Fela Kuti....I love You

Fela Kuti....I love You

12-30-2006, 01:11 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=3&msg=1167437499&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 12-30-2006, 01:11 AM

المغنى النيجيرى ...الاعظم فى قارتنا.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 12-30-2006, 01:16 AM
Parent: #1

Fela Kuti was born in Abeokuta, Nigeria to a middle-class family. His mother, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, was a feminist active in the anti-colonial movement and his father, Reverend Israel Oludotun Ransome-Kuti, was the first president of the Nigerian Union Of Teachers.
Dr. Beko Ransome-Kuti and Olikoye Ransome-Kuti are his brothers and were both well known in Nigeria.
He relocated to London in 1958 with the intention of studying medicine, but he decided to study music instead at the Trinity College of Music. While there, he formed the band Koola Lobitos, playing a style of music Fela called Afrobeat. The style was a fusion of American jazz with West African highlife. In 1961 Fela married his first wife, Remilekun (Remi) Taylor, with whom he would have three children (Femi, Yeni and Sola). In 1963 Fela moved back to Nigeria, re-formed Koola Lobitos and trained as a radio producer for Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation. In 1969 Fela took the band to the United States. While there, Fela discovered the black power movement through Sandra Izsadore--a friend of the Black Panther Party--which would heavily influence his music and political views and renamed the band "Nigeria 70". Soon, the Immigration and Naturalization Service were tipped off by a promoter that Fela and his band were in the US without work permits. The band then performed a quick recording session in Los Angeles, which would later be released as "The '69 Los Angeles Sessions".
Fela and his band, renamed "Africa '70" returned to Nigeria. He then formed the Kalakuta Republic, a commune, a recording studio and a home for many connected to the band which he later declared independent from the Nigerian state. Fela set up a nightclub in the Empire Hotel, named the Afro-Spot and then the Shrine, where he performed regularly. Fela also changed his middle name to "Anikulapo" (meaning "he who carries death in his pouch"), stating that his original middle name of Ransome was a slave name. The recordings continued, and the music became more politically motivated. Fela's music became very popular among the Nigerian public and Africans in general. In fact, he made the decision to sing in English so that his music could be enjoyed by individuals all over Africa, where the languages spoken are very diverse and numerous. As popular as Fela's music had become in Nigeria and elsewhere, it was also very unpopular with the ruling government, and raids on the Kalakuta Republic were frequent. In 1974 the police arrived with a search warrant and a cannabis joint, which they had intended to plant on Fela. He became wise to this and swallowed the joint. In response, the police took him into custody and waited to examine his feces. Fela enlisted the help of his prison mates and gave the police someone else's feces, and Fela was freed. He then recounted this tale in his release Expensive .

Post: #3
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 12-30-2006, 11:00 AM
Parent: #2

الأخ العزيز محي الدين ابكر (ابو سامي)
لك التحية و التقدير ..
و كل عام و انت و افراد اسرتك الكريمة بالف خير ..


جميل جدأ ان تفي بوعدك في الكتابة عن المغني الرائع فيلا كوتي ..

و لنا عودة ..

Post: #4
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 12-30-2006, 11:05 AM
Parent: #3

كل عام وأنت وأسرتك الكريمة بألف خير

ونسأل الله أن تعود للسودان عافيته بعيدا عن قاتليه وناهبيه

ومغتصبي نسائه ومذلي شرفائه ومشردي الغر الميامين من أبنائه

وأن يشمل القصاص العادل كل من قتل ونهب وسرق واغتصب وشرد وعذب

وأن يأخذ السودان مكانه الجدير به بين أمم الأرض معززا مكرما محترما

محبوبا وأن ينعم اهله بالوحدة والحرية والديمقراطية والعزة والكرامة

والتنمية المستدامة والرفاه وأن يعم الحب والأمن والطمأنينة والعدل

والمساواة كل أبنائه في كل ربوعه ونجوعه.

وكل عام والسودان وأنتم جميعكم بألف ألف خير.....

dr mustafa mahmoud

Post: #5
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 12-30-2006, 03:43 PM
Parent: #4

محي الدين

عيدية مباركة

ارجو انزال هذه الروابط التي تحوي بعض اغاني الفنان العظيم فيلا كوتي الذي اعشقه مثلك



توثيقي الجزء الاول


الجزء الثاني


Post: #6
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 12-30-2006, 03:58 PM
Parent: #5


هذا الرابط خاص بابنه فيمي

Post: #9
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-01-2007, 03:07 AM
Parent: #6

اخى العزيز حيدر حسن ميرغنى
كل سنة وانت طيب
طبعا كسرت لى الدش فى ايدى
كنت قايل روحى ومعاى محمدين برانا بنعرف الممسوخ فيلا كوتى دة, لكن جبت لينا ولدو كمان, دة انت طلعت من العيلة حتى!
شكرا للروابط وبالنسبة لى بعتبرها اقيم هدية اتلقاها فى حياتى.
ما عارف اشكرك كيف, لكن انشاء الله يوم شكرك ما يجى.
مع خالص مودتى

Post: #8
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-01-2007, 02:15 AM
Parent: #4

العزيز د. مصطفى محمود
اشكرك جدا على المعايدة الشاملة واامل معك فى تحقق تلك الاكنيات العزيزة علينا.
كن بالف خير.

Post: #7
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 12-30-2006, 04:45 PM
Parent: #3

اخى العزيز محمدين
كل عام وانت بخير وموفور الصحة والعافية.
شكرا لك على المرور والكلام عن الاسطورة كتى ذو شجون, وتابع معنا حيته وفنه ومواقفه السياسية.
مع مودتى

Post: #10
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-01-2007, 04:17 AM
Parent: #7

كدى شوفو دة
غايتو حيدر فتح باب بالروابط دى ما ينسد كلو كلو:

دة ولد على فركة تورى المالى الرهيب

Post: #11
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-01-2007, 05:08 AM
Parent: #10

الحبيب محي الدين

الموقع ده ناس البورد شغالين فيهو ضبح من زمان ... لكن مشكلتهم بيفتشو عن فنانين سودانيين

بس اكتب اسم الفنان اللي بالك بالعربي او الانجليزي ويجيبو ليك هوا

ايضا هناك موقع قوقل فيهو نفس الشغل ده

انا عاشق للغناء الاصلي ده من زمن طويل وبالتحديد السنغالي والنيجيري

هاك المقاطع دي للفنان الشهير سالف كيتا



وده الموقع الاليكتروني الرسمي لسالف كيتا


وده موقع موسوعة المومسيقى الافريقية


اتمنى ليك سياحة شهية

ولك مودتي

Post: #12
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 01-01-2007, 01:07 PM
Parent: #11

اخي محي الدين ابكر

Quote: دة ولد على فركة تورى المالى الرهيب

انا بيعجبني شديد لدرجة الثمالة غناء اهلنا في غرب افريقيا
هم (دروايش افريقيا ) كما سميتهم مرة ..

و صحي ما برانا فحيدر حسن متابع جيد و لصيق بالفن الافريقي ..
و في كتار بس دافنين دقن ..

Post: #16
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-01-2007, 08:28 PM
Parent: #12

Quote: و صحي ما برانا فحيدر حسن متابع جيد و لصيق بالفن الافريقي ..
و في كتار بس دافنين دقن ..

توا انحنا دايرين ديل يا محمدين
وحقا اهلنا فى غرب القارة دراويش افريقيا,فنانين بالفطرة.

Post: #15
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-01-2007, 07:13 PM
Parent: #11

اخى العزيز حيدر

كدة انت ورطنا بجميل ضخم نحنا ما قدرو
وسالف كيتا لم اسمعه من قبل ودى فرصة جيدة للتعرف عليه
ويازول يا اصيل, "طلعت ميه من تحت فن"
شكرا ليك

Post: #13
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: شرف الدين آدم إسماعيل
Date: 01-01-2007, 03:37 PM
Parent: #1

محي الدين
وزواره الكرام
كل سنة وانتم طيبين
والقابلة علي امانيكم
ونحي كل من ينقب عن الفن الافريقي الاصيل

Post: #17
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-01-2007, 08:39 PM
Parent: #13

شرف الدين سلامات وتحايا
وكل سنة وانت طيب

Post: #14
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: شبشة
Date: 01-01-2007, 05:13 PM
Parent: #1

معقولة بس يا محى الدين ما متخيل زول غيرك ومحمدين ,على العموم شكرا على البوست الجميل وانا مستمتع بيهو لانى ما بقدر اكتب لفترة لكين بجيكم راجع كان اليد انعدلت.
اقعدوا عافية

Post: #18
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: isam ali
Date: 01-02-2007, 06:57 AM
Parent: #14

و لكن حصل استمعتو لسيكوبا بمبينو( Sekouba Bambino)
وهو من غينياالشقيقة, والتى كان يقود احلام تحررها الوطنى الزعيم الوضاح احمد سيكتورى.
اهتم سيكتورى بالتقدم الاجتماعى للبلدوغناها على قدم المساواة. كانت بمبينا جاز هى الفرقة الموسيقة الكبرى التى ترعاها الدولة الى جانب اخريات فى كونارى وباقى البقاع. وعندما توفى مغنيها الاساسى . طلب سيكورى يمبينو لكى يحل محله . ولكن فرقته ، فى تلك المدينة النائية رفضت . فارسل سيكتورى 3 وزراء - اى والله - 3 وزراء لاقناع الفرقة ، واقتنعوا .
يقولون ان صوته ذهبى ، ويزعجنى التشبيه ، ففيه خطأواضح عندما يستغنو من العزوبة، تعاين للزول فى وشو وتقول شوف بالله سماحة الروح ، تكتشف بعد حين انها فكرة مؤجلة تقترحا تجربة سماع تفتح الروح.
اها اقطع الاسم وابحث فى يوتوب .
اما لو عاوز روحك تحلق فكدى كوس ل : Ami Koita
صوتهامن عصافير وفراشات وذكريات محبة ( حقتك الخاصة والا القريتا فى الكتب )
لما تودى صوتا فى المناطق المستحيلةما تحلك الا حالة تصوف تعصمك من جنون
غايتو انا لما اخجل من حالة شهر الجلد المتطاير اقنب اردد: لاحولااا.. لاحولااا
اما البلوز الافريقى .. الجد جد ، تلقاهو عن سيدو Lobi Traore
عندهم فى مالى ناى .. اجارك الله ، يتلف العصب وما يصلح حال عصبك تانى الا بى صوت ناى فولا ( Fola) من مالى جارة غينيا
احذرو موسيقى غرب افريقيا فانها قد تقتل اخاكم.

Post: #19
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-02-2007, 08:03 AM
Parent: #18


شكرا كثيرا على الاضافة الجميلة دي التي تنم عن حب ومعرفة عميقتين باغاني قارتنا الجميلة

اما فيما يتعلق بالفنانة (آمي كويتا) وجدتها مولودة في نفس قرية فناني المفضَل سالف كيتا

Ami Koita was born in the Malian village of Djoliba, the same village where Salif Keita was born. Both arists sing in the traditional jalistyle, though Koita was born into a jalifamily, and Keita chose the path of a jali instead of the "freeborn" or "noble" class he was born to. Actually Ami Koita is really called a jalimusolu, a female griot singer.

Koita's soaring voice, attitude, and presence has made her a role model for all of Mali's contemporary women. As she sings:

"I am proud to be a griot, I become a bird and fly above the people."

المصدر: موسوعة الموسيقى الافريقية


وبالمناسبة دي هاك الاغنية المالية دي لمجموعة من المغنيات الماليات الجميلات


Post: #20
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-02-2007, 10:07 AM
Parent: #19

محي الدين

تعرف حبنا للغناء الافريقي الاصيل نابع من فقدنا لمن يستطيع ان يعبر من فنانينا السودانيين عن

احاسيسنا بالمستوى الذي يعبَر به هؤلا الفنانين الافارقة العظماء

ممكن استثني منهم فنان واحد بس وهو الراحل موسى أبَا- طيب الله ثراه - ولذلك تجد له محبين في بعض

بلدان القارة التي كان يحلو له فيها الغناء.

لن نجد من يملاء الفراغ الذي تركه هذا الفنان العظيم الى يوم الدين رغم ان الثقافة السائدة عندنا

الان ثقافة غنائية لكنها فجة.

البوست الحلو ده رجَعني لسنوات مضت كنت انتظر فيها قدوم احد اقاربي من رحلة عمل بالامم المتحدة في

بعض بلدان القارة وكان عادة ما يحضر معه شرايط كاسيت لمغنيين افارقة استهوتني موسيقاهم الشجية

ومن يومها عكفت على ارهاف السمع لهذه الاصوات الحنينة وكانها شيئ قادم من وراء التاريخ والاساطير

ايام عملي بجدة زاملت صديق عزيز قدم من تشاد وكان عاشق لفنان من ساحل العاج اسمه الفا بلوندي

استعرت منه الكاسيت وجلست اسمع هذا الفنان لايام حتى عشقت اغانيه وموسيقاه،

وعشان كده تجدني اليوم (شايل) سيرة هذا الفنان للبوست ده للتعرف عليه اكثر

الفا بلوندي Alpha Blondy

إسمه الحقيق سيدو كوني

يعد من بين فناني الريغي الاكثر شعبية في العالم

سمى نفسه "راستا افريقيا" تتمحور اغانيه الاشبه بالاناشيد حول تعزيز الاخلاق والمحبة والسلام

والعدل الاجتماعي. مؤيد قوى لمبادئ الوحدة الافريقية وتحقيقا لهذه الغاية ، يغني لمحبيه من

المسلمين بالعبريه فيما يغني بالعربية للاسرائيليين

مصدر الكلام الفوق ده تجده في الرابط ادناه


الاغنية المرفقة في الرابط إسمها "القدس" وتعد واحدة من اشهر أغانيه


وجدت له (سيديهات) اغاني في العديد من اسواق دول اسيا التي زرتها

قول لي رايك فيه

Post: #22
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: isam ali
Date: 01-02-2007, 09:19 PM
Parent: #20

الفلوت الافريقى

كورا المادينكا


الة البالوفون


Post: #25
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-03-2007, 02:41 AM
Parent: #20

اخانا فى عشق الفن الاقريقى سلام
نشكر لك مجهوداتك ونتمنى مدنا بالمزيد...
Quote: ايام عملي بجدة زاملت صديق عزيز قدم من تشاد وكان عاشق لفنان من ساحل العاج اسمه الفا بلوندي

استعرت منه الكاسيت وجلست اسمع هذا الفنان لايام حتى عشقت اغانيه وموسيقاه،

الفا بلوندى فنان رايع بمعنى الكلمة, وكنت فى منتصف التسعينات استمعت لشريط كاسيت له بعنوان Masada
استمعت الى اغنية القدس وعجبتنى جدا, ويبدو ان لالفا بلوندى اغان كثيرة فى هذا الموقع العجيب.
تسلم وابقى ادينا طلة كل شوية بالجميل من الغناء

Post: #24
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-02-2007, 10:23 PM
Parent: #18

اخونا عصام على سلام
ياخى دى قمة الروعة وياريت تمدنا بالمزيد من الفنانين والروابط
عثرت على Sekouba Bambino لكن ياءت نتائج البحث بالفشل بالنسبة ل Ami Koita و Lobi Traore ودة الشحتف الروح اكتر. لكنى قاااعد فى الكمبيوتر للصباح حتى تفرج.
وشكرا ليك كتير ياخى ولا تخش على اخوك من الهلاك , فالموسيقى الغرب افريقية تحييه وتجدد شبابه وحبه للحياه.

Post: #21
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-02-2007, 09:03 PM
Parent: #14

صديقى شبشة كل سنة وانت طيب
الف سلامة وعرفت من الاخ سفيان بخبر الحادث المؤلم
اتمنى ليدك عاجل الشفاء لتمتعنا بكتاباتك الادبية الرائعة
لم اعرف ان الكثيرين ذواقة بدرجة الامتياز للغناء والموسيقى الافريقية, لكن اعتبر"تعالمى" سقطة. بالمناسبة لو تتذكر الشاعر النيجيرى الكان بيجى انترنت الحى الثامن؟ زولك المسلط دة هو السبب الرئيسى لتعمقى فى الاستماع ومشاهدة كتا يغنى, وتقريبا ذكر لى انه اهداك انت او محسى ما متذكر ديوان لشعره.
اتمنى لك عاجل الشفاء.

Post: #23
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: isam ali
Date: 01-02-2007, 10:08 PM
Parent: #21

ألات وناس

والناس ناس

على بالايمان ناس

Post: #26
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محمد حنفي
Date: 01-03-2007, 11:09 AM
Parent: #23

عزيزي محي الدين
كل سنة وانت طيب
شفت الدنيا دي عجيبة كيف
امتعني البوست يا ممتع
كان حيين ابنلاقو
بوسة لمحيو الصغير وامه

Post: #27
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-12-2007, 12:07 PM
Parent: #26

محي الدين

عساك بخير

هاك الحاجة دي


Post: #28
Title: Re: ....I love You
Author: عبدالكريم الامين احمد
Date: 01-12-2007, 01:13 PM
Parent: #27

Quote: كنت قايل روحى ومعاى محمدين برانا بنعرف الممسوخ فيلا كوتى دة, لكن جبت لينا ولدو كمان, دة انت طلعت من العيلة حتى!

والله يا محي الدين وحيدر..احييكم واحبكم كمان..
كنت انا ايضا اخطط لكلام كثير عن المغنين الافارقة (Fela Kuti) و المغني المالي العظيم (سالف كيتا)
والاثيوبية استير اويكي.. والان ستتوحد الجهود وسنكون معنا.. ومااجمل الفن الافريقي واشجاها..وما
اعظم الحان(كوفي).
ومعاكم حجل بالرجل في هذه الخانة المليانة..

Post: #31
Title: Re: ....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-12-2007, 02:00 PM
Parent: #28

الاخ عبدالكريم الامين
شكرا لمرورك اللطيف ومستنين متاوقتك, بل اقامتك هنا وسط الزخم الغنائى الافريقى بقيادة ربان البوست حيدر حسن. المغنية الرائعة استر كانت بحوزتنا لها عدة اغنيات جميلة, لكن الله يكفيك شر القلاعين وقعت فى يد واحد اخونا شالن حمرة عين عديل كدة, خفنا على الاولاد من اليتم و قلنا نلقى حقنا يوم القيامة, لكن شوف Tilahun Gessese
وهو بالمناسبة ايام شهر العسل بين نميرى ومنقستو عطر ليالى الخرطوم اواخر السبعينيات, استمتع:

Post: #30
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-12-2007, 01:39 PM
Parent: #27

اخى حيدر حسن ميرغنى
الرجل الذواق
غايتو بالموقع الجبتو لينا دة نسينا عمنا فيلا كوتى زاتو, وياخوى لقيت تينا تشارلس شخصيا البفتش ليها من عشرة سنين عديل كدة, استمتع معاها هنا:

Post: #29
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-12-2007, 01:22 PM
Parent: #26

محمد حنفى شخصيا هنا؟
سهى بنلاقو كان فينا هيين.
اتذكر يا رجل زوبعة ال evil forest وشمطة عمنا اوكونكو وما صاحبها من طبل ورقص افريقى اشد حرارة من ذاك الصيف؟
سامى وامه يشتاقون لكم جميعا.
خليك قريب.

Post: #32
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-12-2007, 02:07 PM
Parent: #29

عبد الكريم

تصدق محي الدين فتح البوست الجميل ده وإنشغل عنو شوية على ما أعتقد

اليوم شاهدت في القناة اليابانية برنامج جميل عن الموسيقى الافريقية .. فهرعت ابحث عن البوست

ليس هناك ما يضاهي اغاني قارتنا السمراء الجميلة التي علَمت الدنيا فن الغناء

نتمنى ان ترفد البوست بما عندك من الاغاني


محي الدين سيد الحوش الصغير

تعرف موقع (يو تيوب) ده بالاضافة لفيديو (قوقل) تجد فيهو مبتغاك من الاغاني الجميلة لاي فنان في

العالم تبحث عنه

بالله واصل في المداخلات عشان نقدر نخلي غيرنا يعرف ويستمتع ايضا

Post: #33
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-13-2007, 00:45 AM
Parent: #32

ربان البوست حيدر ميرغنى لك التحية
Quote: تعرف موقع (يو تيوب) ده بالاضافة لفيديو (قوقل) تجد فيهو مبتغاك من الاغاني الجميلة لاي فنان في

العالم تبحث عنه

هنا ينطبق على مثل سودانى لكن ما عارف من وين بيقول: دراويش ولقو مداح
واخوك درويش غنا عدييل. نواصل فى سيرة فيلا:
Quote: In 1977 Fela and the Afrika 70 released the hit album Zombie, a scathing attack on Nigerian soldiers using the "zombie" metaphor to describe the methods of the Nigerian military. The album was a smash hit with the people and infuriated the government, setting off a vicious attack against the Kalakuta Republic, during which one thousand soldiers attacked the commune. Fela was severely beaten, and his elderly mother was thrown from a window, causing fatal injuries. The Kalakuta Republic was burned, and Fela's studio, instruments, and master tapes were destroyed. Fela claimed that he would have been killed if it were not for the intervention of a commanding officer as he was being beaten. Fela's response to the attack was to deliver his mother's coffin to an army barrack and write two songs, "Coffin for Head of State" and "Unknown Soldier," referencing the official inquiry which claimed the commune had been destroyed by an unknown soldier.

Fela and his band then took residence in Crossroads Hotel as the Shrine had been destroyed along with his commune. In 1978 Fela married twenty seven women, many of whom were his dancers and singers to mark the anniversary of the attack on the Kalakuta Republic. The year was also marked by two notorious concerts, the first in Accra in which riots broke out during the song "Zombie" which led to Fela being banned from entering Ghana. The second was at the Berlin Jazz Festival after which most of Fela's musicians deserted him, due to rumors that Fela was planning to use the entirety of the proceeds to fund his presidential campaign.

Despite the massive setbacks, Fela was determined to come back. He formed his own political party, which he called "Movement of the People". In 1979 he put himself forward for President in Nigeria's first elections for more than a decade but his candidature was refused. At this time, Fela created a new band called "Egypt 80" and continued to record albums and tour the country. In 1983 he again ran for President but was again attacked by police, who threw him in prison on a dubious charge of currency smuggling. After twenty months, the regime changed once again and Fela was released from prison. On Fela's release he divorced his twelve remaining wives. Once again, Fela continued to release albums with Egypt 80, made a number of successful tours of the United States and Europe and also continued to be politically active. In 1986, Fela performed in Giants Stadium in New Jersey as part of the Amnesty International "Conspiracy of Hope" concert, sharing the bill with Bono, Carlos Santana, and The Neville Brothers.

His album output slowed in the 1990s, and eventually he stopped releasing albums altogether. This led to rumors that he was suffering from an illness that he was refusing treatment for. It was announced that he died on August 2, 1997 in Lagos, Nigeria and more than a million people attended his funeral. Later, it was revealed that he succumbed to AIDS-related heart failure.

نسيت اعمل كوت للكلام الاولانى, والموقع لمن يريد النص كاملا هو:


Post: #34
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-13-2007, 02:37 AM
Parent: #33

ديل اهلنا ناس تمبكتو, مريم وامادو(محمدو؟)

Post: #35
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 01-13-2007, 04:20 AM
Parent: #34

محي الدين
وكل عشاق الفن الافريقي
شكرا لكم لهذا الابداع .
وكل عام وانت بخير.

Post: #36
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-13-2007, 10:08 AM
Parent: #35

محي الدين

طالع وشاهد في الرابط ادناه الفنان (الماسك الجو) اليومين ديل في امريكا AKON السنغالي الاصل

صاحب الاعنية الشهيرة smack that




اضغط على صورته حتى تسمع وتشاهد الاغنية

Post: #37
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-15-2007, 01:18 AM
Parent: #36

تراجى نورت البوست
الربان حيدر حسن ميرغنى
شكرا ليك
وكدة شوف عمنا على فركة تورى هنا وحتدعى لى وحياتك


Post: #38
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: Elmoiz Abunura
Date: 01-15-2007, 01:59 AM
Parent: #1

محى الدين ابكر سليمان Dear
Thanks for this interesting post. I wonder if you would bring some links to the songs of the Malian feminist, and women's rights advocate Oumou Sangare. I have worked with others to bring her 8 years ago to come to my university of North Carolina at Asheville for a concert and a workshop on " The Challenges which face African Momen in Mali, and the Sahel" She was impressive, and left profound influence of my young female students at that time.

Mali's Oumou Sangare Celebrates CD Reissue With U.S. Tour

Feminist Wassoulou singer returns to America; 1993's Ko Sira back in stores.

by Chris Nickson

Oumou Sangare's debut album, Moussoulou, sold 200,000 copies in Africa. (Christien Jaspars)

Throughout her career, Malian diva Oumou Sangare has been a woman with a mission.

Sangare, whose 1993 album Ko Sira was reissued recently by World Circuit/Nonesuch, and who is touring the United States, has long been an outspoken

advocate of African women's rights.

"She's assertive and speaks about important issues that concern Mali but also resonate in America," said Jon Kertzer, longtime host of "The Best Ambience" on Seattle's KCMU-FM. "She sings about the place of women in Islamic society, and how men treat women."

Sangare, 32, has been singing in public since she was 6. She rose through the ranks of the National Ensemble of Mali and Djoliba, a percussion troupe, before striking out on her own. Her 1989 album Moussolou (Women), released here last year, sold more than 200,000 copies in Africa and included her most popular song, "Diaraby Nene" (Love Fever) (RealAudio excerpt).

Several of the songs she wrote and sang spoke out against the widespread practice of polygamy.

"I suffered a lot as the child of a polygamous marriage," Sangare recalled. "My mother suffered, too, and we saw a lot that really isn't what people would think of as normal. That's why I've been drawn to defend all women in this situation."

In songs such as "Dugu Kamelemba" (The Womanizer) (RealAudio excerpt), Sangare pulls no verbal punches against those who take more than one wife. "But," she added, "things are improving in Mali."

While she is best known for her feminist material, Sangare is also capable of penning a love song, such as the lilting "Nawo Nawo" (I Will Go With You) (RealAudio excerpt). Passion and romance are definitely part of her artistic personality.

Sangare resides in Bamako, Mali's capital. But her musical roots lie in the country's southern Wassoulou region, where she was raised. Its music signature includes percussion and the light, funky sound of the kamelengoni (young man's harp), as heard on "Kayini Wura" (Evening Greeting). Having introduced the regional Wassoulou style to the country at large, she remains its leading star.

Over the course of a decade and three albums, Sangare has established herself as Mali's best-known female voice, its singing queen. "Her whole package is appealing," observed Kertzer, "her voice, message and presence. She has confidence and a regal bearing."

Sangare is touring the United States with countryman Habib Koité. She recently finished recording a new album, which will appear early in 2001.

"Some international artists were involved, but it's still traditionally based," she noted. "Wassoulou is still my sound, and I'll be the only featured vocalist."

Sangare also produced the album, unusual for a female musician. But she has been leading a band for more than a decade. She admitted, however, that "it's not easy for a woman to direct a band of men, especially African men. I've encountered a lot of difficulty. But my love of music has given me the strength to accomplish my mission."

Sangare's mission has made a difference. Other female Mali singers such as Nahawa Doumbia and the young Rokia Traore have followed in her outspoken footsteps, speaking out for women in their country and across the continent.

While it was gratifying "to have other women follow my lead," Sangare said, it was even more satisfying "to see women in Africa have growing confidence and self-esteem, and are no longer afraid of the power of African men. Now when a woman has talent and something to do, she can move forward."

Post: #39
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-15-2007, 02:30 AM
Parent: #38

الاخ المعز ابو نورا
مرحب بيك وشكرا للمرور والاضافة
ارجو زيارة هذا الرابط وستجدOumou Sangare تصدح


Post: #40
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: ماجدة عوض خوجلى
Date: 01-15-2007, 12:41 PM
Parent: #1

اخى محى الدين

تحياتى لك

انا فى الحقيقه الثقافه الغنائيه بتاعتى ضعيفه شويه

حتى على مستوى الفنانين السودانين لكن مره مره كده الحنيين بياخدنا

انا احب الانشاد الصوفى الى حد كبير وقد حملنى عزف وصوت هذا الفنان الى

حيث احب واشتهى ان اكون فى مسيد ابوى الصايم دايما وحلقات الذكر

تحياتى لك اخى

Post: #41
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-15-2007, 01:55 PM
Parent: #40

الاخت الفاضلة ماجدة عوض خوجلى
الف مرحب بيك فى هذا المحراب
Quote: انا احب الانشاد الصوفى الى حد كبير وقد حملنى عزف وصوت هذا الفنان الى

حيث احب واشتهى ان اكون فى مسيد ابوى الصايم دايما وحلقات الذكر

للانشاد الصوفى اثر غائر فى وجدان معظم السودانيين, واذكر ايام الصبا كيف كنا نتسلل كما اللصوص الى حلقات الذكر ونعود متخمين روحيا غير ابهين للعنات اهلنا الانصار!
"دى ما فتنة طائفية لكن ربونا على كدة نعمل شنو؟"

شكرا ليك واستمتعى بهذا الرابط:

Post: #42
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-16-2007, 06:42 PM
Parent: #41

The musical style performed by Fela Kuti is called Afrobeat, which is essentially a fusion of jazz, funk and Traditional African Chant. It is characterized by having African style percussion, vocals, and musical structure, along with jazzy, funky horn sections. The "endless groove" is also used, in which a base rhythm of drums, muted guitar, and bass guitar are repeated throughout the song. This is a common technique in African and African-influenced musical styles, and can be seen in funk and hip-hop. Some elements often present in Fela's music are the call-and-response with the chorus and figurative but simple lyrics. Fela's songs were almost always over ten minutes in length, some reaching the twenty or even thirty minute marks. This was one of many reasons that his music never reached a substantial degree of popularity outside of Africa. His songs were mostly sung in Nigerian pidgin, although he also performed a few songs in the Yoruba language. Fela's main instruments were the saxophone and the keyboards but he also played the trumpet, horn, guitar and made the occasional drum solo. Fela refused to perform songs again after he had already recorded them, which also hindered his popularity outside Africa. Fela was known for his showmanship, and his concerts were often quite outlandish and wild.

Post: #43
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: عبدالغفار محمد سعيد
Date: 01-16-2007, 07:31 PM
Parent: #42

محى الدين كيفك

لاكن غنا سمح عديل كده

شوف دى كيف


Post: #46
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-21-2007, 04:48 PM
Parent: #43

الاخ العزيز عبدالغفار
اولا اسف لغيابى بسبب المساسقة وجرى الوحوش
Quote: لاكن غنا سمح عديل كده

لكن تريسى تشابمان الاسمح, خصوصا اغنية give me one reason
ويبدو انو ممكن نستعين بيك فى البحث عن الزول الستينى الغناى James Carr
الراجل دة قوقلتو لامن قوقل زهج وما لقيت ليهو اى حاجة. من اغانيه الاكتر من رايعة
at the dark end of the street
a man needs a woman
ويا اهل المروة افزعوا البوست بيهن

Post: #44
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: عبدالغفار محمد سعيد
Date: 01-16-2007, 09:23 PM
Parent: #1

الغناية جدا
Tracy Chapman






Post: #45
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: رأفت ميلاد
Date: 01-16-2007, 10:17 PM
Parent: #44

الأخ محى الدين ابكر سليمان

شكرآ ياخى لهذا الإبداع
وتعريفنا بهذا الفنان الذى لولاك لم أسمع به

ولم يقصر الأخوة فى الإثراء

شكرآ ودمت دائمآ مبدع


رأفت ميلاد

Post: #47
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-21-2007, 05:11 PM
Parent: #45

محي الدين



Post: #48
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-21-2007, 05:15 PM
Parent: #45

اخى العزيز راْفت ميلاد
شكرا لولوجك محرابنا الفنى هذا واعتذر عن تاْخرى
بالصدفة بعد ان كتبت ردى على مداخلة اخونا عبدالغفار عثرت على اغنية لجيمس كار
اهديها لك وهى بعنوان:
you got my messed up
مع تحياتى

Post: #49
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-21-2007, 05:21 PM
Parent: #48

محي الدين

جرَب الرابط ده كمان


Post: #50
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-21-2007, 05:30 PM
Parent: #49


هنا رابط احتفائي بموسيقاه


Post: #51
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: عبدالغفار محمد سعيد
Date: 01-21-2007, 06:06 PM
Parent: #50


Post: #53
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-21-2007, 06:28 PM
Parent: #51

العزيز عبدالغفار
شكرا ليك وتسلم يا حبيب
دة الغنا البيرد الروح

Post: #52
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-21-2007, 06:10 PM
Parent: #50

Quote: هنا رابط احتفائي بموسيقاه

ينصر دينك وبس يا حيدر
عشان كدة سميناك ربان البوست
جبت لى الاغنية العاوزها زاتها
At The Dark End of The The Street
والرابط التعريفى بجيمس كار
ياخى ايه الهنا الانا فيهو دة؟
تسلم يا سيدى ويسلم ذوقك الرفيع
واهديك غنا من شرق افريقيا"الصومال" ايام طيب الذكر سياد برى
وقالو التسويهو بايدك, يغلب اجاويدك, شوف الجماعة ديل:

Post: #54
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 01-22-2007, 04:43 PM
Parent: #52

محي الدين

بالله ده موش أحسن من العجاجة الرابطة في المنبر اليومين ديل

صدقني لو كان حسَهم موسيقي ما كان عملوا كده

خلينا ننقي من دواخلهم بموسيقانا التي نعشق .. لو كانوا يسمعون

Post: #55
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-22-2007, 06:28 PM
Parent: #54

اخانا فى الفن
Quote: بالله ده موش أحسن من العجاجة الرابطة في المنبر اليومين ديل

المنبر دة لو كان فى البحر, عجاجتو ماتقيف, لكن على قولك, نحاول نلطفو شوية, بحاجة زى دى مثلا:

Post: #56
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: مدثر محمد ادم
Date: 01-22-2007, 06:49 PM
Parent: #55

الخال محي الدين

سلامات وشوقنا بحر

وتحياتي لي
ناس البيت

Post: #57
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-23-2007, 01:24 PM
Parent: #56

مدثر سلامات ومرحب بيك

Post: #58
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-26-2007, 02:34 AM
Parent: #57

نرفع, عل الطمام يزول.

Post: #59
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-26-2007, 01:04 PM
Parent: #58

Political views
The American Black Power movement influenced Fela's political views. He was also a supporter of Pan-Africanism and socialism (although in a 1982 documentary he can clearly be seen rejecting both capitalism and socialism in favour of a third way that he described as Africanism), and called for a united, democratic African republic. He was a fierce supporter of human rights, and many of his songs are direct attacks against dictatorships, specifically the militaristic governments of Nigeria in the 1970s and 1980s. He was also a social commentator, and criticized his fellow Africans (especially the upper class) for betraying traditional African culture. The African culture he believed in also included having many wives (polygyny) and the Kalakuta Republic was formed in part as a polygamist colony. Though not part of African culture, it should be noted though that Fela was very liberal when it came to sex, as he portrayed in some of his songs, like "Open and Close." He also expressed views that could be considered sexist, such as describing women as mattresses

Post: #60
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: Aisha Hommaida
Date: 01-26-2007, 03:59 PM
Parent: #1

الأخ محى الدين والمتداخلين/أت الأعزاء

اليكم راى بعض الخبراء فى موسيقاه المتفردة..

Fela Anikulapo Kuti was both poplular and prolific, and over the couarse of 30 years he
released more thatn 80 almbums and even ran an aborted presidential campaign - a testament to the power of his critiques and his musical vision. Since his death in 1997 following a prolonged battle with AIDS, interest in his work has been rekindled. To this day, no other pop-culture icon has spoken truth to power in a more accessible form; it's an example many artists could stand to follow. As Kuti put it in a 1982 documentary film on his life, 'Music is the weapon of the future'."
Jon Caramanica, Vibe Magazine

الرابط ادناه لبعض صوره:


Post: #61
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 01-26-2007, 09:17 PM
Parent: #60

اخي محي الدين و ضيوفك الكرام لكم التحية جميعأ

سأعود الي محراب الفن الافريقي هذا بمعية بعض روائع (الدروايش ) ..

Post: #63
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-28-2007, 04:35 PM
Parent: #61

اخى العزيز محمدين
مرحب بعودتك للمحراب... بمعية الروائع ... ومنتظرينك.

Post: #62
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 01-28-2007, 03:21 PM
Parent: #60

الاخت العزيزة عائشة حميدة
سعداء بمرورك والقاءك مزيد من الضؤ حول موسيقى فيلا كوتى وحبذا لو واصلت معنافى التعريف بالموسيقى الافريقية.
لك خالص الشكر.

Post: #64
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محمدين محمد اسحق
Date: 01-29-2007, 10:22 PM
Parent: #62

اخوي محي الدين (ابو سامي)..جيناك راجعين ..
و المرة دي بدرويشة (ساحرة الصوت)
لا تقول لي استيرا ووك و لا جيجي و لا زناش
ديحاجة روعة ..
اسمها : Dieneba Seck من (مالي )
عندي ليك نص (البوم) اغنيات من اغانيها
تلقا في الرباط دا

لكن لازم يكون عندك برنامج WINRAR عشان تفك ملف الاغنيات


نص الألبوم الباقي الف و اجيك راجع تاني ..
البركة في فيلا كوتي الخلي الدرر تظهر ..

Post: #65
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-05-2007, 07:34 PM
Parent: #64

محمدين ياخوى كدى شوف عمك تراورى وعلى تورى فى الاغنية دى, وبالمرة ادى المسرح نظرة, وذوب فى هذا الطقس الرائع, تصدق يامحمدين باقى الموسيقى مسخت للواحد, الا موسيقى الدراويش, تعمل عمايل فى الروح.
بالمناسبة مريت فى عجالة على بوست ندى القلعة بتاع دريج, استغربت انو ندى فنانة واوموا ساناجرى فنانة برضو, واحدة "بتتكيف" لمحط الرجال بالسوط, والتانية ناشطة فى حقوق المراْة!
كدة سيبك من هترشتى دى واستمتع:
وبجيك راجع لانو البرنامج العجيب دة ما عندى.
عدلت عشان اديك اغنية لتراورى برضو, وتاْمل:


Post: #66
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-09-2007, 01:05 AM
Parent: #65


Post: #67
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-09-2007, 02:21 AM
Parent: #66

حبيب كوي تى

Post: #68
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-16-2007, 09:07 PM
Parent: #67

دويتو, اوموا ساناقرى واليشيا


Post: #69
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: abubakr
Date: 02-16-2007, 09:16 PM
Parent: #1


Fight the powers
It took years for Femi Kuti to win over fans of his father, the Afrobeat legend Fela. Now his only quarrels are with the government, the media, the record company, Madonna... He talks to Maya Jaggi

Listen to Femi Kuti in our Music Weekly podcast

Maya Jaggi
Friday February 16, 2007


This year marks the 10th anniversary of the death of Afrobeat legend Fela Anikulapo Kuti. But, in the run-up to the annual "Fela-bration" in Lagos, his eldest son and chief musical heir is in no mood to reminisce. "There's so much in my father's life," says Femi Kuti. "Just his musical works you could listen to all year long. But I don't want to be derailed. I have it at the back of my mind, and I just use it as a strength to keep me grounded."
In the 1970s, Fela Kuti pioneered the exhilarating meld of horn-driven jazz, funk and west African highlife that took James Brown's soul beat "back to Africa". For more than 20 years he played to thousands in his famous Lagos club, the Shrine. But his politically inflected lyrics brought clashes with successive military regimes in Nigeria, including frequent beatings and jail. In one raid in 1977 on Fela's walled compound - his self-declared "republic of Kalakuta" - his mother died of her injuries after being thrown from a window by soldiers.

Femi Kuti rebuilt the New Afrika Shrine in 2000, after it was closed down the previous year following harassment from the landlord, and he plays three free concerts there a week. He also founded, in 1998, the student-based Movement Against Second Slavery (Mass) to push for social change. Although he has been less confrontational with the government than his father, his appearance to many as Fela's reincarnation has drawn attacks in the Nigerian press for "standing by my father's legacy".

In 2002 he was made a Unicef "goodwill ambassador" for campaigning on Aids, the illness that killed Fela at the age of 58. But "with or without Unicef", Kuti says defiantly, "I'll always be fighting for justice, which is what my father taught me."

He, like his father before him, had a difficult musical apprenticeship. Born in London in 1962, he joined his father's band Egypt 80 as a teenage saxophonist in 1979, fronting it at the Hollywood Bowl in 1985 when Fela was sentenced to five years on dubious currency-smugging charges (he was freed after 20 months thanks to a campaign by Amnesty International). In 1987 he left to found his own band, the Positive Force - a "betrayal" for which his father didn't speak to him for five years - and Femi spent almost a decade convincing both Fela and his fans of his own worth. His breakthough was his 1995 album Wonder, Wonder, though some deemed it so good they thought Fela must have made it. His 1999 album Shoki Shoki, and the dance hit Beng Beng Beng (banned by the state broadcaster in Nigeria for its sexually explicit lyrics), rocked clubs from Paris to Tokyo, earning Kuti a spate of awards. His 2004 album Live at the Shrine gave a flavour of his electrifying performances, when he plays to up to 10,000 people, sometimes appearing bare-chested in the manner of his father.

Kuti, now 44, is in the UK headlining this year's African Soul Rebels tour (Ba Cissoko and Akli D complete the line-up). He is also launching a double-CD compilation drawn from his three of his albums as a singer-songwriter, saxophonist, trumpeter and keyboard player.

Over spaghetti bolognese in London, the inheritor of Afrobeat says he has been in Paris, recording his first studio album since Fight to Win in 2001. "I'm very proud of it, so far. It's 10 times stronger than Shoki Shoki," he says. The new recording, though, is not yet signed to a label. Kuti credits Barclay Records with "opening the doors of France and America", and introducing him to artists from D'Angelo and Mos Def to Macy Gray, who make guest appearances on Fight to Win. But he says he clashed with the company over the title of that album ("they said it was like terrorists, but I said we have to fight for Africa"), and claims they dropped him because he had the temerity to sack his French manager. "Isn't that slavery: how dare you sack your white manager?"

Yet his mood lightens when he talks about his young son Omrinmade ("Made"), the latest in the Kuti dynasty, who plays alto sax on the recording as well as being versed in trumpet and drums. "He's 11 - he thinks I'm perfect," he smiles. Kuti, who loves children, has adopted four in addition to his three. Kwame, 18, Damilola and Ramatu, both 13, and Mohammed, 11, were friends of Made's whose parents sold sweets at the Shrine but were, he says, too poor to look after them. He took them in and sent them to "first-class schools like my son's. I only provide for them because they can't get that provision elsewhere. I wish they could be in their own homes, and that my son would have respect for them." He has a message for Madonna: "She shouldn't only adopt one child in Malawi. She has money - she should go and repair the village, build good schools and hospitals, so that fathers can keep their sons. Why should Africa be damned?"

Fela's death in 1997 was the first the family knew for certain that he had Aids. But Kuti reveals that he contested the decision to go public. "We didn't decide; we were forced into it by my uncle," he says, blaming political forces for putting pressure on the family. "They were using Aids as a stigma against my father, forgetting all the beatings they gave him." Asked who "they" are, he says: "Politicians. But many of those who run the country [today] aren't officially in power; the most dangerous people are always at the back. They prefer to steal and dictate - they manipulate the press."

Yet he felt even international organisations such as the UN used the death for their own purposes, criticising a lifestyle that at one time saw Fela married to 27 of his backing singers. "They wanted to give my father a bad name once he couldn't defend himself. I said, are you saying he's to blame for the spread of Aids? They apologised. My fight was against the political game they were playing." Later, Kuti signed up to an Aids campaign, stating in Unicef's 2000 report that "failing to educate people about the disease is like signing their death sentence". Now Doctors Without Borders uses the Afrika Shrine for for education, and Kuti takes the message into songs such as Stop Aids ("If you must do sha!/ You better cover your bamboo").

Kuti says he stands by the protest politics of Mass, too, but that it fell into corrupt hands. "I put in all the money from my tours, and they took all of it." As for the press attacks, he says: "When I was attacking the government, they said I'd gone mad from smoking grass. I was in the studio in Paris and they were saying I was in a mental institution in France." Though he denies the claims - and says he gave up smoking "both tobacco and grass" last year - he regrets that his son Made is facing "problems I had when I was growing up, having to fight to defend my father because he smoked grass and wore pants" (Fela was known to perform in his underwear). Yet Kuti adds: "My upbringing made me see the bigger picture of what my father was fighting for. I can teach that to my son."

Made lives with Kuti, though Kuti split up about four years ago with his wife Funke, who was one of his dancers. With his band's growing success, he says, "all of us got caught up in the razzmatazz. I was lucky - engrossed in my son and Mass. But the band were all tripping and got arrogant. I don't want to blame my wife for the break-up, but she had bad friends and bad advice."

Turning his mind to the run-up to Nigeria's presidential elections in April, Kuti says, "I have no hope. I'm really sorry for us. The future is bitter, the economy is going to collapse. The masses will rise up. I just hope we don't end up like Rwanda."

As for the tendency of young Nigerians to prefer American-style rap to Afrobeat, Kuti says, "you'd definitely hear my father" in the new songs. "I'm confident of what I'm doing," he adds. "If everybody else is saying yes, let me be the last person to say no."

· The African Soul Rebels tour is at Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool (0151-709 3789) tonight, then tours until February 22. Femi Kuti: The Definitive Collection is out on Wrasse Records.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian News and Media Limited 2007

Post: #71
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-16-2007, 09:52 PM
Parent: #69

الاخ ابوبكر مساء الخير
وشكرا جزيلا لدعمك البوست بهذا المقال الجميل, الذى يؤكد ان فيلا لم يمت, بدليل الحفيد الذى سيدرك جيدا دوره المجتمعى كفنان ملتزم.
وتاْثرت جدا لهذا الجزء من المقال:

Kuti, who loves children, has adopted four in addition to his three. Kwame, 18, Damilola and Ramatu, both 13, and Mohammed, 11, were friends of Made's whose parents sold sweets at the Shrine but were, he says, too poor to look after them. He took them in and sent them to "first-class schools like my son's. I only provide for them because they can't get that provision elsewhere. I wish they could be in their own homes, and that my son would have respect for them." He has a message for Madonna: "She shouldn't only adopt one child in Malawi. She has money - she should go and repair the village, build good schools and hospitals, so that fathers can keep their sons. Why should Africa be damned?"

وارجو ان تطل من وقت لاخر

Post: #70
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: fadlabi
Date: 02-16-2007, 09:29 PM
Parent: #1

how could i not see this post
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase come here and check what i have for you
i swear i did not see this post before
just check this

أسمع بي قلبك (عن الموسيقى في الدنيا)

Post: #73
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-22-2007, 08:29 PM
Parent: #70

الاخ فاضلابى عميق اسفى لانى خشيت البوست بتاعك داك قبل ما اشوف الحاصل بهنا شنو, لكن جدعت ليك اغنية هناك عسى ان تؤكد مودتى لك.
" لعن الله الشر الفى دواخلنا وخلانا نستحلى العراك ونترك الموسيقى"

Post: #72
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: abubakr
Date: 02-16-2007, 10:24 PM
Parent: #1


From: AfricaAfroCentrikWorld
I thought it interesting that Fela's father was a christian preacher and his mother an activist and a communist after the order of Nkrumah.
Fela was of the people. I wonder what Nigeria would have been with him as president? He did entertain the thought. Adaoma






Post: #74
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-22-2007, 08:34 PM
Parent: #72

الاخ ابوبكر سلام واسفين لتاخير, شوف النوع دة من المغنا, شاب خالد


Post: #75
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: osly2
Date: 02-22-2007, 08:39 PM
Parent: #74

امتهن صاحبنا القواده لفترة طويله
يبدو انها مو من اسلافه
لذا برع فى هذا المجال وبز رفاق المهنه

Post: #76
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: osly2
Date: 02-22-2007, 08:42 PM
Parent: #75

فصل مقاسه على المهنه
ام فصلت المهنه عليه
لا يهم
المهم انهما مناسبان لبعضهما البعض
سموه محى الدين امير القوادين

Post: #77
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: osly2
Date: 02-22-2007, 08:46 PM
Parent: #76

تاجر فى كل شئ
حتى اهله لم يسلموا ان يكونوا جزء من تجارته
برع فى تجارته وصار من اساطينها
نقل تجارته من الجزيرة النائيه
وتوسط قلب المدينه
فصار علم لا تخطئه الابصار

Post: #78
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: fadlabi
Date: 02-22-2007, 10:09 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #79
Title: Re: Fela Kuti....I love You
Author: محى الدين ابكر سليمان
Date: 02-22-2007, 11:07 PM
Parent: #78

شكرا اخى فاضلابى, لكن يبدو ان اوسلى2 اراد ان يتربص بى حتى فى محرابى هذا, ساتجاهله هنا, واركب الشر فى مكان اخر, غير هذا المحراب المقدس.