan Hamid
Date: 01-18-2007, 08:02 AM
Parent: #0

Dear Madam Taragie Mustafa,

On behalf of my youth association I would like to say

We Are Proud of You

Thank you for all the hard work that you have done and doing for Sudan .

Thank you for standing tall against all the obstacles and conspiracies .

Thank you for being the first Sudanese Woman to confront Arab discrimination against Sudanese people.


We pray for your protection and pray for you to be blessed and for God to be on your side because your fight is not an easy one.
We are spreading your message , Yes to any friendship of true peace and No to any provokers of war and discrimination .
For the sake of my generation please don't give up the fight . I have seen you on stage screaming out loud for people in Darfur in Stand for Darfur Rally in Canada and I pray you never stop and the love for Sudan I saw on you continues and it's people like who make changes because your love for Sudan and your fight against war is unconditional and genuine.
Don't let people who are engaging in personal arguments or spreading false rumors about you distract you from what your are meant to do. A Freedom Fighter.

Fighters like you , can help Sudan be free of tribalism , sexism , classicism , discrimination against religion or political view and ethnicity.

Please know that a lot of people are proud of you and hope you never stop. A lot want to join your association and don't know how because your email isn't in your profile.

May God bless you and all the Sudanese Women, teachers , Human rights activists , Warriors , Mothers Grandmothers , Sisters , Politicians ALL the women who took all the pain and spent their best efforts to make those whose lives are lost in vain and traded with power WORTHY and build a new Sudan . We love you and appreciate every minute you spend away from you family and loved ones to make Sudan a better home for all of us.

You have all my respect,

Rawan hamid