Gration's Political Ponzi Scheme Against Sudan

Gration's Political Ponzi Scheme Against Sudan

04-13-2010, 06:36 PM


Post: #1
Title: Gration's Political Ponzi Scheme Against Sudan
Author: abubakr
Date: 04-13-2010, 06:36 PM
Parent: #0

Gration's Political Ponzi Scheme Against Sudan
Alysha Atma & Scott Morgan

The US administration is heavily vested in these elections- to the tune of 100 million dollars.

Bernard Madoff’s goal was to make money, lots of it, without conscience or compassion through the power of deception.

Instead of money, President Obama’s Sudan envoy, Scott Gration, who in Khartoum last weekend, is stealing lives and futures from the Sudanese people, using the very same tactics.

The administration is split with the president on the wrong side of this fence, standing in solidarity with Gration.

There are many voices calling from Darfur, Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains and the South, calling these elections fraudulent and violent.

Regarding Gration, damage control is imminent, although it appears pride and lack of direction are hindering real justice.

A track record of failed promises and the support to a genocidal president is speaking volumes to those on the ground calling for peace and justice.

The US is losing respect and failing in its ability to follow through with “pressures” that were promised in previous peace talks.

Just six months ago President Obama said: "Sudan is now poised to fall further into chaos if swift action is not taken.”{2}

People of Sudan are still wondering where the swift action is; the deception is becoming increasingly clear from those in trusted positions.

Sources in Sudan say it is not surprising that many have gone missing.

Several of the opposition parties have boycotted the elections in the last several weeks.

The National UMMA party was in a very strong position against President Al-Bashir, this was the consequence[3].

The government of Sudan has a vested interest in the violence and instability.

If peace and unity comes they will have to share wealth, resources, power and government privilege to all. The government has purposely and successfully fractured the country of Sudan.

>A look back at statements from key officials shows the Obama administration's expectations for Sudan's elections to be out of touch with the reality on the ground.

How serious is the Administration taking Sudan? Is this just collateral damage? Those that have had to leave their homes and lost families are in a position to lose even more.

Mohamed Yahya said, "Sudan should be ready for war. The government has torn life apart. No one to help those people; 6000 villages 90% destroyed 1000s of women and girls identity destroyed eliminated (Darfur). I lost 21 relatives in one day. There are 1000s of people of like me how do I forget, there is a line to forgiveness.

How can you forgive, those who destroyed the whole country?

YOU CANT! If you do you are allowing and honoring them, giving them a chance to do more. They will never change, this is unjustified and deliberate. It will continue if Bashir is not stopped".

There is a clear divide between what the Sudanese people are saying and what Gration is promoting. It appears to many, specifically those that have suffered the most that our democratic government is choosing the easy money, the deception of the Sudanese government.

Gration asserted that the election officials had "stepped up and met the challenge. These people have gone to great lengths to ensure that the people of Sudan will have access to polling places, and that the procedures and processes will ensure transparency and will ensure that the people's vote get registered and counted in the best way possible."[4].

There is still major violence and chaos on the ground, the candidate has gone missing; villages continue being attacked and millions are still displaced by the same man that is campaigning for a “re-election”. Our US government is financially and intellectually supporting; “honoring” this regime.

"There have been some significant impediments on the ground, restrictions on civil liberties, harassment of the media, reduction in the number of polling places, insecurity, an inability of many of the people, particularly in Darfur, to be able to register and participate," US Ambassador Susan Rice said[5].

In the midst of deception and chaos; where is does the reality lie?

Gration’s perception of reality on Sudan is that of Wall Street’s perception of its elected Chairman of NASDAQ Bernard Madoff.

The time of smoke and mirrors is archaic; we must make conclusions that are consistent with the on ground reality.

Humanity before politics.

Mr. Gration is the envoy to Sudan entrusted by not only the US government but also the people of Sudan, did he forget;