الصندوق الاسود لطائرة سودانير التي سقطت بالقرب من مطار الشارقة في اكتوبر الماضي غير صالح(عاطل)

الصندوق الاسود لطائرة سودانير التي سقطت بالقرب من مطار الشارقة في اكتوبر الماضي غير صالح(عاطل)

02-08-2010, 01:30 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=260&msg=1265632251&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: الصندوق الاسود لطائرة سودانير التي سقطت بالقرب من مطار الشارقة في اكتوبر الماضي غير صالح(عاطل)
Author: abubakr
Date: 02-08-2010, 01:30 PM
Parent: #0

رحم الله رفيق صباي وشبابي الكابتن محمد علي محمد عبداله "كدرمة" ورفقائه الذين هم باذن الله شهداء عند ربهم ..فالاسباب التي ادت الي سقوط تلك الطائرة المشئومة بينما كان يقودها احد اكفا والمع الطياريين السودانيين ورفاق اكفاء مثله ربما تبقي غائبة فالصندوق الاسود والذي يسجل فيه كل مخاطبات الطاقم الصوتية وكل القراءات الرقمية ..الخ وبعد فحص وجد عاطلا لا يعمل كما اوردته صحيفة ذا ناشونال الاماراتية امس .. انه بعض من فوضي سودانير وعزة والقائميين عليهما.. فربما كان الصندوق عاطلا منذمن ولم ينتبه احد من الفنيين المعنيين في هاتيين الشركتيين لذلك:

‘Black boxes’ fail in Sharjah crash
Yasin Kakande

Last Updated: February 07. 2010 10:50PM UAE / February 7. 2010 6:50PM GMT SHARJAH //

The mystery of why a Sudan Airways plane crashed after takeoff from Sharjah’s airport in October, killing all six crew aboard, may never be solved because the two flight data recorders found in the wreckage were not working, officials said yesterday.
Without information from the so-called “black boxes”, the investigators may not be able to identify causes of the crash, a senior official from the investigation committee said.
The official had no information on why the black boxes – a voice recorder and a data recorder - were not operating.
He said the investigation was still ongoing, however, and a full report would be published. He did not indicate when the report would be ready.
“Plane crash investigations are usually long,” he said. “The process includes data collection. Then you make analysis and conclusions. Lastly, you make recommendations to prevent a recurrence of an accident on similar causes.”
The official said any issues regarding compensation to the families of the six victims, all Sudanese nationals, would be discussed after the report was released.
Abdul Wahab al Roumi, the director general of the Sharjah Civil Aviation Authority, said the decision of the federal General Civil Aviation Authority to ban the Khartoum-based cargo operator Azza Transport from flying in UAE airspace will stand until after the investigation.
“The authority attaches great importance to the aviation safety of this country,” he said. “We have applied similar procedures to past crashes.”
The Boeing 707 that crashed was leased by Sudan Airways from Azza Transport.
The aircraft was unable to gain altitude as it banked to the right after leaving the airport and had nearly flipped on its back before striking the ground and bursting into flames 1.2km from the airport, not far from a residential area.
Early speculation on the cause of the crash centred on engine failure, or an engine falling off the 40-year-old plane, but without information from the data recorders it may always be guesswork.

Post: #2
Title: Re: الصندوق الاسود لطائرة سودانير التي سقطت بالقرب من مطار الشارقة في اكتوبر الماضي غير صالح(ع
Author: Deng
Date: 02-08-2010, 01:56 PM
Parent: #1

الأخ أبوبكر .

أين الطيران المدني السوداني ؟
أليس هو الجهة التي تقوم بالكشف على الطائرات في السودان وتحدد مدى صلاحياتها للطيران أم لا ؟
أنها فضيحة كبرى .
فلماذا يحتج الناس عندما وصف القائد باقان أموم السودان بالدولة الفاشلة ؟
الأن من حق أي دولة أن ترفض أستقبال أي طائرة تابعة للسودان أو لأي شركة تعمل في السودان أن تهبط في أراضيها.

Post: #3
Title: Re: الصندوق الاسود لطائرة سودانير التي سقطت بالقرب من مطار الشارقة في اكتوبر الماضي غير صالح(ع
Author: abubakr
Date: 02-08-2010, 04:14 PM
Parent: #2

سودانير طيران الشمس المشرقة وعمر جاوز الستين عاما فهاكم ايها الافاضل تقييما مهنيا معترفا به عالميا وهو لskytrax المعروفة كجهة محايدة و مميزة في هذا الشان في هذا الرابط تجدون التقييم لسودانير :
وهذا تعليق لراكب اجنبي في نفس الرابط :

Sudan Airways review : 10 June 2008 : by F Durrant

Quote: Customer Rating : 1/5
Business class on their A300 from Doha, and really glad to get off this flight. Aircraft very scruffy inside, and needed some real attention and cleaning. Seats were broken in many areas, and toilets were unusabe - FAs did not seem bothered by any of this. Service was all over in a short time, and FAs then disappeared to galley. Not an airline I would wish on my worst enemy, and despite all they say in their magazine about change, this airline seems to be a lot worse than when I last flew them (that was in 1991 though!). Avoid at all costs.

وهذا تقييم لاحد احدث خطوط الطيران العالمية والتي تاتي ضمن فئة الخمس نجوم وفق تقييم نفس الجهة وفءه الخمس نجوم قيها عدد ست شركات طيران من جملة ستمائوه وعشرين شركة ....


فشركة كسودانير تقيمها كما ترون في الرابط اعلاه وبعد 63 سنة خدمة ماذا نتوقع منها ومن القائميين عليها سوء الكوارث .....بئس هؤلاء ...

Post: #4
Title: Re: الصندوق الاسود لطائرة سودانير التي سقطت بالقرب من مطار الشارقة في اكتوبر الماضي غير صالح(ع
Author: abubakr
Date: 02-08-2010, 04:31 PM

يا عزيزي دينق
Quote: أين الطيران المدني السوداني ؟

وحيث ان المطار يتبع للطيران المدني فاسكاي تراكس في تقييمها لمطارات العالم لا تعطيه اي قيمة ..ولكن هنالك تعليقات لركاب مرو علي ه1ا المطار الفريد واليك احدها !:-
Quote: Khartoum Airport by Malachy Roscoe
5 May 2004
Having worked in Khartoum now for the last 6 months and visited several times over the years in addition that my previous position allowed me to travel worldwide frequently - I can definitely say that KRT is the “World's Worst Airport”. I think maybe Skytrax should think about this as a new category for 2005. The bureaucracy is on a total new level to another country I have visited, yes even beaten Tel Aviv for non-Jewish visitors and the facilities are no better than an average abattoir. On arrival you have bused to the arrivals terminal were you are expected to queue for up to an hour to pass through passport control, of course this is providing you have a visa in your passport issued in a Sudanese Embassy otherwise an extra hour for one to be issued. Following baggage collection you are then forced to queue again until you are fortunate enough to be selected to have your luggage thoroughly examined before being “released” to leave. The entry though is much less painful than exiting which involves an average of 10 checks or administrative procedures.

1. Show passport to enter airport terminal (most occasions)

2. Show passport and tickets at baggage screening

3. Pay departure fee and get ticket stamped

4. Check-in

5. Complete exit form

6. Show exit form and stamped ticket

7. Get passport stamped

8. Identify your luggage and get it searched - after removing the items YOU will be expected to repack your bag a second time

9. Hand baggage screening and search

10. Ticket collection at gate

11. Before leaving terminal to get bus to the plane; present your passport for verification and exit stamp inspection!

12. The obligatory show of your boarding pass on boarding the plane. Don’t expect duty free, air conditioned waiting areas, business lounges or facilities, smiles, hello, thank you, goodbye, catering, information desk, assistance (even from airline representatives) or toilet facilities and you won’t be left disappointed! But once outside the Worlds Worst Airport you will meet the most pleasant, courteous and honest people that I have ever personally encountered – Welcome to the real Sudan.

هذا الطيران المدني فشل في ان يطفئ نيران طائرة واقفة في مايو 2008 وترك الركاب لحتفهم فاحترقو ....