وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.

وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.

03-15-2010, 11:03 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=260&msg=1268647427&rn=20

Post: #1
Title: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:03 AM
Parent: #0

نزل الخبر كالصاعقة علينا جميعاً.

الكل في حالة ذهول..

من يعزي من؟

في لندن، كان العزاء بالأمس في قاعة صغيرة في حجمها

كبيرة في حزنها..

زرفنا الدمع السخين.

لم نكن نتبادل كلمات أو تحايا.

تحدث د. محمد محمود قليلاً في محاولة لتخفيف الحزن العميق.

بعد أن أكمل حديثه وقف بجانبي، فاقتربت منا الصديقة نجاة خضر

"عندما كنت تتحدث يا محمد، كنتُ أتوقع دخول عبدالسلام في أي لحظة"!

رمز النُبل والوداعة

نذر حياته في سبيل قضايا الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان

ولنعمل جميعاً من أجل:


Post: #2
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:06 AM
Parent: #1

و عبدالسلام ........ أيها الموت ترفق بنا قليلآ

Post: #3
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: محمد عبد الماجد الصايم
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:07 AM
Parent: #1

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
تقبله الله قبولا حسنا
خالص التعازي للجميع

Post: #4
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: ismeil abbas
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:16 AM
Parent: #3

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
تقبله الله قبولا حسنا
خالص التعازي للجميع

Post: #5
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:19 AM
Parent: #4

عبدالسلام حسن عبدالسلام المقتول في لندن ... بقلم: د. عبدالسلام نورالدين

Post: #6
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:23 AM
Parent: #5


Post: #7
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-15-2010, 02:18 PM
Parent: #6

وداعا عبدالسلام حسن عبدالسلام

Post: #8
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: إسماعيل التاج
Date: 03-15-2010, 02:38 PM
Parent: #7

نعم، وداعـاً عبد السلام حسن.

الإنسان الجميل.

رحمه الله.

شكراً سيف.

Post: #9
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 03-15-2010, 03:04 PM
Parent: #1

my condolences ya Saif. What a loss. Abdelsalam's legacy will be remembered forever. I haven't seen him for a long time. but i do remember his vitality, joviality and socialite charisma

the police report on his murder

Crime Desk

Police have launched a murder investigation following the death of a man at an address in Lewisham.

Officers were called at approximately 07:10hrs on Saturday, 13 March to reports of a body found at an address in Boone Street, SE13.

London Ambualnce Service attended and the man - aged 56 - was pronounced dead at the scene. He had been stabbed.

A post mortem took place yesterday, 14 March at Greenwich Mortuary and gave cause of death as blood loss from the femoral artery in the leg.

Next-of-kin have been informed and formal identification has taken place. The deceased is Abdel-Salam Hussain Abdel-Salam, 56 of Boone Street, SE13.

Officers from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command investigate and retain an open mind as to the motive for this incident.

No arrests and enquiries continue.

Post: #10
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: Amin Elsayed
Date: 03-15-2010, 03:16 PM
Parent: #9

مجموعة أجندة مفتوحة تنعى الأستاذ عبد السلام حسن عبد السلام

انها الفاجعة واللامعقول
لكنه سيبقي خالدا فينا وسيبقي محفورا في ذاكرة شعبه

سنوشح مركز إصلاح القوانين السودانية باسمه



Post: #11
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-15-2010, 08:48 PM
Parent: #10

News RSS Feed
UPDATE - LEE: 'Open mind' over Boone Street leg stab murder
7:24am Monday 15th March 2010

Print Email Share Comments(0) By Scott Mullins »

“I don’t know why anyone would want to hurt him."

Those were the words of a shopkeeper this morning (March 15) after learning one of his regular customers had been knifed to death.

The body of Abdel-Salam Hussain Abdel-Salam was discovered on Saturday morning (March 13) at around 7.10am in Boone Street, Lee, by the London Ambulance Service and police officers.

A post-mortem examination at Greenwich mortuary yesterday (March 14) revealed the 56-year-old died as a result of blood loss from the femoral artery in his leg.

Mr Abdel-Salam has been described as a leading human rights lawyer and intellectual, helping fight for justice in Sudan.

The Met Police’s homicide and serious crime command has now launched a murder investigation.

Everol McCaulsky runs Mac Flynn Groceries which is just yards from Mr Abdel-Salam’s bottom floor flat, near St Margaret's Lee Primary School.

Mr McCaulsky told News Shopper he last saw the murder victim on Monday, March 8.

The 52-year-old said: “He was a very friendly man and a gentle giant.

“I would often see him around and he would always say hello.

“But he was quite a private person and I am shocked that this has happened to him.

“I don’t know why anyone would want to hurt him.”

He explained that Mr Abdel-Salam was a Muslim and used crutches after a foot operation.

And Mr McCaulsky says he rarely saw anyone visit the murdered man’s flat and was unaware he had any immediate family living nearby.

He continued: “I arrived at work on Saturday morning to find the police outside my shop.

“There has been forensic officers here and police have turned up all the drains - maybe looking for a murder weapon.

“People think because this is an estate there is lots of trouble, but there isn’t.”

Mr Abdel-Salam’s next of kin have been informed.

No-one has been arrested in connection with the stabbing.

A Met Police spokesman said: "Officers retain an open mind as to the motive for this incident."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555111


Post: #12
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: hanouf56
Date: 03-15-2010, 08:55 PM
Parent: #11

فى حقِ عبدالسّلام حسن عبد السّلام
بحر العلوم وسراج المعارف

(ميكيل إرنانديز.. ياعبق الربيع
يا سحابة سوبرفيل
يا صديقى....لما متّ؟َ)
بول إلوار

وها مرةً أخرى أعبر أرخبيل الموتِ والحزنِ والعدمْ، ها مرةً أخرى تخنقنى الكلمات الخرساء
لا شئ يا (سلمون) لا شئ البتة يا صديقى يخفف عنى هذا الفقد الموجع.
مكانك ومكانتك الوهيطة ستظل شاغرة، فلا شبر فى هذه البسيطة يحتويك ولا قبر يحتوى عليك. حقيقةٌ أى عقلٍ توقف وأى قلبٍ كفَّ عن الخفقان.
أمن أجل سقطِ متاعٍ لم تكن تحفلُّ به، أمن أجل دريهماتٍ ما كانت طِلابُك فى هذى الدنيا، تمضى، هكذا يا عبد السلام، وبلا وداعٍ أو وعدٍ بلقاءْ؟
ولو سألوك أو سألك هذا القاتل العيىُّ الجاهل المأفون لمنحته ما أراد من غير منِّ ولا أذى وربما علت شفتيك تلك الإبتسامة الساخرة وبرقت عيناك الذكيتان المليئتان بالوداعة والزهد و جلجلت ضحكتك الجزلة والمتميزة والحيّية فى آنٍ واحد! أوربما شيعته بإحدى عباراتك اللماحة والشاملة المانعة بعد أن نال مغنمه الوضيع (الناس فى شنو وده فى شنو؟) أو ربما (ذهب المضطر ... نحاس) أو نحوهما من نسجك الفريد.
لا أعزى نفسى ولا العارفيك فيك...لا لا ولا عزة ولا وفاء ولا محمد عبد الرحيم ولا علىّ، ولا قاسم ولا عزيز كلا فمثلك لا توفيه الكلمات ولا عبارات التسرية والتأسى البلهاء.
فقدك يصيب القلب بهاء السكت أو كما قال بشرى الفاضل.
فقدك لا يجدى معه الثكل ولا ينفع فيه البكاء.
فقدك الثكل عينه والفقد فى خاصةِ ذاتُه.
يا عبق الربيع
يا سحابة سوبرقيل
لما مت؟
أما أنا فلن أنساك يا صديقى
وسأروى عنك للرفاق والندماء بأننى كنت مجايلاً لفذٍ ذكىّ العقل والفؤاد
فلأكفكف هذا اللغو الماسخ………. ودمعى لا يكفكفُ.
وداعاً وإلى لقاء
أخوك راشد سيد أحمد

Post: #13
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: ابراهيم برسي
Date: 03-15-2010, 11:44 PM
Parent: #12

قـال تعالى :-

" وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ الَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُم مُّصِيبَةٌ قَالُواْ إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونْ "

.. إن لله ما أخذ وله ما أعطى .. وكل شيء عنده بأجل مُسمى ..

.. اللهم اغفر له وارحمه .. وعافه واعف عنه .. وأكرم نزله ..

.. ووسع مدخله .. واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ..

.. ونقه من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس ..

.. وأبدله داراً خيراً من داره .. وأهلاً خيراً من أهله ..
.. وأدخله الجنة .. وأعذه من عذاب القبر ..

.. اللهم آنس في القبر وحشته ..

.. و ثبته عند السؤال ..

.. واكفه فتنة القبر ..

.. اللهم اجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة .. ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار

أنت الغفور الرحيم ..

Post: #14
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: نبيل عبد الرحيم
Date: 03-16-2010, 01:12 AM
Parent: #13

وداعا عبد السلام حسن
صورة للمرحوم فى أخر إحتفال أقامة الحزب الشيوعى بالندن فى ديسمبر

الأستاذ عبدالسلام حسن المحامى
قدم ورقة حول مسألة التعذيب كوسيلة لقهر و تصفية الخصوم السياسيين

Post: #15
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-16-2010, 01:24 AM
Parent: #14

وداعا عبد السلام حسن...

وتبقى مساهماتك النبيله فى أنبل القضايا ... حق الانسان فى كامل إنسانيته .


Post: #16
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: nada ali
Date: 03-16-2010, 01:25 AM
Parent: #14

حقيقة يا سيف بشير:
من يعزى من؟
رحم الله عبد السلام حسن، و أحسن اليه.

فقد عظيم لحركة حقوق الانسان السودانية.

البركة فى الجميع.

Post: #17
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-16-2010, 10:51 AM
Parent: #16


- محمد عبدالماجد الصايم

- اسماعيل عباس

- اسماعيل التاج

- عادل عثمان

- أمين السيد

- خالد كودي

- ندى علي

- هنوف

- نبيل

- صدقي كبلو

القلب مثقل بالجراح

نواسي بعضنا البعض في فقد لا يُعوَّض

لا تستطيع الكلمات تحديد مدى حب عبدالسلام للناس وحب الناس له

لا تتوقف صورته في الذهن وكأنك تشاهد فيلماً سينمائياً لا نهاية له..

Post: #18
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-16-2010, 11:14 AM
Parent: #17

Latest News

Murder investigation launched
Police have launched a murder investigation following the death of a man at an address in Lewisham.

Officers were called at approximately 07:10hrs on Saturday, 13 March to reports of a body found at an address in Boone Street, SE13.

London Ambualnce Service attended and the man - aged 56 - was pronounced dead at the scene. He had been stabbed.

A post mortem took place yesterday, 14 March at Greenwich Mortuary and gave cause of death as blood loss from the femoral artery in the leg.

Next-of-kin have been informed and formal identification has taken place. The deceased is Abdel-Salam Hussain Abdel-Salam, 56 of Boone Street, SE13.

Officers from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command investigate and retain an open mind as to the motive for this incident.

No arrests and enquiries continue.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.



Post: #19
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-16-2010, 11:24 AM
Parent: #18

other media coverage



Evening Standard

The Guardian

Post: #20
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: Nader Abu Kadouk
Date: 03-16-2010, 11:34 AM
Parent: #19

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
تقبله الله قبولا حسنا

ربنا يصبر الجميع يا سيف

Post: #21
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-16-2010, 02:30 PM


- ابراهيم برسي

- نادر ابوكدوك

عبدالسلام كوكب رحل.

ويا صديقي راشد سيد أحمد (معذرة لم انتبه للاسم من قبل):

قلت عنا جميعاً هذا:

Quote: وها مرةً أخرى أعبر أرخبيل الموتِ والحزنِ والعدمْ، ها مرةً أخرى تخنقنى الكلمات الخرساء
لا شئ يا (سلمون) لا شئ البتة يا صديقى يخفف عنى هذا الفقد الموجع.
مكانك ومكانتك الوهيطة ستظل شاغرة، فلا شبر فى هذه البسيطة يحتويك ولا قبر يحتوى عليك. حقيقةٌ أى عقلٍ توقف وأى قلبٍ كفَّ عن الخفقان.
أمن أجل سقطِ متاعٍ لم تكن تحفلُّ به، أمن أجل دريهماتٍ ما كانت طِلابُك فى هذى الدنيا، تمضى، هكذا يا عبد السلام، وبلا وداعٍ أو وعدٍ بلقاءْ؟
ولو سألوك أو سألك هذا القاتل العيىُّ الجاهل المأفون لمنحته ما أراد من غير منِّ ولا أذى وربما علت شفتيك تلك الإبتسامة الساخرة وبرقت عيناك الذكيتان المليئتان بالوداعة والزهد و جلجلت ضحكتك الجزلة والمتميزة والحيّية فى آنٍ واحد! أوربما شيعته بإحدى عباراتك اللماحة والشاملة المانعة بعد أن نال مغنمه الوضيع (الناس فى شنو وده فى شنو؟) أو ربما (ذهب المضطر ... نحاس) أو نحوهما من نسجك الفريد.
لا أعزى نفسى ولا العارفيك فيك...لا لا ولا عزة ولا وفاء ولا محمد عبد الرحيم ولا علىّ، ولا قاسم ولا عزيز كلا فمثلك لا توفيه الكلمات ولا عبارات التسرية والتأسى البلهاء

Post: #22
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-16-2010, 11:53 PM
Parent: #21

And this is what his work colleagues, and friends wrote

In Memoriam: Abdelsalam Hassan
March 15, 2010

REDRESS mourns the loss of our beloved colleague and friend Abdelsalam Hassan Abdelsalam who tragically died in London on 13 March 2010. Abdelsalam Hassan, Sudan Legal Advisor at REDRESS, was a renowned lawyer and intellectual who played a leading role in the struggle for human rights and justice in Sudan over the last three decades. We will greatly miss his depth of knowledge and commitment and the conviviality with which he enriched our daily lives.

REDRESS invites you to leave a comment which we will publish below, please email Redress at: [email protected].

The Metropolitan police are investigating and retain an open mind as to the motive for the murder of Abdelsalam Hassan Abdelsalam. An incident room has opened under DCI Damian Allain from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command based in Lewisham.

There have been no arrests and enquiries continue.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or call the Met police incident room at Lewisham on 0208 721 4805. Also you can go to the Metropolitan Police’s Public Notice by copying and pasting the following link: http://cms.met.police.uk/news/appeals/murder_investigation_launched__1



Please accept my deep condolences on the shocking death of Abdelsalam Hassan. A friend and a colleague that I have know and worked with closely over the past few years. I will miss Abdelsalam's presence, his ideas, his ability to lessen his thoughtfulness and the interaction with his warm and pleasant personality.

Abdelsalam has introduced Redress' work to the large community of Sudan advocates and activists, he always strived to engage The Sudanese from different backgrounds in the efforts towards creating a fair and just legal system for the country. That was his major burden and goal.

Abdelsalam's loss has left most of us in a state of pain and shock. He will always be present with his work and the issues he dedicated his short life to.

Hala Alkarib, Regional Director- SIHA Network


The terrible and shocking news that Abdelsalam Hassan has died is impossible to absorb, all the more so when the details we know so far suggest that he was murdered in his home in London.

Abdelsalam became a part of my life in 1990 when he joined our small Africa Watch office on Borough High Street in London. Here he found a home and we found a friend and a colleague dedicated to improving human rights in Sudan. He brought enormous knowledge of Sudan with him, as well as courage, and he followed developments there like a hawk, keeping us on our toes with his sharp intellect and constantly enriching our knowledge. True to what he valued as humane and enlightened, and as faithful to the history and character of Sudan and the Sudanese people, he rejected and challenged what he saw as religious bigotry in the country he loved so much. He and I spent many hours talking about politics and religion, and I learnt a lot from him.

He also brought humour and wit and a natural curiosity about the world around him. A kind and sensitive person, he never failed to ask me daily, with genuine empathy and concern, how things were going in Somalia at the time.

I worked again with Abdelsalam at African Rights. His continued involvement with us, and his presence amongst us, was a constant source of assurance and pleasure. You knew you could count on his ability to find out and to fathom what was happening in Sudan, and on his perceptiveness in making sense of it.

I started to get news of Abdelsalam again through working with the REDRESS Trust. And it was only this past week, when I was planning a trip to London to visit REDRESS, that I was hoping to catch up with him.

His death is a loss to Sudan, and will be an enormous source of sadness to his colleagues at REDRESS, and to his many friends around the world.

Rakiya Omaar


I am very sad, and will always remember the kindness and warmth of Abdelsalam – we had some nice conversations when we were staying late in the office, and his kind ways often made me feel better at times when I was feeling down and lonely in London.

I had great admiration for his engagement and his work- and your work together.

Anne Althaus


As we all mourn the tragic loss of Abdelsalam, I wanted to communicate to you and his other colleagues at REDRESS my heartfelt condolences. He will be remembered as a pioneer fighter for rights, freedoms and democracy in Sudan and beyond.

Suliman Baldo


It so shocking to hear such a news, Abdelsalam is a big loss to all of us and to the human rights movement in Sudan, for his effort, inputs and deep analysis. Abdelsalam, since I got to know 2 years ago, had such a support to the violence against women movement globally and in Sudan. He is a great loss to us.

May his soul rest in peace.

Fahima A. Hashim, Director Salmmah Women's Resource Centre


Despite his pedigree, Abdelsalam welcomed me to REDRESS by patiently listening to what must have seemed like silly questions, by offering sage counsel borne of his vast experience in all things Sudan and through his trademark wit delivered with a broad smile.

Despite the difficulties he faced in work and in life--or perhaps because of them--Abdelsalam projected a comforting sense of warmth and understanding to those around him. His personality had a way of filling the room: no one was exempt from a humorous jab, no subject was too sensitive for ridicule.

Abdelsalam had much wisdom to impart. He was also a model of courage and integrity for anyone working towards justice and freedom or trying to make sense of the world.

The world has lost a true fighter, teacher and friend.

I will never forget his kindness. May he rest in peace.

Fahad Siddiqui


Abdelsalams' tragic and untimely death is a great loss to his family ,friends,colleagues and even those who just knew him personally.

For me it is a shock and a tragedy....our last meeting in Kampala on the Redress law reform project now strangely enough seems somewhat like a prearranged fated rendezvous to bid farewell..and bring to an end a long beautiful relationship with a most wonderful person...We first met in early eighties when as a young lawyer he imposed his presence as an outstanding defender of human rights and the rule of law notwithstanding the harassment of the then military regime including arrest, detention and intimidation.

Following shortly after the 1989 coup d'etat he left with his wife and only daughter to the UK he decided to stay and obtained refugee status..when in 1991 we reestablished the SUDAN HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION,SHRO, in exile, of which I became President,he joined as a member,soon to become its Secretary General for several years in charge of all its activities...membership, branches in other countries,newsletter,correspondence,attendance at human rights meetings and conference,especially the annual meetings of the UN COMMISSION ON Human RIGHTS in Geneva,supporting asylum seekers England..etc all at virtually no cost to SHRO...For his living he was hardly able to manage with the meagre stipend paid to asylum seekers.At different times he also worked on human rights in Sudan with Human Rights Watch,then with Justice Africa where he and common friend Alex De Waal worked on the Civil PROJECT for Sudan with meetings of many Sudanese activists in Kampala in 1999 and 2001.His last task was as legal adviser for REDRESS TRUST working on reform of the Sudanese Criminal Law culminating in the last meeting in Kampala with about 20 experts from Sudan ,Africa and the Arab world.

Abdelsalam was known for his courtesy,tolerance,patience,wit and intelligent sense of humour with literary writing talents and interest in poetry and politics.

He was simply a wonderful person...may his soul rest in peace.

Amin Medani


It is really sad to hear that such a sweet man and committed human rights defender was brutally murdered... I am absolutely shocked.

Unfortunately I did not have the chance to get to know him very well during my internship at REDRESS but the few times I spoke to him showed me how bright, brave and kind Abdelsalam Hassan was. It is a very sad and huge loss.

Rita Lamy Freund


Abdelsalam. A big man physically, and with a very big heart. For his family, especially his daughter, this is a most terrible time, and at REDRESS too there is a sudden gaping hole. The humans rights movement is weakened by his death but much more importantly it was strengthened by his life. He is mourned by his colleagues and friends everywhere, of which there are many. We will always remember him with great affection and with great respect for his work, his friendship, and his courage. And we will miss him.

Kevin Laue - REDRESS


I am very sorry about Abdelsalam's death. I met him briefly but he came across as a kind and hardworking man. May he rest in peace.

Veronica Hinestroza


As I am writing this, it is around the time of the day that I would be talking to Abdelsalam about our work on Sudan and whatever challenges we faced. This was part of an ongoing dialogue about human rights in Sudan, the country that he had to leave reluctantly, cared about deeply and longed to go back to. Abdelsalam wouldn’t talk lightly, though often irreverently, about developments in Sudan, his work and thoughts being informed by three decades of first-hand experience of political and human rights work. Despite his long years in exile, he remained rooted in Sudan and the Sudanese community.

What made Abdelsalam stand out was his commitment, unique intellect and analytical skills as well as, perhaps more than anything, his ability to communicate. This ability stemmed from a love for language, particularly Arabic, and a keen interest in people. He was concerned about how people treated each other and had a genuine abhorrence of violence (including against animals as he was a vegetarian) and any form of injustice. His views and attitudes were based on years of study, active participation in political life (for which he spent a brief stint in prison in the 1980s), reflections and continuous conversations with a great many individuals. They were also deepened by his often painful experiences of, and in exile. This trajectory enabled him to develop a sense of, and empathy for the suffering of others, especially those at the margins of society. It is no coincidence that Abdelsalam took such a strong interest in the rights of women, of Southerners in Sudan or the Christian Copts. His knowledge of history and appreciation of the strength of feeling that human rights violations entail was evident when we were in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan a few years ago. He knew how to relate to people, many of whom started to talk for the first time publicly about what they had suffered in the 1990s. It is for these reasons that Abdelsalam was at the forefront of those calling for, and working on how to address the legacy of violations. “The Phoenix State: Civil society and the future of Sudan” that he co-edited with Alex de Waal in 2001 is a milestone for transitional justice in the Sudan.

Abdelsalam was an excellent lawyer, which I came to learn over the years in our joint work on litigation, being able to distil the essence of a case and to develop the arguments that mattered. More importantly, he was a lawyer who had a strong commitment to the rule of law and democratic values, which he fought for during the final days of the Nimerie regime and the transitional period in the 1980s in Sudan and from outside since. In this endeavour, he developed a unique ability to bridge the gap between the older and younger generation of lawyers and activists in Sudan who he interacted with and brought together.

Abdelsalam was also a formidable political analyst. His analysis of Islamism and of Jihad in Sudan, published as chapters in a book edited by Alex de Waal, Islamism and its Enemies in the Horn of Africa, are among the finest, if not the best of their kind on the subject. His interest in history, admiration for Egypt (as a country not necessarily its politics), appreciation of the ambiguous role of the British, and an in-depth knowledge of both political theory (in particular the left) and Islam meant that he had gained a unique understanding of Sudanese politics. It was in particular his detailed knowledge of the Koran and Islam that was a source of surprise to many who knew him as an atheist.

Abdelsalam’s first love was literature. He was an avid reader with a fine appreciation of a range of different types of literature, and wrote short stories and poetry himself. One of his enduring gifts to me is that he rekindled my interest in Kafka, a writer who like no other captured the nature of power and powerlessness in the face of injustice. Sharing his enthusiasm for Kafka’s writing was typical of his passionate intellect that knew no boundaries in seeking kindred spirits.

On a personal level, Abdelsalam was great company to be and to work with. He had an amiable and jovial personality and would light up our office life with his presence. He cared about his colleagues and friends and sought to help as much as possible, in particular by trying to cheer others up even when he had problems of his own. We travelled together a number of times and each trip was memorable in its own right and full of anecdotes, particularly about the long nights spent together. Abdelsalam knew how to work hard if needed. He was always ready to do what he could to advance our work and to promote his ultimate vision of a democratic and peaceful Sudan committed to the rule of law and human rights.

We had just returned from an expert seminar on criminal law reform and human rights in Sudan that we organised in Kampala in early March. Abdelsalam was in high spirits and full of plans for our future work on law reform and litigation in Sudan and with the Sudanese human rights movement that he was such an integral part of. He had overcome a great deal of personal adversity over the years and was turning the corner on his health problems. He was even thinking of returning to Sudan where many of his friends and family where eager to welcome him back and to work with him on a number of human rights initiatives.

Abdelsalam’s death is horrible and tragic. It will take a very long time to come to terms with a crime that has caused such a momentous loss and has taken away one of our finest and well-liked colleague, friend and good citizen from our midst. But his death, and the circumstances thereof, must not be allowed to overshadow his life. Abdelsalam would have surely wanted us to build on his legacy and to work towards making his vision come true even though he was cruelly denied any hope of seeing it happen. As he would have put it in his favourite words “the struggle continues.”

Abdelsalam, where have you gone? Why has anyone done this to you? I will miss you terribly,



Post: #23
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: نبيل عبد الرحيم
Date: 03-17-2010, 00:13 AM
Parent: #22

الرابطة النوبية ببريطانيا تنعى عبدالسلام حسن

Post: #24
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-17-2010, 12:57 PM
Parent: #23

شكراً يا نبيل على وضع الرابط


Evening Standard 16/03/10, p12

Post: #25
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: Amin Elsayed
Date: 03-17-2010, 02:12 PM
Parent: #24

د. محمد محمود ينعي عبدالسـلام

Post: #26
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-17-2010, 02:43 PM
Parent: #25

شكراً يا أمين على وضع الرابط

ومَنْ غير محمد محمود الذي يمكنه وصف عبدالسلام بهذه الطريقة

فقدٌ لا يُعوَّض..

Post: #27
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-18-2010, 10:55 AM
Parent: #26


Post: #28
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-18-2010, 11:32 AM
Parent: #27

the Telegraph 18/3/2010

Murder hunt after attack on human rights lawyer
Published on Thu Mar 18 09:30:07 GMT 2010

A murder hunt is under way after a human rights lawyer was found stabbed in his home following a "brutal attack" in south east London.

Abdel Salam Hassan Abdel Salam, 56, was found by a neighbour at his home in Lee, after noticing his front door was open.

Mr Abdel Salam, originally from Sudan and who worked for Redress, a charity helping torture victims, was pronounced dead at the scene on Saturday.

A post mortem gave his cause of death as blood loss from a stab wound to the leg and police want to talk to anyone who saw the lawyer after the last positive sighting of him on Friday afternoon.

Detective Chief Inspector Damian Allain said: "This was a brutal attack on a defenceless man, made more tragic as Abdel had devoted much of his life combating abuse of human rights upon others."

Mr Abdel Salam, who was black, 5ft 9ins tall and weighed 22 stone, walked with two sticks and was often seen going to work at Redress. He had short afro hair, a moustache and glasses.

Mr Allain added: "Abdel was last seen alive at home on the afternoon of Friday March 12 and we are trying to establish his movements between this time and the following morning when his body was discovered.

"Abdel was a large man, who used two sticks to walk as he had some difficulty. He would often travel by minicab or bus to take him to the charity where he volunteered in central London, and many people would have seen him on his route.

Anyone with information should call the incident room on 020 8721 4805.

A statement on Redress's website said it mourned the loss of a "beloved colleague and friend". It went on: "We will greatly miss his depth of knowledge and commitment and the conviviality with which he enriched our daily lives."


Post: #29
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-18-2010, 11:57 AM
Parent: #28


London Evening Standard

Man quizzed over murder of human rights lawyer


A man was being questioned today about the murder of a human rights lawyer found stabbed at his home.

Abdelsalam Hassan Abdelsalam, 56, was found by a neighbour in Lee, south-east London on March 13.

The Met police said a 28-year-old was arrested last night on suspicion of murder and burglary.

The suspect, who has not been identified, is in custody at a south London police station.

Mr Abdelsalam, originally from Sudan and who worked for Redress, a charity helping torture victims, was discovered lying just inside his open front door. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

A post mortem examination found the lawyer's cause of death was blood loss from a stab wound to the leg.


صحيفة الايفنينج استاندارد 18/3/2010

يجري اليوم استجواب رجل حول اغتيال عبدالسلام.

قالت الشرطة اللندنية أن رجلاً يبلغ من العمر 28 عاماً تم اعتقاله الليلة الماضية للاشتباه في ضلوعه
في جريمة القتل والسطو.

المشتبه فيه، لم يتم الإعلان عن هويته، قيد الحبس في أحد مراكز الشرطة في جنوب لندن.

Post: #30
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-18-2010, 10:06 PM
Parent: #29

عزيزي سيف: you may post the following on your Sudanese on line : ؛about Abdel Salam Hassan

رحل فقيد الوطن الأستاذ عبد السلام حسن. لقد عاش عبد السلام أنسانا نبيلا، ودخل قلوب الذين لامسهم في حياته العملية
والشخصية. أما سجلّه في العمل العام، في مجال حقوق الأنسان، و تفانيه المشهود فيه، فسيظل أبد الدهر قلادة شرف له ولأسرته.
لقد مضي عقد من الزمان منذ آخر مرة ألتقيته فيها في لندن، الا أنه ظل عالقا بذهني وخاطري، كأنسان شغوف بالمعرفة علي أطلاقها.

كان عبد السلام يحتفى بمعرفة الناس وصحبتهم بصدق بائن، محسوس ومؤثر جدا. بل و يتفرّغ كليّا لهذا الأحتفاء.
وأذكر جيّدا كيف كان يتربّع في جلسته عندما يطيب له الحديث في الشأن العام أو الشعر أو الأدب أو القانون ويظل
يحاورك بهدوء وفي عينيه ذلك البريق الذكي والذي يحاصرك به، فلا فكاك لك منه الا بسديد الحجة و سليم المنطق.
وعندما تصرعه (وهذا ما ندر) يشع وجهه بتلك الأبتسامة المميّزة والتي تتركك في حيرة و شك في أنك ربما خسرت هذا
السجال وأنت تظن غير ذلك.

أنّ فقده - بلا شك - فقد جلل لوطننا المكلوم، خاصة في هذه المرحلة الحرجة، ومصاب فاجع، موجع لعزّة ووفاء وأسرته الممتدّة
ولأصدقائه وزملاء عمله. له الرحمة و لهم جميعا أحرّ التعازي.

بلّة البكري ضوالبيت

Post: #31
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-18-2010, 10:22 PM
Parent: #30

:فرع الأتحاد النسائى السودانى ببريطانيا

بكيناك بحرقة

انتظرناك كثيراً يا عبد السلام حسن مساء السبت ١٣ مارس، حسب وعدك النبيل بالمشاركة فى احتفالنا بيوم المرأة،
كما وعدت بذلك الاستاذة هالة عبد الطيف وطال انتظارنا الذى لم نكن نعلم أنه سيرافقنا إلى الأبد، وفى غيابك المؤلم
ليس لنا غير البكاء الذى لا يشفى غليلنا لأن غيابك أكبر من كل توقع مهما كان سوداويا.

بفقذك فقدنا إنساناً كان له دورً جادً وعظيمً في السعى نحو تغيير القوانين الرجعية التى تضررت منها كثيراً نساء
السودان قاطبة، واستبدالها بقوانين إنسانية عادلة وتقدمية.

نعزي عزة، كما نعزى وفاء، وفداء وكل أهلك وصحابك وأحبابك فى السودان وكل بقاع الأرض، خصوصاً الجالية السودانية
ببريطانيا، فبفقدك لن تعود الحياة كما كانت، فكلنا يفتقدك على طريقته لأنك كنت تعامل كل واحد وواحدة منا بطريقة
خاصة ومحببة.

برحيلك تفقد حركة حقوق الإنسان ركناً من أركانها، كما تفقد الحركة النسوية رجلاً آزرها ودافع عنا بقناعة لا تتزعزع.

وداعاً أيها الأب والأخ والصديق والزميل والرفيق الوفى للمعانى الإنسانية الكبيرة، ونعدك بأننا سنسير على دربك من
أجل السودان وأهله الذين بذلت عمرك فى سبيل أن ينعموا بحياة أفضل.

فرع الاتحاد النسائى السودانى ببريطانيا

17 مارس 2010

Post: #32
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-19-2010, 11:54 AM
Parent: #31

تنعى الجالية السودانية بلندن الاستاذ عبدالسلام حسن عبدالسلام وتتقبل العزاء يوم السبت القادم

فجعت الجالية السودانية بلندن فى مساء السبت الماضى بمصاب جلل وذلك برحيل أحد أركانها ودعاماتها وحكمائها ،
الا وهو الاستاذ الانسان القانونى الضليع المرحوم عبدالسلام حسن عبدالسلام المحامي طيب االله ثراه.

عرف الأستاذ عبد السلام بدماثة الأخلاق وطيبة المعشر و لقد كان من ابرز الناشطين في مجال حقوق الانسان
ومن أشرس المدافعين عنها، تقلد منصب الامين العام للمنظمة السودانية لحقوق الانسان بالمملكة المتحدة منذ تاسيسها
وكذلك كان ناشطا في عدد من المنظمات الاقليمية الانسانية والحقوقية بالمملكة المتحدة ٬ لعب الفقيد دورا كبيرا
وملموسا فى تقديم الدعم لطالبئ اللجوء السياسى من السودانيين بالمملكة المتحدة وخارجها وقام بتوفير المعلومات المطلوبة لهم ٬
وكذلك كانت له اسهامات مقدرة فكرية وثقافية واجتماعية وسياسية. تنعية الجالية السودانية كاحد الذين ساهموا وتفانوا فى
خدمة الوطن الكريم.

الارحم الله عبد السلام وغفر له ذنبه، ونسأل الله ان يتغمده بواسع رحمته و يسكنه فسيح جناته ٬ وان يلهم اهله واسرته
واحبابه و اصدقائه حسن العزاء.

وتتقبل الجالية السودانية بلندن واسرة الفقيد العزاء يوم السبت الموافق 20 مارس 2010م من الساعة الرابعة مساء
وحتى الساعة السابعة مساء وعلى العنوان التالى:

Methodist Church, Fernhead Road
London W9 3AE
Nearest underground station is Queens Park. Bus is 36

سكرتارية الاجتماعية للجالية

Post: #33
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-19-2010, 05:09 PM
Parent: #32

الصحفية جولى فلينت تكتب عن الراحل عبد السلام حسن

Post: #34
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-19-2010, 05:14 PM
Parent: #33

القبض على رجل آخر اليوم


Post: #35
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: Sana Khalid
Date: 03-19-2010, 05:51 PM
Parent: #34

لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله..و إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون

ربنا يرحمو و يغفر ليهو و يتقبلو شهيد يا رب..

أحر التعازي يا سيف..لكم و لكل أهل و أصدقاء و أحباء المرحوم

Post: #36
Title: Re: وداعاً عبدالسلام حسن.. رمز الوداعة والنُبل.
Author: saif basheer
Date: 03-20-2010, 11:40 AM
Parent: #35

Thank you Sana

we lost an irreplacable friend