Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters

Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters

03-06-2010, 02:46 AM


Post: #1
Title: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 02:46 AM
Parent: #0

Book Review
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Memories of Muhammad
Why the Prophet Matters
Omid Safi
HarperOne 12/09 Hardcover $24.99
ISBN: 9780061231346

Omid Safi is a professor of Islamic studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he specializes in Islamic mysticism (Sufism), contemporary Islamic thought, and medieval Islamic history. He is the chair for the Study of Islam at the American Academy of Religion and a member of the advisory board of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University. Safi is also the editor of Progressive Muslims, a diverse collection of essays by and about those within this tradition seeking reform.

In this richly developed and well-written volume, Safi presents a rounded and revealing overview of the life of Muhammad, the world before him, his revolution, his relationship with Allah, Islam as an Abrahamic tradition, life after the Prophet, and echoes of Muhammadi Grace. Safi sees Muhammad, above all, as the Prophet of Mercy and as "the completion of the possibilities available to us as human beings." He explores the significance of his life as the ideal father, husband, friend, leader, and prophet.

Pre-Islamic Arabia and its surrounding cultures furnished a fascinating seedbed for the coming of the Prophet. It was a nomadic culture; there were well over a thousand words in Arabic for camels who were "ships of the desert" for tribes and for traders. The goal of life was to follow the elder of the family from one oasis to another. Custom required each person to honor the elders, to put a heavy emphasis on loyalty to one's clan and tribe, to adhere to honor, and to respect refined language. The code of blood-retaliation and the practice of female infanticide were both staples of pre-Islamic culture. Both demonstrated the reign of the patriarchy.

Safi believes that the revolution that arrives with Muhammad was deep and far-reaching: beginning with a transformation of the heart, spinning out into a social and political transformation of Arab society, and ultimately spreading across the world from Asia to Africa to Europe. He begins with a look at three movements of Muhammad's life:
1. Ascending to the mountain of Hira, receiving the revelation, and descending to deliver the message to humanity;
2. Ascending from Mecca to Jerusalem and unto heaven, having a direct revelation with God and returning compassionately to humanity;
3. Leaving his homeland for Medina, establishing a multireligious community there and then returning to Mecca.

Along the way, Safi emphasizes the following aspects of Muhammad's life and vision: knowing God immediately, directly, and intimately; linking inner reflection and social action; an appreciation of all that is beautiful and natural; the practice of hospitality, especially to strangers; a respect for bodies in life and in death; a life of modesty and voluntary poverty; a well-balanced life in which one-third of the day is spent in work, one-third in worship, and one-third with family; and egalitarian intentions in terms of race, class, gender, and ethnicity.

Safi points out that the conflicts between Muslims, Jews and Christians over the past 1,400 years have been minor in comparison to the infighting and schisms among Muslims. Here the author covers the split between the Sunni and Shi'I factions. In the Qur'anic worldview, lslam opens the doors to both Jews and Christians as long as they have submitted themselves to God wholeheartedly:

"For the most part, the Qur'an does not conceive of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam per se, but simply lays out the notion of One God and one guidance being sent through a multiplicity of messengers to address the multiplicity of humanity."

According to Safi, Muslims love knowing the details about the life and work of Muhammad. Scholars and others have written about every aspect of his body, behavior worship, ethics, etiquette, and personal life. The author gives the example that Muhammad never yawned because he always found what God did in every small detail to be a source of fresh wonder. Hadith scholarship emphasizes his words and teachings whereas the artistic tradition of Hiya commemorates the Prophet in other ways. As the South Asian poet and philosopher Iqbal has noted: "Love of the Prophet runs like blood in the veins of his community."

How can this love be manifested in a time when Muhammad is still ridiculed in many quarters and Muslims are labeled as violent terrorists? Islam is not about terrorism, extremism, or the oppression of women. It is about submission to God, the nobility of manners, and the fragrant example of character:

"If Muslims are to be worthy of the name 'Muhammad's people,' if the adjective 'Muhammadi' is to be meaningful, then it is incumbent on Muslims to embody the qualities of mercy and justice that Muhammad so perfectly embodied. If 'Muslim' is not to be simply a historical designation or civilization marker but a spiritual indicator of aspiring to the ethics of Muhammad, then it is vital to live by the 'lovely example' that Muhammad set (Qur'an 33:21)."

Post: #2
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 02:47 AM
Parent: #1

Post: #3
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 02:59 AM
Parent: #2

Post: #4
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 03:10 AM
Parent: #3

n Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters, leading Islamic scholar Omid Safi presents a portrait of Muhammad that reveals his centrality in the devotions of modern Muslims around the world. This religious biography offers new insights into Islam, covering such hot button issues such as the spread of Islam, holy wars, the role of women, the significance of Jerusalem, tensions with Jews and Christians, wahabbi Islam, and the role of cyberspace in the evolution of the religion.
Book Description

Who was the historical Muhammad, and how do Muslims remember him—as a holy prophet, a cultural revolutionary, a military leader, or a spiritual mystic? Unending media coverage of extremist fanatics, the controversy over offensive cartoon depictions of Muhammad, and fatwas against journalists and authors are all hard to ignore and have prejudiced our Western perceptions of Muslims and their founder. This definitive biography of the founder of Islam by a leading Muslim-American scholar will reveal invaluable new insights, finally providing a fully three-dimensional portrait of Muhammad and the one billion people who follow him today.

Memories of Muhammad presents Muhammad as a lens through which to view both the genesis of Islamic religion and the grand sweep of Islamic history—right up to the hot button issues of the day, such as the spread of Islam, holy wars, the status of women, the significance of Jerusalem, and current tensions with Jews, Hindus, and Christians. It also provides a rare glimpse into how Muslims spiritually connect to God through their Prophet, in the mosque, in the home, and even in cyberspace.

This groundbreaking book offers the opportunity to move from telling Muhammad's story to talking about how different Muslims throughout Islamic history have both honored and contested Muhammad's legacy.

Author Extras

* Omid Safi Biography

Critical Praise for Memories of Muhammad
“A fresh investigation of Islam’s Prophet that uncovers a complex personality. . . . [Safi’s] depiction of a profoundly humane and compassionate visionary offers a much needed corrective to the darker perspective promulgated by some Islamic extremists.”
— Booklist (starred review)
“A fresh investigation of Islam’s Prophet that uncovers a complex personality. . . . [Safi’s] depiction of a profoundly humane and compassionate visionary offers a much needed corrective to the darker perspective promulgated by some Islamic extremists.”
— Booklist (starred review)
“A fresh investigation of Islam’s Prophet that uncovers a complex personality. . . . [Safi’s] depiction of a profoundly humane and compassionate visionary offers a much needed corrective to the darker perspective promulgated by some Islamic extremists.”
— Booklist (starred review)
“This book ranks as a milestone for non-Muslim readers. [Safi] correctly identified the Prophet Muhammad as a central point of confusion for non-Muslims and produced this book to help guide us in understanding the significance of this major religious figure. When most of the other books in this era are forgotten, people will continue to read Memories of Muhammad.”
— Read the
“This book ranks as a milestone for non-Muslim readers. [Safi] correctly identified the Prophet Muhammad as a central point of confusion for non-Muslims and produced this book to help guide us in understanding the significance of this major religious figure. When most of the other books in this era are forgotten, people will continue to read Memories of Muhammad.”
— Read the
“This book ranks as a milestone for non-Muslim readers. [Safi] correctly identified the Prophet Muhammad as a central point of confusion for non-Muslims and produced this book to help guide us in understanding the significance of this major religious figure. When most of the other books in this era are forgotten, people will continue to read Memories of Muhammad.”
— Read the
“Safi traces the three important stages of Muhammad’s life: his climb up the mountain to receive God’s revelation (through the prophet Gabriel); his flight from Mecca and Jerusalem to heaven where he has a direct encounter with God; and his migration from Mecca to Medina and back..”
— Raleigh News and Observer
“Safi traces the three important stages of Muhammad’s life: his climb up the mountain to receive God’s revelation (through the prophet Gabriel); his flight from Mecca and Jerusalem to heaven where he has a direct encounter with God; and his migration from Mecca to Medina and back..”
— Raleigh News and Observer
“Safi traces the three important stages of Muhammad’s life: his climb up the mountain to receive God’s revelation (through the prophet Gabriel); his flight from Mecca and Jerusalem to heaven where he has a direct encounter with God; and his migration from Mecca to Medina and back..”
— Raleigh News and Observer
[Memories of Muhammad] attempts to discover the true Muhammad obscured by both hagiography and militant extremism...Safi is on the front edge of a generation of scholars who, with one foot in both worlds, are trying to explain Islam and the West to each other.”
— Religion News Service
[Memories of Muhammad] attempts to discover the true Muhammad obscured by both hagiography and militant extremism...Safi is on the front edge of a generation of scholars who, with one foot in both worlds, are trying to explain Islam and the West to each other.”
— Religion News Service
[Memories of Muhammad] attempts to discover the true Muhammad obscured by both hagiography and militant extremism...Safi is on the front edge of a generation of scholars who, with one foot in both worlds, are trying to explain Islam and the West to each other.”
— Religion News Service
“Omid Safi… brings the prophet into clearer focus with his book “Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters.” Safi provides a sweeping look at Muhammad’s life and explores many of the controversial issues that color modern perceptions.”
— Washington Post Book World Blog
“Omid Safi… brings the prophet into clearer focus with his book “Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters.” Safi provides a sweeping look at Muhammad’s life and explores many of the controversial issues that color modern perceptions.”
— Washington Post Book World Blog
“Omid Safi… brings the prophet into clearer focus with his book “Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters.” Safi provides a sweeping look at Muhammad’s life and explores many of the controversial issues that color modern perceptions.”
— Washington Post Book World Blog
“Omid Safi... has written a rounded and revealing portrait of the life, work, and legacies of Muhammad.”
— Spirituality and Practice
“Omid Safi... has written a rounded and revealing portrait of the life, work, and legacies of Muhammad.”
— Spirituality and Practice
“Omid Safi... has written a rounded and revealing portrait of the life, work, and legacies of Muhammad.”
— Spirituality and Practice
“Safi responds to all these Muhammad problems by giving us a highly readable and interesting retelling of the story of this man... [and] provides important background for anyone who wants to understand our friends and enemies among the more than one billion people who embrace Islam.”
— The Pilot
“Safi responds to all these Muhammad problems by giving us a highly readable and interesting retelling of the story of this man... [and] provides important background for anyone who wants to understand our friends and enemies among the more than one billion people who embrace Islam.”
— The Pilot
“Safi responds to all these Muhammad problems by giving us a highly readable and interesting retelling of the story of this man... [and] provides important background for anyone who wants to understand our friends and enemies among the more than one billion people who embrace Islam.”
— The Pilot
“This book ranks as a milestone for non-Muslim readers. When most of the other books in this era are forgotten, people will continue to read Memories of Muhammad.”
— Read the Spirit
“This book ranks as a milestone for non-Muslim readers. When most of the other books in this era are forgotten, people will continue to read Memories of Muhammad.”
— Read the Spirit
“This book ranks as a milestone for non-Muslim readers. When most of the other books in this era are forgotten, people will continue to read Memories of Muhammad.”
— Read the Spirit
“Safi makes his argument by simply and beautifully narrating the life of Muhammad. Beyond offering a biography of the spiritual leader, Safi explicates his spiritual teachings and describes how he has been remembered by Muslims over 1,400 years.”
— Boston Globe
“Safi makes his argument by simply and beautifully narrating the life of Muhammad. Beyond offering a biography of the spiritual leader, Safi explicates his spiritual teachings and describes how he has been remembered by Muslims over 1,400 years.”
— Boston Globe
“Safi makes his argument by simply and beautifully narrating the life of Muhammad. Beyond offering a biography of the spiritual leader, Safi explicates his spiritual teachings and describes how he has been remembered by Muslims over 1,400 years.”
— Boston Globe
“For Muslims, the book is a #######ing call to return to our spiritual roots, an element of faith that these days seems to be lost in the constant social commentary we are forced to engage in about Islam. For non-Muslims, Safi’s explanation of Muhammad as the bridge between humanity and the Divine, insofar as emulating him brings one closer to Him, helps explain the connection Muslims have to their Prophet. In a time when the Prophet is so deeply misunderstood, such an emotional bond can go a long way in healing interreligious wounds.”
— The Washington Post’s “On Faith”
“For Muslims, the book is a #######ing call to return to our spiritual roots, an element of faith that these days seems to be lost in the constant social commentary we are forced to engage in about Islam. For non-Muslims, Safi’s explanation of Muhammad as the bridge between humanity and the Divine, insofar as emulating him brings one closer to Him, helps explain the connection Muslims have to their Prophet. In a time when the Prophet is so deeply misunderstood, such an emotional bond can go a long way in healing interreligious wounds.”
— The Washington Post’s “On Faith”
“For Muslims, the book is a #######ing call to return to our spiritual roots, an element of faith that these days seems to be lost in the constant social commentary we are forced to engage in about Islam. For non-Muslims, Safi’s explanation of Muhammad as the bridge between humanity and the Divine, insofar as emulating him brings one closer to Him, helps explain the connection Muslims have to their Prophet. In a time when the Prophet is so deeply misunderstood, such an emotional bond can go a long way in healing interreligious wounds.”
— The Washington Post’s “On Faith”

* View more

ISBN: 9780061959714; ISBN10: 0061959715; Imprint: HarperCollins e-books ; On Sale: 11/17/2009; Format: E-Book; Trimsize: ; Pages: 0; $19.99; Ages: 18 and Up
Books by Omid Safi
Memories of Muhammad Memories of Muhammad
Who was the historical Muhammad, and how do Muslims remember him—as a holy prophet, a cultural revolutionary, a military leader, or a spiritual mystic? Unending media coverage of extremist fanatics, the controversy over offensive cartoon depictions of Muhammad, and fatwas against journalists and...

Post: #5
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 02:23 PM
Parent: #4


Post: #6
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 09:24 PM
Parent: #5

..In October 2003, Asra Nomani took a stand for the right of women to walk through the front door and pray in the main hall of her mosque in Morgantown, W.V. Her efforts are the subject of a PBS documentary, The Mosque in Morgantown, by director Brittany Huckabee. To view clips and read more about the debate and the documentary, go to:

Post: #7
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 10:14 PM
Parent: #6

Post: #8
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 10:27 PM
Parent: #7

Quote: Asra Q Nomani (born 1965) is an Indian-American journalist, author, and feminist, known as a controversial liberal activist involved in the Muslim reform and Islamic feminist movements. She teaches journalism at Georgetown University and is co-director of the Pearl Project,[1][2] a faculty-student, investigative-reporting project into the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. The project is based at the Center for Public Integrity.

She is the author of two books, Standing Alone in Mecca: An American Woman's Struggle for the Soul of Islam and Tantrika: Traveling the Road of Divine Love, and of the "Islamic Bill of Rights for Women in the Bedroom", the "Islamic Bill of Rights for Women in the Mosque", and "99 Precepts for Opening Hearts, Minds and Doors in the Muslim World".

Her work is the subject of a documentary, The Mosque in Morgantown, aired nationwide on PBS as part of the series, America at a Crossroads

Post: #9
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 10:29 PM
Parent: #8

Quote: Personal life
Nomani was born in Bombay, India and when she was 4 years old moved to the United States with her older brother to join their parents in New Jersey, where her father was earning a Ph.D. at Rutgers University. When she was 10, her family moved to Morgantown, West Virginia. In her books Tantrika and Standing Alone in Mecca, she claims as an ancestor, Indian Muslim scholar Mawlana Shibli Nomani, known for writing a biography of the prophet Muhammad. Many Indian Muslims deny that Nomani is related to Mawlana Shibli Nomani.[3] Nomani received her B.A. in Liberal Studies from West Virginia University in 1986 and M.A. from American University in International Communications in 1990. She has one son out of wedlock, Shibli Daneel Nomani.

[edit] Career
Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal correspondent and has written for The Washington Post, The New York Times, Slate, The American Prospect, and Time. She was a correspondent for in Pakistan after 9/11, and her work appears in numerous other publications, including People, Sports Illustrated for Women, Cosmopolitan, and Women's Health. She has delivered commentary on National Public Radio.

She was a visiting scholar at the Center for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University. She was a Poynter Fellow at Yale University.

Nomani is the founder and creator of the Muslim Women's Freedom Tour. She has also defied literalist interpretations of Islam that segregate women from men in prayers at Mosques, and was a lead organizer of the woman-led Muslim prayer in New York City on March 18, 2005, which has been described as "the first mixed-gender prayer on record led by a Muslim woman in 1,400 years."[4] Various mixed-gender prayers have been led privately by a Muslim woman, including a 1997 funeral prayer led by a South African Muslim feminist Shamima Shaikh.[5] Nomani has said the prayer was the first publicly led Friday prayer in modern day history.

In Standing Alone in Mecca, she describes giving birth to her son as an unwed mother after his father abandoned her in Pakistan, then going to Mecca to perform the Hajj in order to investigate and rediscover her religion. The Washington Post writes that the title echoes Standing Again at Sinai (1990), in which the author, Judith Plaskow, an American Jewish feminist, explored what she saw as the patriarchal origins of Judaism.

[edit] Influence
In November 2003, Nomani became the first woman in her mosque in West Virginia to insist on the right to pray in the male-only main hall. Her effort brought front-page attention in a New York Times article entitled Muslim Women Seeking a Place in the Mosque.[6] The article chronicled Nomani's "Rosa Parks-style activism."

Inspired by Michael Muhammad Knight's punk novel The Taqwacores[7], she organized the first public woman-led prayer of a mixed-gender congregation in the United States, with Amina Wadud leading the prayer. On that day, March 18, 2005, she stated:

"We are standing up for our rights as women in Islam. We will no longer accept the back door or the shadows, at the end of the day, we'll be leaders in the Muslim world. We are ushering Islam into the 21st century, reclaiming the voice that the Prophet gave us 1400 years ago".
In his book Blue-Eyed Devil (p. 209), Knight recalls the event as follows:

"Inside the chapel there might have been as many reporters and camera crews as there were praying Muslims. The imam of the day, Amina Wadud, was so distracted by the long rows of popping flash-bulbs that in the middle of the prayer she forgot her ayats. At PMU's first board meeting, Ahmed Nassef would read to us an email from Dr. Wadud that completely washed her hands of the event. Though she still believed in woman-led prayer, she wanted nothing to do with PMU or Asra Nomani. ... Wadud had drawn a clear line between the Truth and the media whores, and we knew that PMU was on the wrong side. To avoid public criticism, PMU's website made no mention of Asra's role in organizing the prayer. Asra complained of PMU shutting her out."[8]
Her efforts to allow women to lead mixed-gender prayer (Muslim women have always been able to lead single-gender prayers) have been rebuffed by the mainstream Muslim community—no mosques or traditional Muslim women's organizations have participated in her mixed-gender prayers; her first prayer event was held at New York's Episcopal Cathedral of Saint John the Divine and the second (at Brandeis University) consisted of just six individuals including herself.[9]

In separate developments, several major Muslim organizations in the United States, including the Council on American Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America, issued their first substantive work aimed at affirming women's rights in mosques, publishing "Women-Friendly Mosques and Community Centers: Working Together to Reclaim Our Heritage." The booklet, written by long-time social activist Shahina Siddiqui and Islamic Society of North America president Ingrid Mattson, was successfully distributed to mosques nationwide.[10][11] In addition to her books, she has expressed her experiences and ideas for reform in one New York Times editorial and in several other publications and broadcasts. She was a friend and colleague of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was staying with her in Karachi with his wife Mariane Pearl when he was abducted and later murdered by Islamic militants in January 2002.[12] In the making of a movie of the book, A Mighty Heart, by Pearl's wife, the British actress Archie Panjabi plays the role of Nomani.

The Washington Post published a review, by Nomani, of the film "A Mighty Heart".[13] Nomani argued "...that Danny himself had been cut from his own story."

Nomani has been a regular guest on NPR's Tell Me More with Michel Martin on the Mocha Moms segments.[citation needed]

[edit] Criticism
The Pakistani-American lawyer Asma Gull Hasan, author of Why I Am a Muslim: An American Odyssey, admires Asra Nomani:[14]

G. Willow Wilson, an American author and convert to Islam, challenges Nomani's "implicit condemnation of Muslim men everywhere" in her desire to marry outside the faith, concluding that "the reason Asra Nomani discovered a dearth of eligible Muslim men is the same reason Carrie Bradshaw discovered a dearth of eligible Manhattanite men"[15]

Other critics similarly maintain that although they don't object to Nomani's views, they do have a problem with Nomani herself.[14] One such view is held by Louay Safi, executive director of the Islamic Society of North America's Leadership Development Center in Plainfield, Ind. He points out that many women were unhappy with the Morgantown mosque, not just Nomani. Unlike other women, however, Nomani wanted things to change overnight, says Safi. He describes Nomani as a "loner" who "doesn't have the experience of engaging the community, negotiating and trying to change things gradually."[14]

Some critics charged that the prayer events were being staged to promote her book.[9] Traditional Muslims often note her lack of involvement with Islamic practice or the Muslim community prior to 2002.[16] Her critics also find her open acknowledgments of repeated extramarital sex to be unbecoming of a religious activist.[14]

Nomani broke the news regarding Random House's decision not to publish The Jewel of Medina, a historical novel about Aisha, wife of the Prophet Muhammad.[17] She expressed disappointment in Random House's decision.

Post: #10
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 10:41 PM
Parent: #9

Post: #11
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-06-2010, 10:47 PM
Parent: #10

Post: #12
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-07-2010, 01:17 PM
Parent: #11


Post: #13
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-08-2010, 00:35 AM
Parent: #12


Post: #14
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-08-2010, 03:16 AM
Parent: #13

Post: #15
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-08-2010, 03:20 AM
Parent: #14

Post: #16
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-08-2010, 03:28 AM
Parent: #15

Post: #17
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-08-2010, 03:42 AM
Parent: #16

Post: #18
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-11-2010, 02:41 AM
Parent: #17

1- قصة الشكاك

جاء أحد الموسوسين المتشككين إلى مجلس الفقيه ابن عقيل، فلما جلس، قال للفقيه: إني أنغمس في الماء مرات كثيرة، ومع ذلك أشك: هل تطهرت أم لا، فما رأيك في ذلك؟فقال ابن عقيل: اذهب، فقد سقطت عنك الصلاة.فتعجب الرجل وقال له: وكيف ذلك؟فقال ابن عقيل:لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " رفع القلم عن ثلاثة: المجنون حتى يفيق، والنائم حتى يستيقظ، والصبي حتى يبلغ ". ومن ينغمس في الماء مرارا - مثلك- ويشك هل اغتسل أم لا، فهو بلا شك مجنون

2- قصة الطاعون

خرج أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب، ذاهبا إلى بلاد الشام، وكان معه بعض الصحابة.وفي الطريق علم أن مرض الطاعون قد انتشر في الشام، وقتل كثيرا من الناس، فقرر الرجوع، ومنع من معه من دخول الشام.فقال له الصحابي الجليل أبو عبيدة بن الجراح: أفرارا من قدر الله يا أمير المؤمنين؟فرد عليه أمير المؤمنين: لو غيرك قالها يا أبا عبيدة!ثم أضاف قائلاً: نعم نفر من قدر الله إلى قدر الله؛ أرأيت لو أن لك إبلا هبطت واديا له جهتان: إحداهما خصيبة (أي بها زرع وحشائش تصلح لأن ترعى فيها الإبل)، والأخرى جديبة (أي لا زرع فيهما، ولا تصلح لأن ترعى فيها الإبل)، أليس لو رعيت في الخصيبة رعيتها بقدر الله، ولو رعيت في الجديبة رعيتها بقدر الله؟

3- قصة الخليفة والقاضي

طلب أحد الخلفاء من رجاله أن يحضروا له الفقيه إياس بن معاوية، فلما حضر الفقيه قال له الخليفة: إني أريد منك أن تتولى منصب القضاء. فرفض الفقيه هذا المنصب، وقال: إني لا أصلح للقضاء. وكان هذا الجواب مفاجأة للخليفة، فقال له غاضبا: أنت غير صادق. فرد الفقيه على الفور: إذن فقد حكمت علي بأني لا أصلح. فسأله الخليفة: كيف ذلك؟فأجاب الفقيه: لأني لوكنت كاذبا- كما تقول- فأنا لا أصلح للقضاء، وإن كنت صادقا فقد أخبرتك أني لا أصلح للقضاء

4- قصة حكم البراءة

تزوجت امرأة، وبعد ستة أشهر ولدت طفلا، والمعروف أن المرأة غالبا ما تلد بعد تسعة أشهر أو سبعة أشهر من الحمل، فظن الناس أنها لم تكن مخلصة لزوجها، وأنها حملت من غيره قبل زواجها منه.فأخذوها إلى الخليفة ليعاقبها، وكان الخليفة حينئذ هو عثمان بن عفان- رضي الله عنه- فلما ذهبوا إليه، وجدوا الإمام عليا موجودا عنده، فقال لهم: ليس لكم أن تعاقبوها لهذا السبب. فتعجبوا وسألوه: وكيف ذلك؟ فقال لهم: لقد قال الله تعالى: (وحمله وفصاله ثلاثون شهرا) (أي أن الحمل وفترة الرضاعة ثلاثون شهرا). وقال تعالى: (والوالدات يرضعن أولادهن حولين كاملين) (أي أن مدة الرضاعة سنتين. إذن فالرضاعة أربعة وعشرون شهرا، والحمل يمكن أن يكون ستة أشهر فقط).

5- قصة المرأة والفقيه

سمعت امرأة أن عبد الله بن مسمعود- رضي الله عنه- لعن من تغير خلقتها من النساء، فتفرق بين أسنانها للزينة، وترقق حاجبيها.فذهبت إليه، وسألته عن ذلك، فقال لها: ومالي لا ألعن من لعنه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وهو في كتاب الله.فقالت المرأة في دهشة واستغراب: لقد قرأت القرآن الكريم كله لكني لم أجد فيه شيئا يشير إلى لعن من يقمن بعمل مثل هذه الأشياء.وهنا ظهرت حكمة الفقيه الذي يفهم دينه فهما جيدا، فقال للمرأة: أما قرأت قول الله تعالى: { وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا}؟!أجابت المرأة: بلى، فقال لها: إذن فقد نهى القرآن عنه- أيضا-.

6- قصة الحق والباطل

سأل أحد الناس عبد الله بن عباس- رضي الله عنهما- فقال له: ما تقول في الغناء؟ أحلال أم حرام؟فقال ابن عباس: لا أقول حراما إلا ما ذكر في كتاب الله أنه حرام.فقال الرجل: أحلال هو؟فقال ابن عباس: ولا أقول حلالاً إلا ما ذكر في كتاب الله أنه حلال.ونظر ابن عباس إلى الرجل، فرأى على وجهه علامات الحيرة.فقال له: أرأيت الحق والباطل إذا جاءا يوم القيامة، فأين يكون الغناء؟فقال الرجل: يكون مع الباطل.وهنا قال ابن عباس: اذهب فقد أفتيت نفسك .

7- قصة السؤال الصعب

جاء شيخ كبير إلى مجلس الإمام الشافعى، فسأله: ما الدليل والبرهان في دين الله؟ فقال الشافعي: كتاب الله.فقال الشيخ: وماذا- أيضا-؟ قال: سنة رسول الله. قال الشيخ: وماذا- أيضا-؟ قال: اتفاق الأمة. قال الشيخ: من أين قلت اتفاق الأمة؟ فسكت الشافعي، فقال له الشيخ: سأمهلك ثلاثة أيام. فذهب الإمام الشافعى إلى بيته، وظل يقرأ ويبحث في الأمر. وبعد ثلاثة أيام جاء الشيخ إلى مجلس الشافعي، فسلم وجلس. فقال له الشافعي: قرأت القرآن في كل يوم وليلة ثلاث مرات، حتى هداني الله إلى قوله تعالى: {ومن يشاقق الرسول من بعد ما تبين له الهدى ويتبع غير سبيل المؤمنين نوفه ما تولى ونصله جهنم وساءت مصيرا}. فمن خالف ما اتفق عليه علماء المسلمين من غير دليل صحيح أدخله الله النار، وساءت مصيرا. فقال الشيخ: صدقت

8- قصة المال الضائع

يروى أن رجلاً جاء إلى الإمام أبى حنيفة ذات ليلة، وقال له: يا إمام! منذ مدة طويلة دفنت مالاً في مكان ما، ولكني نسيت هذا المكان، فهل تساعدني في حل هذه المشكلة؟فقال له الإمام: ليس هذا من عمل الفقيه؛ حتى أجد لك حلاً. ثم فكرلحظة وقال له: اذهب، فصل حتى يطلع الصبح، فإنك ستذكر مكان المال إن شاء الله تعالى.فذهب الرجل، وأخذ يصلي. وفجأة، وبعد وقت قصير، وأثناء الصلاة، تذكر المكان الذي دفن المال فيه، فأسرع وذهب إليه وأحضره.وفي الصباح جاء الرجل إلى الإمام أبى حنيفة ، وأخبره أنه عثر على المال، وشكره ، ثم سأله: كيف عرفت أني سأتذكر مكان المال ؟! فقال الإمام: لأني علمت أن الشيطان لن يتركك تصلي ، وسيشغلك بتذكر المال عن صلاتك.

Post: #19
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-11-2010, 02:55 AM
Parent: #18

Quote: من هن النسوة التسعه اللاتي لايقبل الزواج منهن‎

أسعد الله جميع أوقاتكم بالخير والمسرات

في دراسة اجراها قسم علم النفس في كلية الآداب وعبر بعض مواقع الانترنت توصلت الى ان الصفات التي لايحبها الشباب في زوجات المستقبل وصلت الى 9 صفات تزعج الشباب و تجعلهم يقلقون من ارتباطهم بفتاة تملكها
وندعو كل الفتيات الى التخلي عنها حتى يكن زوجات مثاليات

اولى هذه الصفات التي ينفر منها الشباب في زوجاتهم في المستقبل وهي هنا بمعنى الشك فهم يطالبون ببعض الغيرة التي تقوي الحب ولكنهم يرفضون الشك الذي يعني الجحيم في الحياة الزوجية فهم يريدون الثقة من زوجاتهم ولايريدون ان يقدموا كشف حساب عن كل خطوة يخطونها ولابد من وجود الثقة والحب وبعض الحرية ايضا

ثاني صفة وهي الزوجة التي تتسم بحب التملك الزائد والسيطرة وهي تريد من زوجها الحب كله والخضوع والاستسلام لها فقط وتغضب اذا رأت زوجها يهتم بأحد اخر او يحب انسان اخر غيرها فهي بذلك تقضي على شخصية زوجها وتسبب له المشاكل وتجعله يكره الحياة الزوجية وهذا لايعتبر حبا وحنانا بل هو تملك وسيطرة

زوجة لاترضى بمعيشتها وهي دائما في حالة تذمر وشكوى من كل شئ ليست قانعة بما لديها ودائما تريد المزيد وهي بذلك تضغط على زوجها حتى ينفذ لها رغباتها وطلباتها
هي نوع من الزوجات المدمر لانها تبحث عن نفسها وسعادتها فقط ولاتحافظ على زوجها او بيتها وكثيرا ماتنتهي هذه الزيجة اما بالطلاق او بمشاكل مالية ضخمة ليس للزوج فقط ولكن لها هي ايضا

لاتهتم بزوجها اطلاقا ولابيتها ولاتحاول تلبية حاجاته او مطالبه من حسن معاشرة او اهتمام بشؤون المنزل وهنا يشعر الزوج بأنها لاتحبه او تهتم به وقد يؤدي به هذا الى الشعور بالقسوة معها لمحاولة تقييمها ويصبح الزوج غير مهتم بها وغير متعاطف معها ممايؤدي الى وجود الفرقة والغربة وعدم الترابط بينهما

تكون على علاقة دائمة بأمها ومرتبطة بها دائما وتعتمد عليها في كل شئ تتصف بالخجل وعدم تحمل المسؤولية وغالبا ماتكون امها هي المتحكمة والمسيطرة في المنزل كله فتلجأ اليها الابنة في كل شئ
وهي بذلك لاتصلح زوجة حتى بل لاتصلح اما لأبنائها لأنهم سينشأون اطفالا فاقدي الثقة بأنفسهم معدومي الشخصية

غالبا ماتكون الزوجة العاملة فلابد ان توازن الزوجة بين عملها وزوجها واطفالها وبيتها فلا تحرمهم منها بحجة العمل فيفقد بذلك زوجها الاحساس بقربها منه ومشاركته في جميع نواحي حياته واهتماماته مما يؤدي الى وجود هوّة ومشاكل بينهما

تعودت على الاستسلام لمن حولها وهي تعجز عن اتخاذ أي قرار بنفسها ولاتحاول ان تبدي أي مشورة او رأي او نصح في ضعيفة الشخصية ومنقادة ولم تتعود على تحمل المسؤولية وغالبا مايكون اهلها هم السبب ويفتقد الزوج فيها الشريك الناصح الامين الذي يشاوره في اموره ويشركه في اهتماماته ويأخذ رأيه في المشاكل التي يواجهها

تتصور عن زوجها اسوأ الاشياء مثل عندما ترتفع درجة حرارة زوجها فتعتقد انه اصيب بالحمة وعندما يتأخر في عمله فقد اصيب بحادث فهي بذلك تطارده بالوسواس والخيالات

والكمال لله وحده
تحرص دائما على ان تفعل الشئ السليم وتبالغ فيه حتى يخرج في منتهى الدقة والاحكام حتى لو كان على حساب اعصابها واعصاب من حولها وهي تؤدي بذلك الى درجة عالية من العصبية في الحياة الزوجية ويمكن لهذا الاحساس ان يدفع الزوجين الى التوتر والانفعال ويمكن ان يتحول الزوج وقتها الى رجل مشاكس وعنيد ويتمرد على ماتفعله حتى لو كان من اجله ولايهمه ارضاؤها

Post: #20
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-11-2010, 02:59 AM
Parent: #19

Quote: ست نسوان عملوا حادث سيارة ... كل واحده اتصلت بزوجها ...


وهذه هي ردود الأزواج الستة:


ابعيد الشر عنك ... أنا هلأ جاي بالطريق


سلامة كلبك يا روح كلبي .. أنا جاي ركد عالطريك.


شو امطلعنج الظهر ... طلعت روحج ... ماوراج إلا المصايب

تغطي زين عن الرياييل لين أوصل.


الله لا يردك ... دبري حالك


التيلي معك خمس نسوان ؟؟؟ طيب ثواني وبكون عندك


يا ولية ... أوعى يكون حصل حاجة للعربية !؟

Post: #21
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-11-2010, 03:02 AM
Parent: #20

<center><img src= border=0 alt="1120.JPG Hosting at">

Post: #22
Title: Re: Memories of Muhammad Why the Prophet Matters
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-11-2010, 03:10 AM
Parent: #21

Quote: وإذا أنت بخلت على نفسك بدقيi

فلا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
لا تنسونا بصالح الدعاء

اللهم إني أستغفرك
لكل ذنب خطوت إليه برجلي ..
أو مددت إليه يدي ..
أو تأملته ببصري ..
أو أصغيت إليه بأذني ..
أو نطق به لساني ..
أو أتلفت فيه ما رزقتني ..
ثم استرزقتك على عصياني .. فرزقتني
ثم استعنت برزقك على عصيانك .. فسترته علي
وسألتك الزيادة فلم تحرمني
ولا تزال عائداً علي بحلمك وإحسانك
يا أكرم الأكرمين..
اللهم إني أستغفرك من كل سيئة
ارتكبتها في بياض النهار وسواد الليل
في ملأ وخلاء ، وسر وعلانية
وأنت ناظر إلي ..
اللهم إني أستغفرك من كل فريضة
أوجبتها علي في آناء الليل والنهار
تركتها خطأ أو عمدا ؛ أو نسيانا أو جهلا
وأستغفرك من كل سنة من سنن
سيد المرسلين وخاتم النبيين
سيدنا محمد صلى الله وآله وسلم
تركتها غفلة أو سهوا ؛ أو نسيانا أو تهاونا أو جهلا
أو قلة مبالاة بها
أستغفر الله .. وأتوب إلى الله.. مما يكره الله..
قولا وفعلاً .. وباطنا وظاهراً

ملحوظة : تخيل لو انك نشرت هذه الرسالة بين عشرة
من أصدقائك على الأقل؟؟
وكل صديق منهم فعل كما فعلت أنت وهكذا ؟؟
ولكل واحد منهم حسنة والحسنة بعشر أمثالها
انظر كم كسبت من الحسنات في دقيقة واحدة أو دقيقتين !!!!

انشرها ولا تبخل على نفسك بالحسنات؟؟