الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!

الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!

04-06-2010, 00:48 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=290&msg=1270511290&rn=10

Post: #1
Title: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: Wasil Ali
Date: 04-06-2010, 00:48 AM
Parent: #0

الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر

Post: #2
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: Wasil Ali
Date: 04-06-2010, 00:50 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States on Monday urged Sudan to immediately lift restrictions on political parties and indicated it would accept a short delay in landmark elections if it helped address concerns.

"The United States is concerned by the troubling developments, including serious restrictions on political freedoms, which have led to the ongoing uncertainties" on the election, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said.

"It is important for the government of Sudan immediately to lift restrictions on political parties and civil society," he told reporters.

Sudan "must also ensure that all voters are able to participate in the election by improving conditions on the ground, including in Darfur and elsewhere, and by providing meaningful access polling places."

Sudan's electoral commission has insisted the April 11-13 vote will go ahead on schedule despite threats by opposition parties to boycott the first elections since 1986.

The US envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, said Saturday after meeting members of the electoral commission, that he was confident the elections would be as "free and fair as possible" and would start on time.

But Crowley said that while Gration was "working hard" to encourage better conditions, it may be preferable to delay the election slightly.

"We recognize that there may well be a need for a brief delay," Crowley said. "But that to be something that is done so that Sudan can make the kind of improvements and address the legitimate concerns that the parties have."

A senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a brief delay would mean no more than around a month.

A raft of parties, including the Umma party of former premier Sadiq al-Mahdi, on Friday gave the government four days to implement key reforms before they would agree to take part in the poll, which they insisted be delayed until May.

The Umma party demanded a freeze of what it said were "repressive security measures" and fair access to the state media, as well as public funding and a commitment to Darfuri representation in the presidency.

Crowley told reporters: "We will judge these elections on whether they reflect the will of the Sudanese people, whether they meet international standards. We currently see disturbing trends in both areas."

On Wednesday, Yasser Arman, the presidential candidate for the former southern rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement, withdrew from the race after President Omar Beshir ruled out delaying the vote.

"I took the decision to withdraw for two reasons. Firstly, after having campaigned in Darfur, I realized that it was impossible to hold elections there due to the current state of emergency," he told AFP.

"Secondly, there are irregularities in the electoral process which is rigged."

Access remains difficult in western Darfur, where 300,000 people have died since 2003 in a war between ethnic rebels and the Khartoum government.

Post: #3
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: عاطف مكاوى
Date: 04-06-2010, 00:51 AM
Parent: #1

والله لو أجلوها لعدم ممانعة أمريكا....... تكون المصيبة الأكبر من (التزوير) وأكبر من كل مآسيهم.

Post: #4
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: احمد محمد بشير
Date: 04-06-2010, 00:53 AM
Parent: #3

شكلها كده , إنو زولنا دااااك حيبل كلامو و يشرب مويتو.

Post: #16
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: كمال عباس
Date: 04-07-2010, 05:15 AM
Parent: #4

..........صحيفة الوول ستريت جورنال

In Khartoum this past weekend, U.S. Envoy to Sudan Scott Gration expressed his confidence that the April 11 elections in that country—the first since 1986—will be as "free and fair as possible."

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir should be plastering "We Love Gration" posters all over the capital. No one in Sudan believes the elections will be anything approaching free or fair.

Intimidation, vote rigging, manipulation of the census, and bribing of tribal leaders are rampant. Most of the 2.7 million displaced Darfuris are living in refugee camps. They are unable or unwilling to be counted at all. All of this, plus the ongoing violence in Darfur, have caused key opposition candidates including Yassir Arman of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement to withdraw from the election.

The Carter Center, the only international observer mission in Sudan, announced that the election process is "at risk on multiple fronts" and requested a modest delay of the election. Mr. Bashir threatened to oust the observers, saying on state TV last month: "if they interfere in our affairs, we will cut their fingers off, put them under our shoes and throw them out."

Taking an unusually edgy stance, the Save Darfur Coalition—an alliance of more than 190 faith-based, advocacy and human-rights organizations—is urging the U.S. and the international community not to legitimize Sudan's presidential election. "We believe the election is not going to be free and fair, and it's not even going to be credible," said Robert Lawrence, the Coalition's director of policy. "The last thing we want is for the results to legitimize the dictatorial rule of President al-Bashir."

Hope is rare in Darfur, but when Barack Obama became president the refugees had reason to be hopeful. As a junior senator in 2006, Mr. Obama made his feelings about the evils in Darfur quite clear. "Today we know what is right, and today we know what is wrong. The slaughter of innocents is wrong. Two million people driven from their homes is wrong. Women gang raped while gathering firewood is wrong. And silence, acquiescence and paralysis in the face of genocide is wrong."

A year later, then-candidate Barack Obama said: "When you see a genocide, whether it's in Rwanda or Bosnia or in Darfur, that's a stain on all of us. That's a stain on our souls."

Darfuris were listening, and they hoped anew when President Obama said the Sudanese regime "offended the standards of our common humanity." They believed he would appoint an envoy who would take their plight seriously and serve as an honest broker between warring rebel groups and the Sudanese regime.

And how is his appointed envoy dealing with the perpetrators of those atrocities that have stained our souls? "We've got to think about giving out cookies," Mr. Gration told the Washington Post last fall. "Kids, countries—they react to gold stars, smiley faces . . ."

Cookies for a regime that is as savvy as it is cruel? Smiley faces for a thug who seized power by coup in 1989 and has retained it only through iron-fisted brutality? Gold stars for an indicted war criminal responsible for the murder, rape and displacement of millions?

This spectacularly naïve perspective—and accompanying policy of appeasement—has further terrified Darfur's refugees, who feel increasingly abandoned by the U.S. and marginalized within their country.

With the support of Mr. Gration and the U.S., the bogus Sudanese elections will move forward with what the International Crisis Group has labeled "catastrophic consequences."

"Since the April vote will impose illegitimate officials through rigged polls, Darfuris will be left with little or no hope of a peaceful change in the status quo," warns EJ Hogendoorn, the Crisis Group's Horn of Africa project director. "Instead many will look to rebel groups to fight and win back their lost rights and lands."

Following this Sunday's election, there is little doubt as to who will be the president of Sudan. So it is crucial that international observers, world governments, the African Union and the U.N. Security Council acknowledge the deeply corrupt voting process that will reinstate President Omar al-Bashir. They should declare publicly that Mr. Bashir, a man indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity, will rule without a genuine democratic mandate.

His regime must not be granted the legitimacy he craves.


Post: #5
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: Yassir Tayfour
Date: 04-06-2010, 01:07 AM
Parent: #3

وما دخل الولايات المتحدة حتى تمانع او لا تمانع؟

تدخل سافر..

والشريكان لا يملكان أمرهما..

Post: #6
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: كمال عباس
Date: 04-06-2010, 05:00 AM
Parent: #5

مقتطفات من تصريحات المتحدث بإسم الخارجية الامريكية فيليب كروالي:
,........ والترجمة غير حرفية

"The United States is concerned by the troubling developments, including serious restrictions on political freedoms, which have led to the ongoing uncertainties" on the election, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said.
أن الولايات المتحدة قلقة بشأن التطورات المزعجة والتي تشمل تقييدالحريات
الامر الذي أدي لحالة عدم ''الطمأنينة'' بشأن العملية الإنتخابية الجارية !

"It is important for the government of Sudan immediately to lift restrictions on political parties and civil society,"
... " من المهم أن تقوم الحكومة السودانية فورا برفع القيود المفروضة
علي الاحزاب السياسية والمجتمع المدني "

Sudan "must also ensure that all voters are able to participate in the election by improving conditions on the ground, including in Darfur and elsewhere, and by providing meaningful access polling places."
وعلي السودان أن يعمل علي التأكد من مشاركة كل الناخبين في الانتخابات
وذلك بتحسين الاوضاع علي الارض ....
وعن سكوت غريشن مبعوث أوباما في السودان يقول المتحدث بإسم الخارجية:
But Crowley said that while Gration was "working hard" to encourage better conditions, it may be preferable to delay the election slightly....... ' غريشن يعمل بجدية لتشجيع ظروف أفضل ولكن من المستحسن تأجيل الإنتخابات قليلا
وأضاف المتحدث

Crowley told reporters: "We will judge these elections on whether they reflect the will of the Sudanese people, whether they meet international standards. We currently see disturbing trends in both areas."

أننا سنحكم علي الانتخابات بمدي تعبيرها عن أرادة الشعب السوداني وبمدي
مطابقتها للمعائير الدولية الا أننا حاليا نري أن هناك مؤشرات مزعجة
في كلا من الأمرين'"

Post: #7
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 04-06-2010, 05:04 AM
Parent: #6

البيان لا بأس به

بس مفروض تكون الصيغه الولايات المتحده تطلب تأجيل الانتخابات مش لا تمانع ؟؟! لا آخير كان تمانع!

منعهم جن كلكي.

ما كله من اللوح قريشن بتاعهم ده.

شكرا يا واصل.

Post: #8
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: كمال عباس
Date: 04-06-2010, 05:20 AM
Parent: #7

The United States on Monday urged Sudan to immediately lift restrictions on political parties and indicated it would accept a short delay in landmark elections if it helped address concerns.
... الولايات الامريكية تطالب بأن يقوم السودان وفورا برفع القيود
علي الأحزاب السياسية وأشارت الا أنها ستقبل تأجيلا وجيزا في الانتخابات
طالماأن ذلك سيساعد في حل الاشكالات والقلق ! وصيغة الخبر توحي بأن الولايات المتحددة هي من يعطي الضوء الاخضر للتأجيل ويحدد التأجيل من عدمه !!
وأعتقد أن التعبير أعلاه يخص الوكالة الخبرية فتصريح الناطق الرسمي
قال "
"We recognize that there may well be a need for a brief delay," Crowley said. "But that to be something that is done so that Sudan can make the kind of improvements and address the legitimate concerns that the parties have."
نري أن الامر يحتاج لتأخير وجيز حتي تحدث تحسينات ومعالجات تخاطب المخاوف
والمحاذير المشروعة لدي الاحزاب
ومن ناحية أخري

A senior US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a brief delay would mean no more than around a month.
قال مسؤول أمريكي كبير طلب حجب أسمه أن التآخير الوجير المقصود لن يكون
أكثرمن حوالي شهر

Post: #9
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: Nagi Ahmed
Date: 04-06-2010, 05:28 AM
Parent: #8

الظاهر عمك مسيلمة بكرى و و لا بعده حا يبلع كلامه

Post: #10
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Date: 04-06-2010, 05:34 AM
Parent: #8

شكرا ماما أميركا

لكن مواقف قريشن أبدا ما عاجبانا

Post: #11
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: محمد زكريا
Date: 04-06-2010, 05:53 AM

آل ايه.....وامريكا زاتها مؤتمر وطني.....آل

بكره خبر ببلاش

Post: #12
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: ود الباوقة
Date: 04-06-2010, 06:17 AM
Parent: #11

مش على كيفا .....

Post: #13
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: nazar hussien
Date: 04-06-2010, 06:24 AM
Parent: #12

Quote: وما دخل الولايات المتحدة حتى تمانع او لا تمانع؟

تدخل سافر..

والشريكان لا يملكان أمرهما


لا تمانع دي معناها....تدفع بس...دولارات تقيلة عشان يأجلوها
واي دولار اتصرف بي عشرة امثاله

Post: #14
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: Mohamed Doudi
Date: 04-06-2010, 06:52 AM
Parent: #13

الاخ واصل ده الاتفاق الذى توصل له الصادق المهدى مع غريشن (فتره اربعه اسابيع من يوم الثلاثاء) لضمان مفعول باقى الشروط ومن ضمنها تمويل الاحزاب والمساحه الاعلاميه المتساويه للمرشحين فى وسائل الاعلام المملوكه للدوله

Post: #15
Title: Re: الولايات المتحدة تعلن عدم ممانعتها تأجيل الإنتخابات لمدة شهر!!
Author: عاطف مكاوى
Date: 04-06-2010, 06:59 AM
Parent: #14


ده الاتفاق الذى توصل له الصادق المهدى مع غريشن

والله يا أخ محمد دودى........ الصادق عرف يتفاهم مع منو !

وفي انتظار أن نرى ......... !!!!!!!!