دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى

دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى

03-01-2010, 05:15 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=260&msg=1267460123&rn=12

Post: #1
Title: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-01-2010, 05:15 PM
Parent: #0

عين اليانكى الطاشم على .
اللوحة السودانية ..
ذهب ونفط وباعوضة وكجار وجمال .
واكتر أغنية بتكيف اليانكى أغنية ده الجنن عبدالقادر .

Post: #2
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-01-2010, 06:20 PM
Parent: #1

Post: #3
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Date: 03-01-2010, 06:36 PM
Parent: #2

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Post: #4
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-01-2010, 07:14 PM
Parent: #3

دهب بربر اصبح حقيقة .
واصبح حديث المجالس فى العالم
CALIFORNIA كانت مضارب خيام للهنود الحمر فرهدت بعد اكتشاف الدهب .
قالوا WHAT ؟
نعم ده الحاصل .

Post: #5
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: ابو جهينة
Date: 03-01-2010, 07:17 PM
Parent: #4

الأخ العزيز عثمان موسي


بربر ياتو جهة ؟
لو في ( الدكة ) بنرجع حسع لأنو عندنا فيها كراع


تخريمة : تعرف لو الناس في السودان إتجهوا لإكتشاف الثروات المعدنية ، حتقوم مدن كتيرة في صحاري السودان تماما كما حدث في أمريكا في أيامها الأولى.


Post: #6
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-01-2010, 07:53 PM
Parent: #5

When frequent ARCHAEOLOGY contributor Andrew Lawler reported on the construction of Sudan's massive Merowe Dam on the Nile River at Hamdab, some 220 miles north of the capital Khartoum ("Damming Sudan," November/December 2006), innumerable ancient sites were about to be flooded. The disastrous situation also posed a humanitarian crisis, as those in the water's path were systematically forced from their homes. The following year, University of Chicago archaeologist Geoff Emberling joined an international salvage effort to document sites before they disappeared...

Sudanese workmen clear the surface of Al-Widay, a second-millennium cemetery, now flooded by the construction of a massive dam. (Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition) I remember standing in the warm late afternoon sun on a barren hilltop in the Nubian Desert of northern Sudan in March 2008. The orange sand stretched away to the green fields and palm trees lining the Nile River in the distance. My colleagues and I had just completed a successful second dig season and we were packing finds and taking our final notes. I went for one last visit to the ancient cemetery where we had been excavating burials of people who lived on the outskirts of the early Kingdom of Kush (roughly 1700-1500 B.C.). The graves and a nearby gold-mining site, littered with ancient grinding stones, had told us a great deal about these people, including something about their kingdom's relationship with Egypt, hundreds of miles to the north.

After making an exploratory trip to Sudan in the winter of 2006, we recognized how our excavations could contribute to the emerging picture of Kush as a powerful kingdom rather than a remote Egyptian outpost, as was once thought. But we were in a race against time. The construction of the Merowe Dam, some 25 miles downstream from where we were to work, was about to flood the Fourth Cataract, a 100-mile-long stretch of the Nile that passes through a narrow valley with islands and rapids. The area had scarcely been documented before archaeological salvage work by teams from Sudan, Poland, England, Germany, and the United States started about 10 years ago. So we joined an international effort to recover what we could before the dam was completed. Over the past decade, work by these teams in the dam area had suggested that the influence of Kush may even have reached beyond the Fourth Cataract, perhaps as many as 750 miles along the Nile--making it a worthy rival to Egypt indeed.

In just two excavation seasons--roughly 16 weeks--we gleaned a remarkable amount of information. Our excavations showed that the power of Kush rested in part on its ability to extract gold from the sands and gravels of the Nile Valley. We also unearthed evidence that has begun to illuminate the connection between Kerma (the capital of Kush) and the distant and peripheral Fourth Cataract, some 130 miles as the crow flies, across particularly harsh desert terrain.

A Sudanese prospector (left) shows archaeologist Geoff Emberling a modern balance for weighing gold. (Bruce Williams) Kush had been mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts and depicted in artistic representations as both a trade partner and enemy of the Egyptian state, beginning around 2000 B.C. In later periods, gold from Kush was sent as tribute to the pharaohs, as in the painted scenes from the walls of the tomb of Huy, the Egyptian governor of Kush during the New Kingdom (ca. 1330 B.C.).

The Ku####es, like other people from Nubia, a culturally diverse region that spans what is now southern Egypt and northern Sudan, were known to the Egyptians as excellent archers and even served in the Egyptian army. Excavations at Kerma by American archaeologist George Reisner in the 1910s had revealed a town, which we now know was walled, surrounding a monumental mud-brick temple. In a royal cemetery to the east, four massive grave tumuli contained as many as several hundred human sacrificial victims. The remains were surrounded by thousands of cattle skulls, important symbols of wealth to many contemporaneous sub-Saharan people. Reisner originally proposed that Kerma was an Egyptian outpost because of the statuary and scarab seals found there.

Excavations over the past 35 years at Kerma, and over the past 10 years in the Fourth Cataract, began to suggest that the early Kingdom of Kush was larger than previously believed, and that its raids into Egypt in about 1650 B.C. were a serious threat to the capital at Thebes. Compared with other civilizations of the region, such as Mesopotamia, early Kush controlled a vast area and was able to amass significant military power. Yet Kush seemed to lack some of the characteristics of other civilizations: it had only one city of any size (Kerma), did not leave any trace of writing, and did not make extensive use of administrative tools such as seals. Only in the kingdom's latest period were inscribed Egyptian scarab seals used in administrative contexts in the region of the capital.

The expedition was a significant departure for me professionally. I had been trained in Mesopotamian archaeology and had directed excavations in Syria. More recently, I had supervised the installation of an exhibition at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute, where I am the museum director, on ancient Nubia. I was fascinated by the beauty of the region's craft traditions, especially its extraordinary handmade pottery, which can be eggshell thin and beautifully burnished, or made in shapes imitating natural forms such as gourds, or covered with geometric designs. I was inspired to learn more about the people who made it.

Broken, scoop-shaped grindstones litter Hosh el-Guruf, an ancient gold-mining site. They are valuable even today to locals, who use them to grind perfumes and spices. (Courtesy Carol Meyer) Our team of about a dozen archaeologists and students traveled to the Fourth Cataract in the winter of 2007 and again in 2008, planning to work in a "concession" assigned to us by the Sudanese authorities, an area that stretched 10 miles along the right bank of the Nile and included a large island called Shirri. The group included codirector Bruce Williams, who has published nine massive volumes on the Oriental Institute's previous contribution to salvage archaeology in Nubia--the Aswan High Dam project of the 1960s--as well as students from the University of Chicago, New York University, and the University of Michigan.

It turned out, however, that our concession was within the territory of the Manasir, one of three tribal groups living in the Fourth Cataract. The Manasir were actively resisting the Sudanese government's plans for resettling people living in the region, and refused to allow archaeologists to work in their territory. So we had to move to a backup plan, which was to work within the large concession of a Polish team from the Gdansk Archaeological Museum led by Henryk Paner (whom I came to call "Papa Henryk," not for his age, but because he was so knowledgeable about the area and so generous with that knowledge). The team had been working there for almost 10 years, documenting well over 1,000 sites and excavating sites of all periods. However, the researchers knew there were sites they would not have a chance to excavate, and so they allowed us to work within their concession.

As a Mesopotamian archaeologist, I was used to working on settlements--the large mounds called "tells" that mark ancient villages and cities. It turned out that the Gdansk team had a settlement site to offer us near the village of Hosh el-Guruf, and we went to inspect it together. By Mesopotamian standards, it was not much to look at--a small, mounded, and remarkably rocky four acres, with a scatter of pottery that extended over 25 more. I knew from visiting other sites in the Fourth Cataract that it was a remarkably dense accumulation of cultural material by Sudanese standards, and we were happy to start working there in 2007.

After a few days of collecting pottery from the surface of the site, we began digging. Unlike Mesopotamian tells, where excavation trenches can reach a depth of 30 feet or more, Sudanese sites generally do not have deep deposits of cultural material. At Hosh el-Guruf, we dug no more than two feet before we hit the bedrock, and most of our trenches were even shallower.

Tiny gold beads were found in another burial. (Courtesy Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition) We found that the site had three major occupations, in between which it had been abandoned: the later Neolithic period (ca. 4000-3000 B.C.), the early Kingdom of Kush (ca. 1700-1500 B.C.), and a smaller occupation during the early part of the Napatan period (ca. 750-600 B.C.). While we still don't have a clear understanding of the Fourth Cataract during the Neolithic period, it is possible that the people were pastoralists and were sedentary only part of the year. The Napatan period, on the other hand, marked the rise of a later dynasty of Kush that began building pyramids for elite burials and ruled Egypt as its 25th Dynasty. The most interesting single discovery from our surface collections was a clay seal impression of a Napatan queen, which suggested some level of royal contact with inhabitants of the site in that period.

We began digging trenches where we had unearthed concentrations of Kerma-period ceramics during our surface collections. Rather than the stratified remains of buildings, we excavated mostly jumbled potsherds of different periods all mixed together, and almost nothing that was clearly left in place. We may have had a fragment of one building--three stones in a kind of curving alignment--and that looked pretty good after three weeks of digging.

Yet we were fortunate to have on the team another expert from the Oriental Institute with long experience working in the area: Carol Meyer, who had directed excavations on a Roman-period gold-mining site called Bir Umm Fawakhir in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. She and Bruce Williams pointed out that there was an interesting pattern across the surface of the site--an unusually large number of big grinding stones, all broken but each originally about three feet long and several hundred pounds. As Carol looked more closely, she found that there were also clusters of smaller handheld stones used for bashing and grinding. The grinding stones were not the kind that would have been used by a family to grind grain; we unearthed fewer, much smaller stones for that purpose. Rather, they were the type discovered at sites in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and Sudan, where gold was mined. Those stones were thought to be remnants of ancient Egyptian gold mines of the New Kingdom (about 1550-1150 B.C.), but here we were amazed to have the first clear evidence that they were not Egyptian in origin, but had been used earlier by the Kingdom of Kush.

This well-worn Kerma beaker, unearthed from a burial at Al-Widay, features a distinctive ash band below the rim. (Courtesy Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition) We were also lucky to have a geologist with us, James Harrell of the University of Toledo, who works on archaeological projects in Egypt and Sudan and specializes in identifying quarries. He suggested that the most likely source of gold here was Nile River gravels, worn off the bedrock formations in the middle Nile Valley and deposited across the site during the annual floods. Support for this interpretation of the site came from the widespread knowledge of gold-mining techniques among the people living in the area today. Although gold mining is not a formal industry, we met many who knew how to mine and pan for gold in the Fourth Cataract.

As we developed the gold-working hypothesis at Hosh el-Guruf, some members of our team began excavating a contemporaneous cemetery site at Al-Widay, next to the village where we were staying, which was a two-hour drive from the nearest paved road. The villagers not only worked for the excavation, but provided fresh bread daily, delivered water for washing and cooking, and showed us genuine hospitality.

The cemetery at Al-Widay was interesting in part because it presumably contained the burials of the people who mined the gold at Hosh el-Guruf. When we returned to complete the excavation of more than 100 burials in the cemetery in the winter of 2008, we found the graves were simple pits with piles of stones on top of them. Each of the dead was buried with a standard set of three vessels--cup, bowl, and incense pot--and sometimes with additional pots and beads made of locally available carnelian, ostrich egg shell, or faience. This pattern turned out to be fairly typical of Kerma-period sites throughout the Fourth Cataract.

One thing that was striking about the cemetery was the scarcity of gold--for a community that was connected to gold mining, those who lived there did not appear to have kept much of what they found. There was one burial with 101 tiny gold beads, made from a gold sheet that was rolled and cut into small rings; another contained a single gold bead. A number of the graves had been plundered in antiquity, perhaps by people looking for gold, but others were unlooted, and there was still very little gold in those burials. In fact, very little gold has been found in any of the Fourth Cataract excavations.

Inscribed with the name of an Egyptian army officer, this glazed steatite scarab seal may have been dropped in battle. (Courtesy Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition) At the same time, there were clearly imported items in the cemetery, such as Egyptian ceramics, scarabs, and some distinctive, polished, black-topped redware vessels with a gray band that were likely made in Kerma itself. One particularly interesting find was a scarab inscribed with the name of an Egyptian army officer, Nebsumenu, found in the burial of a young girl. We do not know how the scarab ended up in this remote area, but its presence raises questions about the connections between cultures at this time. One possibility is that Nebsumenu dropped his seal in battle or in flight from the fortress in which he served. The seal would have become part of the spoils taken by the army of Kush back to Kerma. It could then have been sent by the king of Kush as a gift to a local leader in the Fourth Cataract. Another possibility is that Nebsumenu lost his seal to the Medjay, a well-known band of nomads, whose routes would have taken them to the Fourth Cataract region. In this scenario, the scarab would have been a symbol of success in battle.

Our research seems to have illuminated two ends of an exchange network: gold moving from the Fourth Cataract to Kerma, and a small number of objects moving from Kerma to the Fourth Cataract. It appears to have been an unequal exchange: those at the center of the kingdom were hoarding wealth, while those at the periphery were exploited. But without direct evidence that the gold was moving from this site to Kerma, it remains a hypothesis that attests to the abundance of information that still lies beneath the rocky earth.

As I stood on that hilltop, I thought about the way many of the burials had been disturbed in antiquity, apparently by looters in search of gold jewelry. In our two seasons, we carefully excavated the looters' holes first, and then investigated what remained of each original burial. At the bottom of each robbed grave, we found a stone not bigger than my fist.

I imagined, at the time, that the looters ended their violation of the tombs by placing a stone at the bottom of their pits, as if to keep the spirit of the dead in its place. As I stood there, I decided that this might not be such a bad idea. So I placed a stone in each of the excavated burial pits, to honor a sense of close connection with the past, and as a sort of offering to help the dead rest in peace.

When we left Al-Widay, we dreaded the day that the dam would be completed, the area inundated, and our hosts forced (finally) to move away. And so it has happened. Our entire excavation area, so scarcely documented, is now under water.

Geoff Emberling is the museum director of the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute

Post: #8
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-01-2010, 11:18 PM
Parent: #5

الأخ العزيز ابوجهينة
عندك فيها كراع بس ؟؟
يا ابوجهينة حتى ناس المغرب العربى قالوا بربر أرض مغاربية .
أنت عندك فيها كراع ورأس .
كلفورنيا كانت نفس البدايات واليوم يقف عليها أقتصاد أمريكا . يمكن يا ابوجهينة
ربنا داير يعوض المساكين ديل .
تحياتى ياعزيز

Post: #7
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-01-2010, 08:51 PM
Parent: #3

شيخ محمد سلامات
انشاءالله طيب .
يازول دهبنا فى النيوز
نيوز العالم . اكبر سماسرة الدنيا فاتحين ال MAP .
يا محمد بربر جات فى المابات . بربر كلفورنيا الشرق الافريقى طلعت يازول .
وكمان اكبر احتياطى فى الدنيا . تحياتى

Post: #9
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 04:27 AM
Parent: #7

قطعة طول 4 امتار
حوالى 13 كيلو كانت من نصيب شيخ م الرجل الصبور .
شيخ م لم يسمع عن الجهاز كاشف الذهب .. ويقول كشفها الخالق .

Post: #10
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 05:39 AM
Parent: #9

أستاذ ابوجهينة
وجيتك تانى .
هسع واحد كان معاى من مناطق الانتاج .
عندو تلفون خط . الزول كان قاعد فى نيويورك 14 سنة .
وشغال بس يشترى دهب من بربر ويبيع ويبيع فى الخرطوم بيعمل فى الشهر
ما بين 10 و12 ألف دولار ربح براس مال 70 ألف دولار . والكلام ده حقيقى .
.. اها موضوع الدكة .
الفجات الفيها الدهب كتار كتار . بس اسرع .

Post: #11
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 04:24 PM
Parent: #10

اسعار الكواشف الصناعة الأمريكية .
الاسعار تتفاوت بين 4500 دولار و8700 دولار و14200 دولار و23000 دولار وحتى
74000 دولار وهناك توابع لكل جهاز
تختلف الاسعار حسب قوة الجهاز .

Post: #12
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 06:39 PM
Parent: #11

حاج متعال
خبير لا يحتاج لكاشف .
يقول حاج متعال وكتيين تتسهل الكاشف الله .
الله الفتاح العليم .
.. يقول شيخ المتعال : الدهب ياهو هنا ده تحت ضل جبل قبقبة ده .
اقعد ابحت وأنت وحظك .. الا قطع شك ما بتمرق خايب .. الصبر الشىء يحتاج
الصبر ..

Post: #13
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 07:14 PM

Post: #14
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-02-2010, 08:38 PM
Parent: #13

I'm surprised

I can't believe my eyes

thanks wd musa

Post: #15
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 08:49 PM
Parent: #14

العزيز سيف اليزل
شايف .
شايف الشغل المكرب ده ؟
زولك ده الله ريحو تب 2 كيلو . وقال ليك لو لا الحيكومة كان عمل الخمسة .
نحنا بس نبحت فى الجليد وناكل فى الدجاج الميت .
يازول ارح .

Post: #16
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-02-2010, 10:47 PM
Parent: #15


الحكاية برضو فيها موت ما هينة


لكن معاها دهب

Post: #17
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: سيف اليزل برعي البدوي
Date: 03-02-2010, 10:52 PM
Parent: #16


Post: #18
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-02-2010, 11:56 PM
Parent: #16

العزيز سيف
معاى زول عايد من 8 أيام من هناك من مناطق الانتاج
شاف الفيلم الأول بتاعك وقال الفيلم ده من مكان مختلف .
وماعندو علاقة بالبحث عن الذهب .
الزول شغال الشغل ده من زمن بعيد جدا ويعرف المنطقة ومايدور فيها
من شلاتين شمال وحتى سوق تمبول فى الوسط . والزول فى رحلة عمل ..
.. الفيلم الثانى من نفس الفجات .
وحقيقة البحث عن الذهب مشوار صعب وطويل طويل .

Post: #19
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: سيف الدولة كامل
Date: 03-03-2010, 01:16 AM
Parent: #18

يا عثمان أخوي عندي 5 أجهزة كشف عن الذهب دقيقة جدا. كان مشيت ما بلقي لي طنين تلاته؟

وكان لقيت تمثال بعانخي ذهب يكون ربنا فتحها علينا ,,, أها نبدأ كيف؟

Post: #20
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-03-2010, 04:11 AM
Parent: #19

عزيزنا سيف الدولة

5 كواشف يا سيف ؟
لو عندك 5 كواشف كنت بس من ال 4th مع ال 86 ده بتجيب ليك كيلو .
ياسيف لو عندك 5 كواشف فى السودان ما محتاج زاتو تمشى تفتش دى 200 مليون
وممكن تحصل 250 مليون ..
تحياتى للجميع

Post: #21
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-03-2010, 03:42 PM
Parent: #20

سيف اليزل برعي
يا أخوى
خبر شركة بوسطن بتاعت تكنلوجيا المناجم دى كيف ؟؟
والممكن شنو . شمشم الاخبار . جاى جاى .
عايزين خبر حلو ... موت وناس حجدعين فى البرارى . لا .
شد حيلك . نتخارج .

Post: #22
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: معتصم محمد صالح
Date: 03-03-2010, 04:09 PM
Parent: #21

الاخ المكرم عثمان موسى ...

اولا علاقتك شنو بـ ( عصام موسى ) .. من بربر

ثانيا :
كل ما ذكرت صحيح 100% وهناك حقائق اكثر نعلمها نحن لعملنا في نفس المجال .

طبعا سيف اليزل برعي الفوق ده لما كلمتو عن الجهاز والذهب وطلبت منه البحث عن هذا الجهاز الذي لم يكن وقتها قد دخل السودان حوالي ( سبتمبر 2008 ) تقريبا .. فتجاهل الامر وايضا طلبت من عبد الرحيم منصور فحذا حذوه .. فتخيل مئات الاف الدولارات التي فاتت عليهم ( هذه حقيقة والله )

بكل اسف الفيديو الذي يصور الجثث اعلاه لا يمت للسودان بصلة ولا للباحثين عن الذهب بشمال السودان وكما اسلفت لقربي الشديد من هؤلاء الاشخاص فلم تسجل حادثة كهذه لا في المضابط الرسمية ولا غير الرسمية ..

ساعود لك ..

Post: #23
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-03-2010, 06:02 PM
Parent: #22

Post: #24
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-03-2010, 07:54 PM
Parent: #22

عزيزنا المعتصم محمد صالح
التاجر الشاطر
سلامات .
وحبابك فى بوست قبقبة ..
والله يا معتصم أخوى . عصام موسى ده ماعرفتو .
طبعن أنت عارف الناس هناك اهل من بربر ولا بعد شمال شندى . والسودانيين عموم
معارف واهل مافى شك .
كدى يا معتصم ادينا خبر الدنيا هناك .
دايرين نعرف ال GOLD PRICE
وكل شىء حتى تانكر الماء وشوال الفيتريتا وشوال البصل . بعدين يا معتصم هناك فى
شبكة اتصال ؟؟
فى زول قال بعد تطلع من بربر شرق 3 ساعات بكون مافيش اتصال .
تحياتى وشكرى

Post: #25
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-03-2010, 08:39 PM
Parent: #24

اكتشاف (7.5) طن ذهب
أعلنت شركة برسلي الأردنية المتخصصة في مجال التنقيب عن الذهب عن اكتشافها حوالي سبعة أطنان ونصف الطن من الذهب في العاصمة السودانية الخرطوم الأيام الماضية. وقال سفير الأردن في الخرطوم منذر قباعة إن الكميات المكتشفة استخرجت من حقلين شمالي شرق السودان وبالقرب من ميناء بورتسودان، ومن المتوقع أن يبدأ الإنتاج الفعلي فيهما خلال النصف الأول من العام المقبل. وأبان السفير أن الشركة الأردنية تجري حاليا التنقيب في 13 حقلا أخرى في نفس المنطقة المذكورة.
وأشار خلال حفل الإعلان عن الاكتشاف بحضور رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة المهندس وليد التايه إلى أن هذا الاكتشاف الاقتصادي النوعي جاء بعد عمل دؤوب للشركة استمر طوال ست سنوات.
وقد أثنى وزير الطاقة والتعدين السوداني الزبير أحمد الحسن من جهته على جهود شركة برسلي في هذا الاكتشاف.

Post: #26
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 01:11 AM
Parent: #25

انا ضد منح الشركة الأردنية
حق العمل فى السودان .

Post: #27
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 04:35 AM
Parent: #26

مجالس اليانكى تحكى ها اليومين عن ال DIAMOND وجماعتى ما جايبين خبر .
بلد مقشوط مشاكل و DIAMOND و GOLD

Post: #28
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 05:16 AM
Parent: #27

قالوا كمان الدايمند موجود
بكميات ضخمة . وفى نفس مناطق وجود الذهب .
الجهاز . كاشف الذهب الموديل الجديد يعطيك الاسم بالتفصيل على الشاشة . ذهب
او حديد او دايمند .

Post: #29
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: محمد النيل
Date: 03-04-2010, 05:29 AM
Parent: #28

Quote: يازول ارح .
امش انت فى الاول

Post: #30
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Ahmed al Qurashi
Date: 03-04-2010, 09:15 AM
Parent: #29

عثمان اخوى فى فتيشك دا

اسم بارا ما وقع فى عينك

Post: #31
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: معتصم محمد صالح
Date: 03-04-2010, 09:22 AM
Parent: #30

تحياتي عثمان ..

ما عندك اي مشكلة .. لما تبقى على التنفيذ سنزودك بكل التفاصيل ..

بخصوص الاتصال فالثريا متوفرة بكثرة ..

Post: #32
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 02:21 PM
Parent: #31

محمد النيل
تجى طوالى .
مكانك موجود .. الكع .

Post: #33
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 02:33 PM
Parent: #30

د / أحمد القرشى
يازول الشغل ظهر فى بارا هبطرش .
ونوع العيار المحترم .. صافى .
يا أحمد يا أخوى . الدهب صديق قديم لعموم بلاد السودان . وعلاقتو بالغناء
دى انا دايرك تكتب عنها . ( علاقة الذهب بالغناء )
( وعلاقة الذهب بالجنون )
مافى شاعر ما قال بيت بيتين عن الذهب .. عليك يا أحمد كدى اسمع الزول
البدوبى عن الذهب فى الفيديو الموجود فى البوست ده .. زول مجنون عديل .

Post: #34
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 05:07 PM
Parent: #33

العزيز معتصم محمد صالح
ادينا الأخبار .
الكثير من اسواق الذهب فى العالم فى الهند وتركيا والباكستان ودبى والبحرين
والصين تتابع أخبار السودان .. السودان سوق منتج للذهب الجيد .

Post: #35
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 07:13 PM
Parent: #34

Post: #36
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Parent: #35

Gold in Sudan
Sudan has been an important gold producer over a long period of time, possibly for over 3000 years. However because of the sparse population and inhospitable climate, Sudan has only been prospected in a sporadic and ephemeral manner.
During the period 1901-1904 exploration was carried out by a number of British Companies in the Red Hills area. This brief period of exploration resulted in the Development of the Omm Nabardi and Gebeit Mines.
A small group of companies carried out exploration between 1929 and 1939. This lead To the development of small mines at Oyo, Ohaff, Gebeit, Rigag Sageib, Uar, Onib, And Aberkateib in the Red Sea Hills: Doishat near Wadi Halfa and allvial Workings at Fazugli-Queissan in the Blue Nile area and near Kapoeta in the Southern east of the Sudan.
Between 1980- 1985, work by British and French organizations in the Red Sea Hills Resulted in new discoveries of gold at Gebeit and Wadi Ariab areas (200 km west Of Port Sudan). All the exploration prior to 1980 was based on the traditional Method of prospecting outcropping quartz veins, and all mines developed were Small vein type underground mines.
During the last ten years the gold mine industry has developed a substantial body of Knowledge, linked to recently developed technology that has resulted in the Discovery and development of many new types of gold deposits that could not Be detected by the traditional prospecting techniques.
This modern gold exploration technology is only just beginning to be applied in Sudan, Nut its already yielding significant result including the discovery of several major Base-- ####l - gold deposits associated with silica-barite- gossans in the Ariab area Which are detailed in the following table:

Deposit Geological Reserves
- Ore(ton) Grade gm/t Gold Content (tons)
Hadul Auteb 281,000 41.8 11.8
Oderuk 240,000 14,0 3.3
Hassai 611,000 7,9 4,8
Talaideruk 166,000 15,1 2.5
Baderuk 128,000 22.2 2.8
Hassai North 43.000 10.2 0.4
Komoeb K&S 735.000 6.6 4.9
H Veins 407.000 3.3 1.6
Ganeit 100.000 6.9 0.7
Total 2,711,000 12.0 32.8

Brief Geology: Green stone- Ophiolite Belts
Sudan consists of typical pre-Cambrian continental carton of granite-gneiss Terrain with occasional long narrow green stone belts. In Sudan as in other "Shield area" virtually all the gold and base ####l deposits occur in the green Stone belts. The green stone consists of basic and ultra basic rocks that Represent compressed and deformed slices of oceanic crust often referred to as ophiolites. Experience in other countries indicates that within these "green stone" or ophiolies, there are three statigraphic horizons which contain Mineral deposits. These area:

The lower "mantle" rocks of dunite- harzburgite composition which contain Chromite and perhaps platinum mineralization. Generally, this horizon occurs In Sudan only as at Hamissana-Sol Hamed, /Ingassana and in the southwest Nuba Mountains.

The lower contact of the basalt-andesite volcanic with underlying mantle rocks as Peridotite, harzburgite and gabbro which contain copper, nickel, platinum sulpides Of the kambalda type. This horizon is not well preserved in the greenstone belts In the Sudan but small remnants occur in the Onib, Wadi Amur and Ingassana Hills Area.

The upper contact of the basalt- andesite volcanic with overlying chemical sediments such as cherts and banded Iron Formation as in the Nuba Mountains and possibly Hofrat En Nashas or overlying acid volcanic as in the Ariab. This horizon contains Widespread gold and base ####ls (Cu-pb-Zn-Ba) sulphide mineralization. Where the rocks have been ####morphasized, the gold is often re-mobilized into Typical gold -bearing quartz veins. This horizon has been recognized in the Onib Area, near Gebeit, in the Ariab - Wadi Amur area Derudeb, in the eastern part Of the Ingassana Hills, in Nuba Mountains at Kapoeta in Equator and possibly In Hofrat En Nahas in Darfur, east of the River Nile between Wadi Halfa as well as At Wadi Gabgaba in the northern part of Sudan.
These areas are all known to be gold bearing and there is widespread evidence that of Sulfide mineralzation. Much of the gold mineralzation occurs fine-grained gold Associated with pyrite and in its natural state the gold is so fine grained that often it Can not be detected by traditional panning methods, but only by chemical analysis.
The contact zones between basalt-andesite volcanic are highly prospective for both Gold and base ####ls and should be regarded as priority targets.

Its strongly recommended that all the green stone-ophiolite belts in the Sudan should be Geologically mapped in detail and air-borne mangnetics should be correlated with Geology to assist with interpretation of the sub-surface geology and structure.
Where the upper contact of the basalt- andesite volcanic is located, with overlying Chemical sediments or acid volcanic is located it should be systematically explored For gold-base ####l sulfide mineralization.

Where the lower contact of the basalt-andesite volcanic with underlying abbro- Basic rock is located, it should be systematically explored for copper-nickel- Platinum sulfide mineralization. This type of conceptual geological exploration Requires a high risk, high technology, long term commitment and is bast suited To the export oriented mining companies.
Local Sudanese investors and artesian miners should be encouraged to develop small Scale workings of the traditional type base on shallow quartz veins and alluvial Mining which can be carried out profitably with simple technology suited to use In remote areas. Special assistance should be given to the local artsanal miners in The Fazugli and Kapoeta areas where alluvial mining currently produces, Significant quantities of gold and represents an important source of income for the Local communities. The available data indicates that there is substantial scope to Increase the scale of these workings by introducing mechanized equipment such as Backhoes suction dredges and sluice boxes.

Important gold bearing areas in Sudan.
The Red Sea Hills
The Red Sea Hills are composed of Pre-Cambrian ####morphic rocks consisting of A granite basement overlain by or including within it, the Niferdeib "green Stone " sequence. The relationship between the Niferdeib green stone and Granite gneiss terrace has been established, but the Niferdeib has all the Characteristics of an expensive overthrust ophiolite sequence. Virtually all The known mineralization in the Red Sea Hills occurs within the Niferdeib Green stone.
The Niferdeib green stone appear to have five recognizable, sub-parallel "green stone" Ophiolite belts trending roughly northeast. They are from north to south.

(a) Onib-Hamissana-Sol Hamed Belt
(b) Serakoit-Gebeit-Fodikwan Belt
(c) Ariab- Oshib-Arbaat Belt
(d) Derudeb-sinkat beltM
(e) Karora belt.

Each of this green stones- ophiolite belts includes to a greater or lesser extent, all the Lithologies of the ophiolite assemblage and the characteristic ophiolite mineral Assemblage.

Onib-Hamissana- Sol Hamed belt
The base ####l gold volcanogenic sulfide deposits occurring along the upper Contact of the basalt- andesite volcanic within the overlying cherts, limestone, Chemical sediments and acid volcanic are likely to exist in the Hamssana area in View of the reported occurrence of pyretic ####sediments ferruginous cherts, Limestone, acid volcanic, widespread minor gold values and pillow basalt's in the Vicinity of the Onib gold mine and gold -bearing ochre horizons at Eight gold Mine (BRGM Report 82 SUD002).
Serakoit-Gebeit-Fodikwan belt.
This is the least well developed of the Red Sea Hills green stone belts and consists Predominately of andesitic basalt volcanic with overlying sediments, limestone And acid volcanic. No ultra basics are known although a talc occurrence is Reported at Jebel Tomhia near Fodikwan. The mineral potential is therefore Restricted to the upper volcanic chemical sediments-acid volcanic Contac Related type base ####l-gold mineralization. Several minor gold occurrences occur between Serakoit and Fodikwan but the only Known deposits of significance are Serakoit and Gebeit. At Serakoit, gold copper mineralization occurs in a weekly developed quartz vein Stock works intruded adjacent to the contact zone between basaltic andesite And rhyolite acid volcanic and accompanied by intrusive sericitic-argillic Alteration of the wall rocks. The gold bearing quartz veins system extends For 2 km in northeasterly direction and there is a 200mx500m copper Geochemical anomaly about 500m to the east of the gold-bearing vein system. Gebeit is an ancient gold mine, which was worked intermittently between 1904-1989. The gold occurs in quartz veins some 2-km in length, which are intruded into Pyretic black shale and ####sediments along the contact between andesitis Basalt, agglomerates and acid volcanic. There is no base ####l association. Known reserves in 1986 were375, 000 tons at 15-gm/t gold.
Ariab- Oshib-Arbaat belt
The Ariab green stone ophiolite belt is the best known explored, having been Investigated since 1979 by a combined Sudanese- French team. The Ariab belt Extends from the coastal plain at Arbaat (20 km north of Port Sudan) southwest For 250 km to Wadi Amur (70 km north of Musmar) and has a width of about 30-40 km. The green stone ophiolite Complex has been strongly tectonized and Consists of the Oshib sedimentary belt along the southern side. Historically, the Ariab base-####l-gold deposit was known for its numerous showing Of manganese, copper and gold, some of which has been worked in minor way During the last ten years, systematic exploration along the Ariab belt has resulted In the discovery of more than twenty goassanous outcrops of volcanogenic copper, Zinc, lead, gold, silver, barite, manganese and Iron mineralization, some of which Are of considerable commercial interest. Most of the gold bearing deposits have developed zones of secondary enrichment in the Oxide zones to depths of 200-50 meters and the exploration of these auriferous Gossans is the subject of a feasibility study at the present time.
Many of the ancient gold mining areas, such as Aberkateib and Eikwan, occur on an Adjacent to the contact between basic volcanic and overlying ####sediments and Could be indicative of stratabound exhalative sulphide mineralization of similar Value and commercial interest as Cu-Ni deposits.
Prospects east of Wadi Gabgaba.
The base ####l potential has not been investigated although the geological Setting is prospective for massive sulfide deposits. The remoteness of the Area would require a major long term commitment to exploration and Development to be of interest, any base ####l discovery would have to be Both very large and of high grade.
The Nubian Desert is considered to have some potential for the development Of scale gold mining in the area close to the Nile River that would be of Interest to local companies. Long term potential for the discovery of base ####l deposits east of Wadi Gabgaba exists. Examples of gold prospects East of Khor Gabgaba is:

Pospect Area msq
Reserve Aug/t Ag g/t Cu% PB% Zn%
Eida Ariab 1000X1 .1-2.7 - - -t -/t
Wadi Naba 2000X1 .1-40.0 5 0.3 - -
Tansaeib 2000X1 <4.5 2-8 0.2 0.1 0.3
Naba east 6000X1.5 .9-2.5 - 30.1 0.2 0.1

Darfur Region-Hofrat EN Nahas
Minor gold values occur in the primary sulfide zones (estimated reserves 10 million Tons) and these have been enriched in the oxide zone to level of 1 to 3 g/t with Some surface samples assaying up to 10 g/t.
Preliminary beneficial test work has shown that mineralization is amenable to Conventional processing and by cyanide leaching to recover gold and the Copper in the oxide zone.

Kordofan Region- Nuba Mountains
A green stone ophiolite belt extends for length of 70 km with a width of 40 km Between EL Terter and Abu Gebeiha. Individual gosaan outcrops are up to 1200 x 200 msq in extent and appear to be deeply weathered and leached with Surface values up to 5% Zn, 0. 19% Cu, 0.1% Pb, 0.8% Ni, 0.2% Ba, 0.60% As and 2000ppb Hg.
This large extent of gossans and their easy access, about 100km south of the railway Along El Terter- Abu Gebeiha road, make them of potential commercial Interest for large tonnage base ####l gold deposits.

Equator-Southern Sudan.
This area is virtually unknown in terms of it is mineral resources with only a few Regional surveys having been carried out in the 1970s most of the area is Geological unmapped and covered by extensive soil and latrines.
The gold occurrences at Kapoeta area consist of reported high grade in situ Mineralization associated with small outcrops of serpentinized ultra mafic Rocks and also extensive alluvial deposits. Little information is available Concerning most of the gold occurrences, in the area south of Juba.
The local people have a strong tradition of gold mining and therefore it would be Sensible to encourage the development of a small scale mining by providing Government assistance with geological mapping, geo chemical surveys and Basic exploration to identify reserves. The small green stone- ophiolite belt In Kapoeta area has to be geologically mapped and investigated in detail.

Post: #37
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-04-2010, 09:43 PM
Parent: #36

Post: #38
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: waleed dawash
Date: 03-04-2010, 11:48 PM
Parent: #37

تحية طيبة الاخ عثمان

يوم بتكتل ليك زول ببوستات الذهب دي..
كل مرة تجي تفتح ليك بوست وتهيجنا نحن
وتخلينا زي المجانين نقعد نتخيل في البشر
دي هناك بلقطو في الذهب ونحن هنا راجين
المرتب الممحوق ده.

بعدين شايفك فوق قلت لسيف الدولة خمسة
اجهزة بتعادل 200 == 250 مليون(ده كان زماااااااااااان)
اسي الجهاز بخمسة وعشرين ويمكن اقل كمان.

غايتو وباذن الله قبل الصيف ولا انشالله في الصيف ذاتو
انا ماشي ماشي, والكاتبة الله في الحجر بتبقى,ياغنينا ولا...


Post: #39
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-05-2010, 04:54 AM
Parent: #38

العزيز waleed dawash
تنتظر الصيف ؟
يازول الصيف بعيد .
الشركات الأمريكية والكندية فى الطريق . الكع .

Post: #40
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-05-2010, 04:27 PM
Parent: #39

لا للقتل
لا للتشريد

Post: #41
Title: Re: دهب بربر الحقيقة فى مجالس اليانكى
Author: Osman Musa
Date: 03-05-2010, 09:15 PM
Parent: #40

رحم الله الشهداء