اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير صحفي

اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير صحفي

02-20-2010, 09:22 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=260&msg=1266654134&rn=6

Post: #1
Title: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير صحفي
Author: نيازي مصطفى
Date: 02-20-2010, 09:22 AM
Parent: #0

في لقاء مع رئيس اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين في بونا اكد لصحيفة(The Times of India ) تزايد المضايقات التي يتعرض لها
الطلاب السودانيين ببونا عقب صدور تقرير صحفي يربط بين طلاب سودانيين ينتمون للاتجاه الاسلامي وتنظيم القاعدة .

Post: #2
Title: Re: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير ص
Author: نيازي مصطفى
Date: 02-20-2010, 09:22 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: sudanese students in the city have united under the sudanese students association of pune (ssap), to counter what they claim is increasing harassment in pune. speaking to pune times, mohammed malik, chairman, ssap, said that ever since a recent news report alleged that the islamic movement of sudanese students (imss) is under investigation for its links to osama bin laden, sudanese students in the city are being looked upon with suspicion. “sudanese students have come to india with the sole intention of education. we would like to assure pune that the ssap only seeks to foster cordial relations between its members and the indian community,” malik said, adding that he hoped that puneites would not to treat sudanese as outlaws. several sudanese students who spoke to pune times on friday, reiterated their quest for peace. tarig mohammed, a final year commerce student said that peace was important in every country as no progress was possible without it. “i have been in pune for four years and feel that puneites are extremely friendly with foreign students,” tarig said. likewise, mohammed alsafi, a final year microbiology student at the d y patil college, said that he felt at home in pune, because the staff and faculty at his college were top notch and of a high calibre. khalid daffalah, a master’s in commerce student said, “i have visited atleast three or four indian cities and pune is the best because of the excellent education centres and the people’s ability to accept foreigners.”

the times of india

Post: #3
Title: Re: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير ص
Author: نيازي مصطفى
Date: 02-20-2010, 09:24 AM
Parent: #2

Quote: NEW DELHI: Investigating agencies probing the Pune blast are now looking into the clandestine operations of an organization called Islamic Students Congregation (ISC), which first came on the Indian security radar in 2007 when a Sudanese member of al-Qaida visited Pune and stayed there for a month interacting with members of ISC. It was only after the Sudanese national left India that the authorities realized his true identity. He had come to India assuming a fake identity.

While Pune’s association with Abu Zubaidah, Osama bin Laden’s No.3 man, is well known, the fact that Pune was likely to be targeted by al-Qaida became obvious in August 2006, when three al-Qaida operatives were arrested in Algeria. “These three men had then disclosed that the same year in March, all three of them had visited Pune on a reconnaissance mission. It then became clear that Pune was on al-Qaida’s hit list,” said the official.

The fact that the perpetrators targeted German Bakery and not the Chabad House has also set officials thinking. “It’s possible that they found it easier to plant the bomb in the bakery. However, it can’t be ruled out that the perpetrators were influenced by al-Qaida leader Bekkay Harrach who has been issuing threats against Germany,” said the official.

times of india

Post: #4
Title: Re: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير ص
Author: نيازي مصطفى
Date: 02-20-2010, 09:35 AM
Parent: #3

وهنا تحذير استخباراتي امريكي بعد زيارة ابوزبيدة رقم (3) في تنظيم القاعدة ومكوثه شهر في معية طلاب سودانيين !!!

Quote: Top intelligence sources have confirmed that days before US defence secretary Robert Gates's visit to India last month, the US had warned New Delhi that al-Qaida-influenced elements were likely to carry out an attack in Pune and Mumbai. The US agencies, however, failed to give any real reason for the specific mention of the two cities, merely referring to the CD in which an al-Qaida leader, Abu Mustafa Yasid, had threatened terrorist strikes.

This CD was later released to the media but it did not mention the names of Pune or Mumbai. "In hindsight, it does appear that they must have had more authentic reasons for insisting that Pune or Mumbai was likely to be targeted. While we couldn't have forced them to disclose the exact source of information, authorities in Maharashtra were immediately alerted," said a top intelligence official, adding that this information was also the provocation for Gates telling defence minister A K Antony that al-Qaida was trying to provoke a war between India and Pakistan.

The fact that the incident took place despite the strong alert, the official said, had once again proved that India still lacked assessment capabilities and the mechanism to ensure adequate follow-up action.

Sources said the Pune blast has forced security agencies to have a closer look at the little known Islamic Students Congregation (ISC), an organization headquartered in Pune and comprising Arab students. The ISC is said to have branches in Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bangalore too. This organization is said to carry out its activities, mainly student meetings, unobtrusively without attracting media attention.

The intelligence official said this organization first came on the Indian security radar in 2007 when a Sudanese member of al-Qaida visited Pune and stayed there for a month interacting with members of ISC. It was only after the Sudanese national left India that the authorities realized his true identity. He had come to India assuming a fake identity.

While Pune's association with Abu Zubaidah, Osama bin Laden's No.3 man, is well known, the fact that Pune was likely to be targeted by al-Qaida became obvious in August 2006, when three al-Qaida operatives were arrested in Algeria. "These three men had then disclosed that the same year in March, all three of them had visited Pune on a reconnaissance mission. It then became clear that Pune was on al-Qaida's hit list," said the official.

The fact that the perpetrators targeted German Bakery and not the nearby Chabad House has also set security officials thinking. "It's possible that they found it easier to plant the bomb in the bakery. However, it can't be ruled out that the perpetrators were influenced by al-Qaida leader Bekkay Harrach who has been issuing threats against Germany," said the official. The bakery was being run by a local who had earlier lived in Germany.

Meanwhile, after the Pune blast, the US has again extended a travel alert for its citizens in India saying that it continues to receive information that terrorist groups may be planning attacks in the country. "Terrorists and their sympathizers have demonstrated their willingness and capability to attack targets where US citizens or westerners are known to congregate or visit. This replaces the travel alert dated December 29, 2009, and expires on April 30, 2010," said the alert.

US ambassador Timothy J Roemer condemned the Pune bombing. "On behalf of the people of the United States, I extend heartfelt sympathy to the Government of India and the victims of this tragic terrorist blast in Pune. The US remains shoulder-to-shoulder with India in the fight against terror and will assist as needed to help bring the perpetrators of this cowardly act to justice."


Post: #5
Title: Re: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير ص
Author: عمر عبد الله فضل المولى
Date: 02-20-2010, 10:05 AM
Parent: #4

التحية للطلاب الشرفاء بالهند

Post: #6
Title: Re: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير ص
Author: نيازي مصطفى
Date: 02-20-2010, 10:17 AM
Parent: #5

Quote: التحية للطلاب الشرفاء بالهند

نعم التحية لهم وتقع على عاتقهم مهمة اصلاح نظرة المواطن الهندي للطالب السوداني والتي للاسف اسهم في تشويهها
نفر بعلاقاتهم المشبوهة بتنظيمات الارهاب الدولية.
شكرا ياعمر

Post: #7
Title: Re: اتحاد الطلاب السودانيين ببونا يدعو للتسامح ويوكد ان الطلاب تعرضوا لمضايقات بعد صدور تقرير ص
Author: نيازي مصطفى
Date: 02-20-2010, 11:22 AM

حاولت رفع بوست تواصل خريجي وطلبة الجامعات والمعاهد العليا الهندية(مواصلة).
بدون فائدة
الاخ الشريف رجاء نقل البوست